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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"I don't think you understand": Performativity and Comprehensibility in Washington Square

Peterson, Robyn Amy 31 March 2022 (has links)
Washington Square, like The Portrait of a Lady, is an open-ended Henry James novel that concludes ambiguously and unhappily, counter to the trend of many other Victorian novels. While many contemporary Victorian novels center on marriage and inheritance plots, concluding their protagonists' struggles with felicitous performative utterances of "I do" and "I bequeath," Catherine Sloper's future is less clear: at the conclusion of Washington Square, she remains both unmarried and disinherited. Both characters and readers alike seem stymied by Catherine's motivations at the end of the novel, as famously studied in Judith Butler's essay, "Values of Difficulty." Catherine seems calculable, submissive, and guileless at the beginning of the novel--both her father, Dr. Sloper, and her suitor, Morris Townsend, judge her to be good but "decidedly not clever." So what happens over the course of the novel to produce Catherine's infelicitous and incomprehensible outcome? This thesis's performative reading of Washington Square sheds light on the infelicitous and inscrutable conclusion to Catherine's story. At a critical moment in the novel, when her inheritance is at stake, Catherine refuses to be coerced into offering a promise that is demanded from her by her father. "I can't explain," says Catherine," "And I can't promise." This refusal to promise, or refusal to enact a felicitous performative--accompanied by an inability to explain her refusal--is a suspensive and powerful method of disinterpellation. Catherine unmakes herself as a subject in the capitalist ideology of the male antagonists in Washington Square--and thus, becomes incomprehensible to them--by insisting on infelicity. This powerful disinterpellation helps Catherine regain control over her future.

Theoretical Analysis for Moving Least Square Method with Second Order Pseudo-Derivatives and Stabilization

Clack, Jhules January 2014 (has links)
No description available.


PHILLIPS, JESSICA 08 November 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Acoustic Resonance on the Dynamic Lift in Square Tube Arrays

Hanson, Ronald 10 1900 (has links)
An investigation of the dynamic lift on the central tube in square tube arrays is conducted. Three array spacing ratios with P/ D = 3.37, 2.18 and 1.58, corresponding to large, intermediate and small spacing ratios are investigated. These three classes exhibit specific flow characteristics and distinct behavior during acoustic resonance. The aim of the present investigation is to determine the effect of the acoustic pressure field and its contribution to dynamic lift during acoustic resonance. During acoustic resonance there are two sources of dynamic lift. One source is provided by the sound field. The standing wave excited during resonance causes dynamic lift from the acoustic pressure distribution on the surface of the cylinder. In the absence of flow, loud speakers are used to excite the first transverse acoustic mode over a range of sound pressure levels, effectively determining the relationship between the resultant dynamic lift and sound pressure level of the acoustic standing wave. The dynamic lift due to the sound field is well predicted by numerical simulation of the acoustic pressure distribution in the tube array. Using the validated numerical simulation it is possible to extend the results to a large range of cylinder diameter to wavelength ratios. The other source of dynamic lift is provided by the periodic flow though the tube array, known as vortex shedding, which is enhanced during resonance. The total dynamic lift is dependant on the phase shift between the sound field and aerodynamic lift components. For small and intermediate tube arrays, acoustic resonance occurs before coincidence of the natural vortex shedding frequency and the acoustic mode. For the large tube array, frequency coincidence occurs within the resonance range. The phase shift between the dynamic lift due to sound and that due to the aerodynamic lift is small for the pre-coincidence resonance range observed for small and intermediate tube arrays and therefore the total dynamic lift is well predicted by the sum of the magnitudes of the dynamic lift due to the sound field and aerodynamic lift components caused by vortex shedding. Past the frequency of coincidence, a phase jump occurs in the aerodynamic lift causing a large phase shift between the sound field and aerodynamic lift components in the large spacing ratio array. The summation of the aerodynamic lift and the lift due to the sound field over predicts the total dynamic lift measured during acoustic resonance in this case. The present results are used to develop a conservative guideline for estimating the total dynamic lift during acoustic resonance. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Investigation of Point-Particle Effective Field Theory for the Inverse-Square Model

