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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A framework for relevant software development education / Janet Adri Liebenberg

Liebenberg, Janet Adri January 2015 (has links)
It is widely acknowledged that there is a shortage of software developers with the right skills and knowledge. In respect of their university education, students want to take courses and carry out projects that clearly relate to their lives and their goals. The software development industry on the other hand, expects students to be educated in courses and projects, which are relevant for their professional career and equip them to be well-prepared for the workplace. In the middle, between the students and the industry, is the university that is expected to meet the needs of the students on the one side and the software industry on the other side. The unique contribution of this research is the development of a framework for relevant software development education by addressing the question: How can universities ensure that software development education provides knowledge and skill sets that are relevant to both the software development industry and software development students? The literature study investigates the software development class, focusing on the students and the educators. Furthermore, a review of the software development workplace is done with attention to the software developers and their employers. The problems and challenges facing three role players in software development education, namely the students, the university and the industry are investigated. Lastly, the role of the university in relevant software development education is considered with a specific focus on curricula. In the empirical study a questionnaire was developed to investigate the relevance of software development education from the perspective of the students. The questionnaire enquired about students’ interests in each of a list of software development topics and further questions relating to students’ views and needs for a relevant education are presented. The questionnaire was completed by 297 software development students and it was found that although a gap exists between students' needs and software development education, students’ education does have a predominantly social relevance and also a moderate personal and professional relevance. A second questionnaire was developed to investigate the relevance of software development education as it pertains to the software industry. The questionnaire enquired about the perceptions of professional software developers regarding what topics they learned from their formal education and the importance of these topics to their actual work. The questionnaire was completed by 214 software development professionals and again it was found that there is a gap between the industry’s needs and software development education. Questions related to the industry’s needs, as well as an open-ended question at the end of the questionnaire offered rich insights into the industry’s view of its new graduates and the problems and challenges surrounding software development education. The quantitative data, as well as the qualitative data offered solutions to these problems and challenges. The students’ views are compared with the professional software developers’ views to investigate the compatibility between the relevance of software development education for students and the relevance for the software industry. The analysis reveals matching and differing views. A framework for relevant software development education was developed to address the gap between software development education and the students’ needs, as well as the gap between software development education and the industry’s needs. The problems and challenges that might cause SD education to be less relevant are presented and recommendations to industry and university for relevant software development education are made. / PhD (Natural Sciences Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

A framework for relevant software development education / Janet Adri Liebenberg

Liebenberg, Janet Adri January 2015 (has links)
It is widely acknowledged that there is a shortage of software developers with the right skills and knowledge. In respect of their university education, students want to take courses and carry out projects that clearly relate to their lives and their goals. The software development industry on the other hand, expects students to be educated in courses and projects, which are relevant for their professional career and equip them to be well-prepared for the workplace. In the middle, between the students and the industry, is the university that is expected to meet the needs of the students on the one side and the software industry on the other side. The unique contribution of this research is the development of a framework for relevant software development education by addressing the question: How can universities ensure that software development education provides knowledge and skill sets that are relevant to both the software development industry and software development students? The literature study investigates the software development class, focusing on the students and the educators. Furthermore, a review of the software development workplace is done with attention to the software developers and their employers. The problems and challenges facing three role players in software development education, namely the students, the university and the industry are investigated. Lastly, the role of the university in relevant software development education is considered with a specific focus on curricula. In the empirical study a questionnaire was developed to investigate the relevance of software development education from the perspective of the students. The questionnaire enquired about students’ interests in each of a list of software development topics and further questions relating to students’ views and needs for a relevant education are presented. The questionnaire was completed by 297 software development students and it was found that although a gap exists between students' needs and software development education, students’ education does have a predominantly social relevance and also a moderate personal and professional relevance. A second questionnaire was developed to investigate the relevance of software development education as it pertains to the software industry. The questionnaire enquired about the perceptions of professional software developers regarding what topics they learned from their formal education and the importance of these topics to their actual work. The questionnaire was completed by 214 software development professionals and again it was found that there is a gap between the industry’s needs and software development education. Questions related to the industry’s needs, as well as an open-ended question at the end of the questionnaire offered rich insights into the industry’s view of its new graduates and the problems and challenges surrounding software development education. The quantitative data, as well as the qualitative data offered solutions to these problems and challenges. The students’ views are compared with the professional software developers’ views to investigate the compatibility between the relevance of software development education for students and the relevance for the software industry. The analysis reveals matching and differing views. A framework for relevant software development education was developed to address the gap between software development education and the students’ needs, as well as the gap between software development education and the industry’s needs. The problems and challenges that might cause SD education to be less relevant are presented and recommendations to industry and university for relevant software development education are made. / PhD (Natural Sciences Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Software Quality Evaluation for Evolving Systems in Distributed Development Environments

