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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship of Sociometric Status to Counselor Evaluation Ratings and Selected Descriptive Variables

Senner, Sharon Talcott 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to assess sociometric status and selected variables relative to the selection and training of counselors. The relationship of sociometric status and six variables were investigated. The six variables were counselor evaluation rating, grade earned in a graduate course in group counseling, GRE score, chronological age, gender, and possibility of modification of preliminary perceptions of social choice by a graduate level course in group counseling. It was concluded that sociometrically highly chosen counselors-in-training tend to receive high counselor evaluation ratings. Those individuals who received high grades in a group counseling course that is part lecture and part experiential (participation in a laboratory group) also tended to receive high sociometric scores. This was not true for the students enrolled in a graduate admission seminar course that was all lecture. The sociometric status of counselors-in-training does not appear to be related to GRE scores, age, or gender. The mean sociometric status score of the group studied was not significantly modified by a graduate course in group counseling.

Status sociométrico e avaliação funcional de interações sociais em crianças do ensino fundamento I / Not informed by the author

Mayara Figueiredo Nunes 05 June 2017 (has links)
Ao ingressar no ambiente escolar, a criança se depara com novas demandas e desafios que requerem a ampliação de seu repertório comportamental, sejam esses acadêmicos ou sociais. Com isso, as habilidades e/ou déficits sociais desta irão se evidenciar neste ambiente, uma vez que os repertórios comportamentais - como cumprimento de regras, respeito ao próximo, tolerância à frustação, resolução de conflitos, entre outros - serão exigidos com maior frequência. Devido a estas peculiaridades, é comum, em alguns casos, que a interação social com os colegas apresente certas limitações, entre elas a rejeição entre pares. Essa experiência pode agravar dificuldades emocionais e comportamentais na criança, gerando prejuízos a curto, médio e longo prazo em sua vida. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral caracterizar a rejeição social entre crianças do Ensino Fundamental I e formular hipóteses funcionais sobre a emissão e manutenção de comportamentos relacionados ao status sociométrico de rejeição. Participaram 105 alunos de três escolas públicas do interior do Paraná, com idade média de 7,48 anos (DP= 0,52), sendo 49% do sexo feminino e 51% do sexo masculino. Para verificar o status social dos participantes, realizou-se a entrevista sociométrica por nomeação, individualmente, na qual se solicitou a indicação de três colegas da turma que a criança entrevistada escolheria para brincar (nomeações positivas) e três crianças da turma que não escolheria para brincar (nomeações negativas). Para cada nomeação, solicitaram-se os motivos para tal escolha. Uma vez identificados os alunos com status social de rejeição, foram realizadas as observações dos comportamentos desses alunos, declarados como motivos para as nomeações negativas. Dos 105 alunos participantes do estudo, 13,3% foram classificados como rejeitados pelos pares; destes, 57,1% eram do sexo masculino. As justificativas mais citadas para nomeações negativas para os alunos com status de rejeição foram agressividade e perturbação do ambiente. As hipóteses funcionais levantadas para os comportamentos agressivos e que perturbavam o ambiente em geral, eram reforçados positivamente com a atenção dispensada pela professora e/ou pelos pares, e, em outras situações, reforçados negativamente com a retirada de situação aversiva (p. ex. interação com os colegas, execução da demanda). Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo, quanto aos comportamentos indicativos de rejeição social, coadunam-se com a literatura nacional e internacional. Entretanto, destaca-se neste cenário a ausência de estudos que abordem, além das topografias comportamentais, a avaliação funcional de tais comportamentos, lacuna esta que o presente estudo procurou preencher. Avaliar funcionalmente os comportamentos que se expressam nos relacionamentos interpessoais pode contribuir para aprofundar a compreensão dessas interações e delinear intervenções preventivas com foco nas alterações do ambiente do aluno. A partir dessas considerações, sugerem-se novos estudos sobre a avaliação e análise funcional de comportamentos envolvidos nos relacionamentos entre crianças e implicados nos diferentes status sociométricos, especialmente no âmbito nacional / When the child entering the school environment they have new demands and challenges that require the expansion of their academic and social repertoire. Thus, the social skills and/or deficits of it will be evident in this environment, once behavioral repertoires such as rule compliance, respect for others, tolerance for frustration, conflict resolution, among others aspects, will be required more frequently. Due to these peculiarities it is common in some cases limitations on social interaction with colleagues, as peer rejection. This experience may exacerbate emotional and behavioral difficulties in the child, producing losses in the short, medium and long term in their life. Therefore, the present study aimed to characterize social rejection among elementary school children and formulate functional hypotheses about the emission and maintenance of behaviors related to the sociometric status of rejection. A total of 105 students from three public schools in the interior of Parana, with a mean age of 7.48 years (SD = 0.52), 49% female and 51% male. In order to verify the social status of the participants, a sociometric interview was conducted individually, in which interviewed were asked to indicate three classmates who do they would choose to play (positive nominations) and three classmates from the group who would not choose to play (negative nominations). For each appointment, the reasons for were requested. Once students rejection status were identified, observations of behaviors reported as reasons for the negative appointments were made. Of the 105 students participating in the study, 13.3% were classified as rejected by peers, of whom 57.1% were male. The most cited justifications for negative nominations for students with rejection status were aggressiveness and environmental disruption. The functional hypotheses raised for the aggressive behaviors that disturbed the environment in general were positively reinforced with the attention given by the teacher and/or the peers, and in other situations negatively reinforced with withdrawal from the aversive situation (e.g. interaction with classmates, performing tasks). The results obtained in the present study regarding behaviors indicative of social rejection are consistent with the national and international literature. However, in this scenario, we highlight the absence of studies that address, in addition to behavioral topographies, the functional evaluation of such behaviors, a gap that the present study sought to fill. The functional evaluation of the behaviors expressed in the interpersonal relations can contribute to deepen the understanding of these interactions and to delineate preventive interventions focused on changes in the student\'s environment. Based on these considerations, we suggest new studies on the evaluation and functional analysis of behaviors involved in relationships between children and those involved in different sociometric statuses, especially at the national level

