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Efecto de las reservas internacionales en el spread soberano: Análisis para el caso peruano 2000 al 2019Campos Medina, Ricardo Alejandro 18 July 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo examinar el efecto de las reservas internacionales en el spread soberano del Perú. Como factores adicionales que influyen en nuestra variable dependiente se han estudiado las exportaciones, saldo de cuenta corriente, términos de intercambio, IPC, tipo de cambio real, tipo de cambio nominal y bonos del tesoro de Estados Unidos. Esta investigación se realiza mediante un Modelo Vectorial de Corrección de Errores y el periodo de análisis comprende desde el 2000 al 2019.
Los resultados obtenidos indican que las reservas internacionales han sido efectivas para disminuir el spread soberano en el periodo de análisis, es decir que, existe una relación inversa de largo plazo entre ambas variables, lo cual va en línea con la literatura existente. Además, se encuentra que tanto el saldo de cuenta corriente, las exportaciones, los términos de intercambio, el tipo de cambio real y los bonos del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, tienen relación de largo plazo con el spread soberano y tienen un efecto significativo y negativo sobre este. Por otro lado, la inflación tiene una relación positiva de corto y largo plazo con el EMBI. El tipo de cambio nominal no tiene significancia en el modelo. Por otro lado, los Bonos del Tesoro de Estados Unidos tienen una relación de corto plazo debido al efecto sustitución. / The main objective of this investigation is to examine the effect of international reserves on the sovereign spread of Peru. As additional factors influencing in our dependent variable, exports, current account balance, terms of trade, CPI inflation, real exchange rate, nominal exchange rate and United States Treasury bonds have been studied. This research is carried out using a Vectorial Error Correction Model and the analysis period is from 2000 to 2019.
The results indicated that international reserves have been effective in reducing sovereign spread in the analysis period, it means, that there is a long-term inverse relationship between both variables, which is in line with the existing literature. Furthermore, it is found that both the current account balance, exports, terms of trade, the real exchange rate and United States Treasury bonds, have a long-term relationship with the sovereign spread and have a significant and negative effect. On the other hand, CPI inflation has a positive short and long-term relationship with EMBI. The nominal exchange rate has no significance in the model. In other hand, the United States Treasury Bonds have a positive short-term relationship with sovereign spread due to the replacement effect. / Trabajo de investigación
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Determinanty a šíření nejistoty v modelování: analýza Bayesianův model průměrování / Spread Determinants and Model Uncertainty: A Bayesian Model Averaging AnalysisSeman, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
The spread between interest rate and sovereign bond rate is commonly used in- dicator for country's probability to default. Existing literature proposes many different potential spread determinants but fails to agree on which of them are important. As a result, there is a considerable uncertainty about the cor- rect model explaining the spread. We address this uncertainty by employing Bayesian Model Averaging method (BMA). The BMA technique attempts to consider all the possible combinations of variables and averages them using a model fit measure as weights. For this empirical exercise, we consider 20 different explanatory variables for a panel of 47 countries for the 1980-2010 period. Most of the previously suggested determinants were attributed high inclusion probabilities. Only the "foreign exchange reserves growth" and the "exports growth" scored low by their inclusion probabilities. We also find a role of variables previously not included in the literature's spread determinants - "openness" and "unemployment" which rank high by the inclusion probability. These results are robust to a wide range of both parameter and model priors. JEL Classification C6, C8, C11, C51, E43 Keywords Sovereign Spread Determinants, Model Uncer- tainty, Bayesian Model Averaging Author's e-mail semanv()gmail()com...
