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Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of GelfillAbdul-Hussain, Najlaa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage.
Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material.
In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples.
The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds. Read more
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Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of GelfillAbdul-Hussain, Najlaa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage.
Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material.
In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples.
The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds. Read more
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Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of GelfillAbdul-Hussain, Najlaa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage.
Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material.
In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples.
The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds. Read more
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Experimental Study on the Engineering Properties of GelfillAbdul-Hussain, Najlaa January 2011 (has links)
Gelfill (GF) is made of tailings, water, binder and chemical additives (Fillset, sodium silicate gel). The components of GF are combined and mixed on the surface and transported (by gravity and/or pumping) to the underground mine workings, where the GF can be used for both underground mine support and tailings storage.
Thermal (T), hydraulic (H), and mechanical (M) properties are important performance criteria of GF. The understanding of these engineering properties and their evolution with time are still limited due to the fact that GF is a new cemented backfill material.
In this thesis, the evolution of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and microstructural properties of small GF samples are determined. Various binder contents of Portland cement type I (PCI) are used. The GF is cured for 3, 7, 28, 90, and 120 days. It is found that the thermal, hydraulic and mechanical properties are time-dependent or affected by the degree of binder hydration index. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the compressive strength and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the GF samples.
The unsaturated hydraulic properties of GF samples have also been investigated. The outcomes show that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is influenced by the degree of binder hydration index and binder content, especially at low suction ranges. Simple functions are proposed to predict the evolution of air-entry values (AEVs), residual water content, and fitting parameters from the van Genuchten model with the degree of hydration index (α). Furthermore, two columns are built to simulate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of GF under drained and undrained conditions. The obtained results from the GF columns are compared with the small samples. It is observed that the mechanical properties, hydraulic properties (suction and water content), and temperature development are strongly coupled. The magnitude of these THM coupling factors is affected by the size of the GF. The findings also show that the mechanical, hydraulic and thermal properties of the GF columns are different from samples cured in plastic moulds. Read more
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Étude de la passivation de la pyrite : chimie de surface et réactivité / Study of the passivation of the pyrite : chemistry of surface and reactivitySorrenti, Estelle 17 September 2007 (has links)
Afin de lutter contre les phénomènes de drainage minier acide DMA, nous avons étudié la possibilité de passivation/inertage de rejets miniers sulfurés. L'inhibition de l'oxydation superficielle de phases pyriteuses a été effectuée par adsorption de molécules: acide humique HA, thymol et silicate de sodium. L'étude fondamentale réalisée sur une pyrite pure (masse 1-5g) a ensuite été conduite à des rejets miniers (masse 2 kg). L’adsorption de molécules passivantes a été réalisée dans des conditions dynamiques (colonne chromatographique) et statiques (batch). L’ordre d’efficacité est: acide humique> thymol>silicate de sodium. Les essais dynamiques ont montré que l’adsorption d'HA sur la pyrite est irréversible. L’étude par voltamétrie cyclique a montré que de faibles concentrations en HA adsorbée (de 0,15 à 0,3mg/g–[thêta]<1) sont suffisantes pour bloquer plus de 90% de l’activité électrochimique initiale. L’analyse de la surface par la spectroscopie IR en mode réflexion diffuse a mis en évidence l’importance des phases oxydées superficielles dans le processus d’adsorption. La description des fronts chromatographiques a été possible à partir du modèle trimodal dynamique basé sur l’existence de trois sites d’adsorption dont la nature chimique, le nombre et l’accessibilité évoluent pendant l’adsorption. D'autres