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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of learning environment for beginning level Japanese education: classroom as a community

Ohara, Tetsushi, Languages & Linguistics, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
The context of this study lies in the fact that in Australia, compared to learners of Japanese language in Japan, learners tend to have fewer opportunities to use Japanese. For many learners in Australia, especially beginners, it is difficult to find a variety of opportunities and maintain motivation to seek out and participate in such opportunities to use Japanese. In the present study, the researcher exploits sociocultural approaches (SCT) in a beginning-level Japanese language program in an institutional setting in order to enable language learners to become language users in Australia. Based on Lave and Wenger (1999), the study considers that learning a foreign/second language brings about not only the acquisition of linguistic structures but also leads to changes in participation in communities. Adopting SCT, the researcher created Japanese language revision courses at an Australian university and designed participant roles, rules, and artefacts in the revision courses as well as devising activities that aimed to develop the classroom into a community and to enhance the use of Japanese as a means of self-expression for learners. The results of the study show that the learners developed a sense of community in the classroom through a variety of activities in the revision course. One of the new roles introduced for this study, the role of the nicchoku, had a significant effect on making classroom interaction learner-centred and authentic. Under the leadership of the nicchoku, other learners engaged in learning activities, while the teacher stepped aside to take a support role. The nicchoku altered the typical teacher-fronted classroom sequence of Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) and helped redistribute classroom turns more evenly among classroom members. The study suggests that interactions are important not only to learn language but also to build human relationships. Thus, if the course aims to build both language proficiency and a learning community, it is necessary to create a variety of interaction opportunities in the classroom so that learners can acquire interactional competence/social skills to build a good relationship in a target language in/outside of the classroom. The results of the SPOT show a significant improvement in the Japanese proficiency of all the learners in the revision course. In addition, the study described an acquisition process of the verb ??ogoru?? as an example. The learners encountered the expression, learned its linguistic structure, applied it to a variety of contexts to learn its usage, and used it as a means of self-expression. The process showed that using the linguistic structure as a means of self-expression occurred through, first, acquisition of the linguistic structure, second, exposure to appropriate applications including sociolinguistic aspects in a given context and, third, experiences of a variety of interactions though activities. Thus, all stages of classroom activities are necessary to help learners enhance their ability to use Japanese as a means of self-expression. These findings suggest the classroom can provide learners with opportunities to use Japanese as a means of self-expression if the roles and activities in the classroom are carefully designed to bring learners into learner-centred interaction sequences, which are both qualitatively and quantitatively different from the typical teacher-fronted IRF sequences. In addition, the study indicates that learning a foreign language and becoming a language user is a complex and dynamic process of learners participating in communities that are created, maintained, and changed by their members, the acquisition of linguistic structures and appropriate application to context, and individual learners?? personal attributes and experience.

Talking About Teaching: A professional development group for preservice secondary teachers

Gesner, Emily K January 2009 (has links)
As teaching is a highly complex activity, so too is learning to teach. One pedagogy which has been shown to promote teacher learning is the use of small group discussion. This thesis examines the experiences of seven preservice secondary teachers at a New Zealand university who met weekly during their second practicum to discuss their experiences at their placement schools. Individual interviews conducted with five of the participants revealed that students felt positively about the weekly meetings. The preservice teachers appreciated 1) being able to hear about the experiences of other preservice teachers 2) tell others about their teaching 3) being able to seek advice and potential solutions to problems 4) the sense of personal connection and emotional support they gained during the weekly sessions. The students reported that the weekly meetings allowed them to think about their teaching from the perspective of others, and gave them time to reflect about their experiences while on practicum. This study situates these findings within the literature on initial teacher education and offers suggestions for future research using this pedagogy.

The Relationship Between Sociocultural Influences and Disordered Eating Behaviours: Age-Related Differences in an Integrated Theoretical Model.

