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Parental Perspective: Toddlers with Clefts Using Touch Screen TechnologyVineyard, Cortney, Coup, Alexandra, Hazelett, Chelsey, Janes, Rachel, Louw, Brenda 20 November 2014 (has links)
This investigation assessed the parental perspectives of parents of toddlers with cleft lip and palate and their use of touchscreen technology. Findings will highlight parental perspectives on touchscreen technology in early intervention with their toddler.
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Speech-language Pathologists’ Assessment Practices with Children Who Have Cleft Lip and Palate Within the ICF-CY (Who, 2007) FrameworkLouw, Brenda, Ewing, Jamesa, Foreman, R., Zickovich, A. 04 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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The Elicitation Method for Past Tense Verb production in Children with Specific Language Impairment and Typical LanguageGeise, Morgan, Green, Heather, Hart, Olivia, Leitnaker, Abbi, Proctor-Williams, Kerry 07 April 2016 (has links)
Regular (e.g., jumped) and irregular (e.g., fell) past tense verb acquisition in children with typical language development (TL) occurs between ages 3-5. In children with specific language impairment (SLI), acquisition of these forms is extended and errors in spontaneous conversation may even continue into adulthood. However, there is a lack of consensus as to whether probed or spontaneous language samples give a more accurate representation of a child’s linguistic skills. The first aim of this study was to determine if there were differences in regular and irregular past tense verb production accuracy between two Elicitation Methods: probed vs. spontaneous language sampling. The second aim was to determine if accuracy and error patterns differed between children with SLI and children with TL. The participants included 11 children with SLI (mean age: 5 years) and 20 children with TL (mean age: 3 years 6 months). Each participant received a battery of tests to determine language status. This battery included two elicitation methods for regular and irregular past tense: a probe and a spontaneous language sample. The Rice/Wexler Test of Early Grammatical Impairment probed past tense verb production using picture prompts and a standardized verbal routine. Additionally, a language sample was recorded in which participants told three thematically related stories provided spontaneous productions. The first two stories were read by the examiner first and the child was asked to retell it. The first story was presented in the present tense. The second story was presented in the past tense. The third story was made up by the child based on the pictures and the tense was free to vary. These stories provided the language sample that was then transcribed and coded for a statistical analysis of verb production. Within and between groups ANOVAs revealed statistically significant differences between the probe and spontaneous language samples, with the probe yielding higher accuracy for regular and irregular past tense verb production in both groups. There was no significant Group effect or Group by Elicitation Method interaction. Analysis of the types of errors produced revealed a statistically significant Group by Elicitation Method interaction. Post hoc analysis found for regular past tense verbs, children with SLI produced more stem-form errors than children with TL. For irregular past tense forms, children with SLI produced more stem form errors, while children with TL produce more overregularization errors. The observed pattern of errors is consistent with inclusionary criteria for SLI, the literature, and theoretical foundations. The results add to the literature about the accuracy of probe and spontaneous language sample elicitation methods.
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Exploring the World from ETSU: Adding an International Dimension to CoursesFlores, E., Louw, Brenda, Fox-Horton, J., Costa, M 01 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Interprofessional Education Activities on Students’ Core CompetenciesAlley, Elizabeth, Fouss, Jeremy, Graham, Mary Briggs, Henry, Alyssa, Davis, Morgan, Proctor-Williams, Kerry 09 April 2015 (has links)
Randomly selected students in the Academic Health Sciences Divisions and Psychology Department at ETSU participated in a two-year Interprofessional Education (IPE) program. Prior research found that student’s general attitudes and perceptions of team oriented collaborative practice positively change with IPE experiences. However, there is a lack of research supporting that IPE improves students’ specific skills and competencies. The goal of ETSU’s pilot IPE program was to provide a collaborative learning environment for students from health professions to improve future health outcomes. Students participated in an IPE activity or course for each of the four Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. The competencies included Roles and Responsibilities, Ethics, Communication, and Teams and Teamwork, which provide a framework for lifelong learning across all health professions’ education curricula. The purpose of the research was to determine whether participation in IPE activities and courses changed students’ specific skills and competencies within the broader four Core Competencies. It was predicted that integrating interprofessional education into post-secondary education would increase students’ knowledge and application and appreciation of interprofessional education. Data was collected through the online survey program, Survey Monkey©, before and after each course or activity. Pre- and post-surveys were administered to measure students’ judgments about their current level of knowledge, ability to implement the knowledge, and degree to which they valued the skills. Nine to twelve subcompetencies, derived from the Core Competencies, were presented in a question format addressing the proficiencies: I know..., I practice..., and I value... A total of 32 graduate students from the Colleges of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, College of Public Health, College of Clinical and Rehabilitative Health Sciences, and Department of Psychology submitted 41 surveys. Dependent t-tests were used to test for change between pre- and post-test ratings. Results showed that the overall mean posttest ratings within each Core Competency were greater than the pre-test ratings at a statistically significant levels, excluding the Ethics Competency. The mean post-test ratings for each proficiency (e.g., I know, I practice, I value) were greater than the pre-test ratings at a statistically significant levels. Most students (95%) rated their initial evaluation of knowledge as accurate, meaning the students felt their pre-test ratings were representative of their prior knowledge. The findings of the current study suggest that integrating interprofessional education into post-secondary education courses, such as that provided by the ETSU IPE Pilot Project, may increase students’ knowledge, skills and appreciation for interprofessional education.
