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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Defining a Relationship between the Flexibility of Materials and Other Properties

Osmanson, Allison Theresa 05 1900 (has links)
Brittleness of a polymeric material has a direct relationship with the material's performance and furthermore shares an inverse relationship with that material's flexibility. The concept of flexibility of materials has been understood but merely explained with a hand-waving manner. Thus, it has never been defined by a calculation, thereby lacking the ability to determine a definite quantitative value for this characteristic. Herein, an equation is presented and proven which makes determining the value of flexibility possible. Such an equation could be used to predict a material's flexibility prior to testing it, thus saving money and valuable time for those in research and in industry. Substantiating evidence showing the relationship between flexibility of polymers and their respective mechanical properties is presented. Further relating the known tensile properties of a given polymer to its flexibility is expanded upon by proving its relationship to the linear coefficient of thermal expansion for each polymer. Additionally, determining flexibility for polymers whose chemical structures have been compromised by respective solvents has also been investigated to predict a solvent's impact on a polymer after exposure. Polymers examined through literature include polycarbonate (PC), polystyrene (PS), teflon (PTFE), styrene acrylonitrile (SAN), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), poly(ethersulfone) (PES), low density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF). Further testing and confirmation was made using PC, PS, ABS, LDPE, PP, and PMMA.

Evaluation of stimulated reductivedechlorination in situ of chlorinatedsolvents at a site in Huddinge : using principal component analysis, partialleast square regression and degradation / Utvärdering av stimulerad reduktiv deklorering in situ av klorerade lösningsmedel vid en fastighet i HuddingeUtvärdering av stimulerad reduktiv deklorering in situ av klorerade lösningsmedel vid en fastighet i Huddinge : med principalkomponentsanalys, partial least square regression och nedbrytningsdynamik

Ljungberg, Karin January 2018 (has links)
The method of using stimulated reductive dechlorination when remediating sites contaminated with chlorinated solvents is not unusual, but not many studies have been done on the overall process outside of a controlled environment. In order to investigate the process, principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square (PLS) regression was used to identify the most important parameters for the degradation of the chlorinated solvents. The most important parameter for all chlorinated compounds turned out to be oxygen, with levels of degradation products increasing with decreasing levels of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen was deemed the most important variable to measure during a control program on the site. The degradation dynamics of the process were investigated to examine the behaviour of the chlorinated solvents and their degradation products. The degradation products of the main contaminant TCE were found in all observation points, which indicates an ongoing reductive dechlorination all over the site. A large amount of the mother product, TCE, was found in two observation points, which were believed to be situated close to the sources of the TCE contamination. Over the observation period of 2,5 years the levels of TCE in the source areas decreased significantly to below the remediation goal. However, the levels of TCE increased in another observation point further downstream, with concentrations still increasing at the end of this study. The levels in this point were lower than those measured initially in the source area, but still much higher than the accepted values. Possible reasons for this appearance of TCE could be an isolated sheet of contaminants being pushed into the observation point from a nearby location or transport of the contaminants from the source area in units of higher conductivity such as sand lenses or fractures in the clayey soil. / Att använda stimulerad reduktiv deklorering som metod för att sanera fastigheter förorenade med klorerade lösningsmedel är inte ovanligt, men få studier har undersökt det övergripande saneringsförloppet utanför de kontrollerade förhållanden i en labbmiljö. För att undersöka nedbrytningsprocessen användes principalkomponentsanalys (PCA) och partial least square (PLS) regression i syfte att identifiera de parametrar som hade störst påverkan på nedbrytningen av de klorerade föroreningarna. Den enskilt viktigaste parametern visade sig vara halten löst syre i grundvattnet, då halterna av nedbrytningsprodukter ökade med minskande syrehalt. Därför ses syre som den viktigaste parametern för att följa förloppet och är den parameter som bör mätas i kontrollprogram över nedbrytningsprocessen.   Nedbrytningsdynamiken analyserades under en observationsperiod på 2,5 år för att studera hur de klorerade föroreningarna betedde sig under nedbrytningsförloppet. Nedbrytningsprodukter hittades i provtagningspunkter över hela fastigheten vilket visar på en pågående reduktiv deklorering. En stor mängd av moderprodukten TCE hittades i två punkter som bedömdes vara källor till TCE-spridningen. Under observationsperioden sjönk halterna av TCE i dessa två punkter till under gränsen för åtgärdsmålet, dock ökade koncentrationen av TCE i en annan provpunkt längre nedströms källområdet. Halterna i provpunkten var inte lika höga som de initiala halterna i källområdet, men de var långt högre än det fastställda åtgärdsmålen och ökade fortfarande när undersökningen avslutades. Möjliga förklaringar till varför halterna ökade i denna provpunkt är att ett sjok av TCE från omkringliggande sediment har transporterats till provpunkten, eller att en föroreningstransport har skett från källområdet via områden med högre konduktivitet i till exempel sandlinser eller sprickor.

