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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diretrizes analíticas para projeto de geradores de indução de rotor tipo gaiola de esquilo

Nascimento, Carlos Sonier Cardoso do January 2014 (has links)
Comumente, as máquinas de indução são projetadas para atuarem como motores. Assim, a presente tese objetiva estudar, analisar e construir um protótipo de máquina de indução concebida para atuar, exclusivamente, como gerador de indução, ou seja, impulsionada acima da velocidade síncrona. As características operacionais ideais em regime permanente são elaboradas intentando diretrizes de projeto. Concomitantemente, o estudo apresenta e investiga modelagens analíticas obtidas por parâmetros concentrados e, também, modelagens numéricas realizadas pelo método dos elementos finitos. Para isto, um gerador de indução trifásico de 2,2 kW tem o rotor do tipo gaiola de esquilo com ranhuras assimétricas projetado e prototipado. O protótipo do gerador de indução visa melhores características de desempenho como o fator de potência e menores perdas, por exemplo, que uma máquina de indução de mesma potência projetada para atuar como motor, mas funcionando como gerador interligado à rede em regime permanente. Os resultados analíticos, numéricos e experimentais em regime permanente do protótipo do gerador de indução e de um motor de indução de mesma potência, mas funcionando como gerador interligado à rede, são apresentados e comparados. Os resultados experimentais obtidos mostram valores nominais de 0,77 e 83,04% de fator de potência e rendimento, respectivamente, para o funcionamento da máquina convencional no ponto de operação próximo ao valor de corrente nominal. Para a máquina de indução projetada como gerador, os valores nominais de 0,82 e 81,35% de fator de potência e rendimento, respectivamente, foram obtidos no ponto de operação próximo ao valor de corrente nominal. / Commonly, induction machines are designed to act as motors. Thus, the present thesis aims to study, analyze and build a prototype of an induction machine designed to work exclusively as induction generator, i.e. driven above synchronous speed. The optimal steady state operating characteristics are elaborated by bringing design guidelines. Concomitantly, this study investigates and presents analytical modeling obtained by lumped parameters and also numerical modeling carried out by the finite element method. Thus, a three-phase squirrel cage induction generator of 2.2 kW with asymmetric rotor slots has designed and prototyped. The prototype of the induction generator aims best performance characteristics such as power factor, for example, than an induction machine of the same power designed to act as a motor, but functioning as generator parallel with the grid. Analytical, numerical and experimental results in steady state operation of the induction generator prototype and of an induction motor of the same power, but functioning as generator parallel with the grid, are presented and compared. The experimental results show nominal values 0.77 and 83.04% of power factor and efficiency, respectively, for the conventional machine in the operating point close to the value of rated current. For the induction machine designed as a generator, the nominal values 0.82 and 81.35% of power factor and efficiency, respectively, were obtained in the operating point close to the value of rated current.

Snowshoe Hare and Forest Structure Relationships in Western Wyoming

Berg, Nathan Daniel 01 May 2010 (has links)
Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are a critically important prey species for Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis). Determination of snowshoe hare distribution and abundance is needed in western Wyoming for lynx conservation. We used linear regression to examine the correlations between snowshoe hare density, as determined by mark-recapture estimates, and fecal pellet plot counts on both uncleared and annually cleared plots on the Bridger-Teton National Forest, western Wyoming. We found significant correlations between hare density estimates and fecal pellet counts for both uncleared and annually cleared pellet counts; however the relationship was much stronger for annually cleared pellet counts. Adjusting the buffer size by omitting hard habitat edges (not used by hares) around the trapping grids improved correlations between hare density and fecal pellet counts further. We recommend pellet counts from annually cleared plots be used when precise estimates of snowshoe hare abundance are required. Though precision is sacrificed when using uncleared plots, they are useful as a coarse index of habitat use by hares. The derived regression equations should be used to identify foraging habitat for lynx in western Wyoming. In addition to snowshoe hares, in western Wyoming red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and grouse (Bonasa umbellus and Dendragapus obscurus) are used by Canada lynx. Whether young forests or older multi-storied forests contain more snowshoe hares, red squirrels, and grouse in western Wyoming is currently unknown. We estimated snowshoe hare density, and indexed red squirrel and forest grouse abundance in 3 classes of 30-70-year-old lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and 4 classes of mature multi-storied forest with a spruce (Picea engelmannii)-fir (Abies lasiocarpa) component. We recorded landscape and forest structure characteristics to understand how these influence lynx prey abundance. Overall, snowshoe hares, red squirrels, and forest grouse were more abundant in multi-storied forests than young forests. Forest attributes that predicted prey abundance were often more prevalent in multi-storied forests. Results from this study suggest that multi-storied forests with a spruce-fir component were disproportionately important to snowshoe hares, red squirrels, and forest grouse in western Wyoming. Canada lynx conservation efforts should focus on maintaining, enhancing, and promoting multi-storied forests in this region.