Jabangwe, Ronald January 2015 (has links)
Context: There is an overwhelming prevalence of companies developing software in global software development (GSD) contexts. The existing body of knowledge, however, falls short of providing comprehensive empirical evidence on the implication of GSD contexts on software quality for evolving software systems. Therefore there is limited evidence to support practitioners that need to make informed decisions about ongoing or future GSD projects. Objective: This thesis work seeks to explore changes in quality, as well as to gather confounding factors that influence quality, for software systems that evolve in GSD contexts. Method: The research work in this thesis includes empirical work that was performed through exploratory case studies. This involved analysis of quantitative data consisting of defects as an indicator for quality, and measures that capture software evolution, and qualitative data from company documentations, interviews, focus group meetings, and questionnaires. An extensive literature review was also performed to gather information that was used to support the empirical investigations. Results: Offshoring software development work, to a location that has employees with limited or no prior experience with the software product, as observed in software transfers, can have a negative impact on quality. Engaging in long periods of distributed development with an offshore site and eventually handing over all responsibilities to the offshore site can be an alternative to software transfers. This approach can alleviate a negative effect on quality. Finally, the studies highlight the importance of taking into account the GSD context when investigating quality for software that is developed in globally distributed environments. This helps with making valid inferences about the development settings in GSD projects in relation to quality. Conclusion: The empirical work presented in this thesis can be useful input for practitioners that are planning to develop software in globally distributed environments. For example, the insights on confounding factors or mitigation practices that are linked to quality in the empirical studies can be used as input to support decision-making processes when planning similar GSD projects. Consequently, lessons learned from the empirical investigations were used to formulate a method, GSD-QuID, for investigating quality using defects for evolving systems. The method is expected to help researchers avoid making incorrect inferences about the implications of GSD contexts on quality for evolving software systems, when using defects as a quality indicator. This in turn will benefit practitioners that need the information to make informed decisions for software that is developed in similar circumstances.

The science of determining norms for the planning and management of software development projects

