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Analysis and Culture of the Broiler Gut Microbiome: A Step Towards Building a Disease-Resistant Microbial Consortia / Analysis of Broiler Gut Microbiome Through CulturingKarwasra, Sakshi January 2024 (has links)
Antimicrobial resistance poses a significant challenge to human health and is also a pressing One Health concern. The routine use of antibiotics as growth promoters in agricultural animals has contributed to the emergence of antibiotic resistance, which can subsequently affect human populations. Discontinuing this practice has led to a surge in infections and therapeutic antibiotic use in these animals. This increased susceptibility to infections may be linked, at least partially, to the loss of colonization resistance resulting from alterations in the microbiome. This study focuses on poultry, as the consumption of chicken meat can introduce antibiotic-resistant microbes into the human population. The overarching hypothesis for this research project is that a rationally designed consortium of microbes sourced from healthy chickens will increase colonization resistance and decrease susceptibility to infections as an alternative to growth-promoting antibiotics. The first goal was to analyze the broiler chicken’s gut microbiome and to establish a comprehensive culture collection of microorganisms from healthy chickens. Culture-enriched and culture-independent 16S sequencing was applied to assess the cultivability of the samples and to analyze their microbial profiles. Isolates were identified using MALDI-TOF and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Frozen samples (from antibiotic-free farms) had a greater microbial diversity than fresh samples (from a university research facility). However, a greater proportion of the microbiome was recovered by culture from the fresh compared to the frozen samples. A strain collection of 1121 isolates representing 121 species was constructed. In Aim 2, I carried out a functional screen to identify isolates from the culture collection that inhibited the growth of the predominant poultry pathogens, E. coli and C. perfringens. Several isolates were identified that inhibited one or the other pathogens and a small number of isolates killed both pathogens. These microbes form the basis of therapeutic consortia to increase colonization resistance in chickens. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / In the poultry industry, antibiotics have been used to promote chicken’s growth. This has contributed to the spread of antibiotic resistance to animal/human pathogens. When the use of growth-promoting antibiotics is stopped, the chickens become more susceptible to infections. These chickens have possibly lost protective bacteria that help fight pathogens. I thought that bacteria from healthy chicken’s intestine could help fight pathogens. To do this, I isolated a large collection of chicken gut’s good bacteria from healthy birds after individually separating them from the mixture using growing methods and sequencing. I separated bacteria from frozen and fresh mixtures, found that more bacteria grow from fresh mixtures. I then tested individual bacteria from this collection to see if they stop pathogenic bacteria like E. coli and C. perfringens from growing. I found that many bacteria could do this which may be used to develop a therapeutic community of good bugs to colonize chickens to make them more disease resistant.
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Towards spatial host-microbiome profilingLötstedt, Britta January 2021 (has links)
Sequencing technologies and applications have pushed the limits and enabled novel studies of biological mechanisms, evolutionary relationships and communication networks between cells. The technical developments leading to single cell RNA-sequencing have enabled detection of rare cell populations while spatial resolution added insights into larger biological environments, like tissues and organs. Massively parallel sequencing has paved the way for integrated high-throughput analyses including that of studying gene expression, protein expression and mapping of microbial communities. This thesis starts with an introduction describing the technical and biological advancements made in recent years with focus on spatially resolved approaches. Then, a summary of recent accomplishments is presented, which enabled ongoing work in a novel field of spatial hostmicrobiome profiling. Lastly, the concluding remarks include both a future perspective and a short reflection on the current developments in the spatial multi-omics field. 