Intervenções para redução de preconceito étnico: efeitos sobre preconceito implícito e percepção de pares em escolares / Not informed by the author

Mariana Zago Castelli 17 August 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo se propôs a explorar o uso de um teste de preconceito implícito (IRAP) e de uma medida de grupo (entrevista sociométrica) para a investigação do preconceito étnico em crianças em contexto escolar. Foram investigados possíveis efeitos de duas intervenções para redução de preconceito que enfatizam características de práticas culturais comuns: descrever contingências de reforçamento envolvendo respostas de tolerância e descrever respostas de punição envolvendo respostas de intolerância. Os participantes foram 65 crianças brasileiras e bolivianas de três turmas do último ano do ensino fundamental, faixa etária entre 10 e 11 anos, e três professoras das turmas correspondentes. A porcentagem de crianças bolivianas nos grupos Controle, Intervenção A e Intervenção B foram, respectivamente, 47,1%, 34,8% e 44%. Foram aplicados o IRAP e a entrevista sociométrica antes e depois das intervenções. Nos resultados, não foram observados efeitos das intervenções, detectáveis com um intervalo de confiança de 95%, nem no IRAP e nem nos dados derivados da entrevista sociométrica. A entrevista sociométrica se mostrou útil para investigar preconceito étnico nas turmas a partir de uma análise das proporções real e esperada de nomeações de aceitação e rejeição de acordo com a nacionalidade, mas não a partir das categorias de status sociométrico. Esse resultado é provavelmente devido à alta porcentagem de estrangeiros nas turmas, equilibrando as nomeações. Uma grande porcentagem dos participantes não conseguiu atingir o critério de porcentagem de acerto (80%) do IRAP nos blocos de prática e outros não conseguiram manter esse critério durante o teste, sugerindo que o critério de 70% empregado em outros estudos do IRAP com crianças é mais adequado. O principal resultado deste estudo demonstrou um índice de preconceito nas salas que já era de conhecimento de algumas das professoras, ainda que não de todas. No entanto, a investigação e quantificação de fenômenos conhecidos é o que permite avaliar os efeitos de intervenções sobre eles, facilitando a realização de novas pesquisas que poderão embasar no futuro práticas e políticas públicas mais eficazes / Prejudice research is an active field in psychology which fosters many studies on interventions aimed at prejudice reduction. Data collected in these studies are usually individual measures, such as questionnaires and implicit prejudice tests. Data is usually collected in laboratories or other non-realistic settings. The present study explored the combination of an individual implicit prejudice measure (IRAP) with a social measure (sociometric interview) to investigate ethnic prejudice in children at school. The effects of two prejudice reduction interventions were investigated, both of which replicate characteristics of common practices: describing reinforcement contingencies of tolerance responses and describing punishment contingencies of intolerance/prejudice responses. Participants were 65 brazilian and bolivian children aged 10 to 11 years old, and their teachers. Control Group, Intervention A Group and Intervention B Group had, respectively, 47,1%, 34,8% and 44% bolivian students. IRAP and the sociometric interview were applied before and after the interventions. No effects of the interventions were observed in either individual or social measures. The sociometric interview proved to be useful to investigate prejudice among the students when expected and actual sociometric nominations ratios were compared, but not when sociometric statuses were compared. This is so probably due to the high percentage of bolivians in the groups, as they balance out the nominations. More than half of the participants were not able to fulfill the practice criterion of accuracy (80%) of the IRAP; others were not able to maintain this criterion across the test blocks. This suggests the 70% accuracy criterion to be best suitable for children. The main result here presented regards the assessment of the amount of prejudice and segregation amongst students, which was already known to some of the teachers. However, quantifying known phenomenons allows the evaluation of the effects interventions have on them, making it possible to further research on the topic and to develop better practices and public policies

