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A district health system for KhayelitshaMtwazi, L. M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sharp divisions featured between curative and preventative health care in the Public Health
Services of South Africa before the democratisation process. There was fragmentation in
authority structures and inequalities between urban and rural areas as well as along racial lines.
This resulted in a situation where there was duplication and inequality in the distribution of
resources amongst the different levels of health care which led to costly inefficient and
ineffective health services.
The introduction of the White Paper Towards the Transformation of Health System in South
Africa in 1997, aims at the restructuring of health services towards a unified health system which
is capable of delivering quality health care to all in a caring environment. The District Health
System (DHS) is featured as the key to ensuring decentralised, equitable Primary Health Care
(PHC) to all the citizens of South Africa.
This study looks at the reorganisation of health services in the clinics and the day hospitals
which are rendered by the Health Department of The City of Tygerberg and the Community
Health Service Organisation (CHSO) of the Provincial Administration of the Western
Cape(P AWC) in Khayelitsha with the aim of achieving comprehensive PHC services.
Inthe absence of legislation for the integration of health services, initiatives for the achievement
of quality comprehensive PHC within the district are envisaged. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Openbare Gesondheidsdienste in Suid Afrika was voor die demokratieseringsproses gekenmerk
deur 'n skeidig tussen kuratiewe en voorkomende gesondheidsdienste. Daar was fragmentasie
van bestuurstrukture, ongelykheid tussen stedelike en landelike gebiede asook ongelykheid op
grond van ras. Dit het gelei tot duplisering van, en ongelykheid in, die verspreiding van
hulpbronne op die verskillende vlakke van gesondheidssorg.
Die Witskrif op die Transformasie van Gesondheidstelsels in Suid-Afrika, 1997, fokus op die
herstrukturering van gesondheidsdienste en het 'n verenigde gesondheidstelsel ten doel wat
daartoe in staat is om gehalte gesondheidsorg in 'n sorgsame omgewing aan almal te lewer. Die
Distriksgesondheidstelsel (DGS) word gekenmerk deur gedesentraliseerde, gelykmatige Primêre
Gesondheidsorg (PGS) dienslewering aan al die inwoners van Suid-Afrika.
Hierdie studie kyk na die herorganisering van gesondheidsdienste wat deur die
gesondheidsdepartement van die Stad Tygerberg en die Gemeenskapsgesondheidsdiens
organisasie van die Provinsiale Administrasie van die Wes-Kaap (PAWK) in die klinieke en
daghospitale in Khayelitsha gelewer word met die doel om omvattende Primêre Gesondheidsorgdienste
te voorsien.
Weens die afwesigheid van wetgewing vir die integrasie van gesondheidsdienste word inisiatiwe
vir die bereiking van gehalte omvattende Primêre Gesondheidsorg binne die distrik beoog.
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Grade twelve learners' experiences of an NGO's life skills programmeKakaza, Sandile 04 1900 (has links)
MEdPsych--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After the apartheid regime of the white minority was dismantled, a new democratically
elected government took power for the first time in the history of South Africa. This
newly elected government brought new curriculum policies that have completely changed
the education system in the country. Among was the Curriculum 2005,which used
outcomes based education (OBE) for as the organising principle.
The aim of this study is to gain insight in to the experiences of Grade 12 learners who
attended a Life Skills programme run by Association for Educational transformation
(ASSET). ASSET is a non-governmental organisation that provided supplementary
tuition to Grade 11 and 12 learners in the Khayelitsha and Langa Centre.
The research methodology was a qualitative case study of Xhosa-speaking boys and girls
who were between seventeen and twenty-one years of age. The participants were selected
from learners who lived in Khayelitsha and who are attending the Life Skills programme
at the centre.
The methods used during data collection were interviews, note taking and a literature
review. The data analysis was done by using a procedure of content analysis where
manageable units of data were coded into categories and themes. These themes and
categories were interpreted and matched with the relevant literature.
