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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Long Lines at Nostalgia Park

Ashbrook, Alex J. 18 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Chess with Pigeons

Starliper, Katie 06 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
In a time of Global Pandemic, massive social justice demonstrations, and concerning political shifts, reality feels inaccessible and at times even unreal. With quarantine and social distance as the new norm, our human connections are abstract and digitized. My thesis will be a collection of short fiction that seeks to employ methods of the speculative genre and alternative narrative structure to explore our shifting understanding of humanity and connectedness. The introduction to this collection will lay out the process through which speculative realities better define our own.

Exploring with the non-human : A toolkit to introduce a non-human perspective to children / Exploring with the non-human : A toolkit to introduce a non-human perspective to children

Cervin, Thelma January 2023 (has links)
This is the report of a thesis project by a Design +Change bachelor student that strives to introduce a non-human perspective to children. With the hope of it staying and growing with them to be used in the future to improve our environments and ways of living to be more sustainable. This was done by developing and prototyping activities for a workshop. These activities were then tested with a kindergarten class and ended up being a basis for a toolkit. This toolkit will be used by teachers and pedagogues to introduce and explore a non-human perspective and how it could be used to improve our environments with children in kindergarten.


ESTILL, ALEXANDER CLAYTON January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the use of speculative design as a participatory approach to more inclusive policy-identification and development in Malaysia

Tsekleves, E., Lee, C.A.L., Yong, Min Hooi, Lau, S.L. 23 June 2022 (has links)
Yes / This Case Study paper presents the first exploration of Speculative Design as a participatory democracy method for navigating the future of ageing in Malaysia. Speculative Design in the context of Global South is emerging, but without much data on how it is applied within different socio-economic conditions from the Global North countries. This Case Study considers the challenges and opportunities of employing Speculative Design as policy identification and development method from the context of Malaysia, a Global South country with its own unique characteristics. The paper concludes by suggesting that the novelty of Speculative Design as a policy-design approach in Global South countries, such as in Malaysia, requires the right selection of provocations and culturally familiar content to ease introduction of the methodology. Also, the efficacy of this approach as a participatory design application would require further enculturation within targeted communities, as well as sustained engagement through Champions. / This work was supported by the UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number: AH/S005684/1].

An Earth of Foxes: A Novel

Dropkin, Emmalie 01 January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
An Earth of Foxes: A Novel opens in 2073 and explores the realities of daily life if environmental change unfolds in particular, ever-more-likely ways—as well as the kind of collaborative action that will be required to survive. In North Dakota, a woman struggles with being an outsider and the only fertile woman in a former fracking town; in Idaho a girl weighs whether or not to run away from the militia that’s raised her; in Arkansas a young woman contemplates futility as her town erodes. Climate change is not a catastrophe or an apocalypse. It doesn’t end, there can be no clearly defined after. Heat and storms and earthquakes become an invisible routine. People defend what they have or set out from one corner of the country to another, hoping for better. A work of speculative climate fiction, An Earth of Foxes attempts to marry the extrapolation of science fiction with literary fiction’s empathy to the relationships and choices of individuals. The book considers complicity, futility, and sacrifice as climate change unravels with slow and intimate violence, a problem that cannot be solved by some single character’s hero journey but demands collective action.

How Troubled Were the Gardens

Odeh, Salaam Amin 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
As people awaken to find their skin morphing into tree bark, gears or stained glass, they navigate a landscape of disconnection, uncertainty and volatile metamorphosis. Years into this newfound reality, and with licorice limbs guiding her every step, Aziza joins the Lynchpin Society, an institution developed to navigate the unfamiliar changes unfolding beyond humanity's orbit of understanding.