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Spreads obligataires souverains et transmission de la volatilité entre les marchés financiers de la zone euro / Sovereign bond spreads and volatility in Euro area financial marketsChebil Mhiri, Myriam 21 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de déterminer les facteurs explicatifs des spreads des rendements obligataires souverains d’un échantillon de pays de la zone euro, lors des crises survenues au cours de la dernière décennie, et d’étudier l’impact de ces crises sur la dynamique du marché obligataire souverain, et sur son interaction avec le marché boursier et celui des CDS. L’identification des déterminants des spreads de chaque pays fait appel aux modèles de type GARCH, et aux modèles à effets fixes et aléatoires pour l’ensemble de l’échantillon. L’étude de la contagion emploie les modèles MS-VAR et DCC-MVGARCH. Les résultats montrent que la variance des spreads est expliquée principalement par le risque global et celui relatif à la liquidité. Les spreads des pays périphériques apparaissent plus sensibles aux facteurs de risque que ceux du cœur. Les coefficients des facteurs de risque sont aussi trouvés plus significatifs lors des périodes de crise des sub-primes et de la zone euro. Pour l’étude des interactions entre les marchés financiers de la zone euro, les tests menés ont permis de mettre en lumière la présence de phénomènes de contagion et de « fuite vers la qualité ». / This thesis focuses on explaining the determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in selected euro area countries during the financial crises of last decade. It examines the impact of those turmoil periods on sovereign bond market dynamics, and on its interactions with stock and CDS markets. GARCH-type models are used to identify determinants explaining spreads of each country, while panel data analyzed within fixed and random effects models, and run on crisis and non-crisis periods, identify whole sample determinants. To assess contagion effect, both MS- VAR and DCC-MVGARCH models are used. Results suggest that global risk and liquidity factors are the significant drivers of the spreads volatility. For the periphery countries in the euro zone, spreads are found to be more responsive to explanatory risk factors than those of the core countries. The role of these factors is also found stronger during the sub-prime and euro area crises. The analyses of the financial markets interactions within the euro area demonstrate the existence of a contagion effect, as well as a “flight to quality” phenomenon.
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Três estudos econométricos sobre o papel das reservas internacionais brasileirasNunes, Danielle Barcos January 2009 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre as reservas internacionais brasileiras, utilizando diferentes técnicas econométricas, com o objetivo de determinar a influência de medidas absolutas e relativas de reservas sobre o rating soberano de crédito e o spread soberano, bem como o nível adequado para garantir a liquidez externa. As análises foram feitas com dados mensais do período jan/2000-jun/2008. No primeiro estudo, mostrou-se que diferentes medidas de reservas internacionais apresentam efeito significativo na explicação do rating soberano de crédito, através de modelos ordered logit para a média dos ratings emitidos pelas três principais agências (Moody's, Standard & Poors e Fitch). Entretanto, o indicador de maior poder explicativo não foi o nível absoluto de reservas, mas a razão entre dívida pública externa líquida e PIB. Outras variáveis de destacada importância na maioria dos modelos foram o percentual da dívida interna de curto prazo, investimento estrangeiro direto/PIB e inflação. Variáveis tradicionalmente utilizadas como indicadores de liquidez, como razão reservas/importações e conta corrente/PIB, não foram significativas na maioria dos modelos. Os resultados confirmam os indícios contidos no discurso das agências de rating, quanto à importância das reservas internacionais em sua avaliação, embora alertando que outras variáveis, como perfil de endividamento do governo e perspectivas de crescimento, são também fundamentais. O segundo estudo de caso encontrou relação significativa entre as reservas internacionais e o spread soberano, através de modelos de correção de erros. O efeito estimado do rating soberano foi não-significativo ou pouco explicativo, comparado aos fundamentos, provavelmente devido à volatilidade do spread soberano em resposta a variações nas condições do mercado, ao contrário do rating. O melhor modelo obtido utilizou o nível absoluto de reservas, evidenciando também efeitos significativos da aversão global ao risco, taxas de juros internacionais e crises políticas internas. Os resultados