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Taken back by the ballpark: The role of nostalgia in the Minor League Baseball spectator experienceSlavich, Mark A 01 January 2017 (has links)
The use of nostalgia has become a feature in baseball ballparks in recent years, with research showcasing the prevalence of nostalgic stimuli including bricks, steel beams, and old-fashioned scoreboards popular in the past. The impact of such stimuli on spectators’ emotions and behavior had yet to be explored, though. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the impact of nostalgia on minor league baseball spectator emotional and behavioral responses.
Data collection occurred at three minor league baseball games during June 2017. Utilizing the SOR framework (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974) as the theoretical foundation, a 39-item instrument was constructed by adapting items from previously-constructed surveys in the contexts of sport and general consumer behavior. Using systematic random sampling, a total of 232 completed and usable surveys were collected.
To investigate the impact of nostalgia on spectators’ emotional responses, structural equation modeling was utilized. The study sought to specifically examine whether nostalgia evoked through spectators’ senses (sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch) and social interaction impacted their pleasure. Results showed that only social interaction was a significant positive predictor of pleasure, with sight a significant negative predictor of pleasure. A significant, positive relationship between pleasure and spectator’s behavioral intentions was also found. Finally, the study explored whether spectators’ arousal moderated the relationship between pleasure and arousal. The results displayed that arousal did not significantly moderate this relationship, with pleasure and arousal maintaining a strong correlation. Results and implications of the study are discussed, with suggestions for future research provided.
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スポーツ観戦要因のメカニズムについて : スポーツの経験価値を視点に / スポーツ カンセン ヨウイン ノ メカニズム ニツイテ : スポーツ ノ ケイケン カチ オ シテン ニ有吉 忠一, Chuichi Ariyoshi 21 March 2017 (has links)
本論文では、スポーツ振興政策を牽引するアクターとしてスポーツ観戦に注目し、そのメカニズムを明らかにすること、そのメカニズムがソーシャル・キャピタルに影響があるという仮説を提示することを目的とした。これらを明らかにすることで、スポーツ観戦需要に貢献することだけでなく、まちづくりの方向性を示すことができる。また、社会性の強い投資資金も流入することが期待され、スポーツの自立性が可能となると考えるからである。 / The purpose of this discourse is to analyze the mechanism of sport spectator through an empirical analysis and set up the hypothesis, its mechanism affecting social capital. Through those research assignments, those findings would contribute not only the demand of sport spectator but also the direction of community development. And a new social investment money would be resulted in flow to sport promotion policy to meet stake holders' expectation, and then sport would become financially independent. / 博士(経済学) / Doctor of Economics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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« Échappatoires de vie » : l’intervention psychosociale par le sport en milieu scolaireLavoie, Jonatan 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les effets de la participation à un programme d’intervention psychosociale par le sport chez des jeunes à risque d’exclusion, de délinquance et d’abandon scolaire. Plusieurs embûches peuvent compliquer leurs parcours et limiter leurs champs de possibilités: leurs conditions d’existence, certains environnements sociaux, des dynamiques d’exclusion et de ségrégation scolaire. Ils se retrouvent alors dans des établissements scolaires offrant peu de services adaptés et de possibilités de participer à des activités pouvant avoir un impact positif quant à leur réussite et leur bien-être. Pour modérer ces inégalités, la proposition de démocratiser les programmes particuliers en milieu scolaire est sur la table.
À partir des discours d'anciens participants à un programme d’une école secondaire, nous avons reconstitué leurs parcours et dégagé des effets de leur expérience. Une approche globale (McAll, Fournier, & Godrie, 2014), l’idée que les personnes puissent tendre vers « une vie qui fait sens » (Sen A. , 2000), un principe de parité de participation (Fraser, 2004) qui vise à atténuer certaines barrières matérielles et sociales et une conception de l’école comme vecteur d’émancipation et de transformation sociale (Freire, 1974; hooks, 1989) ont guidé cette recherche.
Les résultats suggèrent que ce programme a offert une échappatoire de vie, un accompagnement scolaire adapté et des opportunités considérables au sein d’un espace inclusif. Un terreau fertile était en place pour le développement d’apprentissages, ainsi que de valeurs qui ont pu être réappropriées, apportant certains effets sur les parcours de vie, tout en contribuant au bien-être des participants / This dissertation examines the effects of participation in a psychosocial intervention program through sport on young people at risk of exclusion, delinquency and school dropout. Several obstacles can complicate their lives and limit their possibilities: their living conditions, certain social environments, and the dynamics of exclusion and school segregation. They then find themselves in schools that offer limited adapted services and opportunities to participate in activities that could have a positive impact on their success and well-being. To moderate these inequalities, the proposal to democratize special programs in schools is on the table. Based on the discourse of former participants in a high school program, we reconstructed their backgrounds and identified effects of their experience. A holistic approach (McAll, Fournier, & Godrie, 2014), the idea that individuals can strive for "a meaningful life" (Sen A. , 2000), a principle of parity of participation (Fraser, 2004) that aims to alleviate certain material and social barriers, and a conception of school as a vehicle for emancipation and social transformation (Freire, 1974; hooks, 1989) guided this research. Findings suggest that this program offered a life escape, appropriate academic support, and considerable opportunities within an inclusive space. A fertile ground was in place for the development of learning and values that could be reappropriated, bringing some effects on life courses, while contributing to the well-being of participants.
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