Biodegradation of Groundwater Pollutants (Chlorinated Hydrocarbons) in Vegetated Wetlands: Role of Aerobic Microbes Naturally Associated with Roots of Common Plants

Powell, Christina Lynn 01 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular Modeling of Solute/Co-Solvent/Water Preferential Interactions: Toward Understanding the Role of Hydration and Co-solvent in Weak Protein-Protein Interactions

Mohana Sundaram, Hamsa Priya 21 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoring ibuprofen-nicotinamide cocrystal formation during solvent free continuous cocrystallization (SFCC) using near infrared spectroscopy as a PAT tool

Kelly, Adrian L., Gough, Tim, Dhumal, Ravindra S., Halsey, S.A., Paradkar, Anant R January 2012 (has links)
No / The purpose of this work was to explore NIR spectroscopy as a PAT tool to monitor the formation of ibuprofen and nicotinamide cocrystals during extrusion based solvent free continuous cocrystallization (SFCC). Drug and co-former were gravimetrically fed into a heated co-rotating twin screw extruder to form cocrystals. Real-time process monitoring was performed using a high temperature NIR probe in the extruder die to assess cocrystal content and subsequently compared to off-line powder X-ray diffraction measurements. The effect of processing variables, such as temperature and mixing intensity, on the extent of cocrystal formation was investigated. NIR spectroscopy was sensitive to cocrystal formation with the appearance of new peaks and peak shifts, particularly in the 4800-5200 cm(-1) wave-number region. PXRD confirmed an increased conversion of the mixture into cocrystal with increase in barrel temperature and screw mixing intensity. A decrease in screw rotation speed also provided improved cocrystal yield due to the material experiencing longer residence times within the process. A partial least squares analysis in this region of NIR spectrum correlated well with PXRD data, providing a best fit with cocrystal conversion when a limited range of process conditions were considered, for example a single set temperature. The study suggests that NIR spectroscopy could be used to monitor cocrystal purity on an industrial scale using this continuous, solvent-free process.

Endodontski retretman-analiza skening elektronskom mikroskopijom / Endodontic retreatment –scanning electron microscopy analysis

