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Anaerobic ponds for domestic wastewater treatment in temperate climatesCruddas, Peter January 2014 (has links)
Energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions, and operational costs are continuing to rise year on year in the wastewater treatment sector, with traditional treatment options unable to provide sustainable solutions to increasing volumes and tightening quality standards. Current processes produce inherent fugitive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, whilst also generating large quantities of sludge for disposal. Anaerobic ponds (APs) are natural wastewater treatment processes that have traditionally been confined to a pre-treatment stage of larger stabilisation pond systems. Consequently, current standard guidelines are not suited for low temperature, weak strength wastewaters, or for the emerging usage of APs for energy recovery and enhanced organic breakdown. To establish effective guidelines for adapting AP design for this purpose, this thesis explores the fundamental mechanisms with APs, in order to provide design alterations to enhance AP performance for full flow domestic wastewater treatment with a focus on the UK water sector. Initially, a literature review of current AP design guidelines was conducted to determine the current state of the art and understand the fundamental design processes currently adopted. The review found that most APs are currently underloaded, largely to avoid malodour emissions, but this leads to unnecessarily large footprints and inhibits the digestion process through restricting biomass/substrate contact. It was concluded that the current design guidelines are not suitable for recent AP developments and application, such as covering to prevent odour escape, and the use of baffling to improve mixing and enhance organic degradation. A pilot scale study was conducted on UK domestic wastewater to gain insight into the limitations of current AP design for this application and identify areas for optimisation. The pilot trial demonstrated the efficacy of AP usage for low temperature, weak strength wastewaters, even with unoptimised design. Decoupling hydraulic and solids retention time lead to biomass retention and subsequent acclimatisation, and was able to compensate for the low temperatures and weak wastewater. It was concluded that APs can provide an attractive alternative to current primary treatment options, through reducing GHG emissions and providing less frequent desludging requirements. To optimise AP design, the effect of baffle configuration on AP hydrodynamics and the subsequent impact on treatment efficiency was investigated, in order to develop structural designs specifically targeting enhanced anaerobic degradation. Advantages found in baffling APs included improving mixing patterns between baffles, enhancing biomass/substrate contact, and creating an overall plug flow effect through the entire pond enabling the retention of biomass. Furthermore, the removal mechanism with the pond can be manipulated with use of baffles, with different orientations generating different flow patterns and therefore creating conditions preferential for greater solids settlement and capture, or mixing and contact. Following trials on single stage alternate baffling configurations, the development of a novel two stage AP design was trialled, applying knowledge gained from trials of differing baffle orientations to target separate stages of organic breakdown. Further trials were conducted on the staged AP to establish optimal loading rates to be applied to APs in order to maximise performance and reduce physical footprint. These trials led to recommended design improvements including shorter hydraulic retention times (HRTs) to enhance mixing and decrease physical footprint, and improvements to the staged AP design to greater separate the stages of anaerobic digestion and provide optimal conditions for the stages at different points in the AP. Finally, the knowledge gained from experimental work was used to present evidence for the inclusion of APs into decentralised WWT through flowsheet modelling of a proposed AP treatment works compared to a current base case. Advantages were found in decreasing sludge management requirements whilst providing suitable primary treatment, with additional potential benefits in renewable energy generation, which could increase both with improved biogas yields and the option of combining with other renewable technologies. In some circumstances, it may be possible for an AP flowsheet to operate entirely off-grid, eliminating the need for costly infrastructure such as permanent access roads and national electrical grid connection.