expériences conduites en cellules humides simulant le comportement d’un stérile minier d'Abitibi-Témiscamingue en conditions naturels de stockage, ont montré que le traitement à l’HA est efficace pendant plus de 30 équivalent-années. Aussi, un stérile traité avec HA ne génère plus de DMA alors que celui non traité est générateur d’acide pendant les 6 premières années / To fight against the phenomena of acid mine drainage DMA, we studied the possibility of passivation/inertage of sulphurized mining discharges. The inhibition of the superficial oxidation of pyriteuses phases was made by adsorption of molecules: acid humique HA, thymol and silicate of sodium. The fundamental study realized on a pure pyrite (mass 1-5g) was then driven to mining refusals (masse 2 kg). The adsorption of passivantes molecules was realized in dynamic conditions (chromatographic column) and statics (batch) . The order of efficiency is: acid humique > thymol > silicate of sodium. The dynamic experiments showed that the adsorption of HA on the pyrite is irreversible. The study by cyclic voltammetry showed that weak concentrations in adsorbed HA (of 0,15 in 0,3mg/g–[thêta]<1) are sufficient to block more than 90 % of the initial electrochemical activity. The analysis of the surface by the spectroscopy IR in mode diffuse reflection put in evidence the importance of the superficial oxidized phases in the process of adsorption. The description of chromatographic fronts was possible from the model dynamic trimodal based on the existence of three sites of adsorption among which the chemical nature, the number and the accessibility evolve during the adsorption. Other experiments led in wet cells feigning the behavior of sterile one mining of natural Abitibi-Témiscamingue in conditions of storage, showed that the treatment in the HA is effective counterpart more than 30 equivalents-years. So, sterile one treated with HA generate no more DMA while that untreated is generative of acid during the first 6 years Read more
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Povrchového ošetření cementových systémů vybranými roztoky křemičitanů / Surface treatment of cementitious systems by silicate sealersIliushchenko, Valeriia January 2020 (has links)
Impregnace na bázi silikátů se široce používá k ochraně betonu před agresivním prostředím. Pochopení aspektů týkajících se tohoto typu impregnace však není zcela jasné. Tato práce představuje informaci o jednotlivých vlastnostech vybraných křemičitanů, přesněji draselného, sodného, lithného a koloidního oxidu křemičitého (koloidní silika), dále o účinnosti z hlediska nasákavosti, stupni účinku na hydrataci cementu, schopnosti těchto látek uzavřít póry a jejích vliv na mikrostrukturu cementového substrátu a na penetrační schopnost. Účinnost filmotvorných látek byla hodnocena jak na čerstvém cementovém tmelu, tak na vyzrálejším, aplikovaných po 1 a 24 hodinách od smíchání směsi. K dosažení kvalitativních výsledků byly použity instrumentální metody, jako je rtuťová porosimetrie, rheometrie, izotermální kalorimetrie, rentgenová difrakční analýza a skenovací elektronová mikroskopie. S ohledem na provedené testy byla prokázána určitá účinnost ošetřujících přísad. Výsledky všech testů ukázaly vyšší účinnost těchto látek v případě ošetření na vyzrálejším cementovém povrchu, což bylo pravděpodobně způsobeno vyšším stupněm hydratace, díky čemuž se vytvořily nové fáze, se kterými silikáty byly schopné zareagovat a jistým způsobem ovlivnit mikrostrukturu. Read more
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Corrosion and protections of Somaloy® componentsYu, Zhao January 2016 (has links)
Corrosion protection is very significant for metals in modern society from the view of industrial development. This thesis work project involves a research study that is aimed to investigate the effect of corrosion on the mechanical strength and magnetic properties of four no treated or treated Somaloy® component samples (Somaloy®700 1P, Somaloy®700 3P, Somaloy®700HR 5P and Somaloy®110i 5P) provided by Höganäs AB and laminated steel sheets by salt spray test. The coatings for protection are phosphoric acid coating, sodium silicate coating, DCA-Modified silicone conformal coating and water-borne single coat paint respectively. Then the protective properties are evaluated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution after 7 days exposure. From transverse rupture strength (TRS) and hysteresis loop measurements by salt spray test, although the bar samples are treated coating, the corrosion decreases the mechanical strength to a certain extent more or less over time. For the magnetic properties, the corrosive environments hardly influence the magnetic parameters of the no treated or four types of coatings treated Somaloy® components. But the all kinds of magnetic parameters for laminated ring samples have a great variation after salt spray test. In the EIS measurements, for the no treated samples, the initial corrosion resistance is only several hundred ohms and decreases after 1 hour, 8 hours and 1day