Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spoken corporais""
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Levantamento dos padrões léxico-gramaticais do inglês para aviação: um estudo vetorado pela Linguística de Corpus / Analysis of lexical-grammar patterns of aviation English: a study vectored by Corpus LinguisticsPrado, Malila Carvalho de Almeida 10 February 2015 (has links)
A OACI (Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional), órgão que estabelece regulamentações na aviação civil em nível mundial, define o inglês para aviação como uma junção entre a Fraseologia Aeronáutica sublinguagem empregada por pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo em comunicações radiotelefônicas em situações rotineiras e o inglês comum (plain English), utilizado quando a Fraseologia Aeronáutica não se mostra suficiente. Após averiguar que acidentes aéreos foram agravados por falhas de comunicação, a OACI passou a exigir dos profissionais supracitados uma licença para operações internacionais. Para tal licenciamento, é requerida uma avaliação de proficiência linguística, prescrita no Manual de Implementação de Proficiência Linguística, ou DOC 9835, publicado pela OACI em 2004. A partir de então, o inglês aeronáutico teve seu grau de importância elevado e começou a ser avaliado em países ao redor do mundo, por governos e/ou por instituições internacionais, e, nos últimos anos, foram publicados materiais didáticos que se propõem a atender a essa nova demanda. Identificando a falta de autenticidade nesses materiais, e um descompasso entre a definição proposta pela OACI e o Glossário de Estruturas Básicas e Complexas adicionado à segunda edição do DOC 9835 (ICAO, 2010), buscamos no aporte teórico da Linguística de Corpus uma metodologia para a descrição do plain English utilizado em contextos aeronáuticos em uso real. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um estudo descritivo da linguagem utilizada por controladores de tráfego aéreo e pilotos em comunicações radiotelefônicas em situações anormais; para atingi-lo, compilamos um corpus falado extraído desse contexto. A partir desse corpus, analisamos, primeiramente, os padrões fraseológicos no entorno de cinco itens lexicais runway [pista], aircraft [aeronave], emergency [emergência], fuel [combustível] e engine [motor] , que foram evidenciados como as palavras de conteúdo mais frequentes no corpus de estudo. Contrastamos, em seguida, nossos resultados com o Glossário de Estruturas do próprio DOC 9835. Nossos resultados apontam que, assim como recomendado pela OACI, o inglês para aviação é simples e objetivo, não correspondendo ao tipo de linguagem sugerida no referido anexo nem ao conteúdo programático dos materiais didáticos utilizados atualmente. / ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), a specialized agency which regulates civil aviation worldwide, defines aviation English as a combination of Aeronautical Phraseology a sublanguage used by air traffic controllers and pilots in radiotelephony communications in routine situations and plain English, used when Phraseology does not suffice. After verifying that air crashes were aggravated by miscommunications, ICAO started requesting a proficiency level accredited in the licenses of these two professionals when operating internationally. To obtain this license, applicants are required to take a proficiency exam, prescribed in the Manual of Implementation of Proficiency Requirements, or DOC 9835, published by ICAO in 2004. Since then, aviation English has reached a higher level of importance, and started being evaluated by governments and institutions throughout the world and, in the last years, coursebooks have been published with the objective of meeting those needs. Having identified a lack of authenticity in such materials, as well as an imbalance between the definition of aviation English in DOC 9835 and the Glossary of Basic and Complex Structures added to its second edition (ICAO, 2010), we used Corpus Linguistics as a methodology to investigate this language for special purposes in its real environment. Therefore, this research presents a description of the language used by air traffic controllers and pilots in radiotelephony communications when in abnormal situations. To achieve our goals, we compiled a spoken corpus extracted from this context. For this study, we primarily investigated the phraseological patterns in the surroundings of five lexical items runway, aircraft, emergency, fuel and engine , chosen because of their high frequency status in our corpus. We then contrasted our results with the Glossary attached to DOC 9835, which suggests a list of grammar structures on which the assessment and training of aviation English should be based. This research concludes with a demonstration of the simplicity, objectiveness and clarity of the plain English identified in our corpus, which does not correlate with the structures recommended in the Glossary nor with the language explored in coursebooks published to this end.