desse estudo indicam custo marginal decrescente das reservas internacionais e a necessidade de considerá-lo endógeno em modelos de minimização de custos para determinação do nível ótimo de reservas. O terceiro estudo implementou a metodologia de Liquidity-at-Risk sugerida por Greenspan (1999) para avaliar a adequação do nível de reservas internacionais para a manutenção da liquidez externa. Para a medida de liquidez reservas/dívida externa de curto prazo (razão de Guidotti), estimou-se que o nível de reservas internacionais mantidas pelo Brasil em jun/2008 (US$200 bilhões) era aproximadamente o dobro do necessário para garantir uma razão de Guidotti superior a 1, com 99% de probabilidade, durante 24, 36 ou 48 meses. Em diversos cenários alternativos de percentual das dívidas externa e interna de curto prazo, meta de superávit primário, índice de aversão ao risco e taxas de juros externas, as reservas iniciais necessárias situaram-se em US$85-105 bilhões. A análise de custos revela que o aumento das reservas diminui os juros médios da dívida, embora efeito maior pudesse ser alcançado através do aumento do superávit primário. As evidências sugerem que a motivação das autoridades brasileiras para a manutenção de reservas em torno de US$200 bilhões não é puramente precaucionária, admitindo as hipóteses de ganho de credibilidade e flexibilidade para a execução da política fiscal. / This thesis developed three case studies on the Brazilian international reserves, using various econometric techniques in order to determine the influence of absolute and relative measures of reserves over both the sovereign credit rating and the sovereign spread, as well as to assess the adequate reserves level to ensure external liquidity. Analyses were carried out on monthly data from Jan/2000 to Jun/2008. The first case study found significant effects of different reserves measures in explaining the sovereign credit rating, by fitting ordered logit models to the average of the ratings issued by the three main agencies (Moody's, Standard & Poors and Fitch) for the Brazilian long term external debt. However, the best explaining variable was not the absolute level of reserves, but the ratio "net public external debt/GDP" instead. It was noteworthy the significance of the following variables in most of the models tested: short term internal debt (%), foreign direct investment/GDP and inflation. Variables traditionally used as external liquidity measures, like reserves/imports and current account/GDP, are not statistically significant in most of the models fitted in this study. Results support the evidence found in the rating agencies' reports, as to the importance of international reserves in their credit quality assessment, although pointing to other variables, like government debt profile and growth perspectives, as equally critical. The second case study found significant relationship between the Brazilian international reserves and its sovereign spread, using error correction models. The estimated effect of sovereign rating was either non-significant, or poorly explanatory when compared to macroeconomic fundamentals, probably due to the volatility of sovereign spread in response to changes in market conditions, unlike the sovereign rating. The best model obtained included the absolute level of reserves, showing also significant effect of the global risk aversion, external interest rates and internal political crises. The results of this study point to a decreasing marginal cost of international reserves and the need of considering it as endogenous in optimal reserves models based in cost minimization. Finally, the third case study implemented the Liquidity-at-Risk methodology suggested by Greenspan (1999), in order to assess the Brazilian reserves level adequacy in maintaining external liquidity. For the liquidity measure adopted - the ratio "reserves/short term external debt" (Guidotti's ratio) - it was found that the Brazilian reserves level held in Jun/2008 (US$200 billion) was roughly twice the necessary one to ensure a Guidotti's ratio above 1, with 99% probability, within 24, 36 or 48 months. In several alternative scenarios varying the short term external debt, short term internal debt, primary surplus, global risk aversion and external interest rates, the required initial reserves was in the range US$85-105 billion. An analysis of alternative policies' costs revealed the expected effect of higher reserves in decreasing the average debt service, although a dramatically higher impact would be obtained by an increase in primary surplus. Evidence suggest that the Brazilian authorities motivation for holding international reserves as high as US$200 billion may not be purely precautionary, pointing to the hypotheses of credibility gains and fiscal flexibility issues.