Ruiz, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis, we study non-relativistic scalar fields in (3+1) space-time subjected to an inverse-square potential. We use a point-particle effective field theory (PPEFT) framework to describe the scalar fields coupling to a point-particle in different cases of interest. In Chapter 3, we encode particle conversion for both Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon fields in a two-species toy model and find that the point-particle couplings all must be renormalized with respect to the radial cut-off near the origin. In addition to this, we find that cross sections have an interesting dependence on the ratio k_{out}/k_{in} of outgoing and incoming momenta. In certain regimes at low energies, we found inelastic behaviour \sigma_{S}^{(in)} ~ O(1) and \sigma_{KG}^{(in)} ~ 1/k_{in} for Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon fields respectively. In Chapter 4, we study the case of a single-particle non-self-adjoint PPEFT whose formulation is taken to next-to-leading order. We find that the point-particle couplings continue to require renormalization and present a series of relevant computations such as field equations, boundary conditions and renormalization runnings, concluding with an exposition of bound state energies, scattering lengths and cross sections. Similar to what was found in Chapter 3, a 1/k_{\text{in}} enhancement is observed in a particular regime of the PPEFT in Chapter 4. In addition, we find that the observables computed therein are modified from what was found in other papers [3][13], where only the leading PPEFT term was kept. These results may provide relevance for future calculations in more complex reactions such as baryon number violation and monopole catalysis. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Evaluación de un diseño en Lattice Square como alternativa a los métodos actuales en la mejora de líneas de arroz

