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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stable isotope analyses of African grey parrots: a forensic isotope approach

Alexander, Jarryd January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 2016. / Stable isotope analyses have been used to infer diets of organisms, define trophic partitioning, and infer geographic origins of species. It has further been applied to forensic ecology to infer the origins of deceased humans and illegally traded animal (elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn) and plant (cycads, coca, and cannabis) material. However, no research has focused on the isotope analysis of avian material in forensic ecology. African grey parrots Psittacus erithacus are one of the most traded species in the world, with the trade often being illegal, and the origins of confiscated or deceased specimens being unknown. The aim of this study was to determine if stable isotopes (δ 13C, δ 15N, and δ 2H) in African grey parrot feathers could be used to determine the wild or captive origins of birds. African grey parrot feathers (primary, body, and tail) differed isotopically so standardising isotope values of African grey parrot feathers to a single feather type was recommended, to maintain consistent sampling and allow for comparisons to be drawn between different feather types. African grey parrot feathers from unknown origins can be identified as wild or captive using δ 13C and δ 2H values, but not δ 15N values. Known wild and captive feathers possibly differ isotopically from one another because of dietary and location differences. Wild African grey parrots inhabit and feed in isotopically depleted C3 forests compared to captive African grey parrots which are usually fed C4 based foods with more positive isotope values. Wild African grey parrot δ 2H isotope values were the most negative in the central region of their native distribution. The ability to differentiate wild from captive African grey parrots, as well as infer basic origins (East from West Africa) may improve the monitoring of the illegal trade as well as help in tracing illegally traded parrots. / LG2017

Evolução sedimentar holocênica do delta do rio Tubarão, Estado de Santa Catarina / Holocene sedimentary evolution of the Tubarão river delta, Santa Catarina State (Brazil)