Bannister, H. C. 12 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most people working in the software industry recognise that developing software to predictable schedules is risky and not easy. They experience problems to estimate how long the development of software will take. Underestimation leads to under staffing and setting too short a schedule. That in turn leads to staff burnout, low quality and missed deadlines. Overestimation can be almost as bad: Parkinson's Law that work expands to fill available time comes into action, which means the project will take as long as estimated even if overestimated. Currently people do no put in much effort to estimate jobs and therefore projects take as long as they take. Methods to manage uncertainty lead to putting in excessive safety and then wasting it. Business usually presents a target for the project with tremendous pressure for low 'estimates' during the bidding process and in the end this target becomes the plan. Best practice appears to manage the gap between this target and the estimate as a risk on the project. Without an efficient work breakdown structure (WBS) one cannot accurately estimate. Subject experts should help the project manager to plan the detail of how the work should be done. A functional design by a systems architect helps to break down the technical tasks. This is very important because omitted tasks will not be estimated for. The first step towards sound estimates is to estimate the size. This is extremely difficult at the initial phase but can be overcome if the company store history of size and completion time in a repository. Although lines of code are most often used as a size measure, function points or function blocks appear to be better, especially for the initial estimate. If an organisation has not kept historic data, now is the time to start doing it. The suggested procedure to follow before starting to gather information, is to define what is going to be kept (the norms), to delimit the defined data, to discipline the collection, to deposit it in an established repository and to deliver it in readily usable format. The tool used for storing these metrics must provide building in factors that influence effort like complexity, skills level, elapsed time, staff turnover, etc. There are many different techniques for estimation. The best option seems to use a combination of estimates and include developer opinion and a mathematical method like function point analysis. Estimation of software development, like all other work processes, need management control and this is called metrics management. This process includes establishing some kind of modeL Empirical models, based on a database with data stored by ones own company, give the best results. Two very good models are the Putnam model and the Parr model (for smaller projects). Even the best model and process is never perfect. Therefore the estimation process must be continuously monitored by comparing actual duration times to estimates. Be careful with feedback on how accurate estimates were. No feedback is the worst response. Carefully discussing the implications of underestimation and putting heads together to solve the problem appears to be the best solution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste mense in die sagteware industrie erken dat om sagteware te ontwikkel teen voorspelbare tydskedules, gevaar inhou en nie maklik is nie. Hulle ondervind probleme om te skat hoe lank die ontwikkeling van sagteware hulle gaan neem. Onderskatting lei tot te min hulpbronne en te kort skedules. Dit veroorsaak uitbrand van mense, lae kwaliteit en einddatums wat nie gehaal word nie. Oorskatting is byna net so erg. Parkinson se Wet dat werk geskep word om beskikbare tyd te vul, kom in aksie en aan die einde beteken dit die projek neem so lank as wat geskat is, selfs al is dit oorskat. Huidiglik doen mense nie veel moeite om tyd te skat op take nie en daarom neem projekte so lank as wat dit neem om te voltooi. Metodes om onsekerheid te bestuur lei tot die byvoeg van oormatige veiligheidstyd net om dit daarna weer te verkwis. Die besigheid verskaf gewoonlik 'n mikpunt vir die projek met geweldige druk vir lae skattings tydens bieery en op die ou end raak hierdie mikpunt die projekplan. Die beste manier om dit die hoof te bied is om die gaping tussen hierdie mikpunt en die skatting te bestuur as 'n projek risiko. Niemand kan akkuraat skat sonder 'n effektiewe metode van werk afbreek nie. Vakkundiges behoort die projekbestuurder te help om die detail van hoe die werk gedoen gaan word, te beplan. 'n Funksionele ontwerp deur 'n stelselsargitek help om die tegniese take verder af te breek. Dit is baie belangrik aangesien take wat uitgelaat word, nie in die skatting ingesluit gaan word nie. Die eerste stap om by gesonde skattings uit te kom, is om grootte te skat. Dit is besonder moeilik in die aanvanklike fase, dog kan oorkom word indien die maatskappy geskiedenis stoor van hoe groot voltooide take was en hoe lank dit geneem het. Alhoewel Iyne kodering die mees algemeenste vorm van meting van grootte is, Iyk dit asof funksie punte of funksie blokke beter werk, veral by die aanvanklike skatting. Indien 'n organisasie nie historiese data stoor nie, is dit nou die tyd om daarmee te begin. Die voorgestelde prosedure om te volg voordat informasie gestoor word, is om te definieer wat gestoor gaan word (norme te bepaal), om die data af te baken, dissipline toe te pas by die insameling, dit te stoor in 'n gevestigde databasis en dit beskikbaar te stel in bruikbare formaat. Die instrument wat gebruik word om hierdie syfers te stoor moet voorsiening maak vir die inbou van faktore wat produksie beinvloed, soos kompleksiteit, vlak van vaardigheid, verstreke tyd, personeel omset, ens. Daar bestaan menige verskillende tegnieke vir skatting. Die beste opsie blyk 'n kombinasie van skattings te wees. Die opinie van die programmeur asook een wiskundige metode soos funksie punt analise, behoort deel te wees hiervan. Soos alle ander werksprosesse, moet skattings vir sagteware ontwikkeling ook bestuur word en dit word metrieke bestuur genoem. Hierdie proses behels dat daar besluit moet word op een of ander model. Empiriese modelle gebaseer op 'n databasis waarin data gestoor word deur die maatskappy self, gee die beste resultate. Twee baie goeie modelle is die Putnam model en die Parr model (vir kleiner projekte). Selfs die beste model en proses is egter nooit perfek nie. Die estimasie proses moet dus voortdurend gemonitor word deur werklike tye met geskatte tye te vergelyk. Wees versigtig met terugvoer aangaande hoe akkuraat skattings was. Geen terugvoer is die ergste oortreding. Die beste oplossing skyn te wees om die implikasie van die onderskatting met die persoon wat die skatting gedoen het, te bespreek en koppe bymekaar te sit om die probleem op te los.