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Levantamento dos padrões léxico-gramaticais do inglês para aviação: um estudo vetorado pela Linguística de Corpus / Analysis of lexical-grammar patterns of aviation English: a study vectored by Corpus LinguisticsMalila Carvalho de Almeida Prado 10 February 2015 (has links)
A OACI (Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional), órgão que estabelece regulamentações na aviação civil em nível mundial, define o inglês para aviação como uma junção entre a Fraseologia Aeronáutica sublinguagem empregada por pilotos e controladores de tráfego aéreo em comunicações radiotelefônicas em situações rotineiras e o inglês comum (plain English), utilizado quando a Fraseologia Aeronáutica não se mostra suficiente. Após averiguar que acidentes aéreos foram agravados por falhas de comunicação, a OACI passou a exigir dos profissionais supracitados uma licença para operações internacionais. Para tal licenciamento, é requerida uma avaliação de proficiência linguística, prescrita no Manual de Implementação de Proficiência Linguística, ou DOC 9835, publicado pela OACI em 2004. A partir de então, o inglês aeronáutico teve seu grau de importância elevado e começou a ser avaliado em países ao redor do mundo, por governos e/ou por instituições internacionais, e, nos últimos anos, foram publicados materiais didáticos que se propõem a atender a essa nova demanda. Identificando a falta de autenticidade nesses materiais, e um descompasso entre a definição proposta pela OACI e o Glossário de Estruturas Básicas e Complexas adicionado à segunda edição do DOC 9835 (ICAO, 2010), buscamos no aporte teórico da Linguística de Corpus uma metodologia para a descrição do plain English utilizado em contextos aeronáuticos em uso real. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar um estudo descritivo da linguagem utilizada por controladores de tráfego aéreo e pilotos em comunicações radiotelefônicas em situações anormais; para atingi-lo, compilamos um corpus falado extraído desse contexto. A partir desse corpus, analisamos, primeiramente, os padrões fraseológicos no entorno de cinco itens lexicais runway [pista], aircraft [aeronave], emergency [emergência], fuel [combustível] e engine [motor] , que foram evidenciados como as palavras de conteúdo mais frequentes no corpus de estudo. Contrastamos, em seguida, nossos resultados com o Glossário de Estruturas do próprio DOC 9835. Nossos resultados apontam que, assim como recomendado pela OACI, o inglês para aviação é simples e objetivo, não correspondendo ao tipo de linguagem sugerida no referido anexo nem ao conteúdo programático dos materiais didáticos utilizados atualmente. / ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), a specialized agency which regulates civil aviation worldwide, defines aviation English as a combination of Aeronautical Phraseology a sublanguage used by air traffic controllers and pilots in radiotelephony communications in routine situations and plain English, used when Phraseology does not suffice. After verifying that air crashes were aggravated by miscommunications, ICAO started requesting a proficiency level accredited in the licenses of these two professionals when operating internationally. To obtain this license, applicants are required to take a proficiency exam, prescribed in the Manual of Implementation of Proficiency Requirements, or DOC 9835, published by ICAO in 2004. Since then, aviation English has reached a higher level of importance, and started being evaluated by governments and institutions throughout the world and, in the last years, coursebooks have been published with the objective of meeting those needs. Having identified a lack of authenticity in such materials, as well as an imbalance between the definition of aviation English in DOC 9835 and the Glossary of Basic and Complex Structures added to its second edition (ICAO, 2010), we used Corpus Linguistics as a methodology to investigate this language for special purposes in its real environment. Therefore, this research presents a description of the language used by air traffic controllers and pilots in radiotelephony communications when in abnormal situations. To achieve our goals, we compiled a spoken corpus extracted from this context. For this study, we primarily investigated the phraseological patterns in the surroundings of five lexical items runway, aircraft, emergency, fuel and engine , chosen because of their high frequency status in our corpus. We then contrasted our results with the Glossary attached to DOC 9835, which suggests a list of grammar structures on which the assessment and training of aviation English should be based. This research concludes with a demonstration of the simplicity, objectiveness and clarity of the plain English identified in our corpus, which does not correlate with the structures recommended in the Glossary nor with the language explored in coursebooks published to this end.