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Enhancing the understanding of lime stabilisation processesBeetham, Paul January 2015 (has links)
Lime stabilisation is a ground improvement technique used to improve the engineering properties of cohesive fill materials. During earthworks operations, specialist plant is used to rotovate the clay fill material and intermix lime binder around clay clods. After completion of the lime treatment, the layer is compacted in the usual way. Immediately after mixing, the lime instigate a series of physico-chemical reactions within the clay soil. Where the chemical reactions are favourable and with time after compaction (curing) the material becomes progressively stronger and durable to environmental influences, e.g. inundation by surface or ground water. However, where sulphate is present within the soil, the reactions may change and the ingress of water into the layer can result in the expansive growth of deleterious minerals e.g. ettringite. While sulphate swell issues are relatively rare, when they do occur the degree of expansion can be very high. A high profile sulphate swell failure developed during the construction of the M40, Oxford, UK in 1989. Over the winter period after the lime stabilisation works, a 250mm deep lime treated layer heaved by up to 150mm - destroying the overlying road construction. Since the M40 failure, a substantial amount of effort has been undertaken to better understand the sulphate swell reactions and in this regard the state of scientific knowledge is relatively strong. A fundamental issue for field applications of lime stabilisation is that the vast majority of research has been undertaken on laboratory specimens prepared using methods which do not reflect site practice. Laboratory studies often use oven dried and finely crushed clay, whereas site operations will treat much larger clay clods to result in a more heterogeneous distribution of lime through the compacted soil body. With large clay clods, the chemical reactants must migrate through clods and this may cause the sequence of chemical reactions to change. A further challenge is that laboratory studies are typically undertaken with cure temperatures of 20°C, whereas a typical near surface temperature in the UK is <10°C. This is of particular relevance to sulphate swell failures which are reported to coincide with a reduction in ambient temperature over winter periods. Thus, the direct relevance of laboratory studies to site application was unclear. A series of laboratory experiments using a preparation method which reflects field applications of lime stabilisation was used to investigate the influence of large clay clods on the durability of lime stabilised clay soil. This method was applied to both low and high sulphate clay soils. A fundamental discovery from work on low sulphate clay is that the addition of lime binder to the surface of the clay clods causes a physico-chemical boundary to form. This boundary develops due to the rapid increase to the plastic limit of the clay preventing adjacent clods from joining together during compaction. This causes the engineering properties of each individual clod to develop independent to its neighbours and for each clay clod to be separated by an inter-clod pore space. The strength of each individual clay clod will increase with curing as the added lime dissociates into Ca2+ and OH- and migrates to form C-S-H deep within the clods. Where the material is compacted wet of the optimum water content, this condition improves ion migration and enables development of diffuse cementation deep within clods. The inter-clod porosity remains as a weakness throughout curing especially during specimen soaking, where the pore channels comprise a pathway, accelerating the ingress of soaking water. With low sulphate soil, the soaking water softens the treated material, however, with high TPS soil substantial sulphate swelling may develop. Thus, efforts to minimise this porosity during preparation is important and the use of quicklime with longer mellowing periods can cause the clay clods to develop high strength before compaction. The high strength clods resist compaction and the degree of inter-clod porosity in the compacted mass increases, worsening specimen durability to water ingress. The investigations into high sulphate clays included the development of a Novel Swell Test (NST) to assess volume change. A unique aspect of the NST was that the sulphate swell response of the lime treated material was investigated at site realistic temperatures of 8°C. It was identified that, when compared with standard laboratory test temperatures of 20°C the rate of sulphate swell is substantially higher at the low temperature. The mineralogical testing has permitted the hypothesis that, at 8°C the growth of crystalline ettringite becomes slower and the ettringite precursor, which has a high affinity to imbibe water, remains in this state for much longer. Thus, laboratory swell tests at 20°C may substantially underestimate the degree of swell that may develop in the field. As a pressing need, it is recommended that the industry adapt sulphate swell test methods to appraise the degree of swell at field realistic temperatures i.e. < 10°C. The work also identifies that the primary defence against sulphate swell is to condition the fill so that the risk of post compaction water ingress, via inter-clod porosity, is minimised. The use of GGBS and water addition during extended mellowing periods also reduces the degree of sulphate swell in natural clay soils. This work concludes that working methods for lime stabilisation of medium high plasticity soils of a potentially high sulphate content, should be adapted to encourage diffuse cementation and minimise the degree of (post compaction) inter-clod porosity. Practically this involves the use of hydrated lime and the addition of mixing water throughout extended mellowing periods. Fundamentally, the study recommends that where construction programmes allow, the long term durability of a fill material should be the priority over immediate strength.
