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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Galaxy Evolution in Clusters / Evolução de Galáxias em Aglomerados

Ruggiero, Rafael 10 December 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we aim to further elucidate the phenomenon of galaxy evolution in the environment of galaxy clusters using the methodology of numerical simulations. For that, we have developed hydrodynamic models in which idealized gas-rich galaxies move within the ICM of idealized galaxy clusters, allowing us to probe in a detailed and controlled manner their evolution in this extreme environment. The main code used in our simulations is RAMSES, and our results concern the changes in gas composition, star formation rate, luminosity and color of infalling galaxies. Additionally to processes taking place inside the galaxies themselves, we have also described the dynamics of the gas that is stripped from those galaxies with unprecedented resolution for simulations of this nature (122 pc in a box including an entire 1e14 Msun cluster), finding that clumps of molecular gas are formed within the tails of ram pressure stripped galaxies, which proceed to live in isolation within the ICM of a galaxy cluster for up to 300 Myr. Those molecular clumps possibly represent a new class of objects; similar objects have been observed in both galaxy clusters and groups, but no comprehensive description of them has been given until now. We additionally create a hydrodynamic model for the A901/2 multi-cluster system, and correlate the gas conditions in this model to the locations of a sample of candidate jellyfish galaxies in the system; this has allowed us to infer a possible mechanism for the generation of jellyfish morphologies in galaxy cluster collisions in general. / Nesta tese, nós visamos a contribuir para o entendimento do fenômeno da evolução de galáxias no ambiente de aglomerados de galáxias usando a metodologia de simulações numéricas. Para isso, desenvolvemos modelos hidrodinâmicos nos quais galáxias idealizadas ricas em gás movem-se em meio ao gás difuso de aglomerados de galáxias idealizados, permitindo um estudo detalhado e controlado da evolução destas galáxias neste ambiente extremo. O principal código usado em nossas simulações é o RAMSES, e nossos resultados tratam das mudanças em composição do gás, taxa de formação estelar, luminosidade e cor de galáxias caindo em aglomerados. Adicionalmente a processos acontecendo dentro das próprias galáxias, nós também descrevemos a dinâmica do gás que é varrido dessas galáxias com resolução sem precedentes para simulações dessa natureza (122 pc em uma caixa incluindo um aglomerado de 1e14 Msun inteiro), encontrando que aglomerados de gás molecular são formados nas caudas de galáxias que passaram por varrimento de gás por pressão de arraste, aglomerados estes que procedem a viver em isolamento em meio ao gás difuso de um aglomerado de galáxias por até 300 Myr. Esses aglomerados moleculares possivelmente representam uma nova classe de objetos; objetos similares foram previamente observados tanto em aglomerados quanto em grupos de galáxias, mas um tratamento compreensivo deles não foi apresentado até agora. Nós adicionalmente criamos um modelo hidrodinâmico para o sistema multi-aglomerado A901/2, e correlacionamos as condições do gás nesse modelo com a localização de uma amostra de galáxias jellyfish nesse sistema; isso nos permitiu inferir um possível mecanismo para a geração de morfologias jellyfish em colisões de aglomerados de galáxias em geral.

Influência da formação estelar versus buracos negros de nucleos ativos de galaxias (AGN) na evolução de ventos galácticos / Star Formation versus Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Black Hole feedback in the Evolution of Galaxy Outflows