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Étude de la dimension intersubjective de la communication et de la construction du sens dans les discussions à visée philosophique en contexte scolaire / A study of communication’s intersubjective dimension and of the construction of meaning in philosophical discussions within an educational contextAuriel, Aline 10 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de donner une représentation du fonctionnement de la communication dans les discussions à visée philosophique (enregistrées à l’école primaire et au collège). Plus particulièrement, il s’agit d’étudier la dimension intersubjective de la communication et de la construction du sens au sein de ces pratiques ainsi que la façon dont l’interaction se co-construit. Selon nous, la reconnaissance de l’importance de l’interlocuteur dans l’énonciation est indispensable pour saisir la véritable nature de la communication. Ainsi, en partant d’une approche interactionniste et socio-constructiviste, la construction du sens est envisagée comme un processus dynamique et comme une action commune aux locuteur et interlocuteur(s). Les bénéfices des pratiques philosophiques avec les enfants sont reconnus. L’analyse des interactions menée sur corpus montre que la discussion à visée philosophique est un terrain propice à la construction collective du discours, du sens et de la conceptualisation. Nous nous intéressons aux mécanismes de cette construction collective réalisée par les enfants et au rôle de l’animateur dans cette construction. Nous étudions particulièrement les phénomènes de reprise et un phénomène linguistique figurant parmi les processus d’orientation de l’attention permettant de guider l’interprétation et la compréhension des interlocuteurs : la dislocation à gauche du sujet. L’observation des données permet de contribuer à définir les fonctions pragmatiques de ces phénomènes ainsi que les différents buts communicatifs associés à leur emploi par les enfants et par l’animateur lors des discussions à visée philosophique / This thesis investigates meaning construction during philosophical discussions that took place at both a French first and middle school. More precisely, it studies the intersubjective dimension of communication and the construction of meaning in these practices. At the same time, it examines the ways in which the interaction is co-constructed. We believe that recognising the interlocutor’s importance in the utterance act is essential in order to understand the true nature of the communication. Employing interactionist and socio-constructivist approaches, the construction of meaning is considered as a dynamic process and as a joint action between the speaker and interlocutor(s).The benefits of conducting philosophical discussions of this type with children have previously been recognised in the literature. The analysis of interactional corpora shows that philosophical discussion is a favourable environment for the collective construction of speech, meaning and conceptualization. This doctoral study considers the mechanisms of this collective construction conducted by children and the role of the facilitator within this process. In this way, the thesis examines different phenomena like the repetition/reformulation and the left-dislocation of the subject. This linguistic phenomenon forms part of the attention orientation process and guides collective interpretation and understanding. Data analysis allows the thesis to contribute to define the pragmatic functions of the studied phenomena and the different communication purposes associated with their use by children and by the facilitator during philosophical discussions.
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Étude comparative des pronoms démonstratifs neutres anglais et français à l'oral : référence indexicale, structure du discours et formalisation en grammaire notionnelle dépendancielle / A comparative study of English and French neutral demonstrative pronouns in face-to-face conversations : indexical reference, discourse structure and Notional Dependancy GrammarBuscail, Laurie 04 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse explore le fonctionnement indexical des pronoms démonstratifs anglais this, that et it d’une part, et des pronoms démonstratifs français, en particulier ça, d’autre part, en vue d’une comparaison entre ces deux systèmes. L’ensemble des phénomènes référentiels et discursifs observés sont ramenés à certaines caractéristiques syntactico-sémantiques propres à chaque démonstratif, alors formalisées dans le cadre de la Grammaire Notionnelle Dépendancielle. Les occurrences de this, that, it et ça analysées étant issues de conversations orales spontanées et enregistrées selon le protocole des projets PAC et PFC, notre étude apporte un questionnement sur les avantages et les limites des grands corpus oraux pour les recherches en linguistique théorique. / This thesis focuses from a comparative perspective on the indexical functioning of both English and French demonstrative pronouns, namely this, that and it on the one hand, and celui-ci/là, ceci, cela and ça on the other – with particular emphasis on the neuter pronoun ça. The overall referential and discursive phenomena which are examined are tied to a number of syntactic and semantic features and representations characterizing each demonstrative item. Our treatment is then formalized within the framework of Notional Dependency Grammar. As all our crucial examples concerning this, that, it and ça are extracted from authentic face to face conversations from the PAC and PFC projects, the present study leads to a discussion of the potential advantages and limits of large spoken corpora for research in theoretical linguistics.
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El aporte del rehablado off-line a la transcripción asistida de corpus oralesRufino Morales, Marimar 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche aborde un des grands défis liés à l'étude empirique des phénomènes linguistiques : l'optimisation des ressources matérielles et humaines pour la transcription. Pour ce faire, elle met en relief l’intérêt de la redite off-line, une méthode de transcription vocale à l’aide d’un logiciel de reconnaissance automatique de la parole inspirée du sous-titrage vocal pour les émissions de télé. La tâche de transcrire la parole spontanée est ardue et complexe; on doit rendre compte de tous les constituants de la communication : linguistiques, extralinguistiques et paralinguistiques, et ce, en dépit des difficultés que posent la parole spontanée, les autocorrections, les hésitations, les répétitions, les variations, les phénomènes de contact.