SEM Predicting Success of Student Global Software Development Teams

Brooks, Ian Robert 05 1900 (has links)
The extensive use of global teams to develop software has prompted researchers to investigate various factors that can enhance a team’s performance. While a significant body of research exists on global software teams, previous research has not fully explored the interrelationships and collective impact of various factors on team performance. This study explored a model that added the characteristics of a team’s culture, ability, communication frequencies, response rates, and linguistic categories to a central framework of team performance. Data was collected from two student software development projects that occurred between teams located in the United States, Panama, and Turkey. The data was obtained through online surveys and recorded postings of team activities that occurred throughout the global software development projects. Partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) was chosen as the analytic technique to test the model and identify the most influential factors. Individual factors associated with response rates and linguistic characteristics proved to significantly affect a team’s activity related to grade on the project, group cohesion, and the number of messages received and sent. Moreover, an examination of possible latent homogeneous segments in the model supported the existence of differences among groups based on leadership style. Teams with assigned leaders tended to have stronger relationships between linguistic characteristics and team performance factors, while teams with emergent leaders had stronger. Relationships between response rates and team performance factors. The contributions in this dissertation are three fold. 1) Novel analysis techniques using PLS-PM and clustering, 2) Use of new, quantifiable variables in analyzing team activity, 3) Identification of plausible causal indicators for team performance and analysis of the same.

Um novo enfoque para o gerenciamento de projetos de desenvolvimento de software / A new project management approach for software development

Dias, Marisa Villas Bôas 17 November 2005 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo principal identificar o enfoque de gerenciamento de projetos – ágil ou clássico – mais apropriado para o desenvolvimento de software com o uso de Métodos Ágeis. De forma mais específica, a dissertação investiga se existe uma associação entre o desempenho dos projetos de desenvolvimento de software realizados com o uso de Métodos Ágeis e o enfoque de gerenciamento de projetos adotado. Este trabalho é decorrente de um estudo exploratório inicial, por meio do qual se buscou a ampliação do conhecimento sobre o tema, a elaboração de um estudo comparativo entre o Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos e o Gerenciamento Clássico de Projetos, a investigação das principais características de um projeto de desenvolvimento de software realizado com o uso de Métodos Ágeis, a identificação de uma comunidade de pessoas que tivesse experiência em projetos desta natureza e, por fim, a estruturação de uma segunda etapa de pesquisa. Esta segunda etapa, de caráter quantitativo-descritivo, visou à descrição do conjunto de dados e a determinação das relações relevantes entre as variáveis de interesse. Para tanto, foram definidas as variáveis independentes, dependentes e intervenientes da pesquisa, como sendo, respectivamente, os enfoques de gerenciamento de projetos ágil e clássico, o desempenho dos projetos de desenvolvimento de software e os desenvolvimentos de software conduzidos com o uso dos Métodos Ágeis. Procedeu-se a uma amostragem intencional por julgamento, sendo selecionada uma amostra de pesquisa composta por pessoas com interesse e/ou experiência em projetos de desenvolvimento de software com o uso de Métodos Ágeis, associadas a grupos de internet especializados na discussão sobre o tema. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se um questionário auto-administrado, enviado por meio de correio eletrônico à amostra selecionada. O tratamento dos dados foi feito com o uso de métodos estatísticos: análise descritiva, análise discriminante e regressão logística. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa pôde-se concluir que os Métodos Ágeis e o Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos, apesar de recentes, já fazem parte da realidade brasileira. Quanto à resposta à pergunta problema, não houve evidência amostral para encontrar uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre o desempenho de um projeto de desenvolvimento de software e o enfoque de gerenciamento de projetos adotado, não sendo possível comprovar, de forma conclusiva, a existência de um enfoque de gerenciamento de projetos mais apropriado para o desenvolvimento de software com o uso de Métodos Ágeis. Porém, os resultados da análise descritiva sugeriram que a maioria dos respondentes indicou o Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos como o enfoque mais apropriado para o desenvolvimento de software com o uso de Métodos Ágeis. Pôde-se constatar também a possibilidade de se adotar qualquer um dos enfoques de gerenciamento de projetos – ágil ou clássico – ou mesmo uma combinação deles, nos projetos desta natureza. Na pesquisa ainda foram identificados o critério primordial utilizado para mensuração do desempenho dos projetos de desenvolvimento de software realizados com o uso de Métodos Ágeis, as características principais destes projetos, seus fatores críticos de sucesso, além de se comprovar a importância do apoio da alta administração na adoção do Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos. Cabe ressaltar que todas estas conclusões devem ficar restritas ao âmbito desta dissertação. Para pesquisas futuras recomenda-se a adequação do instrumento de pesquisa e o cuidado especial na seleção da amostra. Sugere-se a exploração de assuntos correlatos ao tema, como o estudo da prontidão das organizações para a adoção do Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos, ou mesmo, a avaliação dos resultados obtidos com sua aplicação. Por fim, o cenário brasileiro atual favorece a realização de estudos nesta temática, atendendo às necessidades de pesquisadores que se interessam pelo assunto. / The main purpose of this here research is to identify the most appropriated project management approach for software development using the Agile Methods. Essentially, this study aims to determine if there is a statistical relationship between the software development project performance and its project management approach. This research is based on a preliminary exploratory study that ensured the content and context understanding, the comparison between the Agile Project Management and the Classical Project Management, the identification of the main characteristics of an agile software development project, the identification of the people involved in this kind of software development initiative and also provided the basis to structure a second phase of this research. This second quantitative-descriptive phase intends to describe the research data and to find the relevant relationships between the variables of interest. The independent variables of this study were defined as being the agile and classical project management approaches; the dependent variable was defined as being the project performance; and, the intervenient variables were defined as being the agile software development projects. A non-probabilistic intentional sampling was done. The sampling framework was drawn from people who have experience managing or participating in software projects conducted using one of the Agile Methods, and were associated to internet discussion groups on this theme. For data gathering it was used a self-applied survey, sent by e-mail to the selected groups. The respondents’ data were primarily analyzed using descriptive analysis and, after that, using discriminant analysis and logistics regression. It was possible to conclude that, although the Agile Methods and the Agile Project Management are quite recent, they are being used here in Brazil. Considering the main research question, there was not a statistical evidence to prove the relationship between the software development project performance and its project management approach. Thus, it was not possible to establish a final conclusion about the most appropriated project management approach for software development using the Agile Methods. Nevertheless, the results of the descriptive analysis indicated that most of the respondents tended to choose the Agile Project Management as the approach that better fits the agile software development initiatives. It was also possible to conclude that the referred projects may be managed using either the agile or the classical project management approach, or even using a combination of these two approaches. The main agile software development project success criterias were identified, as well as the project characteristics and the main critical success factors. The important role of the upper management in supporting the Agile Project Management adoption was also discussed. The research conclusions should be restricted to this here context. For future studies, special attention should be paid to the research instrument improvement and to the sampling process. The study of the organization readiness for the Agile Project Management adoption or the analysis of this project management approach implementation results could be the aims of new investigations. Finally, it is important to notice that the current Brazilian scenario stimulates and favors the development of future studies, meeting the expectations of the researchers that are interested in this subject.

