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Systém dávek hmotné nouze jako nástroj ochrany před chudobou v podmínkách ČR / The system of material need benefits as an instrument of protection against poverty in the Czech Republic.Hasilová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis The system of material need benefits as an instrument of protection against poverty in the Czech Republic deals with the relationship between poverty and social benefits. The subject of research is to analyze the impact of system material need benefits to deals problem of poverty. The theoretical basis for thesis is the concept of social exclusion and redistributive discourse. The theoretical part of the thesis analyzed the different concepts and identified tools of social policy in the fight against poverty. Closer is characterized by social protection and help system in the Czech Republic. The practical part of the thesis, realized through research studies and interviews with experts, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of material need benefits and suggestions for improvement. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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"Hear us we have the solution" : En kvalitativ undersökningsstudie av hur socialt arbete kan organiseras för att främja individers rätt till deltagande / "Hear us we have the solution" : A qualitative exploratory study of how social work can be organized to promote individuals' right to participationBjörnlinger, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how social work can be organized to promote individual`s right to participate in decisions that affect them, in the context of a current social policy state. The selection of participants was goal-oriented and based on individuals who are members of TOP Clubhouse in New York City. They are currently negatively affected by the newly issued social policy directives. Through six qualitative semi-structured interviews based upon research questions, I sought answers to how the clubhouse equips its members to take an active role against the new directives and what role in advocacy work the members considered themselves to have compared to staff. The results of the study show that the clubhouse model strength-based, relational and equal approach has a positive impact on individuals' right and willingness to participate in decisions that affect them. The results show that the clubhouse model promotes empowerment on both individual and political levels. Further the results illustrate that clubhouse members who experience high levels of individual empowerment tend to take a more active role in activist work at a political level. Furthermore, the results show that the relational base of the clubhouse contributes to a collective sense of empowerment at the political level, based on togetherness and solidarity, the clubhouse members organize themselves against the social policy directives. The staff take on two roles in the activist work, first a motivational and insight-creating role where staff contribute with motivation for the clubhouse members to organize against decisions that affect them negatively. The second role is “cause advocacy work”, where the study's results demonstrate how staff remove, through their power, structural obstacles in order for clubhouse members to have their voices heard in decisions that affect them. In conclusion, the study shows how a strengths-based practice can equip both individuals and groups with empowerment at an individual and political level, and how social work in this way promotes individuals' rights to participate in decisions that affect them. / Syftet med denna studie var, att ur en aktuell socialpolitisk kontext, undersöka hur socialt arbete kan organiseras för att främja individers rätt till deltagande i beslut som rör dem. Urvalet har varit målstyrt och vänt sig till individer som är medlemmar på TOP Clubhouse i New York City, och som just nu påverkas negativt av nytillkomna socialpolitiska krav. Genom frågeställningar sökte jag svar på hur klubbhuset utrustar sina medlemmar till att inta en aktiv roll emot de nytillkomna kraven samt vilken roll medlemmarna ansåg sig besitta jämfört med personalen i det aktivistiska arbetet. Studien bygger på sex stycken kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer där resultat visar att klubbhusmodellens styrkebaserade, relationella och jämlika modell har en positiv inverkan på individers rätt och vilja till att delta i beslut som rör dem. Resultatet visar att klubbhuset bidragit till skapandet av empowerment både på individ och politisk nivå. Klubbhusmedlemmar som upplever hög grad av individuell empowerment tenderar till att inta en mer aktiv roll i det aktivistiska arbetet, och förmår att organisera sig på politisk nivå. Vidare visar resultatet att klubbhusets relationella bas bidrar till ett kollektivt skapande av empowerment på politisk nivå, grundad på samhörighet och solidaritet organiserar sig klubbhusmedlemmarna emot de socialpolitiska direktiven. Personalens intar två roller i det aktivistiska arbetet, en motivations- och insiktsskapande roll där personalen bidrar till att klubbhusmedlemmarna vill organisera sig emot förändringar som påverka dem negativt. Den andra rollen berör ställföreträdarskap där studiens resultat visar hur personalen undanröjer strukturella hinder för att klubbhusmedlemmarna på olika vis ska få sina röster hörda i beslut som rör dem. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien hur en styrkebaserad praktik kan utrusta både individer och grupper med empowerment på individ- och politisk nivå, och hur de genom det kan få sin rätt till deltagande i beslut som rör dem beaktad.