Nascimento Junior, Daniel Rodrigues do 11 February 2011 (has links)
O delta do rio Tubarão, situado na costa centro-sul catarinense entre os municípios de Tubarão, Jaguaruna e Laguna, constitui raro exemplo de delta lagunar ativo no Brasil. Sua planície deltaica cobre área aproximada de 250km2, onde são encontradas evidências de migração de canais fluviais dadas por séries de truncamentos de antigos distributários, alguns ainda ativos. Dez testemunhos foram obtidos junto aos principais canais distributários do rio Tubarão, a partir dos quais foram realizadas análises de fácies, granulométrica, de minerais pesados, de teor de matéria orgânica e de relações químio-isotópicas, além de datações 14C. Também foram levantados acervos históricos de fotografias aéreas e de dados de prospecção mineral de subsuperfície. Cerca de 5000 anos atrás, na região de seu ápice, próximo ao rio tributário Capivari de Baixo, o delta do rio Tubarão ingressou numa antiga baía lagunar e ramificou-se em sete distributários principais que, desde seus momentos iniciais de migração, foram controlados por avulsões autogênicas rumo a antigas depressões do fundo da bacia receptora. Tais avulsões progradaram o delta inicialmente para SW, depois para ENE, e então para NNE, favorecendo a fragmentação da antiga baía lagunar em uma série de lagos e lagunas menores. Diante deste cenário dinâmico, sambaquis foram erigidos no entorno do sistema lagunar, constituindo importantes registros arqueológicos de interação entre evolução sedimentar e ocupação humana pré-histórica. O resultado das análises granulométricas indicou que a sedimentação deltaica, nas proximidades de encostas de morros, foi misturada com colúvio e/ou depósitos de fluxos gravitacionais, como evidenciado pela presença de intervalos texturalmente muito imaturos em alguns testemunhos. Em relação à análise de minerais pesados, o principal fator de controle nas variações da assembleia em depósitos de delta e de bacia é a proveniência sedimentar. Em termos mediatos, essa proveniência reflete fontes plutônicas e metamórficas (médio a alto grau) do Batólito de Florianópolis (e xenólitos associados) e do Complexo Granito-Gnáissico, e rochas arenáceas alteradas da Bacia do Paraná. Em termos imediatos, depósitos deltaicos destacam-se pela afinidade mineralógica com as areias do rio Tubarão, inferida sobretudo a partir da presença mútua de grãos alterados de cianita e estaurolita, enquanto que depósitos da bacia lagunar destacam-se por sua similaridade mineralógica com areias dos rios tributários Braço do Norte e Capivari de Baixo, neste caso principalmente pela presença de zircão. A matéria orgânica presente nos depósitos do delta e de sua bacia receptora resulta do aporte de fontes terrestres (fornecido pelos rios) e marinhas (trazido via desembocaduras lagunares), fato que é evidenciado pelos resultados de \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\', \'delta\'\'POT.15 N\' e razão \'C IND.ORG\'/\'N IND.TOTAL\'. Particularmente, nos sedimentos da bacia, variações entre diferentes tipos de matéria orgânica têm ocorrido ao longo do Holoceno, as quais são atribuídas tanto ao isolamento físico progressivo do sistema lagunar em relação ao mar aberto como por mudança climática regional (aumento destacado de precipitação). A análise isotópica de oxigênio (\'delta\'\'POT 18 O\') de conchas de moluscos em depósitos da bacia indicou enriquecimento relativo em \'ANTPOT.16 O\' durante o Holoceno. Este resultado, a exemplo daquele dos isótopos de carbono e de nitrogênio dos sedimentos, sugere isolamento gradual das águas lagunares em relação às de mar aberto. / The Tubarão river delta, located on the centre-south coast of Santa Catarina State, among the municipalities of Tubarão, Jaguaruna and Laguna, is rare example of active lagoonal delta in Brazil. Its delta plain covers an area of about 250km2, where there are evidences of migration of fluvial channels in a set of truncations of ancient distributaries, some of these still in activity. Ten cores were acquired adjacent to the main distributary channels of the Tubarão river, from which analyses of facies, grain size, heavy minerals, organic matter, chemistry-isotope ratios, and radiocarbon datings were performed. Also, aerial photographies and data of subsurface mining were surveyed from historical collections. Thereabout 5,000 years ago, in the region of its apex, near Capivari de Baixo tributary river, the Tubarão river delta entered an ancient lagoonal bay and branched seven main distributaries. Since the beginning of its migration, these distributaries were controlled by autogenic avulsions towards ancient depressions in the bottom of the basin. Initially, these avulsions prograded the delta towards SW, afterwards to ENE, and then to NNE, favoring the fragmentation of the ancient lagoonal bay in a set of smaller lakes and lagoons. Faced with this dynamical scenario, shellmounds were erected surrounding the lagoon system, composing important archaeological records of the interaction between sedimentary evolution and prehistoric human occupation. The results of the grain size analysis showed that the deltaic sedimentation, in the vicinity of slopes of hills, was mixed with colluvium and/or gravity flow deposits, that is evidenced by the presence of texturally very immature intervals in some cores. The analysis of heavy minerals, by its turn, showed that the main controlling factor in the variations of its assemblage in deposits of delta and basin is the sedimentary provenance. In terms of mediate sources, this provenance reflects plutonic and metamorphic (medium to high grade) rocks of the Florianópolis batholith (including its xenoliths) and of the Granite-Gneiss Complex, and weathered sedimentary sandstones of the Palaeozoic Paraná basin. Regarding immediate sources, deltaic deposits stand out by its mineralogical affinity with sands of the Tubarão river, mainly by the mutual presence of weathered grains of kyanite and staurolite, whereas deposits of the lagoon have mineralogical similarity with the sands of Braço do Norte and Capivari de Baixo tributary rivers, especially in relation to the presence of zircon. The origin of the organic matter found in the deposits of the delta and in its lagoonal basin is both from sedimentary input of terrestrial sources (provided by rivers) and marine (brought via inlets), fact evidenced by results of \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\', \'delta\'\' POT.15 N\', and \'C IND.ORG\'/\'N IND. TOTAL\' ratio. Particularly, in the sediments of the basin, variations between different types of organic matter have occurred during the Holocene, and are attributed both to the progressive physical isolament of the lagoon system from the open sea, and by local climate change (pronounced augment of precipitation). The isotope analyses of oxygen (\'delta\'\'POT.18 O\') of molluskan shells from the deposits of the basin present relative enrichment in \'ANTPOT.16 O\' during the Holocene. This result, as well as the one from isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen of sediments, suggests gradual isolation of the lagoonal waters of influence of waters from the open sea.