Coyne, Lucy C, n/a January 2007 (has links)
This thesis contributes to a growing body of research examining the relationship between sociocultural influences and disordered eating behaviour. The aim of the current research was to extend on previously developed theoretical models to more closely examine agerelated differences in an integrated sociocultural model of disordered eating behaviour. The proposed model was informed by components of the dual-pathway model and the tripartite influence model. Nine-hundred and ninety-five women, from four different age groups (i.e., preadolescent, early adolescent, late adolescent and young adult), completed self-report measures of perceived pressure to be thin, modelling of disordered eating behaviour, media exposure, internalisation of the thin-ideal, social comparison, body dissatisfaction, body mass index, and disordered eating behaviour. Using structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques, a sociocultural model of disordered eating was tested and found to have good fit to the data. A number of age-related differences in the strength of the relationship between variables were found. Interestingly, modelling of disordered eating behaviour was a direct predictor of disordered eating behaviour regardless of age group. As expected internalisation of the thin-ideal mediated between perceived pressure to be thin and body dissatisfaction for all age groups. Surprisingly, media exposure had few effects on internalisation, but was more strongly related to social comparison for the late adolescent and young adult age groups. Social comparison played a less significant role in predicting body dissatisfaction in preadolescent girls. However, for all other participants, social comparison predicted internalisation of the thin-ideal, body dissatisfaction and disordered eating behaviour. As expected, BMI predicted body dissatisfaction, and body dissatisfaction predicted disordered eating behaviour. The models accounted for between 60-64% of the variance in disordered eating behaviour. Implications for prevention programs are discussed in light of these findings.

Collaborative learning in mathematics

Pietsch, James Roderick January 2005 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This study looked at the implementation of a collaborative learning model at two schools in Sydney designed to realise the principles recommended by reform documents such as the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) and policy documents including Numeracy, A Priority for All (DETYA, 2000). A total of 158 year seven and year eight students ranging in age from 12 to 15 years old from two schools participated in the study. In all, seven classroom teachers participated in the study each completing two topics using the collaborative learning model. Four research questions were the focus of the current study. Three research questions were drawn from eight principles identified in the literature regarding what constitutes effective mathematics learning. These questions related to the nature of collaboration evident in each classroom, the level of motivation and self-regulation displayed by students in the different types of classrooms and the relationship between learning mathematics within the collaborative learning model and real-world mathematics. A final research question examined the degree to which the concerns of teachers relating to preparing students for examinations are met within the collaborative learning model. Several different data collection strategies were adopted to develop a picture of the different forms of activity evident in each classroom and the changes that took place in each classroom during and after the implementation of the collaborative learning model. These included classroom observations, interviews with student and teacher participants, questionnaires and obtaining test results. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to reduce the data collected. Factor scores and test results were compared using t-tests, ANOVAs and Mann Whitney nonparametric tests. Data collected from interviews and classroom observations were analysed using a grounded approach beginning with the open coding of phenomena. Leont’ev’s theoretical approach to activity systems (1972; 1978) was then used to describe the changing nature of classroom activity with the introduction of the collaborative learning model. Within the collaborative classrooms there were a greater number of mathematical voices participating in classroom discussions, a breaking down of traditional roles held by teachers and students, and dominant patterns of collaboration evident in each classroom reflecting pre-existing cultural ways of doing. Furthermore, there was some quantitative evidence suggesting that student levels of critical thinking, self-regulation and help seeking increased and students were also observed regulating their own learning as well as the learning of others. Classroom practice was also embedded in the cultural practice of preparing topic tests, enabling students to use mathematics within the context of a work group producing a shared outcome. Finally, there was quantitative evidence that students in some of the collaborative classes did not perform as well as students in traditional classrooms on topic tests. Comments from students and teachers, however, suggested that for some students the collaborative learning model enabled them to learn more effectively, although other students were frustrated by the greater freedom and lack of direction. Future research could investigate the effectiveness of strategies to overcome this frustration and the relationship between different types of collaboration and developing mathematical understanding.