M3DS: um modelo de dinâmica de desenvolvimento distribuído de software. / M3DS: a dynamic model of distributed development of software.

L\'Erario, Alexandre 01 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de dinâmica de desenvolvimento distribuído de software, cujo objetivo é representar a realidade e os aspectos de ambientes de DDS (Desenvolvimento distribuído de software), a fim de torná-los observáveis e descritíveis qualitativa e quantitativamente. Um modelo preliminar foi elaborado a partir da revisão bibliográfica e de um caso de experimentação desenvolvido por LErario et al (2004). Para a construção e validação deste modelo, a metodologia de estudo de múltiplos casos foi aplicada em diversas organizações que desenvolvem software de maneira distribuída. Ao modelo preliminar foram adicionados estados e transições significantes para a dinâmica do desenvolvimento distribuído de software, originando então o M3DS (Modelo de Dinâmica de Desenvolvimento Distribuído de Software). Duas versões do M3DS são apresentadas. Uma versão construída sobre uma máquina de estados, cujo objetivo é representar apenas a transições entre os estados. Outra versão equivalente, porém mais formal, é apresentada no formato de redes de Petri, na qual é possível visualizar a dependência entre transições e mudanças de estado. Com este modelo, é possível compreender o funcionamento de um projeto distribuído e auxiliar na eficácia da gestão da rede de produção, além de auxiliar as demais entidades e pessoas envolvidas a obterem um posicionamento na rede mais preciso. O M3DS pode, também, auxiliar a detecção proativa de problemas originados a partir do desenvolvimento a distância. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho respondem a questão de como as organizações desenvolvedoras de software produzem software de maneira distribuída. A riginalidade da pesquisa centra-se na construção de um modelo de dinâmica do desenvolvimento distribuído elaborado com os dados levantados a partir de seis estudos de casos. / This work presents a dynamic model of distributed development of software, whose objective is to represent the reality and the aspects of DDS environments, in order to turn them qualitatively and quantitatively observable. A preliminary model was elaborated from the bibliographical revision and an experimentation case developed by L\'Erario et al (2004). The construction and validation of this model used the methodology multiple cases study in several organizations that develop software in a distributed way. After this, states and transitions were added in the dynamics model of the distributed development of software creating the M3DS. (Dynamics Model of Distributed Development of Software). Two versions of M3DS are presented. A version built on a state machine whose objective is demonstrating the transitions among the states. Another version equivalent, however more formal, it is presented in the format of Petri nets. The second version makes possible to visualize the dependence between transitions and state changes. With this model it is possible to understand the operation of a distributed project, aiding in the effectiveness of the manager of the network production and people can obtain a precise positioning in network. Besides, M3DS can also aid the proactive detection of problems originated from the development at the distance. The results presented in this work answer the question: how the development software organizations produce software in a distributed way. The originality of the research is the construction of a model of dynamics of the distributed development elaborated from data of six cases studies.