Resource Selection, Home Range and Habitat Associations of the Southern Fox Squirrel (<i>Sciurus niger niger</i>) in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain of Virginia

Guill, Marissa Hahn 01 September 2023 (has links)
The southern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger niger) has the northernmost part of its range in Virginia. For the past 100 years, southern fox squirrels have been declining due to habitat fragmentation, cover type conversion, and fire suppression. Decrease in growing season burns, hardwood encroachment and forest mesophication have transformed pine hardwood woodlands and pine (Pinus spp.) savanna habitats that southern fox squirrels prefer to hardwood dominant habitats that eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinenisis) prefer. These habitat changes have the potential to increase competition among the two species. The main objectives of my study were to investigate the general resource needs, occupancy, and home range of southern fox squirrels as well as the impact of resource partitioning and possible competition with eastern gray squirrels in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain of Virginia. I captured, radio collared and tracked four individuals at Big Woods Wildlife Management area and Piney Grove Complex using 95% and 50% kernel density estimate. I found an average male home range 173.49 ha (SE = 25.73, N = 2) and 40.62 ha (SE = 5.87, N = 2) and an average female home range of 28.51 ha (SE = 0.49, N = 2) and 4.71 ha (SE = 0.34, N = 2). I then identified the second and third order habitat selection in which my top models identified selection for pine savanna cover types (β = 2.095, SE = 0.158), increasing number of burns since 2019 (β =1.24, SE = 0.098), and decreased time between burns (β = -0.233, SE = 0.097). I used two-species occupancy modeling which reflected that gray squirrel occupancy increased with increasing time since last prescribed burn. However, southern fox squirrel occupancy, in the absence of gray squirrels, decreased with increasing time since last burn. My informed single-season occupancy model confirmed that southern fox squirrel occupancy decreased with time since the last burn. Presence in the absence of gray squirrels suggests that southern fox squirrels are selecting habitats on BWPGC with respect to both resource needs and competition with gray squirrel. Additionally, my level-of-effort (LOE) analysis indicated that 7 consecutive days of camera trapping without a southern fox squirrel detection would provide 90% confidence of the species' absence in areas burned 2 or more years prior to sampling in southeastern Virginia. Further management for southern fox squirrels in the future should focus on high rotational (short fire return interval) burns in areas of savanna as well as pine-hardwood mixed areas and hardwood-pine savanna ecotones. / Master of Science / The southern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger niger) is a subspecies of fox squirrel that ranges from southeastern Virginia down to northern Florida. All throughout its range in the Southeast, southern fox squirrel habitat has been fragmented from natural mixed pine-hardwood woodland forests to agriculture and high rotation pine plantations. Additionally, habitat has been further transformed by the lack of prescribed fire as a management tool on the landscape. This has in turn created sparse and fragmented local populations of southern fox squirrels as well as possible competition with gray squirrels. Further, the southern fox squirrel has not been studied in Virginia in over 20 years and management recommendations are lacking. I studied the resource needs, occupancy, home range and competition of southern fox squirrels in two physiographic regions of Virginia: the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions. The Coastal Plain field site was Big Woods Wildlife Management Area and The Nature Conservancy's Piney Grove- both adjacent to each other. The Piedmont field site was Military Training Center Fort Barfoot. Here I utilized camera trapping, nest box monitoring, live trapping, and radio tracking to assess the resources they are utilizing in each area through home range analyses. I found that southern fox squirrels are selecting areas that have low fire return intervals and are located in pine savanna habitats. Therefore, fire should be prioritized as a management tool for southern fox squirrel habitat in pine savanna areas. I also used camera trapping data to identify the possible competition among gray and fox squirrels and fox squirrel detection through occupancy modeling. My findings reflected that there is apparent competition between southern fox squirrels and eastern gray squirrels and that southern fox squirrels are selecting heavily burned areas not only for their resource needs, but also because gray squirrels are absent. I concluded through my studies that the southern fox squirrel currently occupies southeastern Virginia, particularly in the Coastal Plain, however at low numbers. This could be due to suitable habitat on Big Woods/Piney Grove, but the surrounding habitat is of marginal quality. Further, in documenting southern fox squirrels, multi day camera surveys in mixed pine-hardwood woodland and pine savannas should be prioritized. Also, in aims to increase the presence of southern fox squirrels on the landscape, short rotation prescribed burning should be prioritized as well as additionally considering meditation among gray squirrel and fox squirrel competition.