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Três estudos econométricos sobre o papel das reservas internacionais brasileirasNunes, Danielle Barcos January 2009 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre as reservas internacionais brasileiras, utilizando diferentes técnicas econométricas, com o objetivo de determinar a influência de medidas absolutas e relativas de reservas sobre o rating soberano de crédito e o spread soberano, bem como o nível adequado para garantir a liquidez externa. As análises foram feitas com dados mensais do período jan/2000-jun/2008. No primeiro estudo, mostrou-se que diferentes medidas de reservas internacionais apresentam efeito significativo na explicação do rating soberano de crédito, através de modelos ordered logit para a média dos ratings emitidos pelas três principais agências (Moody's, Standard & Poors e Fitch). Entretanto, o indicador de maior poder explicativo não foi o nível absoluto de reservas, mas a razão entre dívida pública externa líquida e PIB. Outras variáveis de destacada importância na maioria dos modelos foram o percentual da dívida interna de curto prazo, investimento estrangeiro direto/PIB e inflação. Variáveis tradicionalmente utilizadas como indicadores de liquidez, como razão reservas/importações e conta corrente/PIB, não foram significativas na maioria dos modelos. Os resultados confirmam os indícios contidos no discurso das agências de rating, quanto à importância das reservas internacionais em sua avaliação, embora alertando que outras variáveis, como perfil de endividamento do governo e perspectivas de crescimento, são também fundamentais. O segundo estudo de caso encontrou relação significativa entre as reservas internacionais e o spread soberano, através de modelos de correção de erros. O efeito estimado do rating soberano foi não-significativo ou pouco explicativo, comparado aos fundamentos, provavelmente devido à volatilidade do spread soberano em resposta a variações nas condições do mercado, ao contrário do rating. O melhor modelo obtido utilizou o nível absoluto de reservas, evidenciando também efeitos significativos da aversão global ao risco, taxas de juros internacionais e crises políticas internas. Os resultados desse estudo indicam custo marginal decrescente das reservas internacionais e a necessidade de considerá-lo endógeno em modelos de minimização de custos para determinação do nível ótimo de reservas. O terceiro estudo implementou a metodologia de Liquidity-at-Risk sugerida por Greenspan (1999) para avaliar a adequação do nível de reservas internacionais para a manutenção da liquidez externa. Para a medida de liquidez reservas/dívida externa de curto prazo (razão de Guidotti), estimou-se que o nível de reservas internacionais mantidas pelo Brasil em jun/2008 (US$200 bilhões) era aproximadamente o dobro do necessário para garantir uma razão de Guidotti superior a 1, com 99% de probabilidade, durante 24, 36 ou 48 meses. Em diversos cenários alternativos de percentual das dívidas externa e interna de curto prazo, meta de superávit primário, índice de aversão ao risco e taxas de juros externas, as reservas iniciais necessárias situaram-se em US$85-105 bilhões. A análise de custos revela que o aumento das reservas diminui os juros médios da dívida, embora efeito maior pudesse ser alcançado através do aumento do superávit primário. As evidências sugerem que a motivação das autoridades brasileiras para a manutenção de reservas em torno de US$200 bilhões não é puramente precaucionária, admitindo as hipóteses de ganho de credibilidade e flexibilidade para a execução da política fiscal. / This thesis developed three case studies on the Brazilian international reserves, using various econometric techniques in order to determine the influence of absolute and relative measures of reserves over both the sovereign credit rating and the sovereign spread, as well as to assess the adequate reserves level to ensure external liquidity. Analyses were carried out on monthly data from Jan/2000 to Jun/2008. The first case study found significant effects of different reserves measures in explaining the sovereign credit rating, by fitting ordered logit models to the average of the ratings issued by the three main agencies (Moody's, Standard & Poors and Fitch) for the Brazilian long term external debt. However, the best explaining variable was not the absolute level of reserves, but the ratio "net public external debt/GDP" instead. It was noteworthy the significance of the following variables in most of the models tested: short term internal debt (%), foreign direct investment/GDP and inflation. Variables traditionally used as external liquidity measures, like reserves/imports and