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O processo da educação social nas instituições de atendimento à criança e ao adolescente em situação de risco em Luanda: a experiência dos Candengues Unidos" / The process os social education in the institutions of children and adolescent care in risk situation in Luanda: the experience of the united CandenguesSamba, Simão João 07 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present dissertation brings, in his content the discution of the process of
social education in the institution of children and adolescent care in risk
situation in Luanda. In Angola, especificaly the experience of the united
Candegues association. Our main objective consist in understand and analise,
from the interview to the director, educators, and adolescent from this
institution, the activities and the education work developed by the institutions,
the methodology and how the the developed work helps to fortify the family and
social bonds, also the education the adolescent education of conscientious
adolescent , independent, and capables of provide emanicipatory actions,
aiming to build the identity of citizenship exercise. It was a study on the
qualitative factors. To achieve the objectives, we appeal to the methodology of
individual and focal group that consisted of four, 3 meeting. For better deeping
of the thematic, we appeal to the literature of diverse areas of knowing like:
sociology, economy, psychology, medicine and anthropology.The study showed
that the process of the social education when understood well for the educators
can provide trajectories of autonomy, emancipation and citizenship mainly to
the children and adolescents in risk situations / A presente dissertação traz no seu bojo a discussão do processo da educação
social nas instituições de atendimento à criança e ao adolescente em situação
de risco em Luanda Angola, mais especificamente a experiência da
Associação Candengues Unidos . Nosso objetivo consistiu em conhecer e
analisar através das falas e depoimentos da diretora, educadores e
adolescentes as atividades e os trabalhos educativos desenvolvidos pela
instituição; a metodologia que norteia tais atividades e como o trabalho
desenvolvido possibilita o fortalecimento de vínculos familiares e sociais, assim
como a formação de adolescentes conscientes, autônomos, capazes de
proporcionar ações emancipatórias visando à construção de identidades para o
exercício da cidadania. Tratou-se de um estudo fundamentado na abordagem
qualitativa. Para atingir os objetivos traçados, recorremos à metodologia de
entrevistas individuais e grupos focais que consistiram em três (3) encontros.
Para melhor aprofundamento da temática estudada recorremos à literatura de
diversas áreas do saber como, sociologia, economia, psicologia, medicina e
antropologia. O estudo mostrou que o processo da educação social, quando
bem compreendido pelos educadores pode proporcionar trajetórias de
autonomia, emancipação e cidadania principalmente às crianças e
adolescentes em situação de risco
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Hyenas of the Limpopo : The Social Politics of Undocumented Movement Across South Africa’s Border with ZimbabweTshabalala, Xolani January 2017 (has links)
An increasing number of people today cross the Beitbridge border of South Africa and Zimbabwe. This comes with a corresponding growth of creative strategies that seek to aid the crossing of those people and goods that may lack the necessary documentation. Such ‘informal’ border crossings have come to define one of the important economic regions in Southern Africa, the post-1994 Limpopo Valley. This thesis approaches routine acts of facilitating undocumented border crossings as an everyday social politics with deep historical roots. By use of archival and ethnographic methods, the thesis examines the social history and embodied practices of a variety of actors who engage in undocumented border crossings. A particular focus is placed on the role of private transporters (omalayitsha), who represent an important link between an exclusionary and yet fragmentary migration regime and undocumented travellers. In three theoretical and four empirical chapters, and inspired by border studies as well as the critical realist approach in migration studies, the thesis connects border practice to irregular movement and cheap labour within a regional context defined, in part, by dispossession. Through thick interpretations of the