Bohórquez, William Eduardo Clavijo 10 August 2018 (has links)
Ventos (em inglês outflows) de ampla abertura e larga escala sâo uma característica comum em galáxias ativas, como as galáxias Seyfert. Em sistemas como este, onde buracos negros supermassivos (em inglês super massive black holes, SMBHs) de núcleos galácticos ativos de galáxias (em inglês active galactic nuclei, AGN) coexistem com regiões de formação estelar (em inglês star forming, SF), nâo está claro das observações se o AGN SMBH ou o SF (ou ambos) são responsaveis pela indução desses ventos. Neste trabalho, estudamos como ambos podem influenciar a evolução da galáxia hospedeira e seus outflows, considerando galáxias tipo Seyfert nas escalas de kilo-parsec (kpc). Para este objetivo, estendemos o trabalho anterior desenvolvido por Melioli & de Gouveia Dal Pino (2015), que considerou ventos puramente hidrodinâmicos impulsionados tanto pela SF quanto pelo AGN, mas levando em conta para este último apenas ventos bem estreitos (colimados). A fim de obter uma melhor compreensão da influencia (feedback) desses mecanismos sobre a evolução da galáxia e seus outflows, incluímos também os efeitos de ventos de AGN com maior ângulo de abertura, já que ventos em forma de cone podem melhorar a interação com o meio interestelar da galáxia e assim, empurrar mais gás nos outflows. Além disso, incluímos também os efeitos dos campos magnéticos no vento, já que estes podem, potencialmente, ajudar a preservar as estruturas e acelerar os outflows. Realizamos simulações tridimensionais magneto-hidrodinâmicas (MHD) considerando o resfriamento radiativo em equilíbrio de ionização e os efeitos dos ventos do AGN com dois diferentes ângulos de abertura (0º e 10º) e razões entre a pressão térmica e a pressão magnética beta=infinito, = 300 e 30, correspondentes a campos magnéticos 0, 0,76 micro-Gauss e 2,4 micro-Gauss respectivamente. Os resultados de nossas simulações mostram que os ventos impulsionados pelos produtos de SF (isto é, pelas explosões de supernovas, SNe) podem direcionar ventos com velocidades 100-1000 km s¹, taxas de perda de massa da ordem de 50 Massas solares/ano, densidades de ~1-10 cm-3 e temperaturas entre 10 e 10 K, que se assemelham às propriedades dos denominados absorvedores de calor (em inglês warm absorbers, WAs) e também são compatíveis com as velocidades dos outflows moleculares observadas. No entanto, as densidades obtidas nas simulações são muito pequenas e as temperaturas são muito grandes para explicar os valores observados nos outflows moleculares (que têm n ~150-300 cm³ e T<1000 K). Ventos colimados de AGN (sem a presença de ventos SF) também são incapazes de conduzir outflows, mas podem acelerar estruturas a velocidades muito altas, da ordem de ~10.000 km s¹ e temperaturas T> 10 K, tal como observado em ventos ultra rapidos (em inglês, ultra-fast outflows, UFOs). A introdução do vento de AGN, particularmente com um grande ângulo de abertura, causa a formação de estruturas semelhantes a fontes galácticas. Isso faz com que parte do gás em expansão (que está sendo empurrado pelo vento de SF) retorne para a galáxia, produzindo um feedback \'positivo\' na evolução da galáxia hospedeira. Descobrimos que esses efeitos são mais pronunciados na presença de campos magnéticos, devido à ação de forças magnéticas extras pelo vento AGN, o qual intensifica o efeito de retorno do gás (fallback), e ao mesmo tempo reduz a taxa de perda de massa nos outflows por fatores de até 10. Além disso, a presença de um vento de AGN colimado (0º) causa uma remoção significativa da massa do núcleo da galáxia em poucos 100.000 anos, mas este é logo reabastecido pelo de gás acretante proveniente do meio interestelar (ISM) à medida que as explosões de SNe se sucedem. Por outro lado, um vento de AGN com um grande ângulo de abertura, em presença de campos magnéticos, remove o gás nuclear inteiramente em alguns 100.000 anos e não permite o reabastecimento posterior pelo ISM. Portanto, extingue a acreção de combustível e de massa no SMBH. Isso indica que o ciclo de trabalho desses outflows é de cerca de alguns 100.000 anos, compatível com as escalas de tempo inferidas para os UFOs e outflows moleculares observados. Em resumo, os modelos que incluem ventos de AGN com um ângulo de abertura maior e campos magnéticos, levam a velocidades médias muito maiores que os modelos sem vento de AGN, e também permitem que mais gás seja acelerado para velocidades máximas em torno de ~10 km s¹, com densidades e temperaturas compatíveis com aquelas observadas em UFOs. No entanto, as estruturas com velocidades intermediárias de vários ~100 km s¹ e densidades até uns poucos 100 cm³, que de fato poderiam reproduzir os outflows moleculares observados, têm temperaturas que são muito grandes para explicar as características observadas nos outflows moleculares, que tem temperaturas T< 1000 K. Além disso, estes ventos de AGN não colimados em presença de campos magnéticos entre T< 1000 K. Alem disso, estes grandes ventos AGN de angulo de abertura em fluxos magnetizados reduzem as taxas de perda