current account/GDP, are not statistically significant in most of the models fitted in this study. Results support the evidence found in the rating agencies' reports, as to the importance of international reserves in their credit quality assessment, although pointing to other variables, like government debt profile and growth perspectives, as equally critical. The second case study found significant relationship between the Brazilian international reserves and its sovereign spread, using error correction models. The estimated effect of sovereign rating was either non-significant, or poorly explanatory when compared to macroeconomic fundamentals, probably due to the volatility of sovereign spread in response to changes in market conditions, unlike the sovereign rating. The best model obtained included the absolute level of reserves, showing also significant effect of the global risk aversion, external interest rates and internal political crises. The results of this study point to a decreasing marginal cost of international reserves and the need of considering it as endogenous in optimal reserves models based in cost minimization. Finally, the third case study implemented the Liquidity-at-Risk methodology suggested by Greenspan (1999), in order to assess the Brazilian reserves level adequacy in maintaining external liquidity. For the liquidity measure adopted - the ratio "reserves/short term external debt" (Guidotti's ratio) - it was found that the Brazilian reserves level held in Jun/2008 (US$200 billion) was roughly twice the necessary one to ensure a Guidotti's ratio above 1, with 99% probability, within 24, 36 or 48 months. In several alternative scenarios varying the short term external debt, short term internal debt, primary surplus, global risk aversion and external interest rates, the required initial reserves was in the range US$85-105 billion. An analysis of alternative policies' costs revealed the expected effect of higher reserves in decreasing the average debt service, although a dramatically higher impact would be obtained by an increase in primary surplus. Evidence suggest that the Brazilian authorities motivation for holding international reserves as high as US$200 billion may not be purely precautionary, pointing to the hypotheses of credibility gains and fiscal flexibility issues.
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Três estudos econométricos sobre o papel das reservas internacionais brasileirasNunes, Danielle Barcos January 2009 (has links)
Nesta tese são desenvolvidos três estudos sobre as reservas internacionais brasileiras, utilizando diferentes técnicas econométricas, com o objetivo de determinar a influência de medidas absolutas e relativas de reservas sobre o rating soberano de crédito e o spread soberano, bem como o nível adequado para garantir a liquidez externa. As análises foram feitas com dados mensais do período jan/2000-jun/2008. No primeiro estudo, mostrou-se que diferentes medidas de reservas internacionais apresentam efeito significativo na explicação do rating soberano de crédito, através de modelos ordered logit para a média dos ratings emitidos pelas três principais agências (Moody's, Standard & Poors e Fitch). Entretanto, o indicador de maior poder explicativo não foi o nível absoluto de reservas, mas a razão entre dívida pública externa líquida e PIB. Outras variáveis de destacada importância na maioria dos modelos foram o percentual da dívida interna de curto prazo, investimento estrangeiro direto/PIB e inflação. Variáveis tradicionalmente utilizadas como indicadores de liquidez, como razão reservas/importações e conta corrente/PIB, não foram significativas na maioria dos modelos. Os resultados confirmam os indícios contidos no discurso das agências de rating, quanto à importância das reservas internacionais em sua avaliação, embora alertando que outras variáveis, como perfil de endividamento do governo e perspectivas de crescimento, são também fundamentais. O segundo estudo de caso encontrou relação significativa entre as reservas internacionais e o spread soberano, através de modelos de correção de erros. O efeito estimado do rating soberano foi não-significativo ou pouco explicativo, comparado aos fundamentos, provavelmente devido à volatilidade do spread soberano em resposta a variações nas condições do mercado, ao contrário do rating. O melhor modelo obtido utilizou o nível absoluto de reservas, evidenciando também efeitos significativos da aversão global ao risco, taxas de juros internacionais e crises políticas internas. Os resultados desse estudo indicam custo marginal decrescente das reservas internacionais e a necessidade de considerá-lo endógeno em modelos de minimização de custos