Marqués Falcó, Luis 01 September 2015 (has links)
[EN] Ability for doing an effective sampling is the best characteristic to choose a field breeding design. Quantitative characters are highest inheritable when plants are cultivated in isolation conditions in fields. This work try to validate a field design for rice breeding which combines lattice design with isolation conditions. It has been used a rice double haploid (DH) population obtained from the cross between the rice varieties Benisants and Gigante Vercelli. DaRT analysis was done to obtain 465 SNPs between the two parents. DH lines, both parents and a reference variety, Gleva, were studied in two field trials. Phenotypic differences were statistically significant, even with a 66 % of repeats decrease. The association of all morphological traits was estimated by phenotypic Correlation Coefficient and showed positive relation between Total Weight of plant, Tiller Number and Total Number of grains per panicle with Grain Weight. The results of Principal Components Analysis were closely in line with Correlation Analysis. Cluster Analysis classified the totally of the lines into four distinct groups. Similar results were obtained in the DaRT representation. Six lines, both parents and the reference variety were analyzed with Lattice Design and Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Coefficient of Variation of lattice design is 9,8 % while that of RCBD is 14,1 %, which proves the best efficiency of Lattice design. Also, Lattice design is more economical, using a 94 % less plants front RCBD. / [ES] El criterio básico para la elección de un diseño de selección debe ser su capacidad para poder efectuar un muestreo efectivo dentro de unas condiciones ambientales heterogéneas. La evaluación y selección en condiciones de cultivo aisladas entre plantas permite la optimización de la heredabilidad para caracteres cuantitativos. El presente trabajo trata de validar un nuevo diseño de campo para la selección de nuevas variedades de arroz en lattice square y con un marco de plantación de 0,5 x 0,5 m entre plantas, frente al diseño usualmente utilizado de bloques al azar, con marco de plantación similar a las condiciones normales de cultivo. Se utilizó una población de dobles haploides, derivada de un cruzamiento entre las variedades Benisants y Gigante Vercelli. La población de partida fue analizada genéticamente mediante un análisis DaRT que proporcionó 465 SNPs entre los dos progenitores, y que permitió su clasificación mediante un dendograma. Se realizó un ensayo principal durante dos años consecutivos en la zona de Valencia con la población total, donde se obtuvieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la caracterización fenotípica de las líneas. Estas diferencias significativas se mantuvieron, incluso disminuyendo en un 66 % el número de repeticiones utilizadas. El estudio de las Correlaciones entre todas las variables relacionadas con el Rendimiento en Grano mostró que este aumenta con el Peso Total de la planta y sus caracteres asociados: Número de tallos y Número de granos por panícula. El Análisis de Componentes Principales relacionó el Rendimiento en Grano fundamentalmente con el Número de Tallos por planta. El Dendograma realizado con los datos fenológicos de campo obtenidos clasificó 4 grupos de líneas de ensayo, relacionados con la expresión gráfica de los Componentes Principales y la clasificación genética efectuada a partir del análisis DaRT. En el ensayo comparativo realizado entre el diseño propuesto y un diseño en bloques al azar con una serie de líneas seleccionadas, el diseño en lattice obtuvo un Coeficiente de Variación del 9,8 % frente al 14,1 % del ensayo en bloques. Además, el número de plantas utilizado en el ensayo en lattice fue un 94 % inferior con el consiguiente ahorro económico en la evaluación de líneas de mejora. / [CA] El criteri bàsic per a la elecció d'un disseny de selecció deu de ser la seua capacitat per a poder fer un mostreig efectiu dins d'unes condicions ambientals heterogènies. La evaluació i selecció en condicions de cultiu aïllades entre plantes permet la optimització de la heretabilitat per a caràcters quantitatius. El present treball trata de validar un nou disseny de camp pera la selecció de noves varietats d'arrós en Lattice Square i amb un marc de plantació similar a les condicions normals de cultiu. Es va utilitzar una població de línies doble haploides, derivada de un creuament entre les varietats Benisants i Gigante Vercelli. A més, una varietat de referència de la zona de València, Gleva, es va cultivar als assajos. La població de partida va ser analitzada genèticament mitjançant un anàlisis DaRT que va donar 465 SNPs entre els dos progenitors, y que va permetre la seua classificació mitjançant un dendograma. Es va realitzar un assaig principal duran dos anys consecutius en la zona de València amb la població total, on s'obtingueren diferencies estadísticament significatives en la caracterització fenotípica de les línies. Aquestes diferències significatives es mantingueren, inclús disminuint en un 66 % el número de repeticions utilitzades. El estudi de les Correlacions entre totes les variables relacionades amb el Rendiment en Gra va mostrar que aquest augmenta amb el Pes Total de la planta y els seus caràcters associats: Número de tiges i Número de grans per panícula. El Anàlisi de Components Principals va relacionar el Rendiment en Gra fundamentalment amb el Número de Tiges per planta. El Dendograma realitzat amb els datos fenològics de camp obtinguts va classificar quatre grups de línies de assaig, relacionades amb la expressió gràfica del Components Principals y la classificació genètica efectuada a partir del anàlisis DaRt. A l'assaig comparatiu realitzat entre el disseny proposat i un disseny en Blocs Complets a l'Atzar amb una sis línies DH, els dos parentals y la varietat de referència, el disseny en Lattice va obtindre un Coeficient de Variació del 9,8 % front al 14,1 % de l'assaig en Blocs. A més, el número de plantes utilitzat a l'assaig en Lattice va ser un 94 % inferior amb el consegüent estalvi econòmic a la avaluació de línies de millora. / Marqués Falcó, L. (2015). Evaluación de un diseño en Lattice Square como alternativa a los métodos actuales en la mejora de líneas de arroz [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54123

Turbulence Modulation of Polydisperse Particles in a Square Particle-Laden Jet: Numerical Investigation