exposure, then increases to a certain extent with time due to the corrosion products formed on the surface. For the sodium silicate coating, the initial corrosion resistance is approximately several ten thousands ohms and decreases rapidly only after 1 day exposure to several hundred ohms due to the sodium silicate film dissolves in the electrolyte solution and has no effective protective property. Then the following corrosion process is almost same as the no treated samples. For the water-borne single coat paint, the initial corrosion resistance can reach to several Giga-ohms and decreases over time, but can still stay at level, indicating that this coating has a very good and effective protective properties. EIS experiments indicate that water-borne single coat paint has a more effective protection than sodium silicate coating and can apply a better corrosion protection for the Somaloy® components Key words: corrosion protection, soft magnetic composites, phosphoric acid coating, sodium silicate coating, DCA-Modified silicone conformal coating , water-borne single coat paint, salt spray test, TRS, hysteresis loop, EIS Read more
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Manejo pós-colheita de Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae)Silva, Antonio Tarciso Ciríaco da 22 March 2006 (has links)
The growth of ornamental plant market in Brazil is remarkable nowadays with
strong participation of Northeast region, particularly in Alagoas State on the
commercialization of tropical flowers. Taking into account this economic aspect,
it is of great importance for the productive chain of ornamental species the
study of aspects of post harvest activities. Alpinia purpurata (Viell) K. Schum
(Zingiberaceae) which occupies the second place in economic importance
amongst tropical flowers. It is the main flower for growing and harvesting. The
main objective of this research programme is to study the different aspects of
Alpinia post-harvesting: (1) time of harvesting and cut of the basis of the stems,
and (2) the use of solutions of pulsing ; and/or maintenance of the floral stem
by using: (2.1.) biocide compounds and pH of the solution; (2.2) carbohydrates
and carbohydrates plus biocides; (2.3) anti-ethylene compounds and antiethylene
compounds plus carbohydrates; (2.4) elements as calcium and silicon;
and (2.5) senescence retarding growth regulators. It was evaluated the
influence of these factors in the water relations, quality and longevity of the
stems. Six experiments were carried out in the laboratory (CECA) of the
Federal University of Alagoas. In the first experiment, the stems were harvested
in three different times and they were cut periodically on their basis. In the
second experiment different biocide substances were tested (8-
hydroxyquinoline sulphate, aluminum sulphate, salicilic acid and sodium
hipocloride) associated to pH variation of the maintenance solution. In the third
experiment the stems received sucrose solutions pulsing from 2 to 20% for 12,
24 and 48 hours, following by maintenance in distilled water or in solution of 8-
hidroxikinolin (HQS). The fourth experiment comprised three times of exposition
(30, 60 and 120 min) with STS 1mM following by the presence or absence of
pulsing in sucrose 20% for 12 hours. In the fifth experiment it was evaluated
the effect of the addition of Ca (calcium sulphate 50 and 100mM), Si (sodium
silicate 1,25 and 2,50 mM) and Ca+Si in maintenance solution. In the sixth
experiment the stems were submitted to gibberellins, solutions (GA3), 10, 30
and 60 μm and cytokinin (benzyladenine 6-BA), 10, 20 and 100μm in 24
hours pulsing under continuous light. In all experiments the fresh biomass and
the quality (scale of values) of the stems were determined daily or every two
days until the end of the experiment. The amount of water was also determined
for the floral bracts and dry biomass. The experiments were analised by
completely randomized design and the data submitted to the variance analysis,
test of averages and , when necessary, to the regression analysis. It was
observed that the stems harvested at the end of the afternoon had shown
greater commercial value; however, the regular cuts of the basis of the stems
reduced their longevity. The use of HQS provided greater durability and
humidity of the stems. On the other hand the other biocides did not improve the
quality when compared to the control. The reduction of the pH by using citric
acid did not interfere with the studied parameters. The use of sucrose in
pulsing was only effective when the stems had been kept in distilled water. In
this case the concentration sucrose of 20% for 12 hours showed better results.
Silver thiosulphate when in pulsing for 30 minutes produced an increase of
water contents and for 60 minutes or plus, or when addition of sucrose, caused
dehydration of the stems. The only use of calcium sulphate or in association
with sodium silicate in maintenance solution caused high improvement of the
quality of the stems in comparison to the control and sodium silicate treatment.