16S sequencing is often used for taxonomic classification of bacteria. In Paper I, this sequencing technique was used to study the aerodigestive microbiome in pediatric lung transplant recipients. Many of these patients regretfully reject the organ after transplant, but the underlying cause is, in many cases, unknown. In this paper, multiple factors influencing rejection were examined including that of the aerodigestive microbiome. Pediatric lung transplant recipients often suffer from gastrointestinal dysmotility and the focus of this study was also to analyze changes in the microbiome in relation to irregular gastric muscle movements. The results showed that lung transplant recipients had, in general, lower microbial diversity in the gastric fluid and throat and also that the microbial overlap between lung and gastric sampling sites was significantly less in transplant recipients compared to controls. In addition, gastrointestinal dysmotility was shown to influence the gastric microbiome in lung transplant recipients, but, given the small sample size available in this study, the correlation to patient outcome could not be examined. Integrated analysis of the transcriptome and the antibody-based proteome in the same tissue section was enabled using the method developed in Paper II. Spatial Multi- Omics (SM-Omics) uses a barcoded glass array to capture mRNA and antibody-based expression of selected proteins in the same section. The antibody-based profiling of the tissue section was enabled by either immunofluorescence or DNA-barcoded antibodies that were then decoded by sequencing. The protocol was scaled-up using an automated liquidhandling system. Using this method, simultaneous profiling of the transcriptome and multiplexed protein values was determined in both the mouse brain cortex and mouse spleen. Results showed a high correlation in spatial pattern between gene expression and antibody measurements, independently of the antibody labelling technique. SM-Omics generates a high-plex multi-omics characterization of the tissue in a high throughput manner while exhibiting low technical variation. / Tekniker och applikationer som använder sekvensering har flyttat fram gränsernaoch tillåtit nya undersökningar av biologiska mekanismer, evolutionära släktskap ochkommunikationsnätverk mellan celler. De tekniska utvecklingarna som har lett fram tillRNA-sekvensering av enskilda celler har möjliggjort upptäckten av sällsynta cellpopulationer medan den rumsliga upplösningen har inneburit en ökad förståelse av störrebiologiska miljöer, såsom vävnader och organ. Massively parallel sequencing har banat vägför integrerade analyser med hög kapacitet, vilket inkluderar analys av genuttryck,proteinuttryck och kartläggning av bakteriella samhällen. Den här avhandlingen börjar meden introduktion som beskriver tekniska och biologiska framsteg som gjorts de senaste åren,med fokus på den rumsliga upplösningen. Sedan följer en summering av de senasteprestationerna som har möjliggjort det pågående arbetet i ett nytt fält som avhandlarrumslig profilering av bakterien och dess värd. Slutligen innehåller slutordet både ettframtida perspektiv samt en kort reflektion av den nuvarande utvecklingen inom fälten förrumslig mång-omik. 16S-sekvensering används ofta för att taxonomiskt klassificera bakterier. Dennasekvenseringsteknik användes i artikel I för att studera mikrobiomet i luft- ochmatspjälkningskanalen hos barn med transplanterad lunga. Dessvärre är det vanligt medavstötning av lungan efter transplantationen hos många av dessa patienter, men denunderliggande orsaken till avstötningen är, i många fall, okänd. I denna studie undersöktesflertalet faktorer, inklusive mikrobiomet i luft- och matspjälkningskanalen, som kan tänkaspåverka bortstötningen. Barn med transplanterad lunga lider ofta av störningar i magtarmkanalens rörelser och artikelns fokus var därmed även att analysera förändringar imikrobiomet i relation till dessa avvikande rörelser i mag-tarmkanalen. Resultatet visade attpatienter med transplanterad lunga generellt hade lägre bakteriell mångfald i magsaft ochhals, samt att det bakteriella överlappet mellan lunga och magsaft var signifikant mindre ipatienter med transplanterad lunga jämfört med kontrollerna. För övrigt visade det sig attstörningar i mag-tarmkanalens rörelser påverkade magsaftens mikrobiom hos patientermed transplanterad lunga, men på grund av studiens storlek på urvalet, kunde det inteundersökas hur detta korrelerade till utfallet hos patienterna. Integrerad analys av transkriptomet och antikroppsbaserad analys av proteomet isamma vävnadssnitt har möjliggjorts genom metoden som utvecklats i artikel II. SpatialMulti-Omics (SM-Omics) använder ett avkodningsbart mönster av korta DNA-segment påen glasyta för att fånga mRNA och antikroppsbaserat uttryck av utvalda proteiner frånsamma vävnadssnitt. Den antikroppsbaserade profileringen av vävnadssnittet uppnåddesgenom antingen immunofluorescens eller antikroppar märkta med DNA-segment somkunde avkodas genom sekvensering. Protokollet skalades upp genom ett automatiseratsystem för att behandla vätskor. Genom användning av denna metod kunde simultanprofilering av transkriptomet och flertalet proteiner uppnås i både hjärnbarken och mjältenhos en mus. Resultaten visade en hög korrelation i det rumsliga mönstret mellangenuttrycket och de antikroppsbaserade mätningarna, oberoende av hur antikropparnahade märkts. SM-Omics genererar en storskalig karaktärisering av vävnaden av flera omikermed hög kapacitet samtidigt som den har låg teknisk variation. / <p>QC 2021-02-02</p>