Building a Predictive Model of Delmarva Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus) Occurrence Using Infrared Photomonitors

Morris, Charisa Maria 28 November 2006 (has links)
Habitat modeling can assist in managing potentially widespread but poorly known biological resources such as the federally endangered Delmarva fox squirrel (DFS; Sciurus niger cinereus). The ability to predict or identify suitable habitat is a necessary component of this species' recovery. Habitat identification is also an important consideration when evaluating impacts of land development on this species distribution, which is limited to the Delmarva Peninsula. The goal of this study was to build a predictive model of DFS occurrence that can be used towards the effective management of this species. I developed 5 a'priori global models to predict DFS occurrence based on literature review, past models, and professional experience. I used infrared photomonitors to document habitat use of Delmarva fox squirrels at 27 of 86 sites in the southern Maryland portion of the Delmarva Peninsula. All data were collected on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge in Dorchester County, Maryland. Preliminary analyses of 27 DFS present (P) and 59 DFS absent (A) sites suggested that DFS use in my study area was significantly (Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney, P < 0.10) correlated with tree stems > 50 cm dbh/ha (Pmean = 16 + 3.8, Amean = 8+ 2.2), tree stems > 40 cm dbh/ha (Pmean = 49 + 8.1, Amean = 33 + 5.5), understory height (Pmean = 11 m + 0.8, Amean = 9 m + 0.5), overstory canopy height (Pmean = 31 m + 0.6, Amean = 28 m + 0.6), percent overstory cover (Pmean = 82 + 3.9, Amean = 73 + 3.1), shrub stems/ha (Pmean = 8068 + 3218, Amean = 11,119 + 2189), and distance from agricultural fields (Pmean = 964 m + 10, Amean = 1308 m + 103). Chi-square analysis indicated a correlation with shrub evenness (observed on 7% of DFS present sites and 21% of DFS absent sites). Using logistic regression and the Information Theoretic approach, I developed 7 model sets (5 a priori and 2 post hoc) to predict the probability of Delmarva fox squirrel habitat use as a function of micro- and macro-habitat characteristics. Of over 200 total model arrays tested, the model that fit the statistical, biological, and pragmatic criteria postulated was a post hoc integrated model: DFS use = percent overstory cover + shrub evenness + overstory canopy height. This model was determined to be the best of its subset (wi = 0.54), had a high percent concordance (>75%), a significant likelihood ratio (P = 0.0015), and the lowest AICc value (98.3) observed. Employing this predictive model of Delmarva fox squirrel occurrence can benefit recovery and consultation processes by facilitating systematic rangewide survey efforts and simplifying site screenings. / Master of Science

Effets de l’environnement social et physique sur l’évolution des comportements de reproduction : étude chez un mammifère hibernant et un oiseau migrateur / Effects of the social and physical environment on the evolution of reproductive behaviours : Study in a hibernating mammal and a migratory bird