El turismo y su influencia en el desarrollo socio económico de la población del distrito de Ticaco, provincia de Tarata, periodo 2007-2010

Pérez Mamani, Ana Victoria 17 January 2013 (has links)
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la gestión turística municipal en el desarrollo socioeconómico de la población del distrito de Ticaco, Provincia de Tarata, periodo: 2007-2010. El estudio partió de la hipótesis que la gestión turística municipal influye significativamente en el desarrollo socio-económico de la población rural del distrito de Ticaco, Provincia de Tarata, periodo: 2007-2010. Para el trabajo de campo, se trabajó con una muestra por conveniencia de 127 pobladores del distrito de Ticaco, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario. Como conclusión general del estudio se encontró que existe una relación de influencia significativa entre la gestión turística municipal y el desarrollo socioeconómico de la población del distrito de Ticaco, Provincia de Tarata. El estudio realizado servirá de base para que otros investigadores universitarios y no universitario continúen profundizando el tema, como fundamento de propuestas para un eficiente servicio del turismo que contribuya al desarrollo socioeconómico del distrito de Ticaco, Provincia de Tarata.

The mobile phone - a resource in schoolwork?

Blomander, Karin, Hansson, Sofia, Påhlsson, Bodil January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate how students, teachers and special teachers use, or may want to use, mobile phones as a resource in everyday schoolwork. An analysis of the result was made base on two main theories. One i Säljös theory about the sociocultural perspective, where artefacts play an important part in the devolopment of human society. The other is Laurillardss thougts of social learning and the use of technology in teaching. The methods used were inquiries and semi-structured interwiews with individuals and groups. The result shows that students in compulsory school use the mobile phone as a calculator and för listening to music as a means to concentrate. Senior high school students use the mobile phone as a calculator, to seek information on the internet, and to communicate aboute schoolwork. The older the students, the more they appreciated the use of the mobile phones calendar and its reminder function. Both students, teachers and special teachers could see benefits in using the mobile phone in schoolwork, for example using apps, making recordings and reading e-books. Older students, and some teachers, wanted to use the mobile phone as a means for accessing shared knowledge.

10 anys del Cicle Formatiu d'Animació Sociocultural: els Tècnics Superiors en Animació Sociocultural al mercat de treball de Catalunya