Afin d’évaluer le travail nécessaire pour générer un produit de qualité ont été transcrites par redite une sélection d’interviews du Corpus oral de la langue espagnole à Montréal (COLEM), qui reflète toutes les variétés d'espagnol parlées à Montréal (donc en contact avec le français et l'anglais). La qualité des transcriptions a été évaluée en fonction de leur exactitude, étant donné que plus elles sont exactes, moins le temps de correction est long. Afin d'obtenir des pourcentages d’exactitude plus fidèles à la réalité –même s’ils sont inférieurs à ceux d'autres recherches– ont été pris en compte non seulement les mots incorrectement ajoutés, supprimés ou substitués, mais aussi liées aux signes de ponctuation, aux étiquettes descriptives et aux marques typographiques propres aux conventions de transcription du COLEM. Le temps nécessaire à la production et à la correction des transcriptions a aussi été considéré. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à des transcriptions manuelles (dactylographiées) et à des transcriptions automatiques.
La saisie manuelle offre la flexibilité nécessaire pour obtenir le niveau d’exactitude requis pour la transcription, mais ce n'est ni la méthode la plus rapide ni la plus rigoureuse. Quant aux transcriptions automatiques, aucune ne remplit de façon satisfaisante les conditions requises pour gagner du temps ou réduire les efforts de révision. On a aussi remarqué que les performances de la reconnaissance automatique de la parole fluctuaient au gré des locuteurs et locutrices et des caractéristiques des enregistrements, causant des écarts considérables dans le temps de correction des transcriptions. Ce sont les transcriptions redites, effectuées en temps réel, qui donnent les résultats les plus stables; et celles qui ont été effectuées avec un logiciel installé sur l'ordinateur sont supérieures aux autres.
Puisqu’elle permet de minimiser la variabilité des signaux acoustiques, de fournir les indicateurs pour la représentation de la construction dialogique et de favoriser la reconnaissance automatique du vocabulaire issu de la variation de l'espagnol ainsi que d'autres langues, la méthode de redite ne demande en moyenne que 9,2 minutes par minute d'enregistrement du COLEM, incluant la redite en temps réel et deux révisions effectuées par deux personnes différentes à partir de l’audio.
En complément, les erreurs qui peuvent se manifester dans les transcriptions obtenues à l’aide de la technologie intelligente ont été catégorisées, selon qu’il s’agisse de non-respect de l'orthographe ou de la protection des données, d’imprécisions dans la segmentation des unités linguistiques, dans la représentation écrite des mécanismes d'interruption de la séquence de parole, dans la construction dialogique ou dans le lexique. / This research addresses one of the major challenges associated with the empirical study of linguistic phenomena: the optimization of material and human transcription resources. To do so, it highlights the value of off-line respeaking, a method of voice-assisted transcription using automatic speech recognition (ASR) software modelled after voice subtitling for television broadcasts. The task of transcribing spontaneous speech is an arduous and complex one; we must account for all the components of communication: linguistic, extralinguistic and paralinguistic, notwithstanding the difficulties posed by spontaneous speech, self-corrections, hesitations, repetitions, variations and contact phenomena.
To evaluate the work required to generate a quality product, a selection of interviews from the Spoken Corpus of the Spanish Language in Montreal (COLEM), which reflects all the varieties of Spanish spoken in Montreal (i.e., in contact with French and English), were transcribed through respeaking. The quality of the transcriptions was evaluated for accuracy, since the more accurate they were, the less time was needed for correction. To obtain accuracy percentages that are closer to reality –albeit lower than those obtained in other research– we considered not only words incorrectly added, deleted, or substituted, but also issues related to punctuation marks, descriptive labels, and typographical markers specific to COLEM transcription conventions. We also considered the time required to produce and correct the transcriptions. The results obtained were compared with manual (typed) and automatic transcriptions.
Manual input offers the flexibility needed to achieve the level of accuracy required for transcription, but it is neither the fastest nor the most rigorous method. As for automatic transcriptions, none fully meets the conditions required to save time or reduce editing effort. It has also been noted that the performance of automatic speech recognition fluctuates according to the speakers and the characteristics of the recordings, causing considerable variations in the time needed to correct transcriptions. The most stable results were obtained with respoken transcriptions made in real time, and those made with software installed on the computer were better than others.
Since it minimizes the variability of acoustic signals, provides indicators for the representation of dialogical construction, and promotes automatic recognition of vocabulary derived from variations in Spanish as well as other languages, respeaking requires an average of only 9.2 minutes for each minute of COLEM recording, including real-time respeaking and two revisions made from the audio by two different individuals.
