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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transcriptome-wide analysis in cells and tissues

Vickovic, Sanja January 2017 (has links)
High-throughput sequencing has greatly influenced the amount of data produced and biological questions asked and answered. Sequencing approaches have also enabled rapid development of related technological fields such as single-cell and spatially resolved expression profiling. The introductory parts of this thesis give an overview of the basic molecular and technological apparatus needed to analyse the transcriptome in cells and tissues. This is succeeded by a summary of present investigations that report recent advancements in RNA profiling. RNA integrity needs to be preserved for accurate gene expression analysis. A method providing a low-cost alternative for RNA preservation was reported. Namely, a low concentration of buffered formaldehyde was used for fixation of human cell lines and peripheral blood cells (Paper I). The results from bulk RNA sequencing confirmed gene expression was not negatively impacted with the preservation procedure (r2&gt;0.88) and that long-term storage of such samples was possible (r2=0.95). However, it is important to note that a small population of cells overexpressing a limited amount of genes can skew bulk gene expression analyses making them sufficient only in carefully designed studies. Therefore, gene expression should be investigated at the single cell resolution when possible. A method for high-throughput single cell expression profiling termed microarrayed single-cell sequencing was developed (Paper II). The method incorporated fluorescence-activated cell sorting, sample deposition and profiling of thousands of barcoded single cells in one reaction. After sample attachment to a barcoded array, a high-resolution image was taken which linked the position of each array barcode sequence to each individual deposited cell. The cDNA synthesis efficiency was estimated at 17.3% while detecting 27,427 transcripts per cell on average. Additionally, spatially resolved analysis is important in cell differentiation, organ development and pathological changes. Current methods are limited in terms of throughput, cost and time. For that reason, the spatial transcriptomics method was developed (Paper III). Here, the barcoded microarray was used to obtain spatially resolved expression profiles from tissue sections using the same imaging principle. The mouse olfactory bulb was profiled on a whole-transcriptome scale and the results showed that the expression correlated well (r2=0.94-0.97) as compared to bulk RNA sequencing. The method was 6.9% efficient, reported signal diffusion at ~2 μm and accurately deconvoluted layer-specific transcripts in an unbiased manner. Lastly, the spatial transcriptomics concept was applied to profile human breast tumours in three dimensions (Paper IV). Unbiased clustering revealed previously un-annotated regions and classified them as parts of the immune system, providing a detailed view into complex interactions and crosstalk in the whole tissue volume. Spatial tumour classification divulged that certain parts of the tumour clearly classified as other subtypes as compared to bulk analysis providing useful data for current practice diagnostics. The last part of the thesis discusses a look towards the future, how the presented methods could be used, improved upon or combined in translational research. / <p>QC 20170109</p>

In situ Sequencing : Methods for spatially-resolved transcriptome analysis

Mignardi, Marco January 2014 (has links)
It is well known that cells in tissues display a large heterogeneity in gene expression due to differences in cell lineage origin and variation in the local environment at different sites in the tissue, a heterogeneity that is difficult to study by analyzing bulk RNA extracts from tissue. Recently, genome-wide transcriptome analysis technologies have enabled the analysis of this variation with single-cell resolution. In order to link the heterogeneity observed at molecular level with the morphological context of tissues, new methods are needed which achieve an additional level of information, such as spatial resolution. In this thesis I describe the development and application of padlock probes and rolling circle amplification (RCA) as molecular tools for spatially-resolved transcriptome analysis. Padlock probes allow in situ detection of individual mRNA molecules with single nucleotide resolution, visualizing the molecular information directly in the cell and tissue context. Detection of clinically relevant point mutations in tumor samples is achieved by using padlock probes in situ, allowing visualization of intra-tumor heterogeneity. To resolve more complex gene expression patterns, we developed in situ sequencing of RCA products combining padlock probes and next-generation sequencing methods. We demonstrated the use of this new method by, for the first time, sequencing short stretches of transcript molecules directly in cells and tissue. By using in situ sequencing as read-out for multiplexed padlock probe assays, we measured the expression of tens of genes in hundreds of thousands of cells, including point mutations, fusions transcripts and gene expression level. These molecular tools can complement genome-wide transcriptome analyses adding spatial resolution to the molecular information. This level of resolution is important for the understanding of many biological processes and potentially relevant for the clinical management of cancer patients. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Towards spatial host-microbiome profiling