Estimativa da taxa de turnover e fator de discriminação isotópico em espécies de quelônios / Estimation of turnover rate and discrimination factor in species of chelonians

Consolmagno, Luiza Camargo 03 July 2018 (has links)
A utilização de traçadores como os isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio, é crescente e complementa as técnicas convencionais nos estudos referentes à dieta em animais silvestres. Isso é possível pois o valor isotópico dos itens utilizados na alimentação é refletido nos tecidos. A diferença isotópica resultante chamada de fator de discriminação ou fracionamento, está associada aos processos metabólicos necessários para que ocorra a incorporação de nutrientes. O estudo teve como objetivo medir o tempo de incorporação dos isótopos no plasma e nas células sanguíneas, componentes de \"tecido\" não mortal reamostrável, e determinar o fator de discriminação em cinco espécies de quelônios de água doce: Podocnemis expansa (tartaruga-da-Amazônia), Podocnemis unifilis (tracajá), Phrynops geofroanus (cágado-de-barbicha), Trachemys scripta (tartaruga-de-orelha-vermelha) e Trachemys dorbigni (tigre-d\'água). Os animais foram mantidos em cativeiro e as diferenças isotópicas dos 10 indivíduos adultos de cada espécie, foram medidas a partir da troca de dietas com valores isotópicos distintos. Com a mudança da dieta, o turnover do carbono e nitrogênio foram estimados entre 7 e 185 dias por meio de regressão exponencial não linear, quando os novos fatores de fracionamento foram estimados. O tempo de turnover para as espécies de quelônios variou de 72 a 337 dias para o carbono, e de 29 a 270 dias para o nitrogênio no plasma. Nas células sanguíneas o turnover variou de 3 a 373 dias para o carbono, e de 51 a 216 dias para o nitrogênio. Os fatores de discriminação que eram em média próximos a zero para o carbono, e entre 3-4‰ para o nitrogênio, variaram de 1,01 a 3,28‰ para o 13C e -0,76 a 0,49‰ para o 15N no plasma, e de 1,49 a 3,98‰ para o 13C e 0,99‰ a 4,69 para o 15N nas células sanguíneas, com a diminuição de 3,7‰ e aumento de 6,2‰, respectivamente para carbono e nitrogênio, na nova dieta. A diferença encontrada entre os fatores de discriminação calculados anteriormente a troca da dieta e após a troca, mostraram que provavelmente a incorporação dos isótopos estáveis se dá de forma heterogênea nos tecidos. De acordo com a literatura foi possível analisar que fatores como a memória isotópica, as rotas metabólicas e elementos característicos dos répteis possivelmente estão ligados ao turnover mais lento, diferente dos animais endotérmicos em que esse processo é mais rápido. / The use of tracers such as stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes is crescent and complements the conventional techniques used in the studies referring to the diet in wild animals. This is possible because the isotopic value of the items used in the diet reflects their isotopic values on the tissues. The resulting isotopic difference called the discrimination factor or fractionation is associated with the metabolic processes required for nutrient incorporation to occur. The object of the study was to measure the incorporation time of isotopes into plasma and blood cells, components of re-portable non-lethal \"tissue\", and to determine the discriminant factor of five species of freshwater chelonians: Podocnemis expansa (Amazonia tortoise), Podocnemis unifilis (tracajá), Phrynops geofroanus (geoffroy´s side necked turtle), Trachemys scripta (red-eared slider turtle) and Trachemys dorbigni (d\'orbigny\'s slider). The isotopic differences of 10 adult individuals of each species kept in captivity were measured through shifting diets with different isotopic values. With the diet variation, carbon and nitrogen turnover was estimated between 7 and 185 days by non-linear exponential regression, when the new fractionation factors were estimated. The turnover time for the chelonians species varied from 72 to 337 days for carbon, and from 29 to 270 days for the plasma nitrogen. In blood cells, the turnover ranged from 3 to 373 days for carbon, and from 51 to 216 days for nitrogen. Discrimination factors that were, in average, close to zero for carbon and between 3 and 4‰ for nitrogen ranged from 1.01 to 3.28‰ for 13C and -0.76 to 0.49‰ for 15N in plasma, and from 1.49 to 3.98‰ for 13C and 0.99 to 4.69 for 15N in blood cells, with a decrease of 3.7‰ and an increase of 6.2‰, respectively for carbon and nitrogen in the new diet. The difference found between the discrimination factors calculated before and after the diet shift, showed that stable isotopes incorporation probably occurs in a heterogenous way in tissues. According to the literature it was possible to analyze that factors such as isotopic memory, metabolic routes and reptiles characteristic elements are possibly linked to slower turnover, different from endothermic animals in which this process is faster.

