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Evaluating profitability of solid timber production from 15 year old pruned and thinned Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) in CanterburySatchell, Stuart Dean January 2015 (has links)
This case study investigated profitability of a small stand of fast-grown Eucalyptus nitens in Canterbury for sawn timber production. This stand was pruned and thinned and then harvested at 15 years old. An estimate of per-hectare log yields and diameters was made from the stand. Sample logs were sawn, dried and profiled, then products quantified. Log prices were estimated using the residual value method. Prices were summed for sawn products from each log, from which processing expenses and sawmill profit were deducted for an estimate of log value. In the absence of market prices for sawn E. nitens products empirical estimates of price were derived from market survey data. Predictive models were produced from estimated stand log yields along with predicted product revenues and processing costs from sample logs. These were used for estimating per-hectare log residual values from the case study stand trees. Financial returns to the grower were then calculated as discounted cash flows from the estimated log residual values per hectare, taking into account grower costs along with harvesting and transport costs. Best-practice processing methods were identified from the literature and applied as a productivity benchmark. Methods were developed with the view to standardising data across research efforts that seek to improve grade recoveries for E. nitens. A range of factors were investigated that potentially influenced E. nitens log residual value in this case study, including log diameter and log position. Outcomes included a reasonably favourable return on investment for the grower. However, this depended on a number of factors such as land price, distance from processor, product prices, grading methods, drying methods and level of sawmill profit. The application of contemporary best practice small-scale processing methods indicates that E. nitens has potential as a profitable plantation species for solid timber production.
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Nosná konstrukce rozhledny / Load-bearing structure of lookout towerLeško, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the design and assessment of load-bearing structure of lookout tower in locality of Spálava peak in Železné hory. Structure is designed on fourt-pointed star ground plan with dimensions 12 x 12 meters. Lookout tower is 35 meters high, the viewing platform is at a height of 30 meters. Structure is designed as a spacial truss. Most load-bearing elements are made of solid or glued laminated timber. The central column is made of steel.
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Středisko výchovné péče v Novém Jičíně / Children's Home, Novy JicinVlčková, Milada January 2014 (has links)
The Master´s thesis deals with a design of the children´s home in Novy Jicin. It is an object providing preventative educational assistance to children, pupils and students and their families, schools, and school establishment. The institute will operate as an outpatient (advisory panel) and boarding (forward determined length of stay based on the decision of the social employee, e.g. two months). The house is two-storied with partial basement and flat roof. The supporting structure of underground floor is made up of concrete blocks, reinforced concrete ceiling. Supporting structures above ground floors including ceiling are made up of solid timber boards. The roof is double-leaf, structure is made up of timber nailed trusses. The building is founded on the concrete base strips. Thermal insulation is made from cannabis plates. The thesis includes contract documents for the construction of building.
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Våningspåbyggnad av miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus : Förutsättningar och kontroller för genomförandet av våningspåbyggnader / Storey extension of the ‘Million Programme’ apartment buildings : Prerequisites and controls for implementation of storey extensionsLindgren, Aron, Larsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Under de så kallade rekordåren mellan 1961-1975 byggdes det totalt 920,000 lägenheter i flerbostadshus i Sverige, och idag finns omkring 850,000 av dessa kvar. Den vanligaste byggnadstekniken under perioden var med byggande av förtillverkade våningshöga fasadelement tillsammans med en platsbyggd bokhyllestomme med tvärgående bärande innerväggar och gavlar. Syftet med arbetet är att kontrollera om en våningspåbyggnad på ett referenshus från miljonprogrammet med bokhyllestomme är möjlig för att skapa nya lägenheter som medför ökade hyresintäkter för fastighetsägaren, och kan medverka till ökad variation i området arkitektonisk och öka lägenhetsutbudet. Arbetet ger information om vad som behöver kontrolleras och utredas vid uppstarten av ett påbyggnadsprojekt. Arbetet jämför och beskriver tre olika stomförslag på en våningspåbyggnad. Alternativen som tas upp är massivträstomme med bärande flerskiktskiva, prefabricerad betong – och stålstomme bestående av HD/F-plattor och VKR-pelare, och ett alternativ bestående av volymelement. Inventering av konstruktionen och bärförmågan hos den befintliga stommen visar att det finns bärförmåga kvar att utnyttja. Utförda kontroller undersöker bl.a. bärförmågan hos väggar, grundsulor, samt det befintliga vindsbjälklaget. Kontroller utförs även med hänsyn till stabilitet då byggnaden betraktas som en stel enhet med en fiktiv påbyggnad. Slutsatsen av detta arbete är att en våningspåbyggnad är fullt möjlig på referenshuset. Alternativet med massivträ klarar en fiktiv påbyggnad om tre våningar som valts som exempel i arbetet. Alternativet med en prefabricerad betong och-stålstomme kan maximalt byggas på med två extra våningar, sedan blir grundtrycket dimensionerande och begränsar antalet våningar för påbyggnaden till två. / During the so called ‘record years’ between 1961-1975 a total of 920,000 apartments were built in apartment buildings in Sweden. Today about 850.000 of these are still in use. The most common method of building during this period was by using prefabricated one-storey high façade units together with load-bearing interior cross walls and gable walls which were built on site. The purpose of this degree project is to find out if a storey extension on a reference-building from the so called ‘Million Programme’ with load-bearing interior cross walls is possible in order to create new apartments. If this is possible it would give an increase of income of rents to the owner of the apartment building and it could also contribute to an increase of variation in the area as regards both architecture and supply of apartments. This degree project gives information about what has to be checked and investigated before a storey extension project begins. This degree project compares and describes three different suggestions of structural construction systems for storey extensions. The alternatives dealt with are solid timber structural construction consisting of cross-laminated boards, a prefabricated concrete – and steel structural construction consisting of HD/F-elements and tube steel framing, and finally an alternative consisting of prefabricated building modules. The study of the structural construction and the load-bearing capacity of the existing building show that there is enough load-bearing capacity left to make use of. Performed checks investigate for example the load-bearing capacity of load-bearing walls, strip foundations as well as the existing loft floor. Checks are also performed with regard to the stability as the building is considered a stiff unit with a fictitious storey extension. The conclusion from this degree project is that a storey extension is fully possible on the reference-building. The alternative with a solid timber structural construction allows a fictitious storey extension with three additional storeys, which has been chosen as an example in this degree project. The alternative with the prefabricated concrete – and steel structural construction allows a fictitious storey extension of maximum two additional storeys, and then the ground pressure was dimensioning and limited the amount of additional storeys for the storey extension.