The findings of the study suggest that the Life Skills programme run by ASSET helped
learners in acquiring life skills that may help them to handle challenges they may face.
The learners interviewed for the study indicated that the programme had helped them to
deal effectively with challenges such as teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse
and relationships. In addition, the learners suggested that the programme had expanded
their knowledge about careers, tertiary institutions and the field of work. The findings of
the study will be used by ASSET for further programme development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nadat die apartheidsregime van die wit minderheid afgetakel is, het 'n nuutverkose demokratiese regering vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika die mag
oorgeneem. Hierdie nuutverkose regering het nuwe kurrikulumbeleid bepaal wat die
onderwysstelsel in die land heeltemal verander het, en onder andere Kurrikulum 2005 en
uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys (UGO) vir skole ingesluit het.
Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die lewensvaardigheidsprogram vir graad I2-leerders wat
deur ASSET by die Khayelitsha Sentrum bedryf word. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is
om insig te kry in die ervaring van graad I2-leerders wat die lewensvaardigheidsprogram
van ASSET bygewoon het. Nadat die apartheideidsbewind van die wit minderheidsgroep
ontbind is, het 'n nuutverkose demokratiese regering vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis
van Suid-Afrika aan bewind gekom." Die ondersoek is belangrik omdat dit leerders sal
help om lewensvaardighede te verwerf wat hulle kan help om vraagstukke wat met
MIVNigs, persoonlike probleme, misdaad en geweld, armoede, tienerswangerskap,
verhoudings en beroepskeuses verband hou, te hanteer.
Die navorsingsmetode was 'n kwalitatiewe gevallestudie met Xhosasprekende seuns en
dogters van tussen sewentien en een-en-twintig jaar oud. Die proefpersone is geselekteer
uit leerders wat die lewensvaardigheidsprogram by die Sentrum bygewoon het, veral dié
wat in Khayelitsha woon, omdat hulle die Sentrum maklik kon bereik.
Die metodes wat tydens data-insameling gebruik is, was onderhoude, aantekeninge en
literatuuroorsig. Die data-analise is gedoen volgens 'n prosedure van oop kodering
waartydens hanteerbare data-eenhede volgens kategorieë en temas gekodeer is. Hierdie
temas en kategorieë is geïnterpreteer en met die literatuur vergelyk.
Die navorsingsresultate dui daarop dat die lewensvaardigheidsprogram wat deur ASSET
bedryf word, leerders gehelp het om lewensvaardighede te verwerf wat hulle kan help om
uitdagings te hanteer. Die leerders met wie daar vir die ondersoek onderhoude gevoer is, het aangetoon dat die program hulle gehelp het om uitdagings soos tienerswangerskap,
MIV/Vigs, dwelmmisbruik en verhoudings doeltreffend te hanteer. Verder het die
leerders aangedui dat die program hulle kennis aangaande beroepe, tersiêre instellings en
die wêreld van werk uitgebrei het. Voorstelle met betrekking tot die ondersoek is
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Grade twelve learners's experiences of an Ngo's life skills programmeKakaza, Sandile, Association for Educational Transformation 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsyc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After the apartheid regime of the white minority was dismantled, a new democratically
elected government took power for the first time in the history of South Africa. This
newly elected government brought new curriculum policies that have completely changed
the education system in the country. Among was the Curriculum 2005,which used
outcomes based education (OBE) for as the organising principle.
The aim of this study is to gain insight in to the experiences of Grade 12 learners who
attended a Life Skills programme run by Association for Educational transformation
(ASSET). ASSET is a non-governmental organisation that provided supplementary
tuition to Grade 11 and 12 learners in the Khayelitsha and Langa Centre.
The research methodology was a qualitative case study of Xhosa-speaking boys and girls
who were between seventeen and twenty-one years of age. The participants were selected
from learners who lived in Khayelitsha and who are attending the Life Skills programme
at the centre.
