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Investigation of charge injection at electrode-dielectric interface relevant for HVDC cables : Simulation of charge injection and transport dynamics in electrical insulation for HVDC cablesMosa, Mohammed January 2023 (has links)
A bipolar charge transport (BCT) model is used to simulate charge injection and transportdynamics inside insulation material which are used in a high voltage direct current (HVDC)cable. Gaining knowledge about space charge density and electric field distribution in theinsulation material enables minimising charge injection at the metal-insulator interface andavoiding unnecessary energy loss. Simulation methods using the numerical Finite ElementMethod (FEM) are implemented in COMSOL multiphysics in order to investigate the effect ofchemical structure such as dipoles, physical defects such as interface roughness and impurityconcentration leading to ions, on the potential barrier and charge injection at the interface.Interface dipoles such as surface dipoles or chemical dipoles can increase or decrease thepotential barrier at the interface depending on direction/orientation of the dipole. Moreover,using a field enhancement factor to include the effect of interface roughness at the interfaceyields increased charge injection when higher values of the field enhancement factor wereused. The barrier height becomes therefore locally lower where the degree of roughness ishigher. Including the effect of ions, the electric field was observed to be enhanced near theelectodes, where it was weakened in the middle of the insulation, depending on the amount ofthe impurity concentration inside the insulation. Improvement on the charge injection lows isalso done using a combination of both Richardson-Schottky and Fowler-Nordheim chargeinjection laws to include both a classical and a quantum mechanical description in the BCTmodel. Solving for the transmission coefficient from Schrödinger equation could improve theaccuracy of Fowler-Nordheim as well. Including potentials due to image effect or chemicalcompositions such as water dipoles will affect the charge injection barrier and the transmission coefficient.
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Étude du phénomène d'électrisation par écoulement : impact d'un champ électrique externe sur la double couche électrique / Study of the flow electrification phenomenon : impact of an external electric field on the electrical double layerLeblanc, Paul 01 December 2015 (has links)
A l'interface solide-liquide, des réactions physicochimiques conduisent à polariser l'interface et à former la double couche électrique (DCE). La circulation du liquide transporte une partie des charges électriques de la DCE et conduit au phénomène d'électrisation par écoulement. Dans les transformateurs de puissance, constitués, entre autres, d'huile minérale et de carton d'isolement, le phénomène d'électrisation est suspecté d'être à l'origine de certaines défaillances et accidents. Dans cette problématique de risque, de nombreuses études ont été menées et ont permis de mettre en évidence l'influence de paramètres significatifs : nature des matériaux, humidité des matériaux, géométrie et vitesse de l'écoulement, température. Peu d'études se sont concentrées sur l'influence du champ électrique, en particulier les champs continus (DC). Même si le champ électrique généré dans les équipements de puissance est principalement alternatif (AC), il n'en est pas moins vrai que des champs électriques continus (DC) résiduels peuvent être présents, en particulier dans les dispositifs H.V.D.C (High Voltage Direct Current). L'objet du travail s'inscrit dans ce contexte et a pour but, dans une approche à la fois expérimentale et numérique, d'apporter des éléments de réponse sur le développement et le transport des charges de la double couche électrique sous contrainte de champ électrique externe. / At the solid-liquid interface, physicochemical reactions lead to the polarization of the interface and to the formation of an electrical double layer (EDL). The process of flow electrification is due to the convection of part of the electrical charges located in the EDL. In power transformers within which mineral oil and pressboard are commonly used for cooling and electrical insulation, a flow electrification phenomenon is suspected to be responsible of failures. In this hazard assessment problematic, many studies have been made and allowed identifying the influence of significant parameters: nature of materials, moisture level of materials, flow geometry and velocity, temperature. Few studies have focused on the influence of the electric filed, particularly the continuous electric fields (DC). Even though the electric field generated within power transformers is mainly alternating (AC), it is nonetheless true that residual DC electric fields may be detected (e.g. High Voltage Direct Current appartus). This present work fits in this context and aims at providing, both through an experimental and numerical approach, some answers on the development and the transport of charges from the electrical double layer under external electric field stresses.
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