Figueras i Torruella, Pilar 13 July 2009 (has links)
Després de deu anys d'implantació del Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior d'Animació Sociocultural (CFGS d'ASC) s'ha detectat que els Tècnics Superiors en Animació Sociocultural (TASOC) no s'insereixen laboralment en la mesura que seria d'esperar, sobretot si atenem als estudis de mercat que diuen que l'animació sociocultural és un nou nínxol d'ocupació.Partim de la pregunta: quins factors són els que provoquen la baixa inserció laboral dels Animadors Socioculturals? L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi és realitzar un estudi descriptiu dels graduats en Tècnic Superior d'Animació Sociocultural a Catalunya i de la seva formació, professionalització i inserció laboral, per a poder millorar la seva adequació al mercat de treball.L'estudi s'estructura en tres parts. Una primera consta de cinc capítols en els que es descriu el marc teòric de l'animació sociocultural, el seu concepte, la figura professional de l'animador sociocultural i la seva formació i professionalització. Aquesta part ens servirà de marc conceptual on fonamentar la investigació. La segona part és la recerca empírica. Els objectius plantejats aboquen a una investigació exploratòria de la realitat. Es tracta d'un estudi que combina informació quantitativa i qualitativa. S'estructura en dues fases.En una primera fase s'obtenen dades quantitatives mitjançant l'aplicació d'un qüestionari a tota la població de TASOC formada en centres públics de Catalunya fins l'any 2006. La mostra està formada pels 303 participants que l'han contestat; això suposa el 25,6% de la població total. Se segueix indagant en un segon qüestionari destinat als 154 TASOC que treballen en animació sociocultural o àmbits relacionats amb l'animació, dels quals obtenim dades sobre la inserció laboral. L'anàlisi de les dades quantitatives es fa mitjançant el paquet estadístic SPSS.En una segona fase s'utilitzen mètodes qualitatius per tal d'aprofundir i interpretar les dades estadístiques. Es realitzen entrevistes grupals a TASOC que actuen com a informants clau dels diferents àmbits de l'animació sociocultural i als seus tutors. La metodologia que s'utilitza per a l'anàlisi de les dades és la descripció densa. Aquests informants clau també elaboren un registre documental de les seves actuacions professionals. Mitjançant l'anàlisi de contingut s'ha determinat quines són les funcions i tasques que realitzen en el seu lloc de treball i en quina mesura.A la tercera part es presenta la descripció dels resultats referits en funció dels objectius plantejats.Finalment, les conclusions aporten elements de reflexió per a millorar la situació dels TASOC al mercat de treball. Destaquem les següents:- La principal motivació per estudiar ASC és l'accés a estudis superiors.- La Formació en Centres de Treball és una eina clau per a la seva professionalització.- És un col·lectiu molt motivat i satisfet de la formació rebuda.- Trobem molt pocs TASOC aturats, però només la meitat tenen feina del que han estudiat.- Hi ha força oferta de feina d'ASC, però les condicions laborals són precàries: temporalitat en els contractes, jornades a temps parcial, sous baixos, molta mobilitat dels equips de treball.- Les categories professionals en què són contractats els TASOC no acostumen a estar d'acord amb les funcions i responsabilitats que requereixen ni amb la formació rebuda.- La meitat de TASOC estan contractats per l'Administració, i es treballa principalment amb població infantil i juvenil.- L'àmbit del lleure i el de l'assistència socioeducativa són els que més TASOC ocupen.- Les funcions que realitza el TASOC les podem concretar en: obtenció i gestió de la informació, funció socioeducativa o de relació amb els usuaris, planificació i gestió dels recursos. La major part de temps de treball es dedica a l'atenció als usuaris.- En aquests moments el TASOC no és prou conegut ni reconegut socialment.Aquestes conclusions porten a plantejar algunes propostes i perspectives de futur estructurades en dos blocs: les relacionades amb la formació i les relacionades amb el món laboral. / Después de diez años de implantación del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior de Animación Sociocultural (CFGS de ASC) se detecta que los Técnicos Superiores en Animación Sociocultural (TASOC) no se insertan laboralmente en la medida que seria de esperar, sobretodo si tenemos en cuenta los estudios de mercado que observan que la animación sociocultural es un nuevo filón de ocupación.Partimos de la pregunta: ¿qué factores son los que provocan la baja inserción laboral de los Animadores Socioculturales? El objetivo general de esta tesis es realizar un estudio descriptivo de los graduados como Técnicos Superiores en Animación Sociocultural en Cataluña y de su formación, profesionalización e inserción laboral, para poder mejorar la adecuación al mercado de trabajo.El estudio se estructura en tres partes. La primera consta de cinco capítulos en los que se describe el marco teórico de la animación sociocultural, su concepto, la figura profesional del animador sociocultural y su formación y profesionalización. Esta parte nos servirá como marco conceptual donde fundamentar la investigación.La segunda parte es la investigación empírica. Los objetivos planteados conducen a una investigación exploratoria de la realidad. Se trata de un estudio que combina información cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se estructura en dos fases.En una primera fase se obtienen datos cuantitativos mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario a toda la población de TASOC formada en centros públicos de Cataluña hasta el 2006. La muestra está formada por los 303 participantes que han respondido; eso supone el 25,6% de la población total. Se sigue indagando en un segundo cuestionario destinado a los 154 TASOC que trabajan en animación sociocultural o ámbitos relacionados con la animación, de quienes obtenemos información sobre la inserción laboral. El análisis de los datos cuantitativos se realiza mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS.En una segunda fase se utilizan métodos cualitativos con la finalidad de profundizar e interpretar los datos estadísticos. Se realizan entrevistas grupales a TASOC que actúan como informadores clave de los diferentes ámbitos de la animación sociocultural y a sus tutores. La metodología que se utiliza para el análisis de los datos es la descripción densa. Estos informadores clave también elaboran un registro documental sobre sus actuaciones profesionales. Mediante el análisis de contenido se ha determinado cuales son las funciones y tareas que realizan en sus puestos de trabajo y en que medida.En la tercera parte se presenta la descripción de los resultados referidos en función de los objetivos planteados.Finalmente, las conclusiones aportan elementos de reflexión para mejorar la situación de los TASOC en el mercado de trabajo. Destacamos las siguientes:- La principal motivación para estudiar ASC es el acceso a estudios superiores.