para determinação do nível ótimo de reservas. O terceiro estudo implementou a metodologia de Liquidity-at-Risk sugerida por Greenspan (1999) para avaliar a adequação do nível de reservas internacionais para a manutenção da liquidez externa. Para a medida de liquidez reservas/dívida externa de curto prazo (razão de Guidotti), estimou-se que o nível de reservas internacionais mantidas pelo Brasil em jun/2008 (US$200 bilhões) era aproximadamente o dobro do necessário para garantir uma razão de Guidotti superior a 1, com 99% de probabilidade, durante 24, 36 ou 48 meses. Em diversos cenários alternativos de percentual das dívidas externa e interna de curto prazo, meta de superávit primário, índice de aversão ao risco e taxas de juros externas, as reservas iniciais necessárias situaram-se em US$85-105 bilhões. A análise de custos revela que o aumento das reservas diminui os juros médios da dívida, embora efeito maior pudesse ser alcançado através do aumento do superávit primário. As evidências sugerem que a motivação das autoridades brasileiras para a manutenção de reservas em torno de US$200 bilhões não é puramente precaucionária, admitindo as hipóteses de ganho de credibilidade e flexibilidade para a execução da política fiscal. / This thesis developed three case studies on the Brazilian international reserves, using various econometric techniques in order to determine the influence of absolute and relative measures of reserves over both the sovereign credit rating and the sovereign spread, as well as to assess the adequate reserves level to ensure external liquidity. Analyses were carried out on monthly data from Jan/2000 to Jun/2008. The first case study found significant effects of different reserves measures in explaining the sovereign credit rating, by fitting ordered logit models to the average of the ratings issued by the three main agencies (Moody's, Standard & Poors and Fitch) for the Brazilian long term external debt. However, the best explaining variable was not the absolute level of reserves, but the ratio "net public external debt/GDP" instead. It was noteworthy the significance of the following variables in most of the models tested: short term internal debt (%), foreign direct investment/GDP and inflation. Variables traditionally used as external liquidity measures, like reserves/imports and current account/GDP, are not statistically significant in most of the models fitted in this study. Results support the evidence found in the rating agencies' reports, as to the importance of international reserves in their credit quality assessment, although pointing to other variables, like government debt profile and growth perspectives, as equally critical. The second case study found significant relationship between the Brazilian international reserves and its sovereign spread, using error correction models. The estimated effect of sovereign rating was either non-significant, or poorly explanatory when compared to macroeconomic fundamentals, probably due to the volatility of sovereign spread in response to changes in market conditions, unlike the sovereign rating. The best model obtained included the absolute level of reserves, showing also significant effect of the global risk aversion, external interest rates and internal political crises. The results of this study point to a decreasing marginal cost of international reserves and the need of considering it as endogenous in optimal reserves models based in cost minimization. Finally, the third case study implemented the Liquidity-at-Risk methodology suggested by Greenspan (1999), in order to assess the Brazilian reserves level adequacy in maintaining external liquidity. For the liquidity measure adopted - the ratio "reserves/short term external debt" (Guidotti's ratio) - it was found that the Brazilian reserves level held in Jun/2008 (US$200 billion) was roughly twice the necessary one to ensure a Guidotti's ratio above 1, with 99% probability, within 24, 36 or 48 months. In several alternative scenarios varying the short term external debt, short term internal debt, primary surplus, global risk aversion and external interest rates, the required initial reserves was in the range US$85-105 billion. An analysis of alternative policies' costs revealed the expected effect of higher reserves in decreasing the average debt service, although a dramatically higher impact would be obtained by an increase in primary surplus. Evidence suggest that the Brazilian authorities motivation for holding international reserves as high as US$200 billion may not be purely precautionary, pointing to the hypotheses of credibility gains and fiscal flexibility issues.
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