In addition, the ASR errors have been categorized, depending on whether they concern misspelling or non-compliance with data protection, inaccuracies in the segmentation of linguistic units, in the written representation of speech interruption mechanisms, in dialogical construction or in the lexicon. / Esta investigación se centra en uno de los grandes retos que acompañan al estudio empírico de los fenómenos lingüísticos: la optimización de recursos materiales y humanos para transcribir. Para ello, propone el rehablado off-line, un método de transcripción vocal asistido por una herramienta de reconocimiento automático del habla (RAH) inspirado del subtitulado vocal para programas audiovisuales. La transcripción del habla espontánea es un trabajo intenso y difícil, que requiere plasmar todos los niveles de la comunicación lingüística, extralingüística y paralingüística, con sus dificultades exacerbadas por los retos propios del habla espontánea, como la autocorrección, la vacilación, la repetición, la variación o los fenómenos de contacto.
Para medir el esfuerzo que conlleva lograr un producto de calidad, primero se rehablaron una serie de grabaciones del Corpus oral de la lengua española en Montreal (COLEM), que refleja todas las variedades del español en contacto con el francés y el inglés. La calidad de las transcripciones se midió en relación con la exactitud: a mayor exactitud, menor tiempo necesario para la corrección. Se contabilizaron las palabras eliminadas, insertadas y sustituidas incorrectamente; pero también computaron los signos de puntuación, las etiquetas descriptivas y demás marcas tipográficas de las convenciones de transcripción del COLEM; los resultados serían inferiores a los de otros trabajos, pero también más realistas. Asimismo, se consideró el tiempo necesario para producir y corregir las transcripciones. Los resultados se compararon con transcripciones mecanografiadas (manuales) y automáticas.
La mecanografía brinda flexibilidad para producir el nivel de detalle de transcripción requerido, pero no es el método más rápido, ni el más exacto. Ninguna de las transcripciones automáticas reúne las condiciones satisfactorias para ganar tiempo ni disminuir esfuerzo. Además, el rendimiento de la tecnología de RAH es muy diferente para determinados hablantes y grabaciones, haciendo fluctuar excesivamente el tiempo de corrección entre una entrevista y otra. Todas las transcripciones rehabladas se hacen en tiempo real y brindan resultados más estables. Las realizadas con un programa instalado en la computadora, que puede editarse, son superiores a las demás.
Gracias a las acciones para minimizar la variación en las señales acústicas, suministrar claves de representación de la mecánica conversacional y complementar el reconocimiento automático del léxico en cualquier variedad del español, y en otras lenguas, las transcripciones de las entrevistas del COLEM se rehablaron y se revisaron dos veces con el audio por dos personas en un promedio de 9,2 minutos por minuto de grabación.
Adicionalmente, se han categorizado los errores que pueden aparecer en las transcripciones realizadas con la tecnología de RAH según sean infracciones a la ortografía o a la protección de datos, errores de segmentación de las unidades del habla, de representación gráfica de los recursos de interrupción de la cadena hablada, del andamiaje conversacional o de cualquier elemento léxico.
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Spontaneity in American English: face - to - face and movie conversation comparedFORCHINI, PIER FRANCA 18 February 2009 (has links)
La tesi fornisce uno studio empirico relativo agli elementi linguistici caratterizzanti il parlato faccia-a-faccia e il parlato filmico americano, due domini conversazionali solitamente detti differire in termini di spontaneità, essendo il primo generalmente descritto come la quintessenza del linguaggio parlato (in quanto totalmente spontaneo) e il secondo come non-spontaneo (essendo scritto-per-essere-parlato) e, quindi, non adatto a rappresentare l'uso generale della conversazione. Entrambe le analisi (i.e. quella multi-dimensionale, che offre una panoramica generale dei due domini presi in considerazione, e quella più specifica relativa al comportamento linguistico dell’espressione you know) basate su esempi autentici tratti da corpora dimostrano che, nonostante quanto venga generalmente descritto dalla letteratura a riguardo, conversazione faccia-a-faccia e conversazione filmica hanno molti tratti in comune e confutano l’idea che il linguaggio filmico non possa essere rappresentativo dell'uso generale della conversazione. / The present dissertation examines empirically the linguistic features characterizing American face-to-face and movie conversation, two domains which are usually claimed to differ especially in terms of spontaneity. Natural conversation is, indeed, considered the quintessence of the spoken language for it is totally spontaneous, whereas movie conversation is usually described as non-spontaneous, being artificially written-to-be spoken and, thus, not likely to represent the general usage of conversation. In spite of what is generally maintained by the literature, both the Multi-Dimensional analysis and the micro-analysis of the functions of you know based on authentic data retrieved from corpora show that the two conversational domains do not differ to a great extent and thus confutes the claim that movie language has “a very limited value” in that it does not reflect natural conversation and, consequently, is “not likely to be representative of the general usage of conversation”.
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