The development and use of stable isotope analysis of felids’ whiskers as a tool to study their feeding ecology

Mutirwara, Ruwimbo January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Nature Conservation))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2017. / Stable isotope analysis (SIA) of whiskers has been used to identify temporal feeding habits, intra-population diet variation, as well as individual dietary specialisation of marine and terrestrial carnivores. However, the potential of the method to disclose such dietary information for large wild felids has been little explored. The accurate interpretation of stable isotope ratios along serially sampled whiskers is hampered by lack of information on species-specific whisker growth rates, whisker growth patterns and whisker-diet trophic discrimination factors (TDFs). Whisker growth rate and growth pattern informs on the time period encapsulated in the analysed segment of a whisker, while whisker-diet TDFs are required to make correct deductions of the prey species consumed by a predator. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the technique of using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of felid whiskers to quantify the diet of wild felids and in particular, to identify diet variation among individuals. To achieve this, lion Panthera leo and leopard Panthera pardus whisker growth rate and growth pattern, and lion whisker-diet TDFs were measured, using captive individuals held at the National Zoological Gardens, Pretoria. The viability and applicability of the technique was then explored on six free-ranging leopards in Phinda Private Game Reserve (hereafter Phinda), northern KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) whose diets have been intensively studied using traditional methods. Whisker growth rates and growth patterns were measured for four lions (three sub-adult females and one adult male) and an adult male leopard over 185 days using giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis meat as an endogenous biomarker to consecutively mark whiskers as they grew. The 13C-depleted, C3-derived giraffe meat with its characteristic isotopic signature could be discerned from the 13C-enriched diet of C4 grain-fed beef and chicken the felids were sustained on. Two whiskers were removed from each felid at the beginning of the experiment, and felids were fed the giraffe meat at four predetermined periods to mark the whiskers replacing the removed ones. The periods with low δ13C values, identified following serial sectioning of the regrown whiskers at 1 mm intervals (and stable isotope analysis of these sections), were then correlated to specific giraffe meat feeding bouts and hence growth periods. Knowledge of the duration between giraffe meat feeding bouts enabled the calculation of whisker growth rate and determination of growth pattern. δ13C and δ15N whisker-diet TDFs were estimated for five lions whose diet remained consistent over multiple years. Whiskers removed from four lions at the beginning of the whisker growth experiment, a whisker removed from a female lion as part of a pilot study a year before the experiment and the diet (chicken and beef) samples collected during the experiment were analysed for their isotopic ratios. These were used to calculate isotopic differences between lion whiskers and diet.