Implications of Sociometric Grouping for Personal and Social Adjustment of Secondary Homemaking Pupils

Sands, Henryetta E. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of sociometric grouping on adolescents' concept of themselves in relation to society.

Interactions Among Italian Preschool-Age Children: Aggression, Victimization, and Sociometric Status

Marshall, Shawna J. 04 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined social interactions between Italian preschoolers based upon sociometric status groupings. The sample consisted of 267 Italian preschoolers (mean age 64 months) taken from early childhood classrooms in southern Italy. Drawing on previous research, preschoolers' physical and relational aggression and physical and relational victimization as measured by peer nominations were analyzed. Structural equation modeling using Mplus was used to test the model, and SPSS 15 was used to run analyses of variance (ANOVAs) to examine the interaction between sociometric status and preschoolers' behaviors toward peers. Findings generally support previous research with American children as well as cross-cultural research regarding physical and relational aggression, victimization, sociability, and sociometric status groupings. Results indicate that popular children displayed high levels of social behavior, low levels of aggression, and experienced little victimization, while rejected children demonstrated high levels of aggression and victimization and low levels of social behavior. The most striking finding was that controversial children, similar to rejected children, showed high levels of aggression and victimization. Gender differences indicated that boys were more relationally and physically aggressive and victimized than girls, with the exception of controversial status girls.

The Effectiveness of Sociometric Grouping in Improving the Social Status of Rejected Girls in Eighth-grade Homemaking Classes

Bissell, Mary Elvira 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to determine the effectiveness of sociometric groupings in bringing about improved social status of rejected girls in eighth-grade homemaking classes. Specifically, the study seeks to answer to the questions: Do significant changes occur in personal and social adjustment when pupils are placed in groups according to their choice? Is there evidence of improved social status of rejected pupils when sociometric groupings are used throughout the year?

The Relationship Between Answers on Individual Items of the California Test of Personality and Position and in the Group as Measured by the North Texas Sociometric Scale

King, F. J. 01 1900 (has links)
First of all an attempt is made to determine whether or not the individual items on the California Test of Personality will successfully differentiate between persons of low and high peer acceptance. Secondly, research of this nature would establish a basis for construction of a self-rating test which would measure peer acceptance, or at least measure traits which presumably make for peer acceptance, in situations where it would not be possible to administer the regular sociometric scales.

A Study of the Relationship Between Sociometric Data and Standardized Measurements

Miller, Mary Kerby 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to compare the social adjustment of a group with its mental maturity, and also to compare various sociometric techniques with each other.

Some Rorschach Factors as Related to Sociometric Status in a Second Grade

Haynes, Jack Read 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if the W%, F%, H, P, and Experience Balance on the Rorschach were related to sociometric status in the second grade.

A Study to Determine the Differences in Scholastic Achievement and Sociometric Standing Between Children from Broken and Unbroken Homes

Cooke, Eunyce Allen 08 1900 (has links)
The problem presented in this study is to determine if any differences exist in the sociometric standing and the scholastic achievement between children from broken homes and children from unbroken homes. The purpose of the study is to make a comparison of the sociometric standing and scholastic achievement of two selected groups of pupils to determine if differences exist and to what extent they exist.

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