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An investigation of potential relationships between septic tank microbial communities and system design and performanceChan, Wing Yip Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Septic tanks are utilized by many households across North America for wastewater treatment. Despite the economic and environmental importance of septic tanks, there has been limited innovation in septic tank design and research on the microbial communities responsible for wastewater treatment within these systems. InnerTube systems are septic tanks that employ a novel design to reduce solid accumulation in comparison to conventional septic tanks. For this project, 16S metabarcoding was employed to characterize conventional and InnerTube septic tank microbial communities and evaluate relationships between community composition, system design, and treatment efficacy. Wastewater was sampled along the length of InnerTubes to determine patterns of microbial succession and how they may impact InnerTube function. Wastewater was separated into liquid and solid fractions to identify differentially abundant taxa in each fraction. Populations of methylotrophic methanogens increased with distance from the InnerTube inlet. Solid communities were differentially more abundant in methanogens than liquid communities. Higher rates of solid degradation in InnerTubes may be due to longitudinal stratification of substrates and functionally distinct communities and the activity of methanogenic biomass. Septic tanks throughout Ontario were also surveyed to evaluate the effect of system design (conventional vs. InnerTube) and operational flow (single-pass vs. recirculation) on microbial community composition and to identify taxa correlated with chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction. Single-pass InnerTube communities were more abundant in Pseudomonas which was attributed increased availability of long-chain fatty acid substrates. Recirculating conventional communities were more abundant in Arcobacter and Desulfomicrobium which was attributed to greater resistance to oxidative stress. Desulfovibrio and Brevundimonas were positively correlated with COD reduction. These putative hydrogen producers may facilitate greater COD reduction by forming syntrophic relationships with hydrogenotrophic methanogens. The findings of this project may be used to develop bioaugmentation inoculum, system designs, or operational strategies to optimize septic tank performance. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / Septic systems (anaerobic digesters) are extensively used for on-site wastewater treatment. We evaluated the use of next-generation DNA sequencing to (1) assess the variability of septic system microbial communities and (2) to investigate relationships between communities and septic system type/performance. Microbial communities within septic systems were determined to be heterogeneous. Analyses also indicated that communities were highly variable between septic systems. Despite this variability, specific system types exhibited distinct microbial profiles. System performance was positively correlated with the abundance of hydrogen-producing bacteria. These results demonstrate the potential of next-generation DNA sequencing as a new tool to augment traditional wastewater analyses.
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Variações das estruturas das comunidades de bactérias e fungos em Espodossolos sob diferentes regimes de drenagem / Changes in the bacterial and fungal communities structures in Podzols under distinct drainage regimesMatos, Elisa Rabelo 12 March 2015 (has links)
Os Espodossolos são os solos de maior ocorrência na planície costeira do litoral do Estado de São Paulo e são caracterizados pela presença de um horizonte espódico (Bh ou Bhm). Poucas são as informações relacionadas à gênese destes solos em regiões tropicais, assim como da composição química da matéria orgânica (MO) nos mesmos e da influência dos micro-organismos em sua formação. É possível que micro-organismos envolvidos na degradação seletiva da MO sejam importantes para a gênese de Espodossolos, como observado anteriormente em Espodossolos de Bertioga e Ilha Comprida. O primeiro estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a variação espacial da estrutura das comunidades e a abundância de bactérias e fungos em três perfis de Espodossolos sob drenagem intermediária, nos diferentes horizontes e nas manchas brancas através de PCR-DGGE e quantificação por qPCR dos genes rRNA 16S de bactérias e ITS de fungos. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade espacial das comunidades de bactérias nos horizontes e nas manchas brancas de Espodossolos sob três regimes de drenagem, e determinar se a diversidade genética e estrutura das comunidades de bactérias estão associadas à composição molecular da MO nessas regiões, através do sequenciamento massivo da região V4 do gene do rRNA 16S de bactéria e análise de compostos orgânicos por pirólise-GC/MS. As estruturas das comunidades bacterianas, determinada por PCR-DGGE, nos diferentes horizontes de cada perfil foram mais similares entre si do que nos mesmos horizontes em diferentes perfis de Espodossolos. A estrutura das comunidades fungos não apresentou diferenças significativas, independente da localidade do perfil e profundidade dos horizontes. A abundância de cópias do gene rRNA 16S e região ITS, determinada por qPCR, foi maior no horizonte A do que no horizonte Bh, para os três perfis de Espodossolos estudados. Apesar de não haver diferenças significativas na estrutura das comunidades, grupos específicos de bactérias e fungos podem estar envolvidos na degradação seletiva da matéria orgânica nos diferentes horizontes, bem como nas manchas brancas e suas adjacências. A estrutura das comunidades de bactérias, determinada por sequenciamento massivo do gene rRNA 16S, nos horizontes mais superficiais (A e AE) foi distinta daquela observada nos horizontes mais profundos (EB, BE e Bh). Porém, as comunidades bacterianas nas manchas brancas e suas regiões adjacentes foram mais similares entre si, do que em relação as comunidades bacterianas nos horizontes, em todos os perfis analisados, independente do regime de drenagem. Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria e Actinobacteria foram os filos mais abundantes nos solos estudados. Actinobacteria e Alphaproteobacteria mostraram associação positiva com moléculas orgânicas derivadas da pirólise da lignina, as quais foram mais abundantes nos horizontes superficiais (A e AE), enquanto Acidobacteria mostrou associação positiva com compostos mais recalcitrantes encontrados em horizontes mais profundos (Bh), sugerindo um papel específico e diferenciado de cada grupo bacteriano na degradação de compostos orgânicos específicos. Os resultados desses estudos sugerem que grupos bacterianos específicos podem estar envolvidos na gênese de Espodossolos através da degradação de compostos orgânicos específicos em diferentes horizontes. / Podzols are highly frequent soils in the coastal plains of the São Paulo State, and are characterized by the presence of a spodic horizon (Bh or Bhm). Studies on the pedogenetic processes in Podzols of tropical regions are scarce, as well as studies on the molecular characterization of their organic matter (OM) and on the microorganisms involved in their genesis. It is possible that microorganisms involved in the selective degradation of the soil OM are important for the genesis of Podzols, as previously observed in Podzols of Bertioga and Ilha Comprida. The aim of the first study was to evaluate the spatial variation of the community structure and abundance of bacterial and fungi in the different horizons, bleached mottles and their immediate vicinity of three Podzol profiles under intermediary drainage regime, using PCR-DGGE and qPCR of the bacterial rRNA 16S gene and fungal ITS region. The aim of the second study was to determine the spatial variability of the bacterial communities in the horizons and bleached mottles of Podzols under three drainage regimes, and whether the bacterial genetic diversity and community structure were associated to the molecular OM composition, using high-throughput sequencing of the V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and analyses of organic compounds by pyrolysis GC/MS. The structure of bacterial communities, determined by PCRDGGE, in the different horizons of each soil profile were more similar to each other than in the same horizons of different soil profiles. The fungal community structures did not show significant differences, independent of the soil profile location and horizons depth. Abundance of copies of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS region, determined by qPCR, was higher in the A horizon than in the Bh horizon, for the three Podzol profiles studied. Even though there were no significant differences in community structures, specific groups of bacteria and fungi may be involved in the selective degradation of organic matter in different horizons, bleached mottles and their immediate vicinity. The bacterial community structures, determined by highthroughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, in the surface horizons (A and AE) were distinct of that in the deeper horizons (EB, BE and Bh). However, the bacterial community structures in the bleached mottles and their immediate vicinity were more similar to each other than to the community structures in the horizons, in all profiles studied, regardless of the drainage regime. Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were the most abundant phyla in the soils studied. Actinobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria showed a positive relationship organic compounds derived from lignin degradation, which were more abundant in the surface horizons (A and AE), whereas Acidobacteria showed a positive relationship with more recalcitrant compounds detected in deeper horizons (Bh), suggesting a specific and distinct roles of each bacterial group in the degradation of specific organic compounds. The results of these studies suggest that specific bacterial groups may be involved in the genesis of Podzols by degrading specific organic compounds in different horizons.