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Statický a konstrukční návrh rozhledny na kopci Horničí / Static and structural design of a view-tower on the Horničí hillRotroeklová, Petra Unknown Date (has links)
The object of my master‘s thesis is static and structural design of a view-tower on the Horničí hill. The combination of steel and timber was used for design. The construction was designed in two variants. Both variants were created and assessed in a software Scia Engineer. The assessment of the ultimate and serviceability limit state was made according to valid standards. Variants were compared. Engineering report, detailed structural design and drawings were prepared for the selected variant.
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Konstrukce horského hotelu v Beskydech / The structure of mountain hotel in BeskydyDanelová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis presents design and assessment of a loadbearing timber structure of mountain hotel in the Trojmezi u Hrčavy area. The object is a two-storey building without cellar and with attic rooms. The object has a floor plan of an incomplete octagon with a roofless central courtyard. The structure spans 36 meters at its widest dimension and the maximum height reaches almost 12 meters. The individual segments are covered by mono-pitched roof with 27° slope. The main loadbearing elements are constructed of glued laminated timber and solid timber with steel joints and gypsum fibreboard cladding. The loadbearing structure is designed and assessed in accordance with relevant standards, taking ultimate and serviceability limit state into consideration. The thesis includes an engineering report including bill of quantities, structural design report and drawings of loadbearing structure, anchorage and selected details.
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Ocelová konstrukce vícepodlažní budovy / Steel structure of multi-storey buildingPodešť, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a steel structure of a multi-storey building in the locality of Opava. The proposal is developed in two variant solutions. Variant 1 has ground plan dimensions of 37,5 m x 37,5 m and a height of 47 m. The variant 2 has ground plan dimensions of 45 m x 45 m and a height of 49,5 m. The modular size of the fields is 7,5 m x 7,5 m. The main supporting structure is made steel columns and beams, ceiling construction with composite steel and concrete joinst and roofing of arched laminated timber. The stability of the structure is ensured by vertical and roof bracings.
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Lávka pro pěší / FootbridgeDrexler, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and assessment of the wooden footbridge. The structure is designed for the locality of the village Loučná nad Desnou acrros the river Desná. Span of the footbridge is 30m, and the width is 4m. The footbridge is covered with a saddle roof. The main supporting elements are two triple joint arcs with intermediate bridge deck. The bridge deck is made of two main beams and nine cross members, with always two longitudinal members in between them. Roofing is of nine cross-bindings, which are connected by purlins and top purlin. The stability of the whole structure is stiffened by the horizontal longitudinal stiffeners in the top and bottom surface and vertical longitudinal stiffener in the roof. The main load-bearing elements are made of glued laminated timber, the other elements are made of solid timber. Stiffeners are made of steel rods.
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Vícepodlažní budova / Multi-storey buildingJanoušek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design of the timber structure four-storey building. Plan dimensions of the hall are 20 x 30 m. The structure is designed for the Třebíč. The structure is designed as a heavy timber frame. The axial distance of arches is 5 m. The timber structure is placed between the reinforced concrete towers.
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Dřevěná lávka nad vlčím výběhem / Timber foot bridge over a wolf runMynaříková, Alice January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the construction of a timber foot bridge over the wolf run in the Šumava National Park. The total length of the bridge is 240 m with two ground plan bends. The foot bridge includes three viewing decks, two of which are covered with shed roofs. The foot bridge is divided into 16 segments. Each segment is 15 m long with a width of 2.2 meters. The ground plan dimensions of the viewing decks are approximately 15x7 and 15x11 m. As the main structural material has been chosen glued laminated timber of the strength class GL28h, other elements are made of solid timber of the strength class C24. The thesis includes an introductory document, options analysis, technical report, static analysis, bill of material and drawings.
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