The methods used during data collection were interviews, note taking and a literature
review. The data analysis was done by using a procedure of content analysis where
manageable units of data were coded into categories and themes. These themes and
categories were interpreted and matched with the relevant literature. The findings of the study suggest that the Life Skills programme run by ASSET helped
learners in acquiring life skills that may help them to handle challenges they may face.
The learners interviewed for the study indicated that the programme had helped them to
deal effectively with challenges such as teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse
and relationships. In addition, the learners suggested that the programme had expanded
their knowledge about careers, tertiary institutions and the field of work. The findings of
the study will be used by ASSET for further programme development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nadat die apartheidsregime van die wit minderheid afgetakel is, het 'n nuutverkose
demokratiese regering vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika die mag
oorgeneem. Hierdie nuutverkose regering het nuwe kurrikulumbeleid bepaal wat die
onderwysstelsel in die land heeltemal verander het, en onder andere Kurrikulum 2005 en
uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys (UGO) vir skole ingesluit het.
Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die lewensvaardigheidsprogram vir graad I2-leerders wat
deur ASSET by die Khayelitsha Sentrum bedryf word. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is
om insig te kry in die ervaring van graad I2-leerders wat die lewensvaardigheidsprogram
van ASSET bygewoon het. Nadat die apartheideidsbewind van die wit minderheidsgroep
ontbind is, het 'n nuutverkose demokratiese regering vir die eerste keer in die geskiedenis
van Suid-Afrika aan bewind gekom." Die ondersoek is belangrik omdat dit leerders sal
help om lewensvaardighede te verwerf wat hulle kan help om vraagstukke wat met
MIVNigs, persoonlike probleme, misdaad en geweld, armoede, tienerswangerskap,
verhoudings en beroepskeuses verband hou, te hanteer.
Die navorsingsmetode was 'n kwalitatiewe gevallestudie met Xhosasprekende seuns en
dogters van tussen sewentien en een-en-twintig jaar oud. Die proefpersone is geselekteer
uit leerders wat die lewensvaardigheidsprogram by die Sentrum bygewoon het, veral dié
wat in Khayelitsha woon, omdat hulle die Sentrum maklik kon bereik.
Die metodes wat tydens data-insameling gebruik is, was onderhoude, aantekeninge en
literatuuroorsig. Die data-analise is gedoen volgens 'n prosedure van oop kodering
waartydens hanteerbare data-eenhede volgens kategorieë en temas gekodeer is. Hierdie
temas en kategorieë is geïnterpreteer en met die literatuur vergelyk.
Die navorsingsresultate dui daarop dat die lewensvaardigheidsprogram wat deur ASSET
bedryf word, leerders gehelp het om lewensvaardighede te verwerf wat hulle kan help om
uitdagings te hanteer. Die leerders met wie daar vir die ondersoek onderhoude gevoer is, het aangetoon dat die program hulle gehelp het om uitdagings soos tienerswangerskap,
MIV/Vigs, dwelmmisbruik en verhoudings doeltreffend te hanteer. Verder het die
leerders aangedui dat die program hulle kennis aangaande beroepe, tersiêre instellings en
die wêreld van werk uitgebrei het. Voorstelle met betrekking tot die ondersoek is
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The role of social capital in the creation of sustainable livelihoods : a case study of the Siyazama Community Allotment Gardening Association (SCAGA)Jacobs, Cindy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Cape Town’s growing economy has benefited greatly from its natural resources. The city
boasts the unique Table Mountain; Blue Flag beaches; and the distinctive fynbos of the Cape
Floral Kingdom, all of which have contributed considerably to the revenue generated by the
tourism industry. Even though the city’s economy appears robust, many people living in
townships on the Cape Flats continue to face a reality of being trapped in a state of
deprivation; unable to access those natural resources as a means to make a living; and unable
to cope with shocks, trends and seasonality in a dynamic, vulnerable society plagued by
inequitable distribution of wealth and environmental degradation.
Yet, while access to financial, natural (and other) assets is limited, poor people can rely upon
their social assets – or Social Capital (SC) in order to make a living.