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Variações das estruturas das comunidades de bactérias e fungos em Espodossolos sob diferentes regimes de drenagem / Changes in the bacterial and fungal communities structures in Podzols under distinct drainage regimesElisa Rabelo Matos 12 March 2015 (has links)
Os Espodossolos são os solos de maior ocorrência na planície costeira do litoral do Estado de São Paulo e são caracterizados pela presença de um horizonte espódico (Bh ou Bhm). Poucas são as informações relacionadas à gênese destes solos em regiões tropicais, assim como da composição química da matéria orgânica (MO) nos mesmos e da influência dos micro-organismos em sua formação. É possível que micro-organismos envolvidos na degradação seletiva da MO sejam importantes para a gênese de Espodossolos, como observado anteriormente em Espodossolos de Bertioga e Ilha Comprida. O primeiro estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a variação espacial da estrutura das comunidades e a abundância de bactérias e fungos em três perfis de Espodossolos sob drenagem intermediária, nos diferentes horizontes e nas manchas brancas através de PCR-DGGE e quantificação por qPCR dos genes rRNA 16S de bactérias e ITS de fungos. O segundo estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade espacial das comunidades de bactérias nos horizontes e nas manchas brancas de Espodossolos sob três regimes de drenagem, e determinar se a diversidade genética e estrutura das comunidades de bactérias estão associadas à composição molecular da MO nessas regiões, através do sequenciamento massivo da região V4 do gene do rRNA 16S de bactéria e análise de compostos orgânicos por pirólise-GC/MS. As estruturas das comunidades bacterianas, determinada por PCR-DGGE, nos diferentes horizontes de cada perfil foram mais similares entre si do que nos mesmos horizontes em diferentes perfis de Espodossolos. A estrutura das comunidades fungos não apresentou diferenças significativas, independente da localidade do perfil e profundidade dos horizontes. A abundância de cópias do gene rRNA 16S e região ITS, determinada por qPCR, foi maior no horizonte A do que no horizonte Bh, para os três perfis de Espodossolos estudados. Apesar de não haver diferenças significativas na estrutura das comunidades, grupos específicos de bactérias e fungos podem estar envolvidos na degradação seletiva da matéria orgânica nos diferentes horizontes, bem como nas manchas brancas e suas adjacências. A estrutura das comunidades de bactérias, determinada por sequenciamento massivo do gene rRNA 16S, nos horizontes mais superficiais (A e AE) foi distinta daquela observada nos horizontes mais profundos (EB, BE e Bh). Porém, as comunidades bacterianas nas manchas brancas e suas regiões adjacentes foram mais similares entre si, do que em relação as comunidades bacterianas nos horizontes, em todos os perfis analisados, independente do regime de drenagem. Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria e Actinobacteria foram os filos mais abundantes nos solos estudados. Actinobacteria e Alphaproteobacteria mostraram associação positiva com moléculas orgânicas derivadas da pirólise da lignina, as quais foram mais abundantes nos horizontes superficiais (A e AE), enquanto Acidobacteria mostrou associação positiva com compostos mais recalcitrantes encontrados em horizontes mais profundos (Bh), sugerindo um papel específico e diferenciado de cada grupo bacteriano na degradação de compostos orgânicos específicos. Os resultados desses estudos sugerem que grupos bacterianos específicos podem estar envolvidos na gênese de Espodossolos através da degradação de compostos orgânicos específicos em diferentes horizontes. / Podzols are highly frequent soils in the coastal plains of the São Paulo State, and are characterized by the presence of a spodic horizon (Bh or Bhm). Studies on the pedogenetic processes in Podzols of tropical regions are scarce, as well as studies on the molecular characterization of their organic matter (OM) and on the microorganisms involved in their genesis. It is possible that microorganisms involved in the selective degradation of the soil OM are important for the genesis of Podzols, as previously observed in Podzols of Bertioga and Ilha Comprida. The aim of the first study was to evaluate the spatial variation of the community structure and abundance of bacterial and fungi in the different horizons, bleached mottles and their immediate vicinity of three Podzol profiles under intermediary drainage regime, using PCR-DGGE and qPCR of the bacterial rRNA 16S gene and fungal ITS region. The aim of the second study was to determine the spatial variability of the bacterial communities in the horizons and bleached mottles of Podzols under three drainage regimes, and whether the bacterial genetic diversity and community structure were associated to the molecular OM composition, using high-throughput sequencing of the V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and analyses of organic compounds by pyrolysis GC/MS. The structure of bacterial communities, determined by PCRDGGE, in the different horizons of each soil profile were more similar to each other than in the same horizons of different soil profiles. The fungal community structures did not show significant differences, independent of the soil profile location and horizons depth. Abundance of copies of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS region, determined by qPCR, was higher in the A horizon than in the Bh horizon, for the three Podzol profiles studied. Even though there were no significant differences in community structures, specific groups of bacteria and fungi may be involved in the selective degradation of organic matter in different horizons, bleached mottles and their immediate vicinity. The bacterial community structures, determined by highthroughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, in the surface horizons (A and AE) were distinct of that in the deeper horizons (EB, BE and Bh). However, the bacterial community structures in the bleached mottles and their immediate vicinity were more similar to each other than to the community structures in the horizons, in all profiles studied, regardless of the drainage regime. Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were the most abundant phyla in the soils studied. Actinobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria showed a positive relationship organic compounds derived from lignin degradation, which were more abundant in the surface horizons (A and AE), whereas Acidobacteria showed a positive relationship with more recalcitrant compounds detected in deeper horizons (Bh), suggesting a specific and distinct roles of each bacterial group in the degradation of specific organic compounds. The results of these studies suggest that specific bacterial groups may be involved in the genesis of Podzols by degrading specific organic compounds in different horizons.