de massa dos outflows para valores menores que aqueles observados tanto em outflows moleculares quanto em UFOs. Em trabalhos futuros, pretendemos estender o espaço paramétrico aqui investigado e também incluir novos ingredientes em nossos modelos, como o resfriamento radioativo fora do equilíbrio, a fim de tentar reproduzir as características acima que não foram explicadas pelo modelo atual. / Large-scale broad outflows are a common feature in active galaxies, like Seyfert galaxies. In systems like this, where supermassive black hole (SMBH) active galactic nuclei (AGN) coexist with star-forming (SF) regions it is unclear from the observations if the SMBH AGN or the SF (or both) are driving these outflows. In this work, we have studied how both may influence the evolution of the host galaxy and its outflows, considering Seyfert-like galaxies at kilo-parsec (kpc) scales. For this aim, we have extended previous work developed by Melioli & de Gouveia Dal Pino (2015), who considered purely hydrodynamical outflows driven by both SF and AGN, but considering for the latter only very narrow (collimated) winds. In order to achieve a better understanding of the feedback of these mechanisms on the galaxy evolution and its outflows, here we have included the effects of AGN winds with a larger opening angle too, since conic-shaped winds can improve the interaction with the interstellar medium of the galaxy and thus push more gas into the outflows. Besides, we have also included the effects of magnetic fields in the flow, since these can potentially help to preserve the structures and speed up the outflows. We have performed three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) simulations considering equilibrium radiative cooling and the effects of AGN-winds with two different opening angles (0º and 10º), and thermal pressure to magnetic pressure ratios of beta=infinite, 300 and 30 corresponding to magnetic fields 0, 0.76 micro-Gauss and 2.4 micro-Gauss, respectively. The results of our simulations show that the winds driven by the products of SF (i.e., by explosions of supernovae, SNe) alone can drive outflows with velocities ~100-1000 km s¹, mass outflow rates of the order of 50 Solar Masses yr¹, densities of ~1-10 cm³, and temperatures between 10 and 10 K, which resemble the properties of warm absorbers (WAs) and are also compatible with the velocities of the observed molecular outflows. However, the obtained densities from the simulations are too small and the temperatures too large to explain the observed values in molecular outflows (which have n ~ 150-300 cm³ and T<1000 K). Collimated AGN winds alone (without the presence of SF-winds) are also unable to drive hese outflows, but they can accelerate structures to very high speeds, of the order of ~ 10.000 km s¹, and temperatures T> 10 K as observed in ultra-fast outflows (UFOs). The introduction of an AGN wind, particularly with a large opening angle, causes the formation of fountain-like structures. This makes part of the expanding gas (pushed by the SF-wind) to fallback into the galaxy producing a \'positive\' feedback on the host galaxy evolution. We have found that these effects are more pronounced in presence of magnetic fields, due to the action of extra magnetic forces by the AGN wind producing enhanced fallback that reduces the mass loss rate in the outflows by factors up to 10. Furthermore, the presence of a collimated AGN wind (0º) causes a significant removal of mass from the core region in a few 100.000 yr, but this is soon replenished by gas inflow from the interstellar medium (ISM) when the SNe explosions fully develop. On the other hand, an AGN wind with a large opening angle in presence of magnetic fields is able to remove the nuclear gas entirely within a few 100.000 yr and does not allow for later replenishment. Therefore, it quenches the fueling and mass accretion onto the SMBH. This indicates that the duty cycle of these outflows is around a few 100.000 yr, compatible with the time-scales inferred for the observed UFOs and molecular outflows. In summary, models that include AGN winds with a larger opening angle and magnetic fields, lead to to be accelerated to maximum velocities around 10 km s¹ (than models with collimated AGN winds), with densities and temperatures which are compatible with those observed in UFOs. However, the structures with intermediate velocities of several ~100 km s¹ and densities up to a few 100 cm3, that in fact could reproduce the observed molecular outflows, have temperatures which are too large to explain the observed molecular features, which have temperatures T<1000 K. Besides, these large opening angle AGN winds in magnetized flows reduce the mass loss rates of the outflows to values smaller than those observed both in molecular outflows and UFOs. In future work, we intend to extend the parametric space here investigated and also include new ingredients in our models, such as non-equilibrium radiative cooling, in order to try to reproduce the features above that were not explained by the current model.

