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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konkursai įsidarbinti Europos Sąjungos institucijose ir Lietuvos piliečių galimybės juose / Competitions to get a job in the institutions of the European Union and oportunities of Lithuanian citizens

Šukaitytė, Indrė 12 January 2007 (has links)
Galimybe įsidarbinti Europos Sąjungos institucijose domisi daugelis valstybių narių piliečių. Toks darbas suteikia ypatingą patirtį unikalioje organizacinėje struktūroje, garantuoja ypač įvairias veiklos galimybes, suteikia visas įmanomas socialines garantijas ir motyvuojantį atlyginimą. Pagrindinis būdas tapti Europos Sąjungos pareigūnu yra laimėti atvirą konkursą, kurį paskelbia visų institucijų konkursus organizuojantis Europos Personalo atrankos biuras – EPSO. Nuo 2004 m. gegužės 1 d. tokiuose konkursuose gali dalyvauti ir Lietuvos piliečiai. Magistro baigiamajame darbe "Konkursai įsidarbinti Europos Sąjungos institucijose ir Lietuvos piliečių galimybės juose" siekta išnagrinėti, kodėl ES institucijose dirba palyginti mažas lietuvių skaičius ir išsiaiškinti, kiek tai yra susiję su atsakingų Lietuvos institucijų veikla. Taip pat norėta išanalizuoti konkursų organizavimo ir reglamentavimo raidą Europos Sąjungoje, išnagrinėti darbo skelbimo struktūrą, reikalavimus kandidatams ir konkurso etapus bei apibūdinti darbą Europos Sąjungos institucijose, atkreipiant dėmesį į ES pareigūno tarnybos ypatumus. Apibendrinant išnagrinėjus konkursų įsidarbinti Europos Sąjungos institucijose organizavimą ir atlikus anketinę ES institucijose jau dirbančių Lietuvos piliečių apklausą siekta parodyti jų galimybes sėkmingai dalyvauti konkursuose bei pateikti rekomendacijas, kokių papildomų priemonių šioje srityje turėtų imtis Lietuvos institucijos. Šiame darbe vartojamos tokios pagrindinės... [to full text] / Possibility to work in EU institutions is an interest of many citizens of the Member states. Such a job gives a special experience in an unique organizational structure, guarantees extremely wide area of activities, provides with all possible social benefits and motivating salary. The main way how to become a EU official is to win an open competition which is organized by EPSO – European Personnel Selection Office – which is responsible for the competitions of all institutions. The citizens of Lithuania has also got this opportunity since 1st of May in 2004. The aim with the master work „Competitions in order to get a job in the institutions of the European Union assessing Lithuanians‘ potential“ was to scrutinize why a considerably small number of Lithuanians is working in EU institutions and to find out how it is combined with the activities of the responsible Lithuanian institutions. The aim was also to provide an overview of the development of competitions’ organization and reglamentation in the EU, to evaluate the structure of the Notice of competition, requirements for the candidates, the stages of competitions and to characterize the work in the EU paying attention to the work specifics of the EU official. Having the knowledge how the competitions are organized and having the results of the questionnaire of the Lithuanians who already work for EU institutions it was possible to evaluate their opportunities to participate successfully in the competitions and to propose... [to full text]

Le charbon et l'escarbille : genèse et histoire du statut du personnel cheminot, de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle à la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale / Genesis and history of the railway workers Staff Regulations, from the second half of the 19th century to the eve of the World War II

Maurice, Julie 18 June 2019 (has links)
Le statut du personnel de la SNCF est régulièrement remis en cause depuis les années 1980. De nombreuses idées reçues, parfois très caricaturales, sont véhiculées à son sujet. Cette thèse de doctorat propose de déconstruire la mythologie qui entoure le statut du personnel des cheminots français des grands réseaux, puis de la SNCF, à travers l’étude de sa genèse, de son histoire, de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle à la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ainsi que de sa mémoire. Cette thèse entend saisir la réalité mouvante des règles déterminant les conditions d’emploi, de travail et de retraite des cheminots, mettre en lumière les logiques processuelles et contextuelles qui caractérisent leur évolution sur le long terme, et interroger, au prisme de l’identité de la corporation, les discours et représentations qui leur sont attachés. Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé à partir des archives des compagnies et de la SNCF, des archives des administrations publiques et policières, des archives syndicales et parlementaires, de la presse, de traités techniques et juridiques, d’œuvres littéraires et de témoignages personnels (mémoires, discours, journaux politiques). / The SNCF Staff Regulations was questioned since the 1980’s. Popular misconceptions, sometimes grotesques, are still widespread. Through the study of its history, from the second half of the 19th century to the eve of the World War II, and its remembrance, this PhD thesis proposes to deconstruct the railway workers Staff Regulations mythology. This study aims at understanding the moving reality of the rules concerning employment, working conditions and retirement, and highlighting the processual and contextual logics that define its long-term evolution. Discourses about and representations of these rules must be revisited through the prism of the railway workers’ identity too. This PhD thesis is based on historical records from railway companies and SNCF, public authorities, unions, legal and technical manuals, literature, press and personal testimonies.

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