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A Survey On The System Of Education At The Middle East Technical University Department Of Architecture, 1956-1980Uysal, Yesim Yuksel 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the system of architectural education in the Middle East Technical University Department of Architecture between 1956 and 1980. The formation and the transformation of the system of architectural education in the school are investigated with references to the evolution of the social, political, economic and architectural context of Turkey in the period and the systems of architectural education applied in the country. The education in the Department of Architecture not only formed its system according to the Bauhaus program as applied in the postwar American context, but also transformed it with changing architectural theory and the design methodology. Both the school' / s system of architectural education and the institutional identity established by the school provided significant contributions to the institutionalization of architectural education in Turkey. Besides, in the following decades, the school' / s system of education became basic model for other institutions in the country in re-structuring their systems. In this respect, by focusing on the M.E.T.U. Department of Architecture' / s system of architectural education, this study aims to be a history of the Middle East Technical University and the social, political, economic and architectural context of the period as well.
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Inquiry Into The Underwater Structures: Architectural Approaches To Design ConsiderationsKoyuncu, Dilsad 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Underwater has always been attractive and curiosity for human beings. Exploring, employing and being part of underwater has been a challenge for them at all times. The first underwater structures were products of engineering studies and have been used for fields of scientific researches and observations, military purposes and obtaining energy for centuries. However, underwater is a new medium for human for accommodation and entertainment purposes / and correspondingly new subject which is worth to study for architects. Designing underwater structures became a race between architects and engineers during last years. Accordingly, underwater hotel and restaurant projects were realized. Currently, underwater structures can uttered as a fantasy and a new understanding for architecture, however in the future underwater may be suggested as a new accommodation area.
The thesis aims to point out the design considerations of underwater structures from not merely engineering, but also architectural aspects. Designing underwater has its own principles and characteristics and these should be asserted under the light of the study on former structures. On the other hand, basic criteria and purposes of architectural aspects for underwater structures should be defined to meet requirements of human. To achieve that, parameters will be pointed out and interpreted according to the conditions and limitations of the environment in order to set the fundamentals for architectural approaches to underwater design. A comparative study on contemporary examples will be made to evaluate these parameters and comments will be made under the light of the evaluation.
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An Investigation Of Strengthening Of Historical Masonry Constructions By Steel SkeletonKucukdogan, Bilge 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Historical masonry structures are important cultural assets which reveal the social, archaeological, aesthetic, economical, political, architectural and technical features of their times. Within the course of the time, the structures have been exposed to the destructive effects of the nature and the man. Some has been able to survive somehow and others were totally ruined. Most of the remained structures are in vulnerable condition to upcoming effects and for the continuity of their presence, structural strengthening applications are needed. A variety of applications are used with different levels of respect to original fabric and different extents of intervention within the principles of international charters that regulate the intervention on historical monuments.
In this study, a method of strengthening for the historical masonry constructions is developed in a general sense by the use of steel skeleton systems. In the proposed methodology, it is aimed to approach the intact structural conditions as much as possible in the strengthened structure. For the study a 3D model is created to compare the behaviors of the intact and the modified structure. In the modified model some structural elements are replaced by the steel skeleton system as a strengthening application. The behavioral investigation of the two models is performed in the finite element platform. Finally, it is certified that this methodology successfully efficient in approaching the original intact condition of the structure under concern as well as complying with the restoration principles.
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Bio-climatic Architecture In Libya: Case Studies From Three Climatic RegionsElwefati, Nahla Adel 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate the bio-climatic characteristics of
traditional and contemporary residential architecture in three different
climatic/geographical regions of Libya, which are represented by Tripoli in the
&ldquo / coastal region&rdquo / Gharyan in the &ldquo / mountainous region&rdquo / and Ghadames in the
&ldquo / desert region&rdquo / . It was undertaken to understand and evaluate the effects of building
layout and orientation, wall thicknesses, ceiling height, construction materials,
thermal mass and size of windows, on the resultant thermal comfort conditions of
the buildings/dwellings in question.