Galaxy Evolution in Clusters / Evolução de Galáxias em Aglomerados

Rafael Ruggiero 10 December 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we aim to further elucidate the phenomenon of galaxy evolution in the environment of galaxy clusters using the methodology of numerical simulations. For that, we have developed hydrodynamic models in which idealized gas-rich galaxies move within the ICM of idealized galaxy clusters, allowing us to probe in a detailed and controlled manner their evolution in this extreme environment. The main code used in our simulations is RAMSES, and our results concern the changes in gas composition, star formation rate, luminosity and color of infalling galaxies. Additionally to processes taking place inside the galaxies themselves, we have also described the dynamics of the gas that is stripped from those galaxies with unprecedented resolution for simulations of this nature (122 pc in a box including an entire 1e14 Msun cluster), finding that clumps of molecular gas are formed within the tails of ram pressure stripped galaxies, which proceed to live in isolation within the ICM of a galaxy cluster for up to 300 Myr. Those molecular clumps possibly represent a new class of objects; similar objects have been observed in both galaxy clusters and groups, but no comprehensive description of them has been given until now. We additionally create a hydrodynamic model for the A901/2 multi-cluster system, and correlate the gas conditions in this model to the locations of a sample of candidate jellyfish galaxies in the system; this has allowed us to infer a possible mechanism for the generation of jellyfish morphologies in galaxy cluster collisions in general. / Nesta tese, nós visamos a contribuir para o entendimento do fenômeno da evolução de galáxias no ambiente de aglomerados de galáxias usando a metodologia de simulações numéricas. Para isso, desenvolvemos modelos hidrodinâmicos nos quais galáxias idealizadas ricas em gás movem-se em meio ao gás difuso de aglomerados de galáxias idealizados, permitindo um estudo detalhado e controlado da evolução destas galáxias neste ambiente extremo. O principal código usado em nossas simulações é o RAMSES, e nossos resultados tratam das mudanças em composição do gás, taxa de formação estelar, luminosidade e cor de galáxias caindo em aglomerados. Adicionalmente a processos acontecendo dentro das próprias galáxias, nós também descrevemos a dinâmica do gás que é varrido dessas galáxias com resolução sem precedentes para simulações dessa natureza (122 pc em uma caixa incluindo um aglomerado de 1e14 Msun inteiro), encontrando que aglomerados de gás molecular são formados nas caudas de galáxias que passaram por varrimento de gás por pressão de arraste, aglomerados estes que procedem a viver em isolamento em meio ao gás difuso de um aglomerado de galáxias por até 300 Myr. Esses aglomerados moleculares possivelmente representam uma nova classe de objetos; objetos similares foram previamente observados tanto em aglomerados quanto em grupos de galáxias, mas um tratamento compreensivo deles não foi apresentado até agora. Nós adicionalmente criamos um modelo hidrodinâmico para o sistema multi-aglomerado A901/2, e correlacionamos as condições do gás nesse modelo com a localização de uma amostra de galáxias jellyfish nesse sistema; isso nos permitiu inferir um possível mecanismo para a geração de morfologias jellyfish em colisões de aglomerados de galáxias em geral.

Star and stellar cluster formation in gas-dominated galaxies / Formation d’étoiles et d’amas stellaires dans les galaxies dominées par le gaz.

Fensch, Jérémy 28 September 2017 (has links)
Nous étudions la formation d’étoiles et d’amas d’étoiles dans les galaxies dominées par le gaz. Ce terme réfère en premier lieu aux galaxies de l’époque du pic de formation d’étoiles dans l’histoire de l’Univers, qui s’est déroulé vers z ~ 2, mais aussi à leurs analogues locaux, les galaxies naines de marées. En premier lieu, en utilisant des simulations numériques, nous montrons que les galaxies massives typiques de z=2, avec une fraction de gaz d’environ 50%, forment des structures gazeuses massives (10**7-8 masses solaires) et liées gravitationnellement, appelées grumeaux dans la suite. Ces grumeaux ne se forment dans des galaxies avec une fraction de gaz inférieure à 25%. Nous présentons ensuite une étude observationnelle d’un analogue local de grumeaux de galaxies à z=2, la galaxie naine de marée NGC 5291N. Une analyse des raies d’émission de cette galaxie montre la présence de chocs sur les pourtours de l’objet. La photométrie des amas d’étoiles de cette galaxie montre que les amas les plus jeunes (< 10 millions d’années) sont significativement moins massifs que les amas plus âgés. Ceci peut être le signe de fusions progressives d’amas et/ou d’une forte activité de formation stellaire dans ce système il y a environ 500 millions d’années.Dans un second lieu nous étudions comment la fraction de gaz influe sur la formation d’étoiles et d’amas stellaires dans des fusions de galaxies à z=2. En utilisant des simulations numériques nous montrons que ces fusions n’augmentent que relativement peu le taux de formation d’étoiles et d’amas stellaires comparativement aux fusions de galaxies locales, à faible fraction de gaz. Nous montrons que ceci est due à une saturation de plusieurs facteurs physiques, qui sont déjà présents naturellement dans les galaxies isolées à z=2 et sont donc comparativement peu accentués par les fusions. Il s’agit de la turbulence du gaz, des zones de champ de marée compressif et des flux de matières vers le noyau de la galaxie. Nous montrons aussi que les structures stellaires formées au sein des grumeaux de gaz sont préservées par la fusion : elles sont éjectées des disques et orbitent dans le halo de la galaxie résultante de la fusion, où elles peuvent devenir les progéniteurs de certains amas globulaires / We study the formation of stars and stellar clusters in gas-dominated galaxies. This term primarily refers to galaxies from the epoch of the peak of the cosmic star formation history, which occurred at z ~ 2, but also to their local analogues, the tidal dwarf galaxies.Firstly, using numerical simulations, we show that the massive galaxies at z = 2, which have a gas fraction of about 50%, form massive (10**7-8 solar masses) and gravitationally bound structures, which we call clumps thereafter. These clumps do not form in galaxies with a gas fraction below 25%. We then present an observational study of a local analogue of a z = 2 galactic clump, which is the tidal dwarf galaxy NGC 5291N. The analysis of emission lines show the presence of shocks on the outskirts of the object. Photometry of this galaxy’s stellar clusters show that the youngest clusters (< 10 million years) are significantly less massive than older clusters. This could be the sign of ongoing cluster mergers and/or of a strong star formation activity in this system about 500 million years ago).Secondly, we study how the gas fraction impacts the formation of stars and stellar clusters in galaxy mergers at z = 2. Using numerical simulations we show that these mergers only slightly increase the star and stellar cluster formation rate, compared to local galaxy mergers, which have a lower gas fraction. We show that this is due to the saturation of several physical quantities, which are already strong in isolated z=2 galaxies and are thus less enhanced by the merger. These factors are gas turbulence, compressive tides and nuclear gas inflows, We also show that the stellar structures formed in the gaseous clumps are preserved by the fusion: they are ejected from the disk and orbit in the halo of the remnant galaxy, where they may become the progenitors of some globular clusters