This case study explores the three types of Social Capital – (i) Bonding SC (between project
beneficiaries), (ii) Bridging SC (between project beneficiaries and implementing agents) and
(iii) Linking SC (between implementing agents and local government organs) – in an attempt
to understand their impact on the livelihoods of project beneficiaries involved in the
Khayelitsha-based Siyazama Community Allotment Gardening Association (SCAGA). This
was done with the purpose of enabling development practitioners, government officials and
local people to work together to plan sustainable initiatives that enhance peoples’ quality of
Although case studies have been criticised by some authors as lacking scientific rigor and do
not address generalisability, this study employed a case study approach due to its
appropriateness when dealing with a small number of participants and the specific context of
their complex real-life activities in great depth. By taking a post-positivistic stance, the
researcher was able to appreciate the different constructions and meanings that people place
upon their life experiences.
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Development challenges in Khayelitsha : an analysis of related issuesNqadini, Mlungisi Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Apartheid statutes like the former Group Areas Act created what is referred as "Apartheid
Dormitory Cities". Khayelitsha is a typical creation of apartheid. As a result Khayelitsha faces
many socio-economic challenges such as poverty, low standard of living characterised by low
income distribution or no income, high rate of unemployment, illiteracy, education problems,
housing problems, health problems and poor economic conditions. Attempts were made to create
civic associations and development structures to deal with socio-economic challenges in
Khayelitsha, but all those attempts never brought about development solutions. The Khayelitsha
community tends to have a poor participatory planning role in development related issues.
Khayelitsha as an apartheid legacy city will take a long time to dismantle in social, economic and
purely practical terms. Rebuilding Khayelitsha equitably will be a tough exercise. The
government strives to develop South Africa from a society of racially based compartmentalisation
into a non-racial, developed country with equal opportunities, better education, health, housing and
employment.These challenges are Khayelitsha's major problems which cannot be solved overnight.
The problem faced is the re-integration of the separated zones of the former group areas. This
makes it difficult to share the economic resources that are needed in Khayelitsha in order to solve
its socio-economic problems. The integration of cities will only come about if the restructuring is
in accordance with specific needs of the Khayelitsha community. People of Khayelitsha should be
involved in the planning of their own city and be able to make informed decisions.
The objective of this thesis is to analyse related development issues and challenges in Khayelitsha
and to provide possible solutions contributing to development.
Government and development agencies can draw lessons from the recommendations of this thesis
and come up with sustainable and people-centred development-related strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Eertydse Apartheidswetgewing soos die herroepte Groepsgebiedewet as een van die wetgewende
elemente van die Apartheidsperiode, was verantwoordelik vir die skepping van sogenaamde
"apartheidslaapdorpe". Khayelitsha kan beskou word as 'n tipiese voorbeeld en skepping van so 'n
"slaapdorp" as gevolg van Apartheid. As direkte resultaat hiervan ervaar Khayeltisha talle sosio-ekonomiese
uitdagings soos armoede, lae lewenstandaarde gekenmerk deur huishoudings met lae
inkomste verdelings en in sommige gevalle geen inkomstes, hoë werkloosheid, ongeletterdheid,
onderwysprobleme, behuisingsprobleme, gesondheidsprobleme en algemene swak ekonomiese
omstandighede. Pogings is wel in die verlede aangewend om burgerlike organisasies in Khayelitsha
van stapel te stuur, maar hierdie pogings het daarin gefaal om werklike en meetbare
ontwikkelingsoplossings te bewerkstellig. Die Khayelitsha gemeenskap vervul 'n beperkte
deelnemende beplanningsrol in ontwikkelinggebaseerde aangeleenthede.