Vukoje Karolina 09 December 2015 (has links)
<p>U slučajevima neuspe&scaron;ne endodontske terapije, neophodno je ponovno lečenje kanala korena. Ortogradni endodontski retretman podrazumeva uklanjanje postojećeg materijala za punjenje iz kanala uz dodatno či&scaron;ćenje, dezinfekciju i ponovnu finalnu opturaciju kanala. Važan korak u toku retretmana je &scaron;to potpunije uklanjanje postojećeg kanalnog punjenja kako bi se pristupilo svim delovima kanalnog sistema. Cilj doktorske teze bio je da se ispita kvalitet čis&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala korena nakon endodontskog retretmana pomoću skening elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Posmatran je uticaj vrste materijala za opturaciju, uticaj upotrebe rastvarača i uticaj ručnih i ma&scaron;inskih instrumenata na količinu zaostalog materijala na zidovima kanala. Takođe, ispitan je uticaj ovih faktora na apikalnu transportaciju materijala i na vreme potrebno za retretman, a utvrđena je i učestalost o&scaron;tećenja kori&scaron;ćenih instrumenata. Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak činilo je 125 ekstrahovanih, humanih jednokorenih zuba. Nakon preparacije kanala korena, 120 zuba je podeljeno u dve grupe i napunjeno pomoću dva različita materijala za opturaciju (gutaperkom i resilonom). U zavisnosti od tehnike uklanjanja ovih materijala, grupe su dalje podeljene u odnosu na kori&scaron;ćene instrumente (Hedstrom, ProTaper i Twisted File) i u odnosu na upotrebu rastvarača (sa i bez hloroforma). Preostalih 5 zuba, bez kanalnog punjenja, kori&scaron;ćeni su kao kontrolna grupa. Nakon zavr&scaron;enog retretmana, korenovi su uzdužnim cepanjem razdvojeni, a odabrane polovine posmatrane na SEM-u. Mikrofotografije svake trećine kanala načinjene su pri uveličanju od 500x. Količina preostalog materijala za punjenje ocenjivana je pomoću skale. Otvoreni dentinski kanalići prebrojavani su na mikrofotografijama načinjenim pri uveličanju od 1000x, u odnosu na uvek konstantnu povr&scaron;inu. Rezultati: Analiza rezultata ukazala je na postojanje statistički značajne razlike u kvalitetu či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala u zavisnosti od uklanjanog materijala za opturaciju. Kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala bio je veći nakon uklanjanja gutaperke nego nakon uklanjanja resilona. Rotirajućim, ma&scaron;inskim instrumentima je efikasnije uklanjana gutaperka, a ručnim Hedstrom turpijama je bolje uklanjan resilon. Posmatrajući ceo uzorak, ProTaper instrumenti ostavljali su velike količine materijala na zidovima kanala nakon endodontskog retretmana. Međutim, uklanjanje materijala pomoću ovih instrumenata bilo je najbrže. Primena rastvarača značajno je doprinela bržem uklanjanju materijala, dok uticaj na kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala nije bio značajan. Posmatrajući kanal korena po trećinama, najveća količina materijala nalazila se u apikalnoj trećini, bez obzira na vrstu uklanjanog materijala i kori&scaron;ćenih instrumenata, i bez obzira na upotrebu rastvarača tokom retretmana. Učestalost o&scaron;tećenja instrumenata bila je značajno veća prilikom upotrebe Twisted File instrumenata. Apikalna transportacija materijala je bila veća tokom uklanjanja resilon materijala i kada su kori&scaron;ćene ručne Hedstrom turpije. Zaključak: Kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala nakon uklanjanja gutaperke je veći nego nakon uklanjanja resilona. Dizajn i vrsta instrumenata utiče na kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala korena. Upotreba rastvarača tokom retretmana ne utiče značajno na smanjenje količine materijala zaostalog na zidovima kanala. Ma&scaron;inski pokretani instrumenti i upotreba rastvarača značajno skraćuju vreme potrebno za endodontski retretman.</p> / <p>In cases when endodontic treatment fails, it is necessary to retreat the root canal. Orthograde endodontic retreatment requires the removal of the existing root filling material with additional cleaning, disinfection and refilling of the canal. An important step during retreatment is complete removal of existing filling materials, to regain access to all parts of the canal system. The aim of the doctoral thesis was to investigate the cleanliness of root canal walls after removal of two different obturation material. The retreatment efficacy was observed depending on the usage of solvent and different hand or rotary instruments. The amount of residual material on the canal walls was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Also, apical transportation of the obturation material, working time and frequency of instrument damage during retreatment was recorded. Materials and Methods: The total sample consisted of 125 extracted, single-rooted human teeth. After root canal preparation, 120 teeth were divided in two groups and filled using two different obturation materials (gutta-percha and resilon). Depending on the technique of removing these materials, the groups were further divided, in relation to the used instruments (Hedstrom, ProTaper and Twisted File), as well as in relation to the use of solvent (with or without chloroform). The remaining 5 tooth without canal filling were used as a control group. After root canal desopturation, the longitudinaly splitted root halves were observed on SEM. Microphotography of each third were made at magnification of 500x. The amount of remaining filling material was evaluated by using a scale. Open dentinal tubules were counted on microphotographies made at a magnificiation of 1000x, on a surface that was always constant. Results: Analysis of the results indicated a significant difference in the cleanliness of the canal walls depending on the used obturation material. Cleanliness of the canal walls was higher after gutta-percha removal than after the removal of resilon.&nbsp; Rotary instruments were more effective in removing gutta-percha and Hedstrom hand files better removed resilon. ProTaper instruments left more residual material on canal walls, however endodontic retreatment with these instruments was the fastest. The application of solvent significantly contributed to faster material removal, while the impact on the increase of canal cleanliness was not significant. The largest amount of material remained in the apical third, regardless of the type of material removed and instruments used, and also regardless whether solvent was used for retreatment. The frequency of instrument deformation and fracture was significantly higher when Twisted File instruments were used. Apical transportation of material had a significantly higher occurrence during resilon removal and when manual Hedstrom files were used. Conclusion: Cleanliness of the canal walls was higher after the removal of gutta-percha than after the removal of resilon. The use of solvent is not significant on the increase of canal wall cleanliness, but significantly shortens the time needed for retreatment. There is a difference in the cleanliness of root canal walls depending on the used instruments. Engine-driven rotary instruments and the use of a solvent significantly shortens the time needed for endodontic retreatment.</p>