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Drosophila melanogaster and its bacterial partners : community dynamics and effects on animal physiology / Drosophila melanogaster et ses partenaires bactériens - Dynamique des communautés et effets sur la physiologie animaleTéfit, Mélisandre 16 December 2016 (has links)
Dans la nature, les relations symbiotiques sont très répandues, et d’une importance écologique fondamentale. Les animaux sont apparus, ont évolué et vivent maintenant constamment associés avec une multitude de micro-organismes. Parmi les différents types de symbioses existantes, celles liant le microbiote et son hôte occupent une place centrale et équilibrée, basée sur des relations commensales ou mutualistes entre les partenaires. Ce microbiote est de plus en plus étudié, notamment en raison du rôle crucial qu’il joue dans la santé animale ainsi que dans le développement de pathologies. Dans cette effort de recherche, Drosophila melanogaster représente un modèle de choix, grâce à la facilité de générer et maintenir des lignées de mouches axéniques, ainsi que de les réassocier avec une communauté microbienne définie.L’association de la drosophile avec l’un des ses commensaux naturels, Lactobacillus plantarum, a permis de révéler l’effet promoteur de croissance de cette bactérie. En cas de carence nutritionnelle, des larves associées avec L. plantarum se développent beaucoup plus rapidement que leurs semblables axéniques. L’ajustement du développement en fonction des conditions environnementales est cependant crucial pour la formation d’un individu à la santé optimale, et dans ce cas les individus grandissent plus vite alors que les conditions nutritionnelles sont pauvres. Nous avons donc cherché à déterminer si ce qui semble être un avantage au stade larvaire pouvait se révéler délétère pour les stades suivants et avoir un effet néfaste sur les mouches adultes. Nous avons montré que L. plantarum est bénéfique pour D. melanogaster tout au long du cycle de vie de la mouche et permet l’émergence précoce d’adultes matures et fertiles sans impact négatif sur leur santé et leurs performances. De plus, dans certaines conditions, cette souche commensale entraîne une augmentation de la durée de vie de mâles nutritionnellement carencés.Des études plus larges analysant l’interaction de la drosophile avec plusieurs espèces bactériennes peuvent informer sur la dynamique d’un microbiote de mouche. En effet, au sein de la niche environnementale, les bactéries sont échangées entre l’animal et son substrat nutritif, et ces transferts réciproques pourraient altérer la composition de la communauté. Nous avons étudié cette question en utilisant un microbiote naturel, et avons observé un haut degré de similitude entre les bactéries associées avec les mouches et la composition de la communauté bactérienne de la nourriture, illustrant le caractère stable de l’association du microbiote de la drosophile avec la population de mouches au sien de la niche.Ces résultats illustrent le pouvoir du modèle drosophile pour l’étude des interactions entre les animaux et leur microbiote, qui permet de déchiffrer la dynamique des communautés de bactéries commensales ainsi que leur impact sur la physiologie animale. / In nature, symbiotic relationships are widespread, and of paramount ecological importance. Animals have appeared, evolved, and are now living constantly associated with a variety of microorganisms. In the spectrum of different symbioses types, the microbiota occupies a central and balanced part by establishing commensalistic or mutualistic relationships with its host. Over the last years, the microbiota has been extensively studied given the crucial role it plays in animal health and disease. In this research effort, Drosophila melanogaster represents a fruitful model, thanks to the ease to generate and maintain axenic flies, and the simplicity of re-associating them with a defined microbial community.The association of Drosophila with one of its natural commensals, Lactobacillus plantarum, revealed a growth-promoting effect mediated by this bacterial species. In case of nutrient scarcity, larvae associated with L. plantarum develop twice faster than the germ-free ones. However, adjusting development to environmental cues is key to organismal fitness, and yet here animals are growing fast even though the nutritional conditions are poor. We thus questioned whether what seems like an advantage could in turn be deleterious at later stages, and adversely impact adult fitness. We showed that L. plantarum is a true beneficial partner for D. melanogaster throughout the fly life cycle. Indeed, it allows the precocious emergence of mature and fertile adults without fitness drawbacks, and in certain conditions, this commensal can even increase the lifespan of nutritionally challenged males.Broader studies assessing the interaction of Drosophila with several bacterial species can inform about the dynamics of a fly microbiota. Indeed, in the environmental niche bacteria are transferred between the fly and its nutritive substrate, and these reciprocal transfers could alter the composition of the community. We addressed this question using a wild-derived microbial community and observed a high degree of similarity between the bacteria associated with the flies and the composition of the community in the diet, illustrating the stable association of the Drosophila microbiota with the fly population in the niche.Altogether these results emphasize the power of the Drosophila model in the study of the relationships between animals and their microbiota, which allows deciphering the dynamics of commensal bacterial communities and their impact on animal physiology.