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Analyse théorique, analyse numérique et contrôle de systèmes d'interaction fluide-structure et de systèmes de type ondesTakahashi, Takéo 23 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la première partie, je décris mes travaux de recherche en interaction fluide-structure (résultat théorique, numérique et de contrôle), puis je présente des méthodes fréquentielles pour la contrôlabilité et la stabilisation avec applications aux problèmes de stabilisation de systèmes discrétisés. Finalement, je donne des résultats obtenus sur la dépendance par rapport au domaine de quelques EDP
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Neue Prinzipien zur Realisierung von gepulsten, frequenzstabilisierten Lasern mit hoher mittlerer Leistung und exzellenter Strahlqualität / New Principles for realizing pulsed frequency stabilised lasers with high power and excellent beam qualitySträßer, Alexander January 2007 (has links)
Wasserdampf in der Stratosphäre und Troposphäre ist eines der wichtigsten atmosphärischen Treibhausgase. Neben seiner Bedeutung für das Klima hat es großen Einfluss auf die Bildung von polaren stratosphärischen Wolken sowie auf die atmosphärische Chemie.
Weltweit erstmalig soll innerhalb eines Forscherverbundes in Deutschland ein leistungsstarkes, mobiles, abtastendes Wasserdampf-DIAL zur dreidimensional hochaufgelösten Messung des atmosphärischen Wasserdampfs entwickelt werden. Mit dem Wasserdampf-DIAL können Wasserdampfkonzentrationen in der Atmosphäre mit hoher zeitlicher und räumlicher Auflösung gemessen werden.
Das DIAL basiert auf einem Titan-Saphir-Laser oder einem dazu alternativen OPO-Laser (optisch parametrischer Oszillator). Der für das optische Pumpen dieser Laser nötige Pumplaser wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit in der Arbeitsgruppe Nichtlineare Optik des Instituts für Physik der Universität Potsdam entwickelt. Ein hochauflösendes, mobiles DIAL erfordert einen Pumplaser mit großen Pulsenergien, guter Strahlqualität und einer hohen Effizienz.
Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurde ein MOPA-System (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) mit Frequenzstabilisierung auf der Basis von doppelbrechungskompensierten, transversal diodengepumpten Laserstäben entwickelt und untersucht. Auf dem Weg dahin wurden unterschiedliche Realisierungsmöglichkeiten des MOPA-Systems geprüft. Im Rahmen dessen wurden die Festkörperlasermaterialien Yb:YAG [1], kerndotierte Nd:YAG-Keramik [2] und herkömmliches Nd:YAG vorgestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für dieses MOPA-System untersucht. Nachdem die Entscheidung für Nd:YAG als laseraktives Material gefallen war, konnte darauf aufbauend die Konzeptionierung des Lasersystems auf der Basis von Verstärkungsrechnungen vorgenommen werden. Die entwickelte Verstärkungsrechnung trägt den Tatbeständen von realen Systemen Rechnung, indem radiusabhängige Intensitäten und eine radiale, nicht homogene Inversionsdichte berücksichtigt werden.
Die Frequenzstabilisierung des gepulsten Oszillators (Frequenzstabilität von 1 MHz) wurde mittels des Pound-Drever-Hall-Verfahrens vorgenommen. Mit der Heterodynmethode wird die Frequenzstabilität des Oszillators gemessen. Nach Untersuchungen über verschiedene Konfigurationen für lineare und ringförmige Oszillatoren, wurde ein Ringoszillator mit zwei Laserköpfen aufgebaut, in welchen von außen mit einem Laser fester Frequenz eingestrahlt wird. Dieser emittiert bei einer Wiederholrate von 400 Hz eine Pulsenergie von Eout = 21 mJ bei nahezu beugungsbegrenzter Strahlqualität (M2 < 1,2). Die Verstärkung dieser Laserpulse erfolgte zunächst durch eine Vorverstärkerstufe und anschließend durch zwei doppelbrechungskompensierte Hauptverstärker im Doppeldurchgang. Eine gute Strahlqualität (M2 = 1,75) konnte unter anderem erzielt werden, indem der Doppeldurchgang durch die Hauptverstärker mit einem phasenkonjugierenden Spiegel (SF6), auf der Basis der stimulierten Brillouin Streuung, realisiert wurde. Der entwickelte Laser emittiert Pulse mit einer Länge von 25 ns und einer Energie von 250 mJ. Insgesamt wurde ein bisher einmaliges Lasersystem entwickelt. In der Literatur sind die erreichte Frequenzstabilität, Strahlqualität und Leistung in dieser Kombination bisher nicht dokumentiert.