In praktyk sal Khayelitsha, as apartheidstad, lank neem om volwaardig te ontluik in terme van
sosiale-, ekonomiese-, en verwante aanwysers en sal die regverdige en verteenwoordigende
heropbouingsproses nie sonder struikelblokke ervaar word nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering
strewe daarna om die land te ontwikkel vanaf 'n samelewing gekenmerk deur rasgebaseerde
kompartementalisering na 'n nie-rasgebonde gemeenskap met gelyke geleenthede in terme van
onderwys, gesondheid, behuising en werksgeleenthede. Hierdie aangeleenthede vorm deel van die
uitdagings wat Khayelitsha in die oog staar. Oplossings sal nie sommer oornag gevind word nie.
Die probleem wat oorkom moet word is die herintegrasie van aparte sones as gevolg van eertydse
geskepte groepsgebiede. As gevolg hiervan is dit moeilik om ekonomiese hulpbronne, wat
dringend in Khayelitsha benodig word, te herverdeel en te versprei ten einde die omvangryke sosio-ekonomiese
probleem te verlig. Die integrasie van stede en spesifiek Khayelitsha, sal alleenlik
suksesvol wees indien die herstruktueringsproses plaasvind met inagneming van die spesifieke
benodighede en tekortkominge van die gemeenskap. Die gemeenskap van Khayelitsha moet betrek
word in die beplanning van hul eie stad en deurgaans deel vorm van effektiewe konsultasie ten
einde ingeligde besluite te kan maak, iets wat tans ontbreek.
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Project proposal : to construct and manage Moya weKhaya - spirit of home : a cultural centre in Khayelitsha, Cape TownWright, Yolande 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study consists of a proposal to construct and manage Moya weKhaya, a
cultural centre on a vacant site linked to an existing park in A Section,
Khayelitsha. The cultural centre is an innovative vision of urban renewal. The
intention is to contribute towards addressing current social and cultural needs
and challenge the historical realities of apartheid planning.
The concept was initiated by two community-based organisations (CBOs) and
the proposal has been developed through a series of meetings and
workshops with the initiating CBOs.
The approach to the project, from its inception, was based on a
communicative planning approach and the intention of this proposal is to
stimulate dialogue with government and other potential partners and garner
support for the project.
The proposal presents the rationale, vision and objectives of Moya weKhaya
and describes the background and context in which the project was
formulated. It locates the project within the current South African legislative
and policy framework and within current planning discourse.
The thematic and ecological approach to the architectural design is presented
and the proposed usage of the cultural centre and the envisaged activities are
described. Strategies to raise funds for capital costs and partnership options are
explored. A preliminary operating budget and income generating strategies to
maintain the centre are presented.
Potential challenges and solutions are discussed. The proposed cultural centre is an ambitious, costly, and complex project and
it raises two fundamental issues.
- The challenge to the CBO partnership to raise its own capacity to
implement and manage the project on its own and / or to negotiate and
formalise a public-private partnership to build and manage the centre.
- The challenge by the CBOs to government in particular to support the
project and bridge the gap between the legislative framework that
promotes grassroots driven development and the institutional
mechanisms (and political will) to facilitate such processes.
This proposal is an attempt to present a framework in which to address these
issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie vervat ’n voorstel vir die oprigting en bestuur van ’n kulturele
sentrum, Moya weKhaya, op ’n leë bouterrein wat grens aan ’n bestaande
park in A Section, Khayelitsha. Die kulturele sentrum is ’n innoverende visie
van stedelike vernuwing. Die doel is om by te dra tot die aanspreek van
huidige sosiale en kulturele behoeftes en om die historiese werklikhede van
apartheidera-beplannning te trotseer.
Die konsep is geïnisieer deur twee gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies
(GGOs) en die voorstel is ontwikkel aan die hand van ’n reeks vergaderings
en werkswinkels met die inisiërende GGOs.
Die manier waarop die projek benader is, vanaf die aanvang daarvan, is
gebaseer op ’n benadering van tegemoetkomende beplanning en die doel
met die voorstel is om gesprekvoering te stimuleer met die regering en ander
potensiële vennote en ondersteuning in te win vir die projek.