The nearby young [special character] Chamaeleontis cluster as a laboratory for star formation and evolution

Lyo, A-Ran, Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
[Special characters cannot be displayed. Please see the pdf version of the Abstract for an accurate reproduction.] We studied the circumstellar discs, the initial mass function (IMF), mass distribution, binarity and the fundamental properties of the [special character] 9 Myr-old pre-main sequence (PMS) [special character] Chamaeleontis cluster. Using JHKL colour-colour and colour-excess diagrams, we found the circumstellar disc fraction to be [special character] 0.60 among the late-type members. Four stars with [special character] (K - L) > 0.4 were identified as experiencing ongoing accretion which was later confirmed by high-resolution spectroscopic study. Quantitative analysis of the H[special character] profiles found accretion in these four stars at rates comparable to that of two members of the similarly-aged TW Hydrae Association (TWA); rates 1 - 3 orders of magnitude lower than in younger classical T Tauri stars. Together these results suggest that, while the mass accretion rate decreases with age, PMS stars can retain their inner discs for [special character] 10 Myr. An optical photometric survey spanning 1.3 ?? 1.3 pc added two low-mass stars to the cluster inventory. Together with other recent surveys the population is likely to be significantly complete for primaries with masses M > 0.15M[special character]. The cluster now consists of 18 primaries and 9 confirmed and candidate secondaries, with [special character] 2-4 times higher multiplicity than seen in field dwarfs. The cluster IMF is consistent with that of rich young clusters and field stars. By extending the IMF to lower masses, we predict 20-29 low-mass stars and brown dwarfs may remain undiscovered. From study of the cluster???s spatial and mass distribution, we find the [special character] Cha cluster has significant mass segregation, with > 50 per cent of the stellar mass residing within the central 0.17 pc. Lastly we classified members of the cluster with low-resolution spectra, providing information about the fundamental properties of the PMS stars by comparison to standard dwarfs. Broadband VRI colours and pseudocontinuum indices derived for the cluster stars are indistinguishable from dwarfs at visual and red wavelengths. This suggests the temperature sequence for the PMS [special character] Cha cluster is similar to that of the dwarf sequence. Narrow-band spectral indices for the [special character] Cha cluster possibly indicate higher metallicity and strongly indicate lower surface gravity than the dwarf indices.

Understanding the connection between active galactic nuclei and host star formation through multi-wavelength population synthesis modeling

Draper, Aden R. 07 August 2012 (has links)
Supermassive black holes, black holes with masses <106 Msun, are found at the centers of all massive galaxies. These massive black holes grew from smaller seed black holes through accretion events. Accreting black holes are very bright in the radio through very hard X-ray spectral regimes. Due to the location of these accreting black holes at the centers of galaxies, they are referred to as active galactic nuclei (AGN). It is understood that AGN are an important phase of galaxy evolution; however, the role of AGN in massive galaxy formation is very poorly constrained. Here, the unique tool of multi-wavelength population synthesis modeling is used to study the average properties of AGN and their host galaxies with a focus on host galaxy star formation and the role of black hole growth in galaxy evolution. Knowledge of the AGN population from deep X-ray surveys is combined with theoretical AGN spectral energy distributions to predict various observables of the AGN population in wavelength regions from the far infrared to very hard X-rays. Comparison of the model predictions to observations constrains the model input parameters and allows for the determination of average properties of the AGN population. Particular attention is paid to a special class of AGN known as Compton thick AGN. These AGN are deeply embedded in gas and dust such that the column density obscuring the line of sight to the central engine of the AGN exceeds 1/σT ~ 10²⁴ cm⁻², where σT is the Thomson cross-section of the electron---a column density comparable to that of the human chest. Theoretical and simulational evidence suggest that these Compton thick AGN may be recently triggered, rapidly accreting AGN, making them of special interest to researchers. I found that Compton thick AGN are likely to contribute ~20% of the peak of the cosmic X-ray background (XRB) at ~30 keV and demonstrated that a significant portion of Compton thick AGN may be accreting very rapidly. Moreover, Compton thick AGN do not appear to follow the orientation based unified model of AGN. According to the unified model, AGN exhibit a range of obscuration levels due to a dusty 'torus' which, depending on the orientation of the torus to the observer's line of sight, may obscure the central engine of the AGN. Upon further investigation into the stellar populations of AGN host galaxies, it appears that the unified model holds in general at z < 1, but not at z > 1. I found that this is likely due to the dominant triggering mechanism of AGN switching from major mergers at z > 1.5 to secular processes by z ~ 1.