The use of cytokinin and gibberellins even considering it improved the water
contents of the stems did not affect the commercial durability of them. / É notável o crescimento do mercado de plantas ornamentais no Brasil. Com
participação efetiva da região Nordeste, destacando-se as exportações de
flores tropicais, onde o Estado de Alagoas vem se firmando, com Alpinia
purpurata (Viell) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae) como a principal flor de corte, e que
ocupa o segundo lugar em importância econômica dentre as flores tropicais.
Levando-se em conta esse aspecto econômico, verifica-se ser de grande
importância para a cadeia produtiva desses cultivos, o estudo de aspectos
relativos à da pós-colheita. Assim sendo, a presente pesquisa, objetivou
estudar diferentes aspectos do manejo pós-colheita dessas flores, testando: (1)
hora de colheita e corte da base das hastes, e (2) o uso de soluções de
pulsing ; e/ou manutenção das hastes florais - neste caso ainda associado
(2.1) a substâncias biocidas com o pH na solução sob controle; (2.2) a
carboidratos e carboidratos mais biocidas; (2.3) a substâncias anti-etileno e
substâncias anti-etileno mais carboidratos; (2.4) a elementos como cálcio e
silício; e (2.5) a fitorreguladores retardantes da senescência. Avaliou-se a
influência destes fatores nas relações hídricas, qualidade e longevidade das
hastes cortadas, através de seis experimentos em laboratório no Centro de
Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (CECA/UFAL). No
primeiro experimento, as hastes foram colhidas em três diferentes horários,
recebendo durante o período pós-colheita cortes periódicos na base da haste.
No segundo experimento, foram testadas substâncias biocidas (Sulfato de 8-
hidroxiquinolina, Sulfato de alumínio, Ácido salicílico, Hipoclorito de sódio)
associadas à redução ou não do pH. No terceiro experimento as hastes
receberam tratamento de pulsing com soluções de sacarose entre 2 e 20%,
por períodos de 12, 24 e 48 h, seguidas de manutenção em água destilada ou
em solução de 8-hidroxiquinolina (HQS) comparando-se com duas
testemunhas (água destilada ou solução de HQS). No quarto experimento,
foram testados três tempos de exposição (30, 60 e 120 minutos) a STS 1mM,
seguido ou não de pulsing em sacarose a 20%, por 12 horas. No quinto
experimento, foram verificados os efeitos da adição de Ca (sulfato de cálcio a
50 e 100mM), Si ( silicato de sódio a 1,25 e 2,50 mM) e Ca+Si em solução de
manutenção. No sexto experimento, as hastes foram submetidas a soluções de
SILVA, A.T.C. 2006 Manejo pós-colheita de alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K. Schum (zingiberaceae)...
giberelina (GA3), a 10, 30 e 60 μM e citocinina (benziladenina 6-BA), a 10, 20
e 100 μM em pulsing por 24 horas, sob luz contínua. Em todos os
experimentos, a massa fresca e a qualidade (com base em notas) das hastes
foram determinadas diariamente, ou a cada 2 dias; no final de cada
experimento foram também determinados o conteúdo relativo de água das
brácteas florais e a massa seca das hastes. O delineamento utilizado foi o
inteiramente casualizado sendo os dados submetidos à análise de variância,
teste de médias e, quando necessário, à análise de regressão. As hastes
cortadas ao final da tarde tiveram maior durabilidade comercial, porém o corte
periódico da base das hastes reduziu sua longevidade. O uso de HQS
proporcionou maior durabilidade e hidratação das hastes, sendo que os demais
biocidas testados não melhoraram a qualidade. A redução do pH, pelo uso do
ácido cítrico, não influenciou nas variáveis estudadas. O uso de sacarose em
pulsing só foi efetivo quando as hastes foram mantidas em água destilada,
sendo melhor o resultado para a concentração de 20% por 12 horas. O
tiossulfato de prata em pulsing por 30 minutos, promoveu um aumento de
hidratação, mas desidratou as hastes a 60 minutos ou mais ou quando
adicionado à sacarose. O uso de sulfato de cálcio em solução de manutenção
e quando associado ao silicato de sódio promoveu elevada melhoria de
qualidade das hastes. O uso de citocininas e giberelinas embora tenha
melhorado as relações hídricas das hastes não afetou a durabilidade comercial
das mesmas. Read more
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