Arnaud, Coline 13 September 2012 (has links)
En écologie évolutive, les comportements de reproduction sont particulièrement intéressants de part leur impact sur le succès reproducteur et donc leur lien étroit avec la valeur sélective individuelle. En s'appuyant sur des suivis individuels à long-terme de populations naturelles d'un rongeur hibernant et d'un oiseau marin migrateur, cette thèse a eu pour objectif 1) de déterminer la présence de sélection de parentèle et le lien entre l'environnement social et la philopatrie chez le spermophile du Columbia (Urocitellus columbianus) et 2) d'estimer le potentiel évolutif de la phénologie de la migration et la reproduction chez la sterne pierregarin (Sterna hirundo).Alors que la dispersion à longue distance a été largement étudiée chez de nombreux taxa, notre compréhension des mouvements au sein d'une colonie, en particulier en tenant compte de l'environnement social, reste limitée. Pourtant l'organisation spatiale des individus apparentés peut être fortement liée à l'évolution de la coopération, qui a pour condition nécessaire la présence de sélection de parentèle. Les travaux de cette thèse montrent que les femelles spermophiles du Columbia coopérant avec des apparentées ont une valeur sélective inclusive plus élevée que les autres femelles, révélant une forte influence de la sélection de parentèle. Les femelles sont fortement philopatriques au sein de la colonie et les mouvements à courte distance semblent liés à un partage de l'espace avec les apparentées. La philopatrie et les ajustements spatiaux permettent une forte proximité entre apparentées, qui est à la base de leur coopération. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives prometteuses pour explorer les mécanismes proximaux et ultimes de la coopération, en particulier en lien avec l'évolution des personnalités.Dans le contexte des changements climatiques, de nombreuses études chez les oiseaux documentent un avancement de la phénologie. L'étude d'une population déclinante de sternes pierregarins montrant un retard progressif des dates de ponte soulève l'importance d'évaluer les changements évolutifs attendus ainsi que les contraintes évolutives pour la phénologie de la migration et de la reproduction. Ces travaux montrent une diminution des variances phénotypique et génétique additive de la date d'arrivée de la migration printanière avec l'avancement du stade reproducteur. Ce résultat révèle un cas original de forte sélection passée pour la canalisation d'un trait comportemental, pouvant représenter une contrainte évolutive pour ce caractère. En outre, alors que la phénologie de la reproduction est classiquement considérée comme un caractère femelle-spécifique, l'analyse révèle un effet environnemental indirect du mâle sur la date de ponte, lié à la nécessité d'une synchronisation entre les partenaires pour l'arrivée de la migration printanière. Malgré d'une part l'absence de contraintes génétiques et d'autre part une héritabilité et une variance génétique additive significatives, les changements évolutifs attendus pour des dates de ponte plus précoces sont restreints du fait d'une sélection faible. De même, le potentiel évolutif de la date d'arrivée de la migration est limité. Des recherches futures explorant la plasticité phénotypique et la désynchronisation entre la phénologie des sternes et de leurs proies pourraient expliquer le retard de la phénologie de la reproduction en contraste avec nos prédictions. / In evolutionary ecology, behaviours associated with reproduction are particularly interesting because of their impact on reproductive success, and thus their close link to individual fitness. Using long-term individual monitoring of natural populations of a hibernating rodent and a migratory seabird, the aims of this PhD were 1) to determine presence of kin selection and relationship between social environment and philopatry in Columbian ground squirrels (Urocitellus columbianus) and 2) estimate the evolutionary potential of the migratory and reproductive phenology in common terns (Sterna hirundo).While long-distance dispersal has been well studied in numerous taxa, our understanding of within-colony movements is still limited, particularly with respect to the social environment. However, spatial organization of kin can be strongly related to the evolution of nepotistic cooperation, which requires kin selection as a necessary condition. My studies show that female Columbian ground squirrels that cooperate with kin have higher inclusive fitness, revealing a strong influence of kin selection. Females are strongly philopatric within the colony and short-distance movements seemed to be linked to sharing of space with kin. Philopatry and spatial accommodation promote strong proximity between kin, which is the basis of their cooperation. These results offer promising research perspectives for the exploration of proximate and ultimate mechanisms of cooperation, particularly linked with the evolution of personality.In the context of climate change, numerous studies in birds document advances of avian phenology. The study of a declining population of common terns exhibiting a progressive delay of laying dates indicates the importance of evaluating expected evolutionary changes, as well as constraints on migratory and reproductive phenology. My studies found a decrease of the phenotypic and additive genetic variances in arrival date from spring migration with advancing reproductive stage. This result reveals an original case of strong past selection for canalization of a behavioural trait, perhaps representing an evolutionary constraint. Also, while phenology of reproduction is classically considered a female-specific trait, analyses show an indirect environmental effect of male on laying date, linked to the need of partners to be synchronized when arriving from spring migration. In spite of, on one hand, lack of genetic constraints, and on the other hand, significant heritability and genetic variance, expected evolutionary changes for earlier laying dates are limited due to a weak selection. Similarly, the evolutionary potential of arrival date from spring migration is limited. Future research exploring phenotypic plasticity and the mismatch between the phenology of terns and their prey might explain the delay of the reproduction phenology, in contrast with our expectations.

