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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disorders of Sound Tolerance

Fagelson, Marc A. 21 June 2018 (has links)
A variety of unusual and challenging auditory events may affect musicians and recording engineers, particularly when associated with perceptions of excessive loudness, pitch anomalies, aversions to specific sounds, and the sensation of pain in the ears. This presentation will review mechanisms associated with disordered sound tolerance (DST), including exposure characteristics, and the many physiologic changes that result in unusual auditory symptoms such as tinnitus, hyperacusis, diplacusis, and auditory nociception, or the sensation of pain in the ears triggered by sound. Consensus regarding terminology of symptoms of DST is lacking among hearing health care professionals; labeling schemes related to elements of DST will be reviewed. Relations between audiometric status and DST will be reviewed.

The sound of rage : the perceived impact of misophonia on daily life and relationships

Morales Gutiérrez, Silvia Estela January 2023 (has links)
Misophonia is a condition characterized by a strong physiological, emotional, and behaviouralresponse to specific auditory stimuli, which have a significant negative impact on the wellbeingof affected individuals. The present investigation focuses on emotional dysregulation, which arises due to the triggering of specific auditory stimuli. Individuals with misophoniastruggle to regulate their emotions when exposed to sounds, leading to emotional reactions, including anger, anxiety, disgust, avoidance behaviour, fight or flight, and feeling overwhelmed. These reactions might even lead to violent impulses directed towards the source of the sound. Despite its growing recognition, little is yet known about misophonia, and experts have not established any clear boundaries or criteria for the condition to be considered adisorder. As such, it is not yet included in any classification systems for disorders. The aim of this study is to understand how individuals with misophonia experience emotional dysregulation, how do they describe their experience, what is it like to live with misophonia ona day-to-day basis, and how do individuals understand and cope with emotional dysregulation caused by misophonia? The study utilized a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews as the data collection method. Thematic analysis was used to identify patterns and themes within the data. Participants stated that misophonia causes significant distress and disruption impacting emotional well-being and daily functioning. Validation of this new condition can be very helpful and make a positive impact in their social circle, and that lack of awareness and effective treatment may hold back seeking professional help.

Hyperacusis and Misophonia Discrimination Scale (HMDS): a Validation Study

van Tussenbroek, Fay, Morales Gutiérrez, Silvia Estela January 2024 (has links)
Misophonia and hyperacusis are relatively unknown and misunderstood auditory sensitivityconditions. Misophonia is characterised by strong negative emotional reactions to sounds andsound patterns, depending on the meaning or context of the sound. Hyperacusis is characterizedby negative reactions to sounds, depending on the physical characteristics of the sounds (e.g.,frequency and intensity). Research often fails to distinguish misophonia from hyperacusis, andresearch on both conditions is scare. Moreover, there are insufficient tools available to assessand study misophonia and hyperacusis. The purpose of the current study was topsychometrically validate the Hyperacusis and Misophonia Discrimination Scale (HMDS).The goal of this self-report measure was to discriminate people with hyperacusis from peoplewith misophonia. Various analyses were used to assess the reliability and validity of thequestionnaire. A total of 249 participants completed the online questionnaire. Results indicatedan excellent reliability using Cronbach’s alpha and group and item comparisons showed thediscriminatory effectiveness of the HMDS. However, the results of a factor analysis indicateda complex underlying factor structure which did not provide a sufficient fit to the data,suggesting that the dimensions of the questionnaire require further refinement to effectivelydifferentiate between misophonia and hyperacusis. Based on the results, a revision to theHMDS is presented and future research should explore the psychometric properties of thisrevised scale as well as validate the HMDS with participants who have undergone a clinicalscreening in order to confirm their status. / Misofoni och hyperakusis är relativt okända och missförstådda tillstånd av auditiv känslighet.Misofoni kännetecknas av starka negativa känslomässiga reaktioner på ljud och ljudmönster,beroende på ljudets betydelse eller sammanhang. Hyperakusis kännetecknas av negativareaktioner på ljud, beroende på ljudets fysiska egenskaper (t.ex. frekvens och intensitet).Forskningen misslyckas ofta med att skilja misofoni från hyperakusis, och forskningen ombåda tillstånden är knapphändig. Dessutom finns det inte tillräckligt med verktyg för attbedöma och studera misofoni och hyperakusis. Syftet med den aktuella studien var attpsykometriskt validera Hyperacusis and Misophonia Discrimination Scale (HMDS). Måletmed detta självrapportmått var att skilja personer med hyperakusis från personer med misofoni.Olika analyser användes för att bedöma frågeformulärets tillförlitlighet och giltighet. Totalt249 deltagare fyllde i onlineformuläret. Resultaten visade på en utmärkt tillförlitlighet enligtCronbachs alfa och jämförelser mellan grupper och objekt visade på HMDS diskriminerandeeffektivitet. Resultaten av en faktoranalys indikerade emellertid en komplex underliggandefaktorstruktur som inte gav en tillräcklig passning till data, vilket tyder på att frågeformuläretsdimensioner kräver ytterligare förfining för att effektivt skilja mellan misofoni ochhyperakusis. Baserat på resultaten presenteras en revidering av HMDS och framtida forskningbör utforska de psykometriska egenskaperna hos denna reviderade skala samt validera HMDSmed deltagare som har genomgått en klinisk screening för att bekräfta sin status.

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