An architectural survey of the dwellings was carried out and indoor and outdoor
photos of houses were taken. Temperature and humidity data in pre-determined
rooms of the dwellings, in addition to data relevant to exterior weather conditions
were recorded by thermo-hygrometers. Residents who had experience of living in
both traditional and contemporary dwellings were interviewed informally before
preparing a comprehensive questionnaire, which was distributed to them to gather
the required data.
It was found that traditional dwellings in Tripoli and Ghadames, in their present
condition, did not provide the desired level of thermal comfort. This was attributed
to a number of reasons. One was the abandonment of these dwellings by their
occupants, in favor of those of modern style. The resulting collapse of some parts of
adjacent house blocks, which used to provide a degree of protection against climatic
conditions when working as a whole block of several attached houses. Another was
the introduction of new construction materials that were incompatible with the
original ones. However, traditional dwellings in both cities appeared to provide
relatively better thermal comfort conditions in comparison with the use
contemporary dwellings of recent years, except for those with air conditioning.
This situation was different in Gharyan, where the troglodyte dwellings were
concerned. These dwellings were thermally more comfortable than the modern ones
in the city. This was attributed to the fact that most of the existing troglodyte
dwellings still preserved their original features to a large extent.
At length, this study recommends that modern types of dwellings should adapt
those features of the traditional ones that are more compatible and suitable for the
local climatic conditions, in a way which guarantees optimum exploitation of local
resources in terms of energy consumption and cost.
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Erder, Evin 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study provides a re-evaluation of the physical condition of, as well as past and current restoration and conservation work at Ahi Elvan Camii, Ö / rtmeli Mesjidi, Sabunî / Mesjidi and Poyraji Mesjidi& / #8212 / i.e., one Friday mosque, or camii, and three
mesjids, or small neighborhood mosques, located in Ulus, today the historic center of Ankara. All four structures, now registered as historic monuments, have survived intact, preserving most of their original architectural elements. Each structure also represents a different example of a building type which became prevalent in Ankara during the 14th can 15th centuries which have stone foundations, mud brick bearings walls with timber tie-beams, as well as timber ceilings supported by freestanding timber posts. These structures, registered and restored during different periods
since the 1920s, were intervened upon in various ways and clad and/or plastered with differing materials (e.g., cement-based or clay-based materials). Although at times past conservation interventions and/or signs of decay may be clearly visible, the effects of these on each structure as a whole& / #8212 / whether positive or negative& / #8212 / may be more difficult to detect.
A micro-climatic investigation program thus provided the primary, non-destructive diagnostic technique for this study. In addition to this, published as well as unpublished documents within the archives of Vakiflar Genel Mü / dü / rlü / gü / , or the General-Directorate of Endowments in Ankara, provided visual as well as written information on the history of each structure. Their building materials, as well as past
and present restoration and conservation work were also analyzed in situ. Based on long-term meteorological records for Ankara, data were collected at each structure
for one year during January, April, July and October using Tiny tag® / Plus data loggers on interior and exterior temperatures and relative humidity, as well as surface temperatures at their timber ceilings for one week per season. In addition to
this, the distribution of temperature and relative humidity at each structure was measured every m2 within the main prayer hall and women& / #8217 / s section, or kadinlar mahfeli at each structure per season, and surface temperature measurements taken of their timber ceilings and interior wall surfaces.
Data collected were subsequently analyzed with respect to various relevant factors such as / the physical characteristics of their load-bearing walls and the buffer capacity of materials within these structures and their effects on indoor microclimatic conditions, the risk of surface condensation at the exterior wall surfaces and the timber ceilings of each structure, suggested parameters required for the
conservation of their interior timber elements, and materials conservation vis à / vis existing comfort conditions. Past measures taken in the restoration and conservation
of the four structures and their present physical condition were thus re-evaluated, and recommendations provided for possible approaches to their sustainable
conservation in the long-term.
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FromAydogan, Esra 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
There is a growing trend to design buildings with colourful and dynamic outer skins through the integration of digital media tools, particularly Led Emitting Diode (LED) systems, and the use of innovative technology. This integration has been discussed in recent conferences under the term &ldquo / media faç / ade&rdquo / as a new research field. Discussing the intersection of media, technology, art, and architecture, this field introduces a new form of communication platform, urban space and public perception, which can be viewed through the perspective of Guy Debord&rsquo / s &ldquo / The Society of the Spectacle&rdquo / and Jean Baudrillard&rsquo / s &ldquo / sign value&rdquo / concept.