Gray, Sandria Lutrica 06 June 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to numerically investigate the turbulence modulation of polydisperse particles in a square particle-laden jet. Turbulence modulation describes the effects of fluctuating velocity and intensity when the particles and continuous fluid interact in a turbulent flow field. The rate at which turbulence modulation is altered is dependent upon parameters such as particle size, mass loading, Stokes number, coupling, volume fraction and mechanisms of turbulence modulation. This study modifies the analytical model developed by Yarin and Hetsroni (1993) to account for the transitional drag regime for coarse polydisperse particles. The particles under study are dilute, inert and spherical, with relatively high Stokes numbers, and classified as having two-way coupling with the fluid. The new analytical model is compared to numerical results using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software FLUENT (ANSYS, Inc.). The turbulence model employed is the standard k-ε model. This study will analyze the effects of varying mass content and particle ratios to investigate how turbulence modulation is influenced. The new model and the CFD results show good agreement in the cases where the mass contents of each particle size are equal. This study will also look into the effects of polydispersion, and the concentration distribution, for indoor air applications. It was found that, in certain cases, the monodisperse assumption slightly over-predicts the concentration distribution in the enclosed region. / Master of Science

Completing partial Latin squares with one filled row, column and symbol

Casselgren, Carl Johan, Häggkvist, Roland January 2013 (has links)
Let P be an n×n partial Latin square every non-empty cell of which lies in a fixed row r, a fixed column c or contains a fixed symbol s. Assume further that s is the symbol of cell (r,c) in P. We prove that P is completable to a Latin square if n≥8 and n is divisible by 4, or n≤7 and n∉{3,4,5}. Moreover, we present a polynomial algorithm for the completion of such a partial Latin square.

The study on diffusion behaviors of water molecules within carbon nanocoils by molecular dynamics simulation

Chen, Ming-Chang 08 August 2012 (has links)
In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations was employed to investigate (5,5), (10,10) single-walled nanocoils and (5,5)@(10,10) double-walled carbon nanocoils. The study can be arranged into two parts¡G In part I: Investigate the mechanical properties of (5,5), (10,10) single-walled nanocoils and (5,5)@(10,10) double-walled carbon nanocoils. The second reactive empirical bond order (REBO) potential was employed to model the interaction between carbon atoms. The contours of atomic slip vector and sequential slip vector were used to investigate the structural variations at different strains during the tension process. The yielding stress, maximum tensile strength, and Young¡¦s modulus were determined from the tensile stress-strain profiles. The results show that the nanocoils have superelastic characteristics to the carbon nanotube in the same tube diameter. In part II: Investigate the diffusion behavior of water molecules confined inside narrow (5,5) and (10,10) carbon nanocoils under different tensile strains. The condensed-phase optimized molecular potentials for atomistic simulation studies (COMPASS) potential was employed to model the interaction between carbon-carbon atoms¡Acarbon atoms-water molecules and water-water molecules. To analysis the kinetic behavior of water molecules in two carbon nanocoils, the diffusion coefficients, square displacement (SD) and mean square displacement (MSD) of water molecules were calculated. The results show that diffusion coefficient of water will increase with the strains of carbon nanocoils. However, the diffusion coefficient has a significant decrease in a large strain due to the structural deformation of carbon nanocoils. The diffusion behaviors of water inside the (5,5) and (10,10) carbon nanotubes were also investigated to compare the results in (5,5) and (10,10) carbon nanotubes. Our results indicate that two carbon nanocoils have a lower diffusion coefficient of water than that of carbon nanotubes because the geometry of carbon nanocoil is easily to block up the diffusion of water molecules.

Optimum Designs for Model Discrimination and Estimation in Binary Response Models

Hsieh, Wei-shan 29 June 2005 (has links)
This paper is concerned with the problem of finding an experimental design for discrimination between two rival models and for model robustness that minimizing the maximum bias simultaneously in binary response experiments. The criterion for model discrimination is based on the $T$-optimality criterion proposed in Atkinson and Fedorov (1975), which maximizes the sum of squares of deviations between the two rival models while the criterion for model robustness is based on minimizing the maximum probability bias of the two rival models. In this paper we obtain the optimum designs satisfy the above two criteria for some commonly used rival models in binary response experiments such as the probit and logit models etc.

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