Synthèse d’hétérocycles arylés par catalyse au palladium dans des conditions "vertes / Palladium-catalysed synthesis of arylated heterocycles using “green” reactions conditions

Bensaid, Souhila 05 April 2013 (has links)
Durant ma thèse, j’ai recherché des conditions pour l'activation / fonctionnalisation de liaisons C-H pour l’arylation d’hétérocycles viables pour l’industrie. Par rapport aux protocoles de couplage classiques tels que les réactions de Suzuki, Stille ou Negishi, la fonctionalisation de liaisons C-H fournit des procédures moins coûteuses et plus écologiques si elle tolère des groupements utiles en synthèse et si elle utilise des solvants peu ou non toxiques. Nous avons observé que le thiophène peut être arylé en C2 avec de nombreux bromures d'aryle en présence de seulement 0.2 mol% de Pd(OAc)2. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que des solvants de type alcool tels que le pentan-1-ol permet le couplage de thiazoles ou d’imidazoles avec des bromures d’aryle. Ce type de solvant est certainement plus viable pour l’industrie que les solvants usuellement utilisés pour ces couplages tels que le DMF ou le DMAc. Nous avons ensuite montré que certains de ces couplages peuvent même être effectués sans aucun solvant. Finalement, nous avons démontré que de nombreuses fonctions sur des bromopyridines sont tolérées lors de ces couplages, permettant l’accès à des pyridines arylées fonctionnelles utiles pour l’industrie pharmaceutique en une étape. / During my PhD, I searched for industrially viable conditions for activation / functionalization of CH bonds for the arylation of heterocycles. Compared to conventional coupling protocols such as Suzuki, Stille or Negishi reactions, the functionalization of CH bonds provides less costly and more environmentally friendly procedures if it tolerates synthetically useful functional groups and if it uses solvents with little or no toxicity. We observed that thiophene can be arylated at C2 with a wide scope of aryl bromides in the presence of only 0.2 mol% of Pd(OAc)2. Then, we demonstrated that alcoholic solvents such as pentan-1-ol allow the coupling of thiazoles or imidazoles with aryl bromides. This type of solvent is certainly more viable for the industry as the solvents commonly used for these couplings such as DMF or DMAc. We then showed that some of these couplings can even be performed without any solvent. Finally, we have shown that many functions on bromopyridines are tolerated in these couplings, enabling access to arylated functionalized pyridines useful for the pharmaceutical industry in one step.