Proceeding from the idea that a faç / ade is a communication tool, the thesis compares what Adolf Behne in the early 20th century termed as Reklamearchitektur (advertising architecture) with the current &ldquo / media faç / ade&rdquo / . Venturi&rsquo / s comparison of Gothic cathedrals to billboards of the Las Vegas Strip in the 1970s applies today to the &ldquo / Media Building&rdquo / in Paul Virilio&rsquo / s discussion of the digital age, where the information is active and interactive. This study considers the faç / ades with attached signs, signboards and billboards as a continuation of advertising architecture, in contrast to the media faç / ade examples with integrated digital media tools that are inbuilt to the design. Among the cases presented, three are selected (BIX, GreenPix and Digital Water Pavilion) for discussing the advantages and disadvantages of media faç / ades, under the following titles: communication, ornamentation, flexibility, ephemerality, sustainability, and location. It is observed that the new relation between digital media and architecture not only initiates a new kind of communication platform, but also indicates the emergence and proliferation of a potential propaganda tool. To this end, the guidance of a social control mechanism for the applications of media faç / ades is suggested.
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An Approach For Conservation Of Railway Heritage / Assessing And Experiencing The Izmir - Aydin Railway LineKosgeroglu, Fahrettin Emrah 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Kö / Sgeroglu, Fahrettin Emrah
M.S., Department of Architecture in Restoration
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neriman Sahin Gü / ç / han
July 2005, 209 pages
The aim of this thesis is to prepare a conservation project proposal for the first railway line in Anatolia which is the izmir &ndash / Aydin Railway Line constructed between 1856 and 1866. The historical, political and social background is included in to the subject as well as the recent international debates on railway heritage conservation which provides main frame for the thesis.
Here, the problems regarding the Anatolian railway heritage will be defined and to develop a framework for the necessary conservation activities will be suggested including a proposal for the izmir &ndash / Aydin railway line as the case study.
Considering the multidimensional aspects of railway heritage the architecture of the railway stations were chosen as the main focus of the thesis. The station complexes were examined in detail for this purpose. In addition to architectural survey, the history of the line, its political background, the geography in which the line is placed are included into this thesis. The evaluation and the proposal have been developed according to this wide set of information.
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Η σχολική και κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση κωφών παιδιών που φοιτούν σε τμήμα ένταξης σε δημοτικό σχολείο γενικής εκπαίδευσηςΚόλλιας, Γεώργιος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη εξετάζει τη σχολική και κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση 5 κωφών & βαρήκοων μαθητών που φοιτούν σε περιβάλλον ενσωμάτωσης σε ένα γενικό δημοτικό σχολείο μιας τοπικής περιοχής. Από τους μαθητές που μελετήθηκαν οι 2 παρακολουθούσαν το περιβάλλον της γενικής τάξης με παράλληλη στήριξη ορισμένες ώρες του σχολικού ωραρίου από ειδική δασκάλα. Οι υπόλοιποι 3 μαθητές του σχολείου παρακολουθούσαν κάποιες ώρες του σχολικού ωραρίου τμήμα ένταξης και τις υπόλοιπες συνεκπαιδεύονταν στη γενική τάξη με τους ακούοντες συμμαθητές τους. Για τη μελέτη της σχολικής και κοινωνικής ενσωμάτωσης των κωφών & βαρήκοων μαθητών χρησιμοποιήθηκαν οι ποιοτικές μέθοδοι της παρατήρησης και των ημιδομημένων συνεντεύξεων από τους δασκάλους των μαθητών και το διευθυντή του σχολείου. Συνολικά, έλαβαν χώρα 5 παρατηρήσεις, μία σχολική ημέρα για κάθε παιδί. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης έδειξαν πως η επιτυχία ή η βελτίωση της ήδη υπάρχουσας σχολικής και κοινωνικής ενσωμάτωσης των κωφών & βαρήκοων παιδιών επηρεάζεται από πολλούς διαφορετικούς παράγοντες όπως είναι: (α) το επίπεδο της απώλειας της ακοής, (β) η ενίσχυση του παιδιού με φροντιστηριακά μαθήματα στο σπίτι, (γ) η πρόβλεψη για στήριξη από ειδικό προσωπικό (όπως λογοθεραπευτή) εντός και εκτός του σχολείου, (δ) η καλύτερη και μεγαλύτερη υλικοτεχνική υποδομή, (ε) η στάση των δασκάλων απέναντι στους κωφούς & βαρήκοους μαθητές & η σχετική γνώση και ενσυναίσθησή τους και (στ) η στάση των μαθητών χωρίς προβλήματα ακοής απέναντι στους κωφούς & βαρήκοους συμμαθητές τους. / The present study examines school (academic progress included) and social integration of 5 deaf and hard of hearing students who are educated in mainstreaming in a general elementary school of a local area. Two students attended general