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Caractérisation du microbiome respiratoire et de la diversité génomique virale au cours des formes de grippes sévères / Respiratory microbiome and viral genomic diversity : characterization in severe forms of influenza diseasesPichon, Maxime 05 December 2018 (has links)
La grippe est une infection respiratoire responsable de complications respiratoires ou neurologiques nécessitant une prise en charge rapide et adaptée. L’émergence des technologies de séquençage à haut débit (NGS) permet l’étude des communautés microbiennes résidentes ainsi qu’une étude approfondie du génome des pathogènes impliqués. Cette thèse a pour objectif de caractériser le microbiome respiratoire et la diversité génomique virale des patients infectés par les virus grippaux, en corrélant les données clinicobiologiques recueillies. Après recueil des prélèvements respiratoires d’enfants hospitalisés entre 2010 et 2014, le séquençage de leur microbiome respiratoire a mis en évidence une augmentation de la diversité microbienne ainsi qu’une signature microbienne différentielle entre formes cliniques. Une répartition différentielle de taxons (OTU) permet la prédiction de complications chez les enfants infectés. L’étude d’échantillons respiratoires de patients adultes permettra de compléter la signature prédictive. Après validation des processus analytiques et bioinformatiques par reconstitution artificielles de quasi espèces et recueil de 125 prélèvements cliniques respiratoires, le séquençage du génome entier par NGS des virus grippaux permet de différencier les diversités initiales en fonction de la nature du virus infectant et de la complication. En comparaison du prélèvement initial précoce les échantillons prélevés successivement mettent en évidence une diversification différentielle entre les différents segments des virus grippaux infectant les patients, que ce soit chez les patients immunocompétents ou chez un patient immunodéprimé à l’excrétion prolongé / Influenza is a respiratory infection responsible for respiratory or neurological complications and require rapid and adapted management. The emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) allows the study of resident microbial communities as well as an in-depth study of the genome of the pathogens. This thesis aimed to characterize the respiratory microbiome and the viral genomic diversity of influenza virus infected patients, correlating these data to the collected clinical data. After sampling of respiratory specimens from hospitalized children between 2010 and 2014, the sequencing of their respiratory microbiome revealed an increase in microbial diversity and a differential microbial signature between clinical forms. A differential taxon distribution (OTU) allows the prediction of complications in infected children. The study of adult respiratory samples will complete the predictive signature.After validation of the analytical and bioinformatic processes by artificial reconstitution of quasi-species and collection of 125 respiratory clinical specimens, the sequencing of the whole genome by NGS of the influenza viruses allow to differentiate the initial diversities according to the nature of the infecting virus and the complication. Compared to early samples, specimen sampled successively show a differential diversification between the different segments of influenza viruses, whether in immunocompetent patients or in an immunocompromised patient with prolonged excretion
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Exploration du microbiote respiratoire humain / Human respiratory microbiota explorationMbogning Fonkou, Maxime Descartes 22 November 2018 (has links)
L'établissement d'un répertoire exhaustif ainsi que son élargissement constituent les deux objectifs principaux de ce travail. Nous avons d'abord établi la toute première liste de bactéries identifiées par culture des voies respiratoires au travers de la littérature scientifique. Nous répertorions ici 756 espèces, ce qui représente 27,23% de l'ensemble des bactéries isolées chez l'homme lorsque comparé au répertoire établi récemment par Bilen et al. Parmi ces bactéries, 514 avaient déjà été isolées au moins une fois dans les poumons. Plus de la moitié (i.e., 65,5%) des bactéries isolées pour la première fois dans des échantillons de poumons, ont été identifiées après les années 2000, soulignant la nécessité de poursuivre les efforts pour cultiver des microbes à partir des échantillons de voies respiratoires. Nous pensons que la combinaison de méthodes de culture à grande échelle telles que la culturomique et la métagénomique aidera à mieux décrire le microbiote pulmonaire. Des