Cost-benefit analysis of mitigation of outages caused by squirrels on the overhead electricity distribution systems

Malve, Priyanka January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Anil Pahwa / Unpredictable power outages due to environmental factors such as lighting, wind, trees, and animals, have always been a concern for utilities because they are often unavoidable. This research aims to study squirrel-related outages by modeling past real-life outage data and provide the optimal result which would assist utilities in increasing electric system reliability. This research is a novel approach to benchmark system performance in order to identify areas and durations with higher than expected outages. The model is illustrated with seven years (2005-2011) of animal-related outage data and 14 years of weather data (1998-2011) for four cities in Kansas, used as training data to predict future outages. The past data indicates that the number of outages on any day varies with the seasons and weather conditions on that day. The prediction is based on a Bayesian Model using conditional probability table, which is calculated based on training data. Since future weather conditions are unknown and random, Monte Carlo Simulation is used with the past 14 years of weather data to create different yearly scenarios. These scenarios are then used with the models to predict expected outages. Multiple runs of Monte Carlo analysis provide a probability distribution of expected outages. Further work discusses about cost-to-benefit analysis of implementation of outage mitigation methods. The analysis is performed by considering different combinations of outage reduction and mitigation levels. In this research, eight cases of outage reduction and nine cases of mitigation levels are defined. The probability of benefit is calculated by a statistical approach for every combination. Several optimal strategies are constructed using the probability values and outage history. The outcomes are compared with each other to propose the most beneficial outage mitigation strategy. This research will immensely assist utilities in reducing the outages due to squirrels more effectively with higher benefits and therefore improve reliability of the electricity supply to consumers.

Proposta de um novo método para a detecção de barras rompidas em motores de indução com rotor em gaiola. / The proposal of a new method for thedetection of broken bars in squirrel cage induction.

Dias, Cleber Gustavo 28 June 2006 (has links)
O estudo das condições de operação de um motor de indução em um ambiente industrial é indispensável, tendo em vista que eventuais problemas podem contribuir para um prejuízo na produção, ou ainda para custos adicionais relacionados à falta de manutenção dos equipamentos. Uma das principais falhas que podem ocorrer em um motor de indução do tipo gaiola de esquilo durante sua operação é o rompimento de uma ou mais barras que compõem o seu rotor. Apresenta-se neste trabalho um novo método para auxiliar na detecção de barras quebradas em um rotor tipo gaiola de esquilo, para um motor de grande porte, durante sua operação em regime permanente. A partir de um modelo matemático foi possível avaliar o rompimento de barras do rotor, detectando em uma posição específica, a variação da densidade de fluxo magnético resultante, produzida pela contribuição do fluxo de dispersão de cada barra do rotor, bem como pelo fluxo criado pelas correntes do estator. Um sensor de efeito Hall é instalado entre duas bobinas do estator, a fim de representar a posição onde é realizado o cálculo da densidade de fluxo magnético resultante pela modelagem matemática proposta. O sinal gerado pelo sensor a partir de uma falha é comparado com aquele obtido a partir do rotor saudável, para posterior análise. O trabalho sugere ainda a aplicação do método de detecção da falha em conjunto com uma técnica de inteligência artificial baseada nas redes neurais artificiais, a fim de contribuir para o diagnóstico da falha e estimativa do número de barras rompidas. Os resultados obtidos da simulação, bem como os dados obtidos durante o ensaio são apresentados e usados na validação do modelo matemático desenvolvido. / The study of operational conditions of an induction motor in an industrial environment is indispensable, once eventual problems can contribute for production losses, or still for additional costs related to the lack of equipments maintenance. Among the principal faults, in a squirrel cage induction motor can occur the breaking of one or more rotor bars. This work presents a new method in aid of detection of broken bars in a large squirrel cage induction motor during its operation in steady-state. A mathematical model is used to evaluate the broken rotor bars, detecting in a specific point, the resulting magnetic flux density produced by the leakage flux created by the rotor and stator currents. The Hall effect sensor is installed between two stator coils, in order to represent the position where the resulting magnetic flux density is calculated by the proposed mathematical model. The signal detected in the sensor during a fault, is compared to the obtained result of the magnetic flux density from a healthy rotor for analysis. The work still suggests the application of the artificial intelligence technique, based on artificial neural networks in the mathematical model, in order to aid on the fault detection and estimate of the number of broken bars. The simulation and experimental results are presented in order to validate the developed mathematical model.