class where special teacher offered her parallel support for some hours of the school day. The rest of the students (that means: 3) were educated for some hours of the school day in the special class for deaf and hard of hearing students and for the rest of the school day the latters were educated parallel with their classmates without hearing disabilities in the general class. We examined school and social integration of deaf and hard of hearing students using the qualitative methods of observation and interviews with the teachers of the students and the head of the school. Five observations took place (observation of a whole school day for each student). Results showed that the success or the improvement of school and social integration of deaf and hard of hearing students depends on different parameters like: (a) the level of hearing loss, (b) additional educational support of the child at home, (c) additional support by special staff (like speech therapist) in and out of the school, (d) better and bigger infrastructure of the general school, (e) the attitudes of the teachers at their students with hearing loss as well as their relative knowledge and self-consciousness and (f) the attitudes of the rest of the schoolmates without hearing disabilities at their deaf and hard of hearing peers.
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Psicologia Escolar e M?sica: mobilizando afetos e promovendo viv?ncias na classe de recupera??o / Educational Psychology and Music: mobilizing affections and promoting experiences in Special ClassesNeves, Maura Assad Pimenta 16 December 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This study is integrated to the actions of the research group Constitution Processes of the Subject in Educational Practices (Processos de Constitui??o do Sujeito em Pr?ticas Educativas) PROSPED, which is inserted on the research line of Psychological Intervention and Prevention, the Postgraduate Stricto Sensu in Psychology Program at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas. This study aims to analyze how music intervention, focusing in affection and students? expressions, promotes changes on the relation to Special Classes. These Special Classes are designed for students who have not achieved the minimum score in regular school tests. Therefore it was assumed as the theoretical-methodological perspective the Historical-Cultural Psychology, especially Vigotski?s concepts, its main representative. The subjects of this research were students from two Special Classes in Elementary School. A partnership with three teachers and one pedagogical coordinator was established. The research-intervention scenario was a public state school located on the southeast of Campinas, S?o Paulo, Brazil. The procedures for data collection were: school?s observation, conversations with teachers and the management team, classroom?s observation, activities using materiality mediators like songs, videos, and movies, and also, dialogs with students and feedbacks written by them at the end of the meetings, students? compositions, scenarios creation, CD?s recording, and semi-structured interviews with teachers. The research results showed that music presents itself as a powerful materiality in the transformation of emotions and feelings, setting senses and meanings, and configuring itself as a work tool for educational psychologists and educators who intend to affect students not only to promote their expression, interest, and involvement on the schooled content, but also to stimulate the development for the appropriation of new curricular contents. It was also noticed that studies developed in partnership with educators, involving music and general art, promoted the creation of a new environment in and for the school, which supports the expansion of how people relate. Lastly, the interventions from this study enabled Special Classes? students and educators to modify their concepts about these classes; they expanded their look to the student?s potential who attended to it. / O presente estudo est? integrado ?s a??es do grupo de Pesquisa Processos de Constitui??o do Sujeito em Pr?ticas Educativas PROSPED, que se insere na linha de pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica, do programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu em Psicologia, da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. Tem como objetivo analisar de que modo a interven??o com m?sica com foco nos afetos e na express?o dos alunos promove a mudan?a da sua rela??o com a classe de recupera??o. Para tanto, adotamos como aporte te?rico-metodol?gico a Psicologia Hist?rico-Cultural, sobretudo os conceitos de Vigotski, seu principal representante. Tomaram-se como sujeitos alunos de duas classes de recupera??o intensiva, do Ensino Fundamental II. Estabeleceu-se parceria com a coordenadora pedag?gica e tr?s professoras. O cen?rio da