- La Formación en Centros de Trabajo es una herramienta clave para la profesionalización.- Es un colectivo muy motivado y satisfecho de la formación recibida.- Encontramos muy pocos desocupados, pero solo la mitad trabajan en aquello que han estudiado.- Hay bastantes ofertas de trabajo en ASC, pero las condiciones laborales son precarias: temporalidad en los contratos, jornadas a tiempo parcial, sueldos bajos, mucha movilidad de los equipos de trabajo.- Las categorías profesionales en que se contratan los TASOC no acostumbran a estar de acuerdo con las funciones y responsabilidades del puesto de trabajo ni con la formación recibida.La mitad de TASOC están contratados por la Administración, y se trabaja principalmente con la población infantil y juvenil.- El ámbito del ocio y tiempo libre y el de la asistencia socioeducativa son los que más TASOC ocupan.- Las funciones que realiza el TASOC las podemos concretar en: obtención y gestión de la información, función socioeducativa o de relación con los usuarios, planificación y gestión de los recursos. La mayor parte del tiempo de trabajo se dedica a la atención a los usuarios.- En estos momentos, el TASOC no es suficientemente conocido ni reconocido socialmente.Estas conclusiones conducen a plantear algunas propuestas y perspectivas de futuro estructuradas en dos bloques: las relacionadas con la formación y las relacionadas con el mundo laboral. / Ten years on from the implantation of the Higher Grade Formative Cycle in Socio-cultural Animation (CFGS d'ASC) it has been noted that the Higher Technicians in Socio-cultural Animation (TASOC) are not incorporated into the workforce as well as might be expected, especially if we believe market research which says that socio-cultural animation is a new employment niche.The initial question is: which factors cause this low level of incorporation of socio-cultural animators into the working world? The general aim of this thesis is to do a descriptive study of graduates who are Higher Technicians in Socio-cultural Animation in Catalonia, their training, professionalization and incorporation into the workforce, in order to improve their suitability in the job-market.The study is structured into three parts. The first consists of five chapters which describe the theoretical framework of socio-cultural animation, its conception, the professional figure of the socio-cultural animator and his/her training and professionalization. This part will serve as a conceptual framework on which to base the research.The second part is empirical research. The aims lead to an exploratory investigation of reality. It is a study which combines quantitative and qualitative information. It is structured into two phases.In an initial phase quantitative data is obtained by means of a questionnaire given to the entire population of TASOC trained in public centres in Catalonia up to 2006. The sample consists of 303 participants who filled it in; this amounts to 25.6% of the total population. Research continues with a second questionnaire aimed at the 154 TASOC who work in socio-cultural animation or fields related to animation, from which we obtain data about incorporation into the workforce. Analysis of quantitative data is done using the statistical pack SPSS.In a second phase qualitative methods are used in order to study in depth and interpret the statistical data. Group interviews are carried out both with TASOC who act as key informants in the different fields of socio-cultural animation and with a group of tutors. The methodology used to analyse the data is dense description. These key informants also make up documental registration of their professional activity. By means of content analysis it has been determined what functions and tasks are carried out in the workplace and to what extent.In the third part a description of the results referred to is presented with regard to the aims set.Finally, the conclusions give information prepared with the intention of providing elements for thought so as to improve the situation of TASOC in the job-market. The following conclusions stand out:- The main reason for studying ASC is for access to higher education.- The formation of Work Centres is a key tool for their professionalization.- It is a very motivated group who are happy with the training received.- There is plenty of work to be had in ASC but working conditions are uncertain: temporary contracts, part-time jobs, low salaries and high mobility of the work teams. - The professional categories that TASOC are given contracts for are not usually in accordance with the functions and responsibilities they require nor with their training.- Half of all TASOC are taken on by the Government and work with children and adolescents.- The field of leisure and socio-educational care is where most TASOC work.- The duties carried out by TASOC can be said to be: obtaining and managing information, socio-educational duties or user relations and planning and management of resources. The majority of their working hours are given over to user attention.- At the moment TASOC is not well-known enough nor socially recognised.These conclusions bring us to some proposals and prospects for the future structured in two fields: those related to training and those related to the world of employment.