Quantifying the sustainability of Bitcoin and Blockchain

Fry, John, Serbera, J-P. 03 February 2020 (has links)
Yes / Purpose: We develop new quantitative methods to estimate the level of speculation and long-term sustainability of Bitcoin and Blockchain. Design/Methodology/Approach: We explore the practical application of speculative bubble models to cryptocurrencies. We then show how the approach can be extended to provide estimated brand values using data from Google Trends. Findings: We confirm previous findings of speculative bubbles in cryptocurrency markets. Relatedly, Google searches for cryptocurrencies seem to be primarily driven by recent price rises. Overall results are sufficient to question the long-term sustainability of Bitcoin with the suggestion that Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Ripple may all enjoy technical advantages relative to Bitcoin. Our results also demonstrate that Blockchain has a distinct value and identity beyond cryptocurrencies - providing foundational support for the second generation of academic work on Blockchain. However, a relatively low estimated long-term growth rate suggests that the benefi ts of Blockchain may take a long time to be fully realised. Originality/value: We contribute to an emerging academic literature on Blockchain and to a more established literature exploring the use of Google data within business analytics. Our original contribution is to quantify the business value of Blockchain and related technologies using Google Trends.

Designing for Death in a Divided Future : Highlighting a Dichotomy of how to navigate the Anthropocene

Hesseldahl, Hillevi January 2024 (has links)
This thesis, “Designing for Death in a Divided Future,” by Hillevi Hesseldahl, is a speculative design project which explores the ideological dichotomy in addressing climate crises within the Anthropocene epoch. The study highlights two major frameworks: Posthumanism together with Anthroposophy, advocating for a harmonious integration with nature, and Transhumanism together with Eco-Realism, emphasizing technological solutions and a geologial separation between human and wild ecosystems. The project uses speculative design to visualize future death rites, presenting two contrasting scenarios for Stockholm in 2050.  The first scenario, “Gaian Sympoiesis,” envisions a society deeply connected with nature, employing local, community-based solutions. Here, death rites involve the “Vessel of Return,” an urn designed to return human essence to the earth, symbolizing a cyclical view of life.  The second scenario, “Cybernetic Ascendancy,” portrays a technologically advanced society where humans withdraw from nature, relying on digital innovation and conservation of natural habitats. This scenario introduces the “Orb of Descendancy,” a digital artifact encapsulating a deceased person’s life data, reflecting a rational, data-driven approach to memorialization.  By examining these speculative futures, the thesis sheds light on current ideological divides and the potential impacts of our choices on the trajectory of human civilization. This project combines artistic methods, personal interviews, and design theories to create tangible representations of possible futures, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of the present and stimulate discourse on navigating the Anthropocene.

La autoficcion como construcción de mundos posibles en las artes visuales del siglo XXI