Isotopic evidence of Bronze Age diet and subsistence practices in the southeastern Carpathian Bend area, Romania

Aguraiuja, Ülle January 2017 (has links)
Human and faunal osteological material from the southeastern Carpathian Bend area, Romania, was analysed for δ13C, δ15N and δ34S to reconstruct the dietary practices of the Middle Bronze Age Monteoru culture. As a secondary objective, the extent of intraskeletal variation in stable isotope values was investigated by comparing skeletal elements with differing collagen turnover rates. The intraskeletal isotope results revealed a pattern where cortical bone samples produced statistically lower δ13C values compared to trabecular bone samples, highlighting the necessity for more systematic research to understand how stable isotopes are incorporated into bone collagen of various skeletal elements. Diet in the Monteoru culture was shown to be exclusively or predominantly terrestrial in origin with no detectable input of C4 or marine resources. Differences in average δ13C and δ15N values between the two sites included in the study (representing distinct phases of the culture) suggest a shift in dietary preferences from a more meat-based economy to a more dairy- and plant-based economy. The dissimilar contribution of animal foods to overall diet between the two sites was supported by estimates generated by the Bayesian mixing model FRUITS, which also showed that in both sites plant foods accounted for most of the calories consumed. The faunal isotopic data contained a few outliers, suggestive of deliberate movement of livestock, either through long-distance herding or trade. A combined approach using juvenile bone collagen and incrementally sectioned tooth dentine from adults demonstrates that the duration of breastfeeding varied between individuals, but that there were no significant differences in weaning practices between survivors and non-survivors. Sulphur isotopes reflect a population that was relatively homogeneous in its isotopic composition and local in origin, except for the presence of two possible migrants. The δ13C and δ15N data from the Carpathian Bend are comparable to those from contemporaneous sites in coastal and inland Greece and Croatia, suggesting a broad uniformity in Bronze Age dietary practices across Southeast Europe. As the first major stable isotope study conducted on osteological material from the Romanian Sub- Carpathians, this thesis provides new insights into the lives of these communities, expands our knowledge of Bronze Age subsistence strategies in Southeast Europe, and establishes a foundation for further isotopic investigations in the region.

\"Síntese do glifosato marcado com nitrogênio-15\" / Synthesis of glyphosate labeled with nitrogen -15

Tavares, Claudineia Raquel de Oliveira 03 February 2006 (has links)
Dentre os herbicidas atualmente comercializados, o glifosato é um dos mais utilizados no Brasil. A eficácia do glifosato, bem como de outros herbicidas, no combate às ervas daninhas, esbarra nos problemas que esses compostos acabam proporcionando ao meio ambiente. Embora estudos venham sendo realizados para elucidar melhor o comportamento de herbicidas no meio ambiente, a complexidade do comportamento desses compostos abre caminho para realização de um número significativo de trabalhos de pesquisa. Nesses estudos, é rotineiro o uso de compostos radiomarcados (traçadores radioativos) para avaliar a biodisponibilidade no solo. Todavia, o emprego, manipulação e estocagem de compostos radiomarcados exigem cuidados sob o ponto de vista da segurança, razão pelo qual o uso de isótopos não radioativos é uma tendência internacional, especialmente em pesquisas de campo. Dentre desse contexto, o trabalho descreve um método para a síntese do glifosato enriquecido no isótopo estável do nitrogênio (15N). A sintese do herbicida-15N foi realizada utilizando-se da reação de fosfometilação com diaquil fosfito e glicina-15N. Os testes foram realizados em microescala e em quantidades equimolares. Nas condições estabelecidas, foi possível alcançar um rendimento de reação de aproximadamente 25%. A otimização das condições de sintese, empregando a técnica isotópica, deverá disponibilizar uma importante ferramenta a ser utilizado em estudos referentes ao comportamento do glifosato no sistema solo-planta / Among the actual commercialized herbicides, the glyphosate is one of the most used in Brazil. Its efficiency, as well as the others herbicides, on weeds control is attached to problems that this composts cause to the environment. Although studies about the herbicides behavior in the environment have been done, the complexity of this composts behavior leads to the accomplishment of an expressive number of research works. In these works, it?s common the use of radio labeled compounds (radioactive tracers) to evaluate its bio-availability in the soil. However, the use of this radio labeled composts, its manipulation and storage demands a careful handling in the chemical security point of views. This is the reason the use of non radiactive isotopes is an international tendency, especially for field researches. According to this context, the present work describes a method for the synthesis of enriched glyphosate for the nitrogen stable isotope (15N). The tests were undertaken in micro-scale and in equimolar quantities. Under these established conditions, the reaction reached the yield of approximately 25%. The optimization of the synthesis conditions with the use of isotopic techniques shall offter an important tool to be used in studies that are referred to glyphosate behavior in soil- plant system