Lötstedt, Britta January 2021 (has links)
Sequencing technologies and applications have pushed the limits and enabled novel studies of biological mechanisms, evolutionary relationships and communication networks between cells. The technical developments leading to single cell RNA-sequencing have enabled detection of rare cell populations while spatial resolution added insights into larger biological environments, like tissues and organs. Massively parallel sequencing has paved the way for integrated high-throughput analyses including that of studying gene expression, protein expression and mapping of microbial communities. This thesis starts with an introduction describing the technical and biological advancements made in recent years with focus on spatially resolved approaches. Then, a summary of recent accomplishments is presented, which enabled ongoing work in a novel field of spatial hostmicrobiome profiling. Lastly, the concluding remarks include both a future perspective and a short reflection on the current developments in the spatial multi-omics field. 16S sequencing is often used for taxonomic classification of bacteria. In Paper I, this sequencing technique was used to study the aerodigestive microbiome in pediatric lung transplant recipients. Many of these patients regretfully reject the organ after transplant, but the underlying cause is, in many cases, unknown. In this paper, multiple factors influencing rejection were examined including that of the aerodigestive microbiome. Pediatric lung transplant recipients often suffer from gastrointestinal dysmotility and the focus of this study was also to analyze changes in the microbiome in relation to irregular gastric muscle movements. The results showed that lung transplant recipients had, in general, lower microbial diversity in the gastric fluid and throat and also that the microbial overlap between lung and gastric sampling sites was significantly less in transplant recipients compared to controls. In addition, gastrointestinal dysmotility was shown to influence the gastric microbiome in lung transplant recipients, but, given the small sample size available in this study, the correlation to patient outcome could not be examined. Integrated analysis of the transcriptome and the antibody-based proteome in the same tissue section was enabled using the method developed in Paper II. Spatial Multi- Omics (SM-Omics) uses a barcoded glass array to capture mRNA and antibody-based expression of selected proteins in the same section. The antibody-based profiling of the tissue section was enabled by either immunofluorescence or DNA-barcoded antibodies that were then decoded by sequencing. The protocol was scaled-up using an automated liquidhandling system. Using this method, simultaneous profiling of the transcriptome and multiplexed protein values was determined in both the mouse brain cortex and mouse spleen. Results showed a high correlation in spatial pattern between gene expression and antibody measurements, independently of the antibody labelling technique. SM-Omics generates a high-plex multi-omics characterization of the tissue in a high throughput manner while exhibiting low technical variation. / Tekniker och applikationer som använder sekvensering har flyttat fram gränsernaoch tillåtit nya undersökningar av biologiska mekanismer, evolutionära släktskap ochkommunikationsnätverk mellan celler. De tekniska utvecklingarna som har lett fram tillRNA-sekvensering av enskilda celler har möjliggjort upptäckten av sällsynta cellpopulationer medan den rumsliga upplösningen har inneburit en ökad förståelse av störrebiologiska miljöer, såsom vävnader och organ. Massively parallel sequencing har banat vägför integrerade analyser med hög kapacitet, vilket inkluderar analys av genuttryck,proteinuttryck och kartläggning av bakteriella samhällen. Den här avhandlingen börjar meden introduktion som beskriver tekniska och biologiska framsteg som gjorts de senaste åren,med fokus på den rumsliga upplösningen. Sedan följer en summering av de senasteprestationerna som har möjliggjort det pågående arbetet i ett nytt fält som avhandlarrumslig profilering av bakterien och dess värd. Slutligen innehåller slutordet både ettframtida perspektiv samt en kort reflektion av den nuvarande utvecklingen inom fälten förrumslig mång-omik. 16S-sekvensering används ofta för att taxonomiskt klassificera bakterier. Dennasekvenseringsteknik användes i artikel I för att studera mikrobiomet i luft- ochmatspjälkningskanalen hos barn med transplanterad lunga. Dessvärre är det vanligt medavstötning av lungan efter transplantationen hos många av dessa patienter, men denunderliggande orsaken till avstötningen är, i många fall, okänd. I denna studie undersöktesflertalet faktorer, inklusive mikrobiomet i luft- och matspjälkningskanalen, som kan tänkaspåverka bortstötningen. Barn med transplanterad lunga lider ofta av störningar i magtarmkanalens rörelser och artikelns fokus var därmed även att analysera förändringar imikrobiomet i relation till dessa avvikande rörelser i mag-tarmkanalen. Resultatet visade attpatienter med transplanterad lunga generellt hade lägre bakteriell mångfald i magsaft ochhals, samt att det bakteriella överlappet mellan lunga och magsaft var signifikant mindre ipatienter med transplanterad lunga jämfört med kontrollerna. För övrigt visade det sig attstörningar i mag-tarmkanalens rörelser påverkade magsaftens mikrobiom hos patientermed transplanterad lunga, men på grund av studiens storlek på urvalet, kunde det inteundersökas hur detta korrelerade till utfallet hos patienterna. Integrerad analys av transkriptomet och antikroppsbaserad analys av proteomet isamma vävnadssnitt har möjliggjorts genom metoden som utvecklats i artikel II. SpatialMulti-Omics (SM-Omics) använder ett avkodningsbart mönster av korta DNA-segment påen glasyta för att fånga mRNA och antikroppsbaserat uttryck av utvalda proteiner frånsamma vävnadssnitt. Den antikroppsbaserade profileringen av vävnadssnittet uppnåddesgenom antingen immunofluorescens eller antikroppar märkta med DNA-segment somkunde avkodas genom sekvensering. Protokollet skalades upp genom ett automatiseratsystem för att behandla vätskor. Genom användning av denna metod kunde simultanprofilering av transkriptomet och flertalet proteiner uppnås i både hjärnbarken och mjältenhos en mus. Resultaten visade en hög korrelation i det rumsliga mönstret mellangenuttrycket och de antikroppsbaserade mätningarna, oberoende av hur antikropparnahade märkts. SM-Omics genererar en storskalig karaktärisering av vävnaden av flera omikermed hög kapacitet samtidigt som den har låg teknisk variation. / <p>QC 2021-02-02</p>

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