Proposta de um novo método para a detecção de barras rompidas em motores de indução com rotor em gaiola. / The proposal of a new method for thedetection of broken bars in squirrel cage induction.

Cleber Gustavo Dias 28 June 2006 (has links)
O estudo das condições de operação de um motor de indução em um ambiente industrial é indispensável, tendo em vista que eventuais problemas podem contribuir para um prejuízo na produção, ou ainda para custos adicionais relacionados à falta de manutenção dos equipamentos. Uma das principais falhas que podem ocorrer em um motor de indução do tipo gaiola de esquilo durante sua operação é o rompimento de uma ou mais barras que compõem o seu rotor. Apresenta-se neste trabalho um novo método para auxiliar na detecção de barras quebradas em um rotor tipo gaiola de esquilo, para um motor de grande porte, durante sua operação em regime permanente. A partir de um modelo matemático foi possível avaliar o rompimento de barras do rotor, detectando em uma posição específica, a variação da densidade de fluxo magnético resultante, produzida pela contribuição do fluxo de dispersão de cada barra do rotor, bem como pelo fluxo criado pelas correntes do estator. Um sensor de efeito Hall é instalado entre duas bobinas do estator, a fim de representar a posição onde é realizado o cálculo da densidade de fluxo magnético resultante pela modelagem matemática proposta. O sinal gerado pelo sensor a partir de uma falha é comparado com aquele obtido a partir do rotor saudável, para posterior análise. O trabalho sugere ainda a aplicação do método de detecção da falha em conjunto com uma técnica de inteligência artificial baseada nas redes neurais artificiais, a fim de contribuir para o diagnóstico da falha e estimativa do número de barras rompidas. Os resultados obtidos da simulação, bem como os dados obtidos durante o ensaio são apresentados e usados na validação do modelo matemático desenvolvido. / The study of operational conditions of an induction motor in an industrial environment is indispensable, once eventual problems can contribute for production losses, or still for additional costs related to the lack of equipments maintenance. Among the principal faults, in a squirrel cage induction motor can occur the breaking of one or more rotor bars. This work presents a new method in aid of detection of broken bars in a large squirrel cage induction motor during its operation in steady-state. A mathematical model is used to evaluate the broken rotor bars, detecting in a specific point, the resulting magnetic flux density produced by the leakage flux created by the rotor and stator currents. The Hall effect sensor is installed between two stator coils, in order to represent the position where the resulting magnetic flux density is calculated by the proposed mathematical model. The signal detected in the sensor during a fault, is compared to the obtained result of the magnetic flux density from a healthy rotor for analysis. The work still suggests the application of the artificial intelligence technique, based on artificial neural networks in the mathematical model, in order to aid on the fault detection and estimate of the number of broken bars. The simulation and experimental results are presented in order to validate the developed mathematical model.

Otkrivanje kvara rotora kaveznog asinhronog motora primenom tehnika analize terminalnih veličina / Induction motor broken bar fault detection based on the analysis of motorterminal quantities