Die voorstel bied die regverdiging vir en visie en doelwitte van Moya weKhaya
en beskryf die agtergrond en konteks waarin die projek geformuleer is. Dit
posisioneer die projek in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewende en
beleidsraamwerk en in die huidige beplanningsdiskoers. Die tematiese en ekologiese benadering tot die argitektoniese ontwerp word
aangebied en die voorgestelde gebruik van die kulturele sentrum en die
beoogde aktiwiteite word beskryf.
Strategieë om fondse vir kapitaalkoste te vermeerder en vennootskapopsies
word ondersoek. ’n Voorlopige bedryfsbegroting en inkomsteskeppingstrategieë
om die sentrum in stand te hou, word voorgestel.
Potensiële uitdagings en oplossings word bespreek. Die voorgestelde kulturele sentrum is ambisieus, duur en kompleks en dit
opper twee fundamentele kwessies:
- Die uitdaging aan die inisiërende GGO-vennootskap om die kapasiteit
op sy eie op te rig om die projek self te implementeer en te bestuur
en/of om ’n openbare-private vennootskap te bewerkstellig en te
formaliseer om die sentrum te bou en te bestuur.
- Die uitdaging gerig deur die GGO aan veral die regering om die projek
te ondersteun en die gaping te oorbrug tussen die wetgewende
raamwerk wat grondvlakgedrewe ontwikkeling bevorder en die
institusionele meganismes (en die politieke wil) om sodanige
ontwikkeling te fasiliteer.
Hierdie voorstel is ’n poging om ’n raamwerk te bied waarin hierdie
kwessies aangespreek kan word.
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The link between poor public participation and protest : the case of KhayelitshaMchunu, Ntuthuko Albert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The upsurge in the number of public protests in most South African municipalities, including the City of Cape Town, continues unabated. While public protest is a democratic right, provided for in the Constitution (RSA 1996), the violent nature and persistence of protests at municipal level are a cause for concern. The associated violence often leads to the destruction of both public and private property, disruptions in economic activities, loss of lives and severe injuries to innocent victims.
The prevalence of public protests continues despite the fact that the new democratic dispensation ushered in a paradigm geared for transforming local government from a racially-segregated institution into a democratic and autonomous sphere of government, with a broad developmental mandate. This new dispensation gave birth to the “invited spaces” of participation, which are aimed at providing scope for the public to influence, direct, control and own the development and decision-making processes.
In order to determine factors that contribute to public protests in Khayelitsha the study adopted a qualitative research paradigm. Personal interviews, focus group discussion and participatory observation were some of the research methods used to collect primary data.
The study indicates that lack of authentic and empowering public participation opportunities in the decision-making processes of the City of Cape Town alienates the public and leads to public disengagement from available municipal processes.
It has been during this period of alienation that the public have been “inventing own spaces” of participation, in the form of public protests demanding that public voices be heard. The study also indicates that poverty, unemployment and glaring gaps of social inequality, reinforced by comparison to available examples in the neighbourhood, are root causes of public protests.
The new public participation model that has been developed from this research should be adopted by South African municipalities as an essential public participation strategy. It empowers the public to negotiate a new “social contract” with the authorities primarily based on the public’s terms. It is only when authentic and empowering public participation is practised by municipalities that violent public protests can be minimised. Such authentic and empowering public participation provides latitude for the public to influence, direct, control and even own their “own” development and decision-making processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toename in voorvalle van openbare protes in byna alle Suid-Afrikaanse munisipale gebiede, insluitend die van die Stad Kaapstad, duur onverpoosd voort. Terwyl openbare protes weliswaar ’n demokratiese reg is wat in die Grondwet (RSA 1996) verskans word, is die huidige ingeburgerde en gewelddadige aard daarvan rede tot ernstige kommer. Hierdie gewelddadigheid lei dikwels tot vernietiging van sowel openbare as private eiendom. Ook ekonomiese aktiwiteite word ontwrig; daar is lewensverlies en ernstige beserings aan onskuldige slagoffers .