pesquisa-interven??o foi uma escola p?blica da rede estadual da regi?o sudoeste de Campinas/SP. Os procedimentos de constru??o de informa??es utilizados foram: observa??es da/na escola; conversas com as professoras e com a equipe gestora; observa??es nas salas de aula; atividades com materialidades mediadoras como m?sicas, v?deos e filme; di?logos entre e com os alunos; devolutivas escritas por eles ao final dos encontros; composi??es dos alunos; confec??o do cen?rio; confec??o de CD e entrevista semiestruturada com as professoras. A pesquisa possibilitou concluir que a m?sica se revela como uma materialidade potente na transforma??o de emo??es e sentimentos, configurando sentidos e significados, sendo, portanto, uma ferramenta para o trabalho do psic?logo escolar e para educadores que tenham como inten??o afetar os alunos de modo a promover sua express?o, o interesse e o envolvimento pelos conte?dos escolarizados e o consequente desenvolvimento para a apropria??o de novos conte?dos curriculares. Percebemos, ainda, que trabalhos envolvendo a m?sica e a arte em geral, quando realizados em parceria com educadores, promovem a cria??o de um novo espa?o na e para a escola, o qual favorece a amplia??o dos modos como seus atores se relacionam. Por fim, as interven??es possibilitaram que os alunos da classe de recupera??o bem como os educadores modificassem a concep??o que se tinha dessas classes, uma vez que o trabalho ampliou o olhar para as potencialidades dos alunos que a frequentam.
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'Our power rests in numbers' : the role of expert-led policy processes in addressing water quality : the case of peri-urban areas in the national capital region of Delhi, IndiaKarpouzoglou, Timothy January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of expert-led policy processes in addressing water quality. It does so by drawing on the ‘peri-urban' as a setting which exemplifies contemporary social and environmental challenges associated with river and groundwater pollution, as well as the health and livelihood implications for the poorest citizens in peri-urban areas. The peri-urban area of Ghaziabad, on the outskirts of New Delhi, provides a good reference point for understanding those challenges, while India's environmental regulatory agency (the Central Pollution Control Board) demonstrates how policy experts influence such a setting by enacting their institutional role and mandate. The thesis examines the ways in which problems associated with deteriorating water quality in peri-urban areas are often neglected in expert-led policy processes, and the consequent implications for peri-urban poor communities. It argues that expert-driven policy approaches to addressing water quality are formulated almost exclusively on scientific grounds, while underlying ‘non-scientific' decisions and choices, emerging from actors operating at levels from policy framing to policy implementation, are not awarded the same importance, thus ignoring issues that pertain to the social, environmental and political implications of the problems. By drawing on qualitative research, the thesis focuses on two case studies. One examines the Central Pollution Control Board's framing of policy initiatives while the other follows the implementation of such policies in peri-urban Ghaziabad. The thesis demonstrates how the scale of monitoring water quality is heavily biased towards national rather than local level priorities. This leads to an understatement of important water quality problems that affect peri-urban areas in favour of large-scale analyses of pollution in river basins. This has the effect of understating important water quality problems that affect peri-urban areas in poorer localities such as villages within the Ghaziabad district. The centrality of technical discourses in the articulation of and response to water quality problems makes it difficult for non-technical perspectives (derived directly from those people who are exposed to pollution) to feed into formal decision-making. This research also identified the key influence of a number of actors (municipal engineers, public health officials and district magistrates) in shaping and implementing policy outcomes on the ground in local contexts (i.e. peri-urban areas), even though their roles are often not recognised formally. The thesis is original in its attempt to merge insights from policy studies and science technology studies (STS) and apply them to the domain of water quality, a field that has not traditionally been subjected to critical social science inquiry. It also unpacks ethnographically the Board's dual role as both a policy advisor and regulator, and further illustrates how the enactment of these roles can lead to contradictory outcomes on the ground, particularly for the poorest periurban citizens.
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