Reljić Dejan 21 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je predložena metoda za pouzdano otkrivanje kvara rotora<br />trofaznog kaveznog asinhronog motora. Metoda je zasnovana na<br />identifikaciji obeležja kvara rotora iz signala terminalnih veličina<br />jednofazno napojenog trofaznog kaveznog motora u stacionarnom stanju<br />pogona. Predložena metoda eliminiše potrebu za postojanja opterećenja<br />motora, što je osnovna prednost u odnosu na rešenja iz literature. Sva<br />teorijska razmatranja su praćena odgovarajućim rezultatima računarskih<br />simulacija, da bi se potom sprovela eksperimentalna verifikacija i<br />potvrdila efikasnost predložene metode. Takođe, predstavljen je<br />postupak za kvantitativnu procenu oštećenja štapnih provodnika rotora.</p> / <p>In this Doctoral dissertation, a novel method for broken rotor bar fault detection<br />in a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor (IM) is introduced. The proposed<br />method is non-invasive and it is based on the analysis of the IM terminal<br />quantities in a single-phase steady-state operating condition. Compared to<br />conventional fault detection techniques, the developed method does not require<br />any loading on the motor, which is the main benefit of the method. The faulty<br />condition of broken rotor bars was investigated analytically, while the<br />effectiveness of the proposed method was proven by the variety of computer<br />simulations and experimental results. Based on these results, a methodology for<br />the quantification of broken rotor bars in the IM has been presented.</p>

Mechanical design and manufacturing of a high speed induction machine rotor / Cornelius Ranft

Ranft, Cornelius Jacobus Gerhardus January 2010 (has links)
The McTronX research group at the North–West University designs and develops Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs). The group’s focus shifted to the design and development of AMB supported drive systems. This includes the electromagnetic and mechanical design of the electric machine, AMBs, auxiliary bearings as well as the development of the control system. The research group is currently developing an AMB supported high speed Induction Machine (IM) drive system that will facilitate tests in order to verify the design capability of the group. The research presented in this thesis describes the mechanical design and manufacturing of a high speed IM rotor section. The design includes; selecting the IM rotor topology, material selection, detail stress analysis and selecting appropriate manufacturing and assembly procedures. A comprehensive literature study identifies six main design considerations during the mechanical design of a high speed IM rotor section. These considerations include; magnetic core selection, rotor cage design, shaft design, shaft/magnetic core connection, stress due to operation at elevated temperatures and design for manufacture and assemble (DFMA). A critical overview of the literature leads to some design decisions being made and is used as a starting point for the detail design. The design choices include using a laminated cage rotor with a shrink fit for the shaft/magnetic core connection. Throughout the detail design an iterative process was followed incorporating both electromagnetic and mechanical considerations to deliver a good design solution. The first step of the iterative design process was, roughly calculating the material strengths required for first iteration material selection followed by more detailed interference fit calculations. From the detail stress analysis it became apparent that the stress in the IM rotor section cannot be calculated accurately using analytical methods. Consequently, a systematically verified and validated Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model was used to calculate the interferences required for each component. The detail stress analysis of the assembly also determined the allowable manufacturing dimensional tolerances. From the detail stress analysis it was found that the available lamination and squirrel cage material strengths were inadequate for the design speed specification of 27,000 r/min. The analysis showed that a maximum operating speed of 19,000 r/min can be achieved while complying with the minimum factor of safety (FOS) of 2. Each component was manufactured to the prescribed dimensional tolerances and the IM rotor section was assembled. With the failure of the first assembly process, machine experts were consulted and a revised process was implemented. The revised process entailed manufacturing five small lamination stacks and assembling the stack and squirrel cage afterwards. The end ring/conductive bar connection utilises interference fits due to the fact that the materials could not be welded. The process was successful and the IM rotor section was shrink fitted onto the shaft. However, after final machining of the rotor’s outer diameter (OD), inspections revealed axial displacement of the end rings and a revised FEA was implemented to simulate the effect. The results indicated a minimum FOS 0.6 at very small sections and with further analytical investigation it was shown that the minimum FOS was reduced to only 1.34. Although the calculations indicated the FOS was below the minimum prescribed FOS ? 2, the rotor spin tests were scheduled to continue as planned. The main reasons being that the lowest FOS is at very small areas and is located at non critical structural positions. The fact that the rotor speed was incrementally increased and multiple parameters were monitored, which could detect early signs of failure, further supported the decision. In testing the rotor was successfully spun up to 19,000 r/min and 27 rotor delevitation test were conducted at speeds of up to 10,000 r/min. After continuous testing a secondary rotor inspection was conducted and no visible changes could be detected. The lessons learnt leads to mechanical design and manufacturing recommendations and the research required to realise a 27,000 r/min rotor design. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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