Magnetized Dense Cores. Observational characterization and comparison with models

Frau Méndez, Pau 12 June 2012 (has links)
It is some observational evidence that dense cores are the birthplace of low-mass stars. These regions, apparently quiescent, are capable of surviving several free-fall times and, potentially, collapse and form stars. Despite its importance, little is known about the very first evolutionary stages of these objects. The observational challenge that studying these diffuse and extended objects represent is preventing us to reveal their properties. It is easier, from an observational point of view, to study brighter sources as the more evolved Class-0 objects. It is possible then, through theoretical models, to trace the history back of these objects and find the initial conditions that, ideally, are those of the dense cores on which they formed. On the other hand, from the theoretical point of view, many studies have considered for decades the effect of the magnetic field in models. However, the lacks of instrumentation and observational techniques have prevented us from testing the predictions. Fortunately, several telescopes have developed polarimetric system during the last years allowing us to study for the first time the magnetic fields in a reliable manner. The complex interplay in dense cores among gravity, thermal pressure, turbulence, rotation, and magnetic field, in not well characterized due to all the previously described issues and, as a consequence, not well understood theoretically. The aim is, then, to improve our understanding on how the low-mass starless dense cores form, survive, and evolve. We faced this aim in a twofold approach. Firstly, we characterized observationally the physical, chemical, and magnetic properties of magnetized dense cores in their most initial stages, in order to understand the real initial conditions of the star-formation process. Secondly, we have compared interferometric observations of a Class-0 source to theoretical models of magnetized cloud collapse to derive the bettersuited initial conditions to form it, and the most relevant physical processes involved. To study the very young dense cores, we selected the Pipe nebula. This cloud presents very low star-formation efficiency (~0.06 %) and it is permeated by a uniform magnetic field. The nebula harbours more than a hundred very young dense cores mostly quiescent. We have mapped dense cores with densities below 10(5) cm(-3), lower than the typical values reported in literature. These cores present structures compatible with Bonnor-Ebert spheres, which suggests that they can be in a state close to hydrostatic equilibrium with the environment. Moreover, we discovered a very rich and varied chemistry, unexpected taking into account previous works in similar sources. Even in such young and diffuse objects, it is possible to distinguish differentiated chemical properties that allow us to propose an observational characterization and to suggest a possible evolutionary sequence. Some of the cores present chemical properties compatible with ages of 1 million years, but the lack of signposts of collapse suggests that active supporting non-thermal sources are acting. The lack of spherical symmetry also implies that some anisotropic force is present. The reported sub-Alfvénic turbulence points to magnetic field as this agent, which would cause the flattened shapes. NGC 1333 IRAS 4A is the ideal source to test magnetized low-mass cloud collapse models as it is a young Class-0 source with a collapsing envelope of gas and dust and a detected magnetic field with a clear hour-glass shape. We have confirmed that its properties can be satisfactorily explained with the standard model of star formation. The ideal-MHD models lead to better results, and the use of a temperature profile improves the agreement with the observational data. The initial conditions of the models, with sizes of ~0.1 pc and centrally peaked densities, agree with the results found toward the Pipe nebula dense cores. The intensity of the magnetic fields used in the models can be scaled to the values obtained for the diffuse gas with a power-law such as B-alpha-ro (1/2) typical of magnetized clouds evolving through ambipolar diffusion. From a technical point of view, the method used can establish the starting point in the way the ALMA data will be analyzed. The high quality of the data will make possible this kind of analysis, and foresees a huge improvement in our understandings of the star-formation process. / És una evidència observacional