Environnement et développement de l'enfant à 2 ans / Environment and child development at age 2

Pelé, Fabienne 15 December 2014 (has links)
Contexte : L’organisme en développement est très sensible à son environnement. Plusieurs études épidémiologiques ont suggéré la toxicité développementale d’une dizaine de polluants suite à des expositions prénatales. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’évaluer les conséquences des expositions à des polluants chimiques (consommation de produits de la mer comme vecteur de contamination, solvants organiques et insecticides organophosphorés) pendant la grossesse sur le développement de l’enfant à 2 ans en se focalisant sur le développement neuro-comportemental, le développement respiratoire et immunitaire et le développement staturo-pondéral. Matériel et méthodes : Ce travail s’est appuyé sur la cohorte mère-enfant PELAGIE, mise en place en Bretagne entre 2002 et 2006. Près de 3500 femmes ont été incluses en début de grossesse et environ 1500 couples mère-enfant ont été suivis à 2 ans. Les expositions ont été évaluées en début de grossesse à partir de questionnaires, de matrices emplois-expositions ou de dosage de biomarqueurs d’exposition. Les indicateurs de santé ont été mesurés lors du suivi à 2 ans par questionnaire permettant de recueillir des éléments sur le comportement, les manifestations respiratoires à type de sifflement, les maladies allergiques et la croissance entre la naissance et 2 ans. Résultats : L’exposition professionnelle prénatale aux solvants organiques était associée à des déficits de l’attention/hyperactivité et des niveaux d’agressivité plus importants chez l’enfant à 2 ans. Cette exposition n’était pas associée avec les manifestations respiratoires et allergiques. Nous avons aussi montré que la consommation maternelle de coquillages et crustacés pendant la grossesse était associée à une augmentation du risque d’allergie alimentaire chez l’enfant. Enfin, l’exposition prénatale aux insecticides organophosphorés a été associée à une diminution de la vitesse de croissance en taille à 2 ans. Conclusion : Ce travail renforce l’hypothèse de l’implication de l’exposition prénatale aux polluants chimiques de l’environnement, y compris à faible dose, dans l’origine développementale de la santé et des maladies. / Background: The organism is very sensitive to environment during its developmental period. Number of epidemiological studies has suggested the developmental toxicity of about ten chemical pollutants after prenatal exposure. The general objective of the thesis is to explore the effect of prenatal exposure to certain chemical pollutants (organic solvents, organophosphates pesticides and maternal consumption of fish and shellfish (vectors of pollutants)) on child development at age 2. Methods: This thesis is based on the PELAGIE mother-child cohort that was set up in 2002, in Brittany (FRANCE). In total, 3421 women were included in this cohort at the beginning of pregnancy and 1500 mother- child pairs were followed when the child was 2 years old. Exposures were evaluated at the beginning of pregnancy from questionnaires, job-exposure matrices or measurement of biomarkers of exposure. Health indicators were measured at the 2 years follow-up. At follow-up, questionnaires allowed to obtain information on child behaviour, respiratory manifestations like wheezing, allergies (eczema and food allergy) and growth between birth and the age of two. Results: Prenatal occupational exposure to solvents was associated with higher level of hyperactivity and attention deficit at age 2. This exposure was not associated neither with respiratory nor with allergic manifestations. We also observed that maternal shellfish consumption during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of food allergy in preschoolers. Finally, higher prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides was associated with a decrease height growth velocity at age 2. Conclusion: The present thesis based on the PELAGIE study supported for the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to environmental chemicals may be implicated in the developmental origin of health and diseases.