In der Zukunft soll durch den Einsatz von kerndotierten, keramischen Lasermaterialien, höheren Pumpleistungen der Hauptverstärker und phasenkonjugierenden Spiegeln aus Quarz die Pulsenergie des Systems weiter erhöht werden.
[1] M. Ostermeyer, A. Straesser, “Theoretical investigation of Yb:YAG as laser material for nanosecond pulse emission with large energies in the joule range”, Optics Communications, Vol. 274, pp. 422-428 (2007)
[2] A. Sträßer and M. Ostermeyer, “Improving the brightness of side pumped power amplifiers by using core doped ceramic rods”, Optics Express, Vol. 14, pp. 6687- 6693 (2006) / Vapour in the stratosphere and troposphere is one of the most important atmospheric greenhouse gases. Apart from its importance for the climate it has a great influence on the formation of polar stratospheric clouds as well as the atmospheric chemistry.
A German research group is currently developing the world’s first powerful, mobile, screening vapour-DIAL, which can measure the atmospheric vapour three-dimensionally and in high resolution. Vapour concentrations in the atmosphere can be measured in high temporal and local resolution with this vapour-DIAL.
The DIAL is based on a titan-saphire-laser or an alternative OPO-laser (Optical Parametric Oscillator). The seeding-laser, which is needed in order to seed those lasers, was developed in the course of this work by the research group for nonlinear optics in the institute for physics at the University of Potsdam. A highly-resolutive, mobile DIAL needs a seeding-laser with high pulse energy, excellent beam quality and high efficiency.
In order to realise this, a frequency stabilised MOPA-System (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier) was developed, which based on birefringence-compensated, transversally diode-pumped laser rods. During the research process several ways to realise the MOPA-System were investigated. In this process the solid laser materials Yb:YAG [1], core-doped Nd:YAG-Ceramics [2] und conventional Nd:YAG were introduced and their suitability for the MOPA-System was investigated.
After the choice for Nd:YAG as laser-active material was made, the concept of the laser-system could be developed based on amplification-calculations. The amplification-calculation meets the requirements of real systems, because intensities depending on diameter and a radial, non-homogeneous inversion density are being taken into consideration. The frequency of the pulsed oscillator (frequency stabilisation of 1 MHz) was stabilised by means of the Pound-Drever-Hall-Method.
The frequency stability of the oscillator is measured using the Heterodyn-Method. After the investigation of different configurations for linear and circular oscillators a circular oscillator with two laser heads was set up, which is injection-seeded by a second laser with a stable frequency. At a repetition rate of 400 Hz the circular oscillator emits a pulse energy of Eout = 21 mJ with almost diffraction-limited beam quality (M2 < 1.2). These laser pulses were first amplified by a pre-amplifier and afterwards by two birefringence compensated main-amplifier in doublepass. Among other factors, an excellent beam quality (M2 = 1.75) could be reached by the doublepass through the main amplifier realised with a phase conjugating mirror (SF6) based on stimulated Brillouin-scattering. The developed laser emits pulses that are of 25 ns length and have an energy of 250 mJ.
A currently unique laser system was developed. In the research findings there are no previous documents of the combination of the reached stability of frequency, beam quality and power in one system.
In the future the pulse energy of the system is to be further increased through the use of core-doped, ceramic laser material, a higher pump power of the main amplifiers and phase-conjugating mirrors made of quartz.
[1] M. Ostermeyer, A. Straesser, “Theoretical investigation of Yb:YAG as laser material for nanosecond pulse emission with large energies in the joule range”, Optics Communications, Vol. 274, pp. 422-428 (2007)
[2] A. Sträßer and M. Ostermeyer, “Improving the brightness of side pumped power amplifiers by using core doped ceramic rods”, Optics Express, Vol. 14, pp. 6687- 6693 (2006)
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Thèse de doctorat : SCIENCES APPLIQUEES : Metz : 1997. / 1997METZ040S. 58 REF.