que els nuclis densos són llocs de naixement d’estrelles de baixa massa. Aquestes regions aparentment inactives són capaces de sobreviure diverses vegades l’escala temporal de caiguda lliure i, potencialment, col•lapsar per formar estrelles. Malgrat la seva importància se’n coneixen pocs detalls dels primers estadis evolutius d’aquests objectes. El desafiament observacional que representa estudiar objectes tan difusos i estesos ens dificulta revelar-ne les respostes. Resulta molt més senzill, des d’un punt de vista observacional, estudiar fonts més brillants com les més evolucionades Classe-0, de les quals se’n pot revertir la història en base a models teòrics i trobar-ne les condicions inicials que són, idealment, aquelles dels nuclis densos on s’han format. Per altra banda, des d’un punt de vista teòric, molts estudis han considerat l’efecte del camp magnètic en els seus models durant dècades. No obstant això, la mancança d’instrumentació i tècniques observacionals impedien contrastar-ne les prediccions. Per fortuna, diversos telescopis han desenvolupat sistemes polarimètrics durant els darrers anys permetent estudiar per primera vegada i de forma fiable el camp magnètic. Per tot això, la complexa interacció als nuclis densos entre gravitació, pressió tèrmica, turbulència, rotació i camp magnètic no està ben caracteritzada observacionalment i, com a conseqüència, tampoc ben entesa teòricament. L’objectiu és, aleshores, aprofundir en la comprensió de com es formen, sobreviuen i evolucionen els nuclis densos de baixa massa. Aquest objectiu l’hem enfrontat seguint dues vessants. En primer lloc, hem caracteritzat observacionalment les propietats físiques, químiques i magnètiques dels nuclis densos magnetitzats als seus estadis més primigenis, a fi d’entendre les vertaderes condicions inicials del procés de formació estel•lar. En segon lloc, hem comparat les observacions interferomètriques d’una font Classe-0 amb models teòrics de col•lapse de núvols magnetitzats, per derivar-ne les condicions inicials més adients per formar-la i els processos físics que n’han dominat l’evolució. Per a l’estudi dels nuclis densos primigenis hem seleccionat la nebulosa de la Pipa, que presenta una eficiència de formació estel•lar molt baixa (~0.06 %) i està penetrada per un camp magnètic uniforme. La nebulosa alberga més d’un centenar de nuclis densos molt joves majoritàriament inactius. Hem mapat nuclis densos amb densitat per sota de 10(5) cm(-3), molt per sota dels valors reportats a la literatura. Aquests nuclis presenten una estructura compatible amb esferes de Bonnor-Ebert, el que suggereix que es poden trobar en situació d’equilibri hidrostàtic amb el seu entorn. A més, hem descobert una química molt rica i variada, inesperada tenint en compte els treballs previs en fonts d’aquest tipus. Inclús en objectes tan joves i difusos, és possible distingir característiques químiques pròpies que permeten definir grups i establir una possible seqüència química evolutiva. Alguns dels objectes mostren propietats químiques típiques d’edats de 1 milió d’anys, però la mancança d’indicis de col•lapse gravitatori suggereix que hi ha actives fonts de suport no tèrmiques. La falta de simetria esfèrica també implica que alguna força anisotròpica està actuant. La turbulència sub-Alfvénica apunta a que el camp magnètic pot ser aquest agent, el que causaria les formes aplanades. NGC 1333 IRAS 4A és la font ideal per a testejar els model de col•lapse magnetitzat a baixa massa perquè es una Classe-0 jove amb un embolcall de gas i pols en fase de col•lapse on es detecta un camp magnètic amb clara morfologia de rellotge d’arena. Hem confirmat que les seves propietats poden ser explicades satisfactòriament amb el model estàndard de formació estel•lar. Els models de magnetohidrodinàmica idealitzada condueixen a millors resultats, i l’ús de un perfil de temperatura millora l’acord amb les dades. Les condicions inicials dels models, amb mides de ~0.1 pc i densitats creixents cap al centre, concorden amb els resultats als nuclis densos de la nebulosa de la Pipa. La intensitat del camp magnètic inicial usat pels models poden ser escalats als valors obtinguts per al gas difús de la Pipa amb una llei del tipus B-alfa-ro(1/2) típica de núvols magnetitzats. Des d’un punt de vista més tècnic, el mètode que hem emprat pot establir un punt de referència en la manera en que les futures dades d’ALMA seran analitzades. La alta qualitat de les dades farà possible aquest tipus d’anàlisis, i fa preveure una gran millora en l’enteniment del procés de formació estel•lar.