études antérieures sur le microbiote digestif le démontre. Nous avons ensuite utilisé des approches culturomiques et métagénomiques pour explorer le microbiote respiratoire d'individus sains. Nous avons isolé 193 bactéries par culturomics. Parmi ceux-ci, nous avons ajouté 84 au répertoire du microbiote respiratoire, dont 14 nouvelles espèces. En utilisant des approches métagénomiques, 139 OTU identifiées au rang de l'espèce dont seulement 49 (17,3%) étaient également retrouvées par culturomique, confortant la complémentarité des deux approches. Enfin, nous avons utilisé la taxonogénomique, une nouvelle approche permettant la description de nouvelles espèces bactériennes, pour décrire 19 bactéries. / The establishment of a comprehensive directory and its expansion through the use of high-speed culture methods are the two main objectives of this thesis work. We first established the first list of bacteria identified by airway culture through the scientific literature. Here we list 756 species, representing 27.23% of all bacteria isolated from humans when compared to the recently established repertoire of Bilen et al. Of these bacteria, 514 had already been isolated at least once in the lungs. Considering bacteria isolated for the first time in lung samples, more than half (ie, 65.5%) were identified after the 2000s, highlighting the need for continued efforts to grow microbes from lane samples respiratory. We believe that the combination of large scale culture methods such as culturomics and metagenomics will help to better describe the pulmonary microbiota. Previous studies on the digestive microbiota have shown the complementarity of these two approaches. We then used culturomic and metagenomic approaches to explore the respiratory microbiota of healthy individuals. We isolated 193 bacteria by culturomics. Of these, we added 84 bacteria to the repertoire of the respiratory microbiota, including 14 new species discovered. Using metagenomic approaches, 139 OTUs identified with the rank of the species of which only 49 (17.3%) were also recovered by culturomics, reinforcing the complementarity of the two approaches. Finally, we used taxonogenomics, a new approach for describing new bacterial species by integrating genomic and proteomic data with those that are classically integrated. Using this approach, 19 bacteria were described as part of this work.
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Microbial Analysis of Surfactant-Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer and Remote Sensing of Associated SlicksParks, Georgia 19 July 2019 (has links)
The sea-surface microlayer (SML) is the boundary layer at the air-sea interface where many biogeochemical processes occur. Many organisms (e.g., bacteria) produce surface active agents (surfactants) for life processes, which accumulate in the SML and dampen short gravity-capillary waves, resulting in sea surface slicks. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is capable of remotely sensing these features on the sea surface by measuring reflected backscatter from the ocean surface in microwaves. This study coordinates SAR overpasses with in situ SML and subsurface (SSW) microbial sample collection to guide subsequent analysis after 16s rRNA sequencing on the Illumina MiSeq. In April 2017, 138 SML and SSW samples were collected near a targeted oil-seep where the Taylor Platform was knocked down in the Gulf of Mexico, both in and out of visually-observed oil slicks. In July and August 2018, 220 SML and SSW samples were collected near the Looe Key coral reef and a coastal seagrass area. Analysis of microbial abundance and diversity between the two experiments shows that within oil slicks, surfactant- and oil-associated bacteria prefer to reside within the SSW rather than in the SML. In natural slicks in the coastal seagrass area, these bacteria are more abundant in the SML. Outside of these slicks, surfactant-associated bacteria are more abundant within the SML than the SSW. This suggests that the presence of oil reduces the habitability of the SML, whereas natural slicks created by foam and other surfactants creates a more habitable environment in the SML. With lower wind speed, abundance of these bacteria are greater, as increased wind speed results in a harsher environment. The diurnal cycle had an effect on the relative abundance of surfactant-associated bacteria in the SML and SSW. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of synthetic aperture radar to remotely sense sea surface slicks in coordination with in situ surfactant-associated bacteria data collection of the sea surface slicks.
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