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Contrôlabilité et stabilisation optimales en dimension finie ou infiniePrieur, Christophe 09 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Suivant les applications considérées et le nombre de degrés de liberté à envisager, il est étudié deux grandes classes de systèmes. La première classe de systèmes est décrite par des équations non-linéaires aux dérivées ordinaires. Les contrôles correspondants ont été envisagés avec une dynamique mixte discrète/continue, dites hybrides. Ils permettent de stabiliser des systèmes non-linéaires avec une robustesse, et une certaine optimalité. La seconde classe de systèmes concerne ceux à paramètres distribués. Des résultats ont concerné plus particulièrement le contrôle ou la stabilisation de structures flexibles, ainsi que la stabilisation robuste de l'écoulement de l'eau dans un réseau de canaux.
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Fate of organic micropollutants in a karst aquifer system - Implications for sustainable raw water managementHillebrand, Olav 04 August 2014 (has links)
Das grundsätzliche Verständnis von Karstgrundwasserleitern ist essentiell für das nachhaltige Management der Rohwasserqualität und letztendlich für sauberes Trinkwasser für bis zu 25 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung. Um dieses Verständnis zu verbessern, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Speicher- und Attenuationspotential eines Karstgrundwasserleiters untersucht. Hierbei werden organische Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren für Transportpfade, Attenuation und Attenuationsprozessen eingesetzt.
Als Voraussetzung für die Erfassung belastbarer Daten, wurden geeignete Stabilisierungsstrategien für organische Spurenstoffe in Wasserproben bewertet: Zugabe der Biozide (i) Kupfersulphat und (ii) Natriumazid zu Wasserproben nach der Probenahme und anschließende Lagerung der Proben in flüssiger Form sowie (iii) sofortige Festphasenextraktion (SPE), was zu einer Stabilisierung der Proben durch eine Reduktion des Wassergehaltes führt. Es wurden Fluss- und behandeltes Abwasser untersucht. Diese zeichnen sich üblicherweise durch ein hohes Potential für biologische Aktivität und demnach hohe Biotransformationsraten aus. Analysiert wurde der Einfluss der Lagerungstemperatur von 4 und 28° C für die Proben, die in flüssiger Form gelagert wurden und von 4, 20 und 40° C für die Lagerung der SPE-Kartuschen. Kühlen der Wasserproben allein reichte nicht aus, um die Proben für längere Zeit (> 24 h) zu stabilisieren. Die Zugabe von Kupfersulphat führte zu Problemen mit Azol- und Imidazol-ähnlichen Verbindungen. Natriumazid erwies sich als geeigneter Stabilisierungszusatz. Die besten Ergebnisse konnten für kühl gelagerte SPE-Kartuschen beobachtet werden.
Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wird das Langzeitspeicherpotential von Karstgrundwasserleitern untersucht. Um eine nachhaltige Rohwasserqualität zu gewährleisten ist das Verständnis dieses Potentials essentiell. Die Transportdynamik der zwei Herbizide Metazachlor und Atrazin sowie dessen Abbauprodukt (Desethylatrazin) wurde an einer Karstquelle untersucht. Sogar 20 Jahre nach dessen Anwendungsverbot konnten Atrazin und dessen Abbauprodukt nahezu immer im Quellwasser in geringen Konzentrationen (wenige ng L‒1) nachgewiesen werden. Metazachlor dagegen tritt nur nach Niederschlagsereignissen auf und die beobachteten Konzentrationen sind deutlich höher. Ein Vergleich der Dynamik der zwei Herbizide mit der der anorganischen Kationen Ca2+, Mg2+ und der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit zeigte, dass Atrazin mit diesen Parametern korreliert. Aus dieser Beobachtung konnte abgeleitet werden, dass Atrazin innerhalb der Gesteinsmatrix vorliegt und die Rohwasserqualität für Jahrzehnte beeinflusst.