lived experience of border practice, the study also connects such political economic processes (e.g. migrant irregularity, labour precarity and economic informality) to questions of social identity and migrant subjectivities. By situating the figure of the hyena at the centre of Southern African border struggles, the thesis invents an analytical concept that serves both an empirical and a theoretical task. Empirically, it enables a synthetic understanding of how everyday contestations around the possibility to work across the border for low-skill migrants have been interacting, through time, with broader processes of capital accumulation to partly shape the region’s migrant labour system. Theoretically, it shows how facilitation of undocumented border crossings calls for new sociological models that can account for processes that escape binary classification (as formal or informal, inclusive or exclusive, legal or illegal, ordered or disordered), thus contributing to a better understanding of the role of migration in the contemporary world. / Allt fler människor korsar idag gränsen vid Beitbridge mellan Sydafrika och Zimbabwe. Samtidigt sker en motsvarande ökning av kreativa strategier som gör att även personer och varor som saknar rätt handlingar kan ta sig över gränsen. Dessa ‘informella’ gränsövergångar har kommit att definiera vad som efter 1994 blivit en av de viktigaste ekonomiska regionerna i södra Afrika, Limpopodalen. I denna avhandling betraktas rutinerna vid sådana oregistrerade gränsövergångar som en vardagens politik med djupa historiska rötter. Genom arkivstudier och etnografiska observationer undersöker avhandlingen en samhällshistoria och en mänsklig aktivitet där en rad aktörer är inblandade i en pågående, papperslös migration. En viktig roll i sammanhanget har omalayitsha, dvs. privata transportörer, som ofta är en viktig länk mellan de papperslösa resenärerna och den migrationsregim som å ena sidan stänger dem ute och å andra sidan är så fragmenterad att de tillåts passera igenom. I tre teoretiska och fyra empiriska kapitel, samt med ett angreppssätt hämtat från gränsstudier (border studies) och den kritiskt realistiska skolan inom migrationsstudier, syftar avhandlingen till att förstå gränsövergångens praktik i förhållande till den irreguljära mobilitet och det överskott på billig arbetskraft som sätter sin prägel på en region där många är fattiga och fördrivna. I avhandlingens djuptolkningar av migranternas levda erfarenhet vid gränsen förbinds i sin tur de politiskt-ekonomiska processerna (irreguljär migration, prekära arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk informalitet) med frågor om samhällelig identitet och migrantens subjektivitet. Avhandlingen ser hyenafiguren som central för förståelsen av de ’gränskamper’ (border struggles) som utkämpas i södra Afrika; med hyenan introduceras också ett analytiskt begrepp. Empiriskt sett möjliggör begreppet en syntetisk förståelse av hur vardagliga tvister och problem som präglar arbetsmigrantens försök att jobba på andra sidan gränsen över tid samverkar med större processer av kapitalackumulation, som delvis formar regionens migrantarbetarsystem. I teoretiskt avseende visar begreppet hur förhandlingarna som sker vid gränskontrollen klargör behovet av nya sociologiska modeller som kan redogöra för samhällsprocesser som undflyr varje binär klassificering (som formell eller informell, inkluderande eller exkluderande, legal eller illegal, ordnad eller oordnad), och på så vis bidrar det till en bättre förståelse av migrationens betydelse i dagens värld.
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Zwischen Burgfrieden und Klassenkampf: Sozialpolitik und Kriegsgesellschaft in Dresden 1914-1918Schmidt, Carsten 20 April 2007 (has links)
Die Studie untersucht am Beispiel der sächsischen Residenz- und Garnisonsstadt Dresden die mit Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges einsetzende Einbindung der freien Fürsorge in die sich zunehmend professionalisierende und bürokratisierende öffentliche Wohlfahrtspflege und stellt damit gleichsam die Bedeutung der "Sozialstadt" als Vorläuferin des späteren "Sozialstaates" heraus. Die sozialpolitische Katalysatorwirkung des Krieges wird anhand der einzelnen Fürsorgemaßnahmen ausführlich analysiert. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die Rolle der Sozialdemokratie als tragende Kraft des fürsorgepolitischen Konsenses in Dresden.
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