Moreno Caplliure, Johanna 28 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] La autoficción encuentra su origen en las prácticas de aquellos que no pueden escribir su autobiografía, como así explicase Serge Doubrovsky quien acuñó el término en 1977 en su obra Fils. Entonces, podríamos decir que se alzaría como el acicate perfecto para las minorías revolucionarias. Su potencial reside en cómo en ella conviven estratégicamente realidad y ficción, teoría y experiencia, yo y nosotros bajo un profundo carácter resbaladizo. Marcada por un cierto interés en lo híbrido, en la dificultad terminológica y la construcción oximorónica generaría un nuevo campo de conocimiento. Pero, como profundizaremos en esta tesis, más allá de una experiencia en apariencia solipsista es capaz de devenir una realidad compartida y, así, construir lo que denominaremos mundos posibles. A través de la tradición del pensamiento especulativo fecundo en las narraciones especulativas y la filosofía constructivista nos aproximaremos a la teoría ficción como una metodología política en la que fundamentar transformaciones en el ámbito de lo social. El pensamiento explora más allá de sus ideas sobre el mundo construyendo sus lindes, dibujando su orografía y perfilando sus criaturas. Pero todas ellas rebasan la imaginación para alimentar nuestra existencia mundana. De hecho, lo que pareciera una experiencia exclusivamente íntima del yo, una ensoñación de un sujeto solitario, deviene mundo y con él las estructuras de vida con las que habitar nuestra existencia. Y, sin embargo, la imaginación nace de la fecunda especulación del pensamiento de uno mismo. Entonces nos preguntaríamos si acaso podemos compartir con los otros un mundo que se origina en el pensamiento de un sujeto cuando, además, este se pone en riesgo según su transformación. Esta paradoja de corte escéptica nos sitúa en el tema de la investigación de esta tesis. Es decir, en cómo la autoficción se convertiría en una herramienta más allá de la construcción del yo, a través de la ficcionalización de este, para devenir una teoría aplicada a la construcción de mundos posibles. Entonces, la importancia de este estudio residiría en poner sobre la mesa la estrecha relación de la ficción del mundo y la ficción del yo. Por un lado, nos dirigiremos a trazar la ficción del mundo desde la problemática que plantea la teoría de los mundos posibles. Por otro, avanzaríamos desde un conocimiento situado y una epistemología radical hacia el fenómeno de la autoficción como lugar de proyección de los mundos posibles. De este modo, entrecruzaremos la narración del mundo desde sus orígenes como mito a su fundamento como historia y su construcción especulativa como worlding o cosmopolítica en las postrimerías del siglo XX y nacimiento del siglo XXI, y las escrituras del yo, atravesando la autobiografía o los relatos autorreflexivos hasta arribar a la autoficción. Para fundamentar nuestra tesis aplicaremos la teoría ficción política, o la ficción como teoría y praxis política, como argamasa que aúna ambas ficciones: mundo y yo. Así, plantearemos una teoría ficción política que desnuda los constructos enunciativos, institucionales, sociales y políticos en los que se construye el mundo, así como sus consecuencias. Pero, también, cómo la autoproducción del yo en la autoficción avistaría nuevos horizontes en los mundos por venir. Por último, para justificar nuestra propuesta tomaremos una serie de casos de las artes visuales, sitos en la última década, en los que nos emplearemos a fondo por demostrar cómo la autoficción construye mundos posibles basados en las narraciones especulativas y la reparación del pasado. / [CA] L'autoficció troba el seu origen en les pràctiques d'aquells que no poden escriure la seua autobiografia, com així explicara Serge Doubrovsky qui va encunyar el terme en 1977 en la seua obra Fils. Aleshores, podríem dir que s'alçaria com l'esperó perfecte per a les minories revolucionàries. El seu potencial resideix en cóm en ella conviuen estratègicament realitat i ficció, teoria i experiència, jo i nosaltres sota un profund caràcter esvarós. Marcada per un cert interès en l'híbrid, en la dificultat terminològica i la construcció oximorónic generaria un nou camp de coneixement. Però, com aprofundirem en aquesta tesi, més enllà d'una experiència en aparença solipsista és capaç d'esdevenir una realitat compartida i, així, construir el que denominarem mons possibles. A través de la tradició del pensament especulatiu fecund en les narracions especulatives i la filosofia constructivista ens aproximarem a la teoria ficció com una metodologia política en la qual fonamentar transformacions en l'àmbit social. El pensament explora més enllà de les idees sobre el món construint les seues bogues, dibuixant la seua orografia i perfilant les seues criatures. Però totes elles depassen la imaginació per a alimentar la nostra existència mundana. De fet, el que semblara una experiència exclusivament íntima del jo, un ensomni d'un subjecte solitari, esdevé món i amb ell les estructures de vida amb les quals habitar la nostra existència. I, no obstant això, la imaginació naix de la fecunda especulació del pensament d'un mateix. Llavors ens preguntaríem si potser podem compartir amb els altres un món que s'origina en el pensament d'un subjecte quan, a més, aquest es posa en risc segons la seua transformació. Aquesta paradoxa de cort escèptica ens situa en el tema de la investigació d'aquesta tesi. És a dir, en com l'autoficció