Synergistic effect of acids and HFIP on Friedel-Crafts reactions of alcohols and cyclopropanes / L’effet synergique des acides et de l’HFIP sur les réactions de Friedel-Crafts d’alcools et des cyclopropanes

Vukovic, Vuk 14 December 2018 (has links)
L'activation catalytique d'alcools vers la formation déshydrative de liaisons chimiques sans pré-activation est devenue un intérêt de recherche majeur au cours des deux dernières décennies. Dans cette thèse, l’effet synergique particulier des acides forts en tant que catalyseurs dans l’hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) comme solvant de diverses classes de carbocations instables dans la chimie de Friedel-Crafts a été étudié. Il a été constaté que pour la première fois, les réactions de Friedel-Crafts d'alcools benzyliques primaires fortement désactivés, catalysées par un acide, se déroulaient facilement, en raison des phénomènes d'agrégation induits par l'acide dans HFIP. Une stratégie similaire a été utilisée pour l'activation d'alcools propargyliques, comme nouvelle voie d'accès sélectif aux allènes et indènes portant la fonction CF3, à partir des mêmes composés de départ. De plus, ce système catalytique a été appliqué avec succès pour les réactions de Friedel-Crafts de cyclopropanes de type non activés et donneur-accepteur. Enfin, il a été découvert que le HFIP pouvait atténuer le réarrangement de carbocation classique dans les alkylations de Friedel-Crafts, permettant l’accès aux produits avec chaînes alkyle linéaires en une seule étape à partir d’alcools aliphatiques linéaires. / The catalytic activation of alcohols towards dehydrative bond formation in the absence of pre-activation has become a major research interest over the past two decades. In this thesis, the peculiar synergistic effect of strong acids as catalysts in hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) as solvent on various classes of unstable carbocations in Friedel-Crafts chemistry was investigated. It was found that for the first time, Brønsted acid catalyzed Friedel-Crafts reactions of highly electronically deactivated primary benzylic alcohols proceeded smoothly due to the acid-induced aggregation phenomena in HFIP. A similar strategy was used for the activation of propargylic alcohols as a new route to selectively access CF3-substituted allenes and indenes from the same starting compounds. Furthermore, this catalytic system was succesfully applied for Friedel-Crafts reactions of unactivated and donor-acceptor cyclopropanes. Finally, it was discovered that HFIP can mitigate against classical carbocation rearrangement in Friedel-Crafts alkylations, allowing access to linear alkyl chain products in a single step from linear alkyl alcohols.

Solvatação em solventes puros e misturas binárias: fundamentos e aplicações / Solvation in pure solvents and binary mixtures: fundamentals and applications