Diagênese e alteração hidrotermal em rochas sedimentares da formação Corumbataí, Permiano Superior, Mina Granusso, Cordeirópolis/SP /

Costa, Marcos Natal de Souza. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Antenor Zanardo / Banca: Jorge Silva Bettencourt / Banca: Roberto Peres Xavier / Banca: Sebastião Gomes de Carvalho / Banca: Maria Margarita Torres Moreno / Resumo: A Mina Granusso está situada nas proximidades de Cordeirópolis/SP e constitui uma fonte importante de matéria-prima para o Pólo Cerâmico de Santa Getrudes. No local aflora uma sucessão de rochas da Formação Corumbataí (Permiano Superior) constituída na base por lamitos maciços que gradam para ritmitos siltosos, passando para um horizonte psamo-pelítico e culminando em uma seqüência de ritmitos siltoarenosos. Uma feição particular é a presença de zonas de alteração hidrotermal, associadas a veios quartzo-carbonáticos e fraturas, que impuseram às rochas alterações químicas, mineralógicas e texturais. Estudos petrográficos, químicos e de DRX indicam que após a compactação mecânica houve injeção de fluidos diagenéticos em um sistema de fraturas originando veios de quartzo de baixa cristalinidade e enriquecimento de sílica de horizontes silto-arenosos. Uma nova injeção fluidal impulsionada pela ação do magmatismo basáltico acelerou a formação de albitas e deu origem a veios com calcita, quartzo, clorita e pirita. Os dados de d18O e d13C mostram que os carbonatos se precipitaram de um fluido isotopicamente homogêneo sem variações drásticas de temperatura. Valores de d13C entre -8,1 a -4,5 (PDB) indicam uma fonte profunda para o CO2 que deu origem a calcita enquanto que valores de d18O entre +18,9 e +24,1 (SMOW) sugere interações sucessivas do fluido com a rocha hospedeira e abaixamento de temperatura. / Abstract: The Granusso mine is located near the Corderopolis city and constitutes an important source of raw material to the Santa Gertrudes Ceramic Cluster. Late Permian sedimentary rocks of the Corumbataí Formation outcrops in the area. The litological succession comprises a sequence of massif, banded to laminate siltstone topped by carbonate to sandy siltstone. Hydrothermal alteration is an important feature generally associated with host rock whitening. A large basaltic sill intruded the sequence and affected the evolution of the diagenetic and hydrothermal process. Petrographic, chemical and XRD dates suggest that after the mechanical compaction a fluid injection caused the precipitation of low-cristalinity quartz and silica enrichment of sandy-siltstone horizons. A new fluid injection driven by the Serra Geral magmatism triggered albite formation and gave rise to the pyrite-chlorite-quartzcalcite veins. Carbon and oxygen isotope studies of the host rocks and veins show that carbonate precipitated from a homogeneous fluid without strong changes in temperatures along hydrothermal conducts. d13C values of -4,5 to -8,1 (PDB) indicate a CO2 deep-source while d18O of +18,4 to +24,1 (SMOW) and the positive correlarion beetween d18O and d13C values suggest a temperature-dependent trend accompanied by a progressively increasing of fluid/rock interaction. / Doutor