Fatores de escolha entre metodologias de desenvolvimento de software tradicionais e ágeis. / Factors of choice between traditional and agile software development methodologies.

Almeida, Guilherme Augusto Machado de 23 January 2017 (has links)
A escolha entre o uso de metodologias ágeis ou metodologias tradicionais de desenvolvimento de software continua sendo amplamente discutida em vários aspectos, sendo um deles a presença ou ausência de certos fatores que precisam ser identificados para que as aplicações das metodologias sejam realizadas com sucesso. Neste estudo, tanto metodologias ágeis quanto tradicionais são discutidas através da literatura desde seu surgimento, histórico e evolução, até estudos comparativos entre ambas e outros com evidências empíricas, embora ainda haja a necessidade de estudos deste último tipo para o domínio. Com o intuito de avaliar as adequações dos tipos de metodologia para os diferentes cenários que uma organização ou projeto pode apresentar a partir dos fatores encontrados na literatura, foram realizadas entrevistas e questionários com pessoas envolvidas em desenvolvimento e definição de processos de desenvolvimento de software em um estudo de caso em empresa selecionada para a obtenção de mais evidências empíricas sobre o tema. Com os resultados obtidos, identifica-se então entre os fatores estudados quais são habilitadores e quais são inibidores para cada tipo de metodologia, propondo-se um modelo para a escolha de um ou de outro tipo a partir da presença ou ausência destes fatores nos cenários de aplicação das metodologias. / The choice between agile or traditional software development methodologies continues to be widely discussed in several aspects, being one of these aspects that certain factors presence or absence must be identified for methodologies usage to be successful. In this study, both agile and traditional methodologies are discussed on the domain literature from their emergence, historical facts and evolution, to comparative studies and empirical evidences obtained, despite there is still need for studies on this last subject for the domain. In order to evaluate adequacy for both types of methodologies to the different scenarios in which an organization or project may occur considering the factors appointed by literature, interviews and surveys where done with key people involved in software development or software processes in a case study in a selected company for more empirical evidence achievement. Then it is possible to identify between the factors which are enablers and which are inhibitors for each type of methodology, then purposing a model for the choice between the two types from the presence or absence of these factors in the scenarios for their uses.

UVLabel A Tool for the Future of Interferometry Analysis

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: UVLabel was created to enable radio astronomers to view and annotate their own data such that they could then expand their future research paths. It simplifies their data rendering process by providing a simple user interface to better access sections of their data. Furthermore, it provides an interface to track trends in their data through a labelling feature. The tool was developed following the incremental development process in order to quickly create a functional and testable tool. The incremental process also allowed for feedback from radio astronomers to help guide the project's development. UVLabel provides both a functional product, and a modifiable and scalable code base for radio astronomer developers. This enables astronomers studying various astronomical interferometric data labelling capabilities. The tool can then be used to improve their filtering methods, pursue machine learning solutions, and discover new trends. Finally, UVLabel will be open source to put customization, scalability, and adaptability in the hands of these researchers. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Software Engineering 2019

Moops: A web implementation of the Personal Software Process reporting system

Gigler, Thomas Russell, III. 01 January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of Moops is to bridge the gap between PSP Scriber, geared very specifically to the CSCI655 class, and other available PSP implications which are so general they are difficult to use immediately without valuable time spent learning the software. Moops is a PHP/MySQL based web application designed to provide the students taking the CSCI655 graduate software engineering course at CSUSB with an intuitive, easy to use tool to implement the Personal Software Process (PSP). Moops eliminates the possibility of errors in calculations by completing all calculations for the user.

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