Silva, Priscilla Leandro 18 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho visou compreensão da solvatação em solventes puros e misturas binárias, e aplicar as informações obtidas para analisar o efeito de solventes na síntese de líquido iônico, e na dependência das propriedades de filmes de acetatos de celulose, AC, sobre o grau de substituição do éster. Para a compreensão da solvatação utilizou-se compostos (sondas solvatocrômicas) cujos espectros Uv-Vis são sensíveis às propriedades do meio. Juntamente com tais sondas, foram usadas outras duas ferramentas: (i) Modelo de solvatação preferencial; proposto por nosso grupo e que descreve a composição da camada de solvatação da sonda, considerando a existência de um \"agregado\" água - solvente orgânico. (ii)Correlações multi-paramêtricas de energia livre de solvatação; que correlacionam uma propriedade dependente do meio com as propriedades dos solventes e suas misturas. Primeiramente, estudamos a solvatação de pares de sondas que possuíam pKas semelhantes e lipofilicidades diferentes em solventes próticos. Concluiu-se que a acidez e a dipolaridade/polarizabilidade dos solventes são as propriedades mais importantes. As conclusões foram corroboradas por cálculos teóricos, que mostraram a relação entre as características estruturais da sonda e suas susceptibilidades às propriedades do meio. O mesmo conjunto de sondas foi usado no estudo de misturas água-solventes próticos. Neste, aplicou-se com sucesso o modelo de solvatação acima mencionado e, de forma inédita, conseguimos racionalizar as constantes de equilíbrio para a troca das espécies presentes (água, solvente e água-solvente) na camada de solvatação com as propriedades dos solventes puros e/ou das misturas binárias. Os resultados revelaram que a composição da camada de solvatação é regida pelas propriedades de solventes, em particular a lipofilicidade e basicidade. As sondas RB e WB foram estudadas em misturas de água com alcoóis e com solventes apróticos. O intuito era ampliar a aplicabilidade do modelo de solvatação, para o qual precisávamos conhecer o volume molar do agregado, VSolv-A, e a constante de dissociação, Kdissoc, do agregado água-solvente. Estas duas grandezas eram obtidas de forma simultânea, através de dados de densidade. Desta vez, fizemos uso de cálculos teóricos para obter, de forma independente, o volume molar e depois utilizá-lo, como parâmetro constante (não ajustável) na cálculo de Kdissoc. A comparação dos resultados mostrou que, por ambas as abordagens, o desvio entre os valores de Kdissoc era mínimo. Por outro lado, em nenhum caso a ordem de Kdissoc se alterava. Esta observação deve-se ao fato de que o cálculo simultâneo de Kdissoc e VSolv-A foi sempre baseado em número grande de dados de densidade (18) de forma que os ajustes por interação não convergissem para um falso mínimo; o nível de teoria usado nos cálculos teóricos foi adequado. Quanto às aplicações, ficou evidente como a escolha do solvente afeta a velocidade da síntese do líquido iônico. Em relação aos filmes de AC, tentamos reproduzir as propriedades dos mesmos, através de uso de dois modelos etanol-acetato de etila e celulose-triacetato de celulose. Os dados da mistura líquida mostraram solvatação preferencial; foram tratados com sucesso pelo mesmo modelo aplicado para misturas binárias aquosas. O modelo sólido reproduziu os dados da AC qualitativamente. / This work is aimed at understanding solvation in pure solvents and binary mixtures and, the application of the information obtained in order to analyze the solvents effects on the synthesis of an ionic liquid, and on the dependence of the properties of cellulose acetate films, CA, on the degree of substitution of the ester. To understand salvation, was have used compounds (solvatchromic probes), whose UV-vis spectra are susceptible to the environment properties. In addition to these probes, were used more two tools: (i) Preferential solvation model; it was proposed by our research group and describes the composition of the probe solvation shell, considering the existence of an aggregate between water and organic solvent. (ii) Multi-parameter solvation free energy equations that correlate the solvent dependent properties with solvents properties and their mixtures. At first, we have studied pairs of probes that have similar pKa values and different lipophilicity in protic solvents. We have concluded that solvent acidity and dipolarity/polarizability are the most important properties. These conclusions are supported by theoretical calculations, that have shown the relationship between structural features of the probe and its susceptibility to environment properties. The same set of probes was used in order to study water - protic solvents mixtures. In this, we have applied the above cited solvation model successfully and rationalized the equilibrium constants of the exchange of species present (water, solvent and water -solvent) in the solvation shell with the properties of pure solvents and / or binary mixtures. These results revealed that the composition of solvation shell is controlled by the properties of solvents, in special, lipophilicity and basicity. The probes RB and WB were studied in mixtures of water with alcohols and with aprotic solvents. The intention was to broaden the applicability of the solvation model, for which, we needed to know the molar volume of the aggregate VSolv-W, and the dissociation constant, Kdissoc, of the same. Previously, these two quantities were obtained, simultaneously, by iteration of density data. We have used theoretical calculations in order to obtain VSolv-W and then use it as constant parameter (not adjustable one) in the calculation of Kdissoc. Comparison of the results showed that, in both approaches, the differences between Kdissoc values were minimal. Moreover, the order of Kdissoc has not changed. This observation is due to the fact that the simultaneous calculation of Kdissoc and VSolv-W was always based on a large number of density data (18) so that the interation did not converge to a false minimum; the level of theory used in the theoretic calculations was appropriate. Regarding applications, our results showed the importance of the choice of solvent to the synthesis of an ionic liquid. We have attempted to reproduce the properties of CA by the use of two models, ethanol-ethyl acetate and cellulose triacetate-cellulose. The data of the liquid mixture showed preferential solvation; were successfully treated by the same model applied to aqueous binary mixtures. The solid model reproduces the CA data qualitatively.

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