\"Síntese do glifosato marcado com nitrogênio-15\" / Synthesis of glyphosate labeled with nitrogen -15

Claudineia Raquel de Oliveira Tavares 03 February 2006 (has links)
Dentre os herbicidas atualmente comercializados, o glifosato é um dos mais utilizados no Brasil. A eficácia do glifosato, bem como de outros herbicidas, no combate às ervas daninhas, esbarra nos problemas que esses compostos acabam proporcionando ao meio ambiente. Embora estudos venham sendo realizados para elucidar melhor o comportamento de herbicidas no meio ambiente, a complexidade do comportamento desses compostos abre caminho para realização de um número significativo de trabalhos de pesquisa. Nesses estudos, é rotineiro o uso de compostos radiomarcados (traçadores radioativos) para avaliar a biodisponibilidade no solo. Todavia, o emprego, manipulação e estocagem de compostos radiomarcados exigem cuidados sob o ponto de vista da segurança, razão pelo qual o uso de isótopos não radioativos é uma tendência internacional, especialmente em pesquisas de campo. Dentre desse contexto, o trabalho descreve um método para a síntese do glifosato enriquecido no isótopo estável do nitrogênio (15N). A sintese do herbicida-15N foi realizada utilizando-se da reação de fosfometilação com diaquil fosfito e glicina-15N. Os testes foram realizados em microescala e em quantidades equimolares. Nas condições estabelecidas, foi possível alcançar um rendimento de reação de aproximadamente 25%. A otimização das condições de sintese, empregando a técnica isotópica, deverá disponibilizar uma importante ferramenta a ser utilizado em estudos referentes ao comportamento do glifosato no sistema solo-planta / Among the actual commercialized herbicides, the glyphosate is one of the most used in Brazil. Its efficiency, as well as the others herbicides, on weeds control is attached to problems that this composts cause to the environment. Although studies about the herbicides behavior in the environment have been done, the complexity of this composts behavior leads to the accomplishment of an expressive number of research works. In these works, it?s common the use of radio labeled compounds (radioactive tracers) to evaluate its bio-availability in the soil. However, the use of this radio labeled composts, its manipulation and storage demands a careful handling in the chemical security point of views. This is the reason the use of non radiactive isotopes is an international tendency, especially for field researches. According to this context, the present work describes a method for the synthesis of enriched glyphosate for the nitrogen stable isotope (15N). The tests were undertaken in micro-scale and in equimolar quantities. Under these established conditions, the reaction reached the yield of approximately 25%. The optimization of the synthesis conditions with the use of isotopic techniques shall offter an important tool to be used in studies that are referred to glyphosate behavior in soil- plant system

Factors affecting larval growth and development of the boreal chorus frog Pseudacris maculata