es convertiria en una eina més enllà de la construcció del jo, a través de la ficcionalització d'aquest, per a esdevenir una teoria aplicada a la construcció de mons possibles. Llavors, la importància d'aquest estudi residiria a posar sobre la taula l'estreta relació de la ficció del món i la ficció del jo. D'una banda, ens dirigirem a traçar la ficció del món des de la problemàtica que planteja la teoria dels mons possibles. D'altra, ens dirigirem a traçar la ficció del món des de la problemàtica que planteja la teoria dels mons posibles. Avançaríem des d'un coneixement situat i una epistemologia radical cap al fenomen de l'autoficció com a lloc de projecció dels mons possibles. D'aquesta manera, entrecreuarem la narració del món des dels seus orígens com a mite al seu fonament com a història i la seua construcció especulativa com worlding o cosmopolítica en les acaballes del segle XX i naixement del segle XXI, i les escriptures del jo, travessant l'autobiografia o els relats autorreflexius fins a arribar a l'autoficció. Per a fonamentar la nostra tesi aplicarem la teoria ficció política, o la ficció com a teoria i praxi política, com a argamassa que conjumina totes dues ficcions: món i jo. Així, plantejarem una teoria ficció política que despulla els constructes enunciatius, institucionals, socials i polítics en els quals es construeix el món, així com les seues conseqüències. Però, també, com l'autoproducció del jo en l'autoficció albiraria nous horitzons en els mons per vindre. Finalment, per a justificar la nostra proposta prendrem una sèrie de casos de les arts visuals, situats en l'última dècada, en els quals ens ocuparem a fons per demostrar com l'autoficció construeix mons possibles basats en les narracions especulatives i la reparació del passat. / [EN] The origins of autofiction can be traced back to the practices of writers unable to write their autobiography, as explained by Serge Doubrovsky who coined the term in 1977 in his book Fils. As such, it could be advocated as the perfect lever for revolutionary minorities. Its potential lies in how it strategically opens room for the coexistence of reality and fiction, theory and experience, I and we, with a profoundly slippery quality. Coloured to some extent by its hybridity, terminological undecidedness and oxymoronic construction, autofiction would give rise to a new field of learning. But, as we shall see in this thesis, more than an apparently solipsistic experience, it can become a shared reality and, in consequence, used to build what we could call possible worlds. Through the tradition of fertile thinking in speculative narrative and constructivist philosophy, we shall approach fiction theory as a political methodology to predicate transformations in the social sphere. The mind explores beyond its ideas on the world, and in fact constructs its boundaries, draws its orography and outlines its creatures. But all of them escape the confines of the imagination and sustain our worldly existence. Indeed, what might seem like an exclusively intimate experience of the self, the fantasy of a solitary subject, becomes a world and, with it, the existential structures within which our lives are played out. And, nevertheless, the imagination is born from the fertile speculation of thinking oneself. Then, one wonders whether we could share with others a world that is born in the mind of a subject when, in addition, it puts itself at risk contingent upon its transformation. This sceptical paradox situates us in this thesis's focus of research. In other words, in how autofiction becomes a tool beyond the construction of the self, through its fictionalization, to become a theory applied to the construction of possible worlds. Accordingly, the importance of this study lies in how it lays bare the intricate relationship between fiction of the world and fiction of the self. On one hand, we aim to describe the fiction of the world from the problem posed by the theory of possible worlds. On the other, we will advance from situated knowledge and radical epistemology towards the phenomenon of autofiction as a place from which to project possible worlds. In this way, we will look at the narration of the world from its origins as myth to its foundations as history and its speculative construction as worlding or global politics in the late-twentieth and early-twenty first century, and intertwine it with writings of the self, cutting across autobiography or autoreflexive stories until arriving at autofiction. In arguing our thesis, we shall apply political fiction theory, or fiction as theory and political praxis, as the glue that binds both fictions: world and self. In consequence, we shall present a political fiction theory that lays bare the expository, institutional, social and political constructs on which the world is built, as well as their consequences. Likewise, we shall also evince how the autoproduction of the self in autofiction can afford glimpses of new horizons in future worlds. Finally, to substantiate our premise, we shall look at a number of cases in the visual arts over the last ten years of so in which we will strive to demonstrate how autofiction builds possible worlds based on speculative narratives and a reparation of the past. / Moreno Caplliure, J. (2022). La autoficcion como construcción de mundos posibles en las artes visuales del siglo XXI [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181651

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