Um das in-situ Attenuationspotential innerhalb des Röhrensystems eines Karstgrundwasserleiters zu identifizieren und das Risiko, das von organischen Spurenstoffen ausgeht, abzuschätzen, wurde ein Doppeltracer-Experiment durchgeführt: Der reaktive Stoff Coffein wurde als Markierungsstoff genutzt um das in-situ Attenuationspotential des untersuchten Grundwasserleiters zu bewerten. Aufgrund der niedrigen Bestimmungsgrenze konnten sehr geringe Mengen eingesetzt werden. Um ein Modell zu kalibrieren und die Attenuation des Coffeins zu visualisieren wurde der konservative Markierungsstoff Uranin simultan eingegeben. Diese Methodik wurde in einem gut charakterisierten Karstgrundwasserleiter in Baden-Württemberg getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine deutlich höhere Attenuationsrate als für einen Karstgrundwasserleiter erwartet wurde. Die Attenuation wurde als Prozess erster Ordnung beschrieben; die bestimmte Halbwertszeit betrug 104 h. Diese geringe Halbwertszeit deutet darauf hin, dass das generell angenommene geringe Attenuationspotential nicht gerechtfertigt ist. Der beobachtete Massenverlust des Coffeins zeigt auf, dass Coffein als reaktiver Markierungsstoff in hydraulisch hochdurchlässigen Systemen, wie Karstgrundwasserleitern, zur Untersuchung des in-situ Attenuationspotentials geeignet ist. Aufgrund der hohen Attenuationsrate des Coffeins, ist nicht mit einer Langzeitkontamination zu rechnen. In der Kombination mit einem konservativen Referenzmarkierungsstoff wird in diesem Kapitel eine ökonomische und ökologisch ungefährliche Methode zur Bestimmung des in-situ Attenuationspotentials vorgestellt.
Aufgrund der Ergebnisse des Doppeltracer-Experiments wurde ein Multitracer-Experiment durchgeführt um das ermittelte Attenuationspotential zu verifizieren, dessen Übertragbarkeit auf andere Stoffe zu überprüfen und die Attenuationsprozesse zu spezifizieren. Als Referenzsubstanzen wurden Uranin, Acesulfam und Carbamazepin gemeinsam mit den reaktiven Markierungsstoffen Atenolol, Coffein, Cyclamat, Ibuprofen und Paracetamol in eine Doline eingegeben. Die Durchbruchskurven der reaktiven Markierungsstoffe wurden relativ zu den Referenzsubstanzen ausgewertet. Für keinen der Stoffe konnte eine signifikante Retardation beobachtet werden. Die ermittelten Halbwertszeiten betrugen 38 bis 1400 h (d. h. stabil innerhalb des Beobachtungszeitraums) in der folgenden Reihenfolge (von hoher zu keiner Attenuation absteigend sortiert): Paracetamol > Atenolol ≈ Ibuprofen > Coffein >> Cyclamat. Die Attenuationsraten stimmen generell mit denen aus anderen Studien, die andere Umweltkompartimente untersuchten, und den Ergebnissen des Doppeltracer-Experiments überein. Das Auftreten des Biotransformationsproduktes Atenololsäure diente dem Nachweis von in-situ Biotransformation innerhalb des Karstgrundwasserleitersystems.