Mehrfache Migration: Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Mehrsprachigkeit, Lebenswelten und Identitätskonstruktion

Klein, Natalia January 2007 (has links)
The qualitative case study on which this thesis is based was designed to investigate the relationship between migration and identity construction of three young people who immigrated as children and adolescents, two of them as refugees, from the former Yugoslavia to Germany and finally to Canada. The autobiographical narrative interviews of the manifold migration stories were mainly analyzed from the point of view of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, which considers speech and thought in a close relation, to illustrate how identity must be understood as both individual and social in nature, and as a complex narrative action. The socialization processes in all countries of migration were viewed in order to investigate how the previous acculturation affects the cultural identity of the young people today and how it is unfolded in the story. The study reveals that these subjects with threefold migration position themselves between their lifeworlds which enable them not only to say where they belong to or which is their homeland but to answer the simple question “Who am I?” This is revealed by the way of their narration which contains a lot of contradictions. The individuals deal differently with their dynamic identity construction, while one of them seems to suffer under the instability of his identity, and of being different in all his lifeworlds, other subjects however can see advantages related to it. The way how they deal with this dynamics has a crucial influence on their view of their migrations today and consequently on their identity construction as a narrative action.

Soziokulturelle Theorie und Selbstdarstellung von Lernenden in einem interaktiven online L2 Lernkontext

Sauer, Philipp Marco Wolfgang January 2008 (has links)
Abstract This study in second language acquisition (SLA) investigates the influence of self-portrayal of language learners in an interactive online L2 learning environment from a social-interactionist research perspective. This thesis has a mainly theoretical focus and will integrate concepts of online communication with SLA methodology. This work reviews some classical perspectives on chats and message boards as environment for online communication in chapter two and develops a list of features to classify them from a second language acquisition perspective. In order to assist the main argument of the thesis that an integrated view of learners within a learning context is necessary to fully use the advantages of an interactive online learning environment, the second language acquisition model of Marysia Johnson (2004) is discussed in chapter three. Using the premises of the model, which result from the application of Lev Vygotskys sociocultural theory and Mikhail Bakhtins dialogized heteroglossia, key features for the later data analysis are pointed out. Those are the dismissal of the separation of language competence and language performance, a view of language that exceeds mere morphosyntactical concerns and the overcoming of the mainstream mentalist SLA approach in favor of a socioculturally oriented dialogical language learning model. The approach of Bonny Norton (2000) to identity is used as an analytical framework to complete Johnsons model developing a methodology for chapter four. The data analysis in chapter five is used to prove the validity of the model in showing that the developed model is applicable for the analysis of an online context. After a description of the course environment and a preliminary analysis, an in depth qualitative approach is used to point out the links between sociocultural theory and identity theory. Afterwards, I will give a short summary of my most important results and finish my thesis with some suggestions for further research.

Mehrfache Migration: Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Mehrsprachigkeit, Lebenswelten und Identitätskonstruktion

Klein, Natalia January 2007 (has links)
The qualitative case study on which this thesis is based was designed to investigate the relationship between migration and identity construction of three young people who immigrated as children and adolescents, two of them as refugees, from the former Yugoslavia to Germany and finally to Canada. The autobiographical narrative interviews of the manifold migration stories were mainly analyzed from the point of view of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, which considers speech and thought in a close relation, to illustrate how identity must be understood as both individual and social in nature, and as a complex narrative action. The socialization processes in all countries of migration were viewed in order to investigate how the previous acculturation affects the cultural identity of the young people today and how it is unfolded in the story. The study reveals that these subjects with threefold migration position themselves between their lifeworlds which enable them not only to say where they belong to or which is their homeland but to answer the simple question “Who am I?” This is revealed by the way of their narration which contains a lot of contradictions. The individuals deal differently with their dynamic identity construction, while one of them seems to suffer under the instability of his identity, and of being different in all his lifeworlds, other subjects however can see advantages related to it. The way how they deal with this dynamics has a crucial influence on their view of their migrations today and consequently on their identity construction as a narrative action.

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