Die hoë voorkoms van openbare protes duur voort, ondanks die feit dat die nuwe demokratiese bestel ’n paradigmaskuif ten gunste van transformasie in die plaaslike regeringstelsel beteken het. Alles was in plek om weg te beweeg van rasgesegregeerde instellings na ’n demokratiese, outonome regeringsfeer met ’n breë, ontwikkelingsgedrewe mandaat. Hierdie nuwe bedeling het “genooide ruimtes” vir deelname geskep, wat geleentheid sou skep om invloed en rigtinggewende beheer te verkry oor daardie prosesse van besluitneming wat deelnemers se eie lewens raak.
Om die faktore te bepaal wat tot openbare protes in Khayelitsha bydra, is ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsparadigma gekies. Persoonlike onderhoud, fokusgroepbespreking en deelnemende waarneming is van die navorsingsmetodes wat ingespan is om primêre data te versamel. Hierdie navorsingstudie het bevind dat, ondanks die “genooide ruimtes”, daar steeds ’n gebrek aan egte en bemagtigende openbare deelnemingsgeleenthede in die besluitnemingsproses van die Stad Kaapstad bestaan, en dat dit die publiek vervreem en daartoe lei dat burgers hul aan die beskikbare deelnemingsgeleenthede onttrek.
Gedurende hierdie periode van vervreemding het die publiek van Khayelitsha hulle eie “geskepde ruimtes” ontwikkel. Dit was gegiet in die vorm van openbare protes, waar die stemme van die algemene publiek gehoor kon word. Die studie het ook aangedui dat armoede, werkloosheid en opvallende voorbeelde van sosiale ongelykheid (te vinde in die onmiddellike omgewing) aanleidende faktore vir protesaksie was.
Die nuwe openbare deelnemingsmodel wat uit die navorsing ontwikkel is, kan aan alle Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite ’n onontbeerlike geleentheid bied om ’n doeltreffende openbare deelnemingstrategie te ontwikkel. Dit bemagtig die publiek om ’n nuwe onderhandelde “maatskaplike kontrak” met die owerhede, hoofsaaklik op die publiek se terme, te sluit. Slegs wanneer die publiek aan egte, bemagtigende openbare deelname blootgestel word, sal daar sprake van ’n vertrouensverhouding met die owerhede wees en sal gewelddadige protesaksie tot die minimum beperk kan word. Sodanige egte en bemagtigende openbare deelname skep ruimte vir die publiek om hulle “eie” ontwikkeling te beïnvloed en mede-beheer te bekom oor die besluitnemingsprosesse wat daarmee gemoeid is.
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The development of the teacher support team in assisting teachers of learners with special educational needs in one school in Khayelitsha.Thabana, M January 2004 (has links)
This research study explored the process in the development of theTeacher Support Team in assisting teachers of learners with special educational needs in the mainstream classroom. This research was conducted in the context of the restructuring of the South African Education system. The Policy Document White Paper 6 (2001) states that all learners irrespective of the barriers to learning and development have a right to be educated in the ordinary school, together with their peers.
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An evaluation of the effects of poverty in Khayelitsha: a case study of site C.Ndingaye, Xoliswa Zandile January 2005 (has links)
The study seeked to investigate an evaluation of the effects of poverty in Khayelitsha Site C. Poverty in this area has manifested in the conditions people live under and the social effects of such conditions in the life of Site C residents was assessed in terms of/or in relation to the following: levels of infant mortality / level of malnutrition / rate of school drop out due to lack of food and other resources / high level of alcohol abuse / lack of basic services and the shortage of toilets etc.
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The development of the teacher support team in assisting teachers of learners with special educational needs in one school in Khayelitsha.Thabana, M January 2004 (has links)
This research study explored the process in the development of theTeacher Support Team in assisting teachers of learners with special educational needs in the mainstream classroom. This research was conducted in the context of the restructuring of the South African Education system. The Policy Document White Paper 6 (2001) states that all learners irrespective of the barriers to learning and development have a right to be educated in the ordinary school, together with their peers.
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