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Contrôlabilité et stabilisation des équations d'Euler incompressible et compressible / Controllability and stabilization of the incompressible and compressible Euler equationsNersisyan, Hayk 12 December 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie la contrôlabilité et la stabilisation de certaines équations aux dérivées partielles . On s'intéresse d'abord au problème du contrôle de l'équation d'Euler 3D incompressible par une force extérieure de dimension finie. Nous montrons que pour un choix approprié de l'espace de contrôle, la vitesse et la pression du fluide sont exactement contrôlables en projections. De plus, la vitesse est approximativement contrôlable. Nous montrons aussi que le système en question n'est pas exactement contrôlable par une force extérieure de dimension finie.On étudie aussi la contrôlabilité de l'équation d'Euler 3D compressible. Le contrôle est une force extérieure de dimension finie agissant uniquement sur l'équation de la vitesse. Nous montrons que la vitesse et la densité du fluide sont simultanément contrôlables. En particulier, le système est approximativement contrôlable et exactement contrôlable en projections. Dans la dernière partie, on étudie la stabilisation de l'équation d'Euler dans un cylindre infini.Nous montrons que pour toute solution stationnaire (c,0) du système d'Euler il existe un contrôle supporté dans une partie de la frontière du cylindre qui stabilise le système à (c,0). / In this thesis, we study the controllability and stabilization of certain partial differential equations.We consider first the problem of control of the 3D incompressible Euler equationby an external force of finite dimension. We show that for an appropriate choice of control space, the velocity and the pressure of the fluid are exactly controllable in projections.Moreover, the velocity is approximately controllable. We also show that the system in question is not exactly controllable by a finite-dimensional external force.We also study the controllability of the 3D compressible Euler equation. The control is a finite-dimensional external force acting only on the velocity equation. We show that the velocity and density of the fluid are simultaneously controllable. In particular, the system is approximately controllable and exactly controllable in projections.The last section of the thesis is devoted to the study of a stabilization problem for the 2D incompressible Euler system in an infinite strip with boundary controls. We show that for any stationary solution (c,0) of the Euler system there is a control which is supported in a given bounded part of the boundary of the strip and stabilizes the system to (c,0).
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Three-dimensional flow structure, turbulence and bank erosion in a 180° meander loopTilston, Mike January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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When is compensation payable for breach of a stabilisation clause? The case for the cancelled mining development agreements in ZambiaMukwasa, Morgan 01 October 2010 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis is the threshold beyond which compensation is payable for breach of a stabilisation clause. The discussion is based on the tax stability clauses contained in the mining development agreements unilaterally cancelled by the Government of the Republic of Zambia in early 2008. The outstanding characteristic feature of the tax stability clauses was government’s undertaking that it shall not, for the stability periods ranging between 10 to 20 years, introduce new fiscal measures resulting in a “material adverse effect” on the distributable profits of the mining companies or the dividends received by the shareholders of the companies. Government further undertook to ‘fully’ and ‘fairly’ compensate mining companies should such measures be introduced during the stability periods. The question investigated by the thesis is whether the fiscal measures introduced by government in early 2008, as amended in 2009, have resulted in a “material adverse effect” on the distributable profits of mining companies or the dividends received by the shareholders of the companies and, therefore, entitle mining companies to compensation from government. The main findings of the thesis, among others, are that: <ul> <li>The threshold beyond which the obligation to pay compensation is triggered varies considerably depending on the specific contractual formulation of the stabilisation clause involved. However, it is significantly lower than the threshold beyond which host States must pay compensation in regulatory taking cases.</li> <li>Although there are several international arbitral awards in which payment of compensation has been ordered for breach of a freezing stabilisation clause, there is no known similar award in cases involving breach of an economic equilibrium stabilisation clause.</li> <li>Even in cases in which compensation has been ordered for breach of a stabilisation clause, there is no evidence of how much the presence of a stabilisation clause contributes to the total quantum of the compensation awarded. The tribunals either take a "contractual perspective" or an "expropriation perspective" to arrive at their respective decisions on the quantum of compensation.</li> <li>International arbitral tribunals take into account any ‘excessive’ or ‘windfall profits’ made by investors in deciding the quantum of compensation payable to the investor for breach of a stabilisation clause.</li> <li>The tax stability clauses contained in the mining development agreements cancelled by the Zambian government are typical economic equilibrium stabilisation clauses.</li> </ul> Based on these findings, among others, the thesis has concluded that there are equal chances that the Zambian government may or may not be ordered to pay compensation to the aggrieved mining companies. Notwithstanding this conclusion, however, the thesis has noted that government’s unilateral cancellation of the mining development agreements has potential to negate the country’s investment image. Against this background, the recommendation of the thesis is that government and the aggrieved mining companies must engage in discussions with a view to reaching at an amicable solution to their standoff. The rationale behind the recommendation is that an amicable solution presents a perfect opportunity for both parties to come up with a decision that is mutually beneficial to their interests. Also it is less costly than international arbitration. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted
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