Whiting, Arthur V. 11 1900 (has links)
The boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) is a widespread species but we know little of its ecology. I examined the nature and existence of competitive mechanisms operating between larvae of the boreal chorus frog and wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) from field, mesocosm and laboratory venues spanning nutrient concentrations. I assessed larval performance and diet of tadpoles at natural ponds by measuring tadpole growth and size at metamorphosis, and stable isotope ratios for carbon and nitrogen in tadpole tissue to examine if patterns were consistent with the operation of interspecific competition. In mesocosms I measured chorus frog performance in relation to wood frog presence and nutrient enrichment to confirm the occurrence of competition and examine whether nutrient conditions typical of agriculture ponds impact tadpole performance. In the field I compared larval performance and relative abundance between agricultural ponds and those in Elk Island National Park, to examine whether habitat features surrounding ponds in farmlands reduces the abundance of tadpoles and whether tadpole performance results in reduced abundances. Lastly, I examined whether chemical interference by wood frogs occurs by raising chorus frog tadpoles with caged wood frog tadpoles and/or their feces in the laboratory. Chorus frog performance was reduced by presence and abundance of wood frog tadpoles. Resource partitioning in natural ponds and overlap in mesocosms, based on stable isotopic analysis, suggest that resource competition occurs. In mesocosms chorus frog performance was reduced by wood frog tadpoles in fertilized treatments and nutrient conditions at agricultural sites are not in themselves detrimental to these anurans. Performance of chorus frog tadpoles in agricultural ponds was unaffected, whereas wood frogs were larger at metamorphosis in crop ponds. Reduced tadpole abundances of both species at these ponds may be related to habitat features or conditions in croplands. The existence of chemical interference in the absence of physical interaction was confirmed, as chorus frogs exposed to wood frog tadpoles and/or feces had reduced growth and were smaller at metamorphosis which could reduce terrestrial survival and future reproduction. My research contributes to our knowledge on boreal chorus frog ecology and our general understanding of competition between larval anurans. / Ecology

Insight from the Depths of the Straits of Florida: Assessing the Utility of Atlantic Deep-water Coral Geochemical Proxy Techniques

Rosenberg, Angela D 04 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the utility of deep-water coral geochemistry and its potential to reconstruct oceanographic conditions in the Straits of Florida. Through stable isotope and elemental analyses of the carbonate skeletons and use of available geochemical proxy calibration equations, present and past environmental parameters were determined. Over the last several years, scientific expeditions to the bottom of the Straits of Florida have revealed hundreds of deep-water coral mounds and led to the collection of extensive oceanographic data, sediment samples, and deep-water coral specimens. In 2005-2006, an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) was used to map the coral mound fields at five sites with the use of geophysical imaging technology, and the manned Johnson-Sea-Link II submersible was deployed for further exploration and sample collection. The AUV and the submersible CTD also measured numerous environmental parameters, including temperature and salinity. With the goal of reconstructing environmental parameters across the Straits of Florida, Scleractinian and gorgonian deep-water coral specimens were selected from three sites spanning the Straits. Each coral was sampled at the highest resolution possible and analyzed for stable isotopes and elemental concentrations. Resulting geochemical data, specifically d18O, d13C, Sr/Ca, and Mg/Ca, was then used with previously published and newly developed calibration equations to calculate temperature, salinity, and seawater density. Kinetic and vital effects were also examined and taken into account while reconstructing environmental parameters using the coral geochemistry. Additional reconstructions using stable isotopic values from benthic foraminifera corroborated the geochemical reconstructions, and analyses of pteropods and surface sediment samples provided further insight into the oceanographic conditions at the bottom of the Straits of Florida. Results from geochemical reconstructions agreed with in situ data, indicating that slightly warmer bottom temperatures exist on the eastern side of the Straits and salinity variability among the three sites is minimal. This suggests that the deep-water coral skeletons are sensitive recorders of the environmental conditions in which they lived. Ultimately, in situ measurements and reconstructed parameters showed that there is little variability across the bottom of the Straits and that Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is the only apparent water mass in the area at that depth. Moreover, comparison of the coral habitat from this study with others from around the world demonstrated that certain conditions are required for deep-water coral growth, and that these same parameters are common to deep-water reef systems throughout the globe. Further sampling and geochemical analyses of deep-water corals in the region may be used to gain additional insight into the oceanographic conditions surrounding the coral mounds both presently and in the past. As with other previously studied deep-water coral systems, this highlights the potential for the reconstruction of paleo environmental records from deep-water corals in the Straits of Florida.

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