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An Analysis of How Quickly and Efficaciously Children with Specific Language Impairments Learn Verbs Compared to Children with Typical Language DevelopmentLewis, Kelley, King, Kelly, O'Brien, Melanie, Proctor-Williams, Kerry, Py, Danielle 03 April 2004 (has links)
Speech-language pathologists are challenged with providing children with treatment that results in the greatest amount of improvement in the least amount of time. To aid in this challenge, we examined how quickly and efficaciously seven children with a specific language impairment (SLI) learned verbs compared to seven children with typical language (TL) development. Each child was taught the meaning and use of six nonsense verbs. Nonsense verbs were used to ensure that the target verbs had never been heard by any of the participants before the experiment and allowed us to control verb exposure. Each participant received up to four training sessions of 30-minutes each. During these sessions, the examiner utilized naturalistic conversational techniques and play activities with carefully selected sets of toys that corresponded to the meaning of the target words. The training sessions were ended when children demonstrated 100% accuracy in their understanding of the verbs and 50% accuracy in their production during a probe task. All sessions were audio-recorded and the experimenters and childs utterances were reliably coded. Analysis revealed that the two groups received the same input from the experimenter in terms of the number and type of exposures to the verbs. We examined the childrens nonsense verb productions for their rate and quality. Rate of verb acquisition was measured by counting: 1) the number of sessions required before the criteria for learning was met; 2) the number of exposures before childs first spontaneous production of each target verb; and 3) the number of exposures before childs first elicited production of each target verb. Quality of verb acquisition was measured by counting: 1) the number of alternative real verbs substituted for a nonsense verb and 2) the accuracy of transitive target verb usage. Although the results were not statistically significant for any of the measures tested, there was a trend for children with SLI to learn the target nonsense verbs more slowly but just as
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Exploring the world from ETSU:Best Practices on CampusFlores, E., Louw, Brenda, Fox-Horton, J., Costa, M. 04 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Oral and Written Story Composition Skills of Children With Language ImpairmentFey, Marc E., Catts, Hugh W., Proctor-Williams, Kerry, Tomblin, J. Bruce, Zhang, Xuyang 01 December 2004 (has links)
In this study 538 children composed 1 oral and 1 written fictional story in both 2nd and 4th grades. Each child represented 1 of 4 diagnostic groups: typical language (TL), specific language impairment (SLI), nonspecific language impairment (NLI), or low nonverbal IQ (LNIQ). The stories of the TL group had more different words, more grammatical complexity, fewer errors, and more overall quality than either language-impaired group at either grade. Stories of the SLI and LNIQ groups were consistently stronger than were those of the NLI group. Kindergarten children with language impairment (LI) whose standardized test performance suggested normalization by 2nd grade also appeared to have recovered in storytelling abilities at that point. By 4th grade, however, these children's stories were less like the children with TL and more like those of children with persistent LI than they had been in 2nd grade. Oral stories were better than written stories in both grades, although the greatest gains from 2nd to 4th grade were generally made on written stories. Girls told stronger stories than did boys at both grades, regardless of group placement. It is concluded that story composition tasks are educationally relevant and should play a significant role in the evaluation of children with developmental LI.
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Treatment for Morphosyntactic Deficits: From Specific Strategies to a Holistic ApproachProctor-Williams, Kerry 01 November 2014 (has links)
Clinicians have a wide-variety of therapy materials, activities, techniques, and procedures available for treatment of children with morphosyntax deficits. This clinically-focused article describes strategies that highlight the critical features of morphosyntactic targets, reviews, techniques, and procedures available to clinicians for their mindful use, and advocates for the addition of distributed learning in daily contexts by involving caregivers in language facilitation. It concludes with a proposal for a holistic approach that encompasses three levels of language intervention. At the first level, the clinician overtly primes the child's system; at the second level, the clinician sets up multiple opportunities to use the target in context; at the third level, the clinician engages caregivers as agents of intervention for distributed learning and sends the child out into a language-facilitating environment.
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Effects of Interprofessional Education Activities on Students’ Core CompetenciesAlley, Elizabeth, Fouss, Jeremy, Graham, Mary, Henry, Alyssa, Davis, Morgan, Proctor-Williams, Kerry 13 November 2015 (has links)
Surveys measured students’ knowledge, application, and appreciation for four core competencies of IPE before and after their participation in specific activities and courses. There was a statistically significant difference between pre- and post-test ratings for all competencies, with the exception of Ethics, and all proficiency types. Modest gains were found.
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