A Radio Study Of Gas Loss Processes In Nearby Galaxies

Hota, Ananda 06 1900 (has links)
The work in this thesis involves detailed multi-frequency radio continuum (from 325 MHz to 15 GHz) and Hi spectroscopic studies of a few represent tative nearby galaxies which are experiencing gas-loss from their disks due to different physical processes. These processes are starburst-driven superwind, active galactic nucleus (AGN) −driven nuclear outflow, ram pressure stripping and tidal interactions. Gas-loss could affect the evolution of individual galaxies with age as well as their evolution with cosmic epoch. We have made use of both the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and the Very Large Array (VLA) for our study. Stars and gases are the two major constituents of a galaxy. The properties of the gaseous medium in them change with galaxy-types, such as the presence of large amount of gas in the late type disk galaxies and little interstellar medium (ISM) in the ellipticals or early−type galaxies. Galaxies in groups and clusters interact with each other and with the low density gaseous medium surrounding them, resulting in a possible evolution of their structures and physical properties. Basic differences in their observed properties depend on their history of interactions with the environment and also on the history of their central activities. Tidal interaction among galaxies may result in the flow of gas into the central region of the galaxy. This can trigger a central starburst and/or feed a central super-massive black hole to trigger an AGN activity. These activities produce either starburst-driven superwind or AGN-driven nuclear outflows (accretion disk wind or bipolar radio jet/bubbles) and the galaxy may lose their metal-enriched central gas concentration to the intra-cluster (ICM) or intergalactic medium (IGM). There are suggestions that when large amount of gas is cleared out from the central region of an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG), the dust enshrouded hidden AGN may unveil itself as a bona fide quasi-stellar object (QSO). Galaxies also lose gas usually from the outer parts when they move through the intra-cluster medium (ICM) or intragroup medium (IGrM) due to ram pressure stripping. When the ram pressure is stronger than the pressure by which the gas is bound to the galaxy, most of the gas may be lost or displaced from the disk thus affecting the star formation and metal formation in the disk of the galaxy. Starburst galaxies and superwinds: The starformation rate or the supernovae rate in some gas rich galaxies are 10−1000 times higher than that of the normal galaxies. This process can consume large amount (1−30×109 M) of gas over a short time scale (107−8yr) in a small region (typically 1 kpc). During such bursts of starformation, the cumulative effect of many supernovae and stellar winds from the massive stars in the central region of a disk galaxy imparts huge amount of mechanical energy to the ISM of the galaxy which then creates a high pressure (4 orders of magnitude higher then the average ISM pressure in the Milky way), high temperature (106−7 K) bubble of gas. This high pressure and high temperature bubble of gas expands and flows outwards in the direction of the steepest pressure gradient. This outflowing hot gas carries cooler gas and dust from the ISM along with it. It carries out heavy metals cooked in the central region of a galaxy to the external environment including the ICM or IGM. The typical outflow rate is 10−100Myr−1 with typical outflow velocity of few 100−1500 km s−1and it persists over few to 10 million yr. The observed sizes of such outflows are 1−20 kpc. We have studied a remarkable starburst-superwind system, NGC1482. This early type galaxy has been discovered to have a bi-conical shaped soft X-ray outflow as well as Hα and [Nii] outflow. The low-frequency radiocontinuum flux density was used to estimate the supernova rate, which could be used to constrain the dynamics of the driving force. The high-frequency high-resolution VLA observations revealed the central starforming region which is at the base of the bi-conical structure and presumably driving this outflow. The Hi observations also have resulted in finding two blobs of Hi on opposite sides of the galaxy defining an axis perpendicular to the outflow axis and rotating about it. We have also detected a multi-component broad (∼ 250 km s−1) Hi-absorption spectrum against the central continuum source. The absorption spectrum is nearly 70 km s−1 asymmetric towards the blue side with a component blue-shifted by 120 km s−1. The observed absorption could be due to the Hi-clouds driven outward by the central superwind outflow. Active galaxies and nuclear outflows: The inflow of gas to the central region of a galaxy triggers the starformation as well as the AGN activity. Co-existence of both these phenomena in some cases are well known. The accretion disk of the AGN can produce a hot wind emitting in X-rays in addition to the radio continuum jet perpendicular to the accretion disk. It is known that the AGN jets, in particular Seyfert jets have no correlation with the rotation axis of the host disk-galaxy. In such a scenario a very complex geometry can arise. Radio jets may interact with the starburst-driven winds or winds from the accretion disk or with the clouds of ISM of the galaxy accelerating and ionizing the gas. Sometimes the mass outflow rate may be ten times the mass accretion rate necessary to fuel the AGN, suggesting heavy mass loading of these AGN outflows. Depending on the energy of the outflow processes gas may be ejected out of the gravitational field of the galaxy. We have studied a composite galaxy, NGC6764 with an AGN and a very young starburst with two episodes of starformation, one 3−5 and another 15−50 Myr ago. The high-resolution high-frequency radio-continuum obser- vations reveal a radio core and roughly bi-conical radio emission oriented along the major axis of the galaxy with a feature which could be a jet. The lower-resolution images show bi-polar radio bubbles oriented along the minor-axis of the galaxy. These edge-brightened radio bubbles are asymmetric in size, extent (north-south) and luminosity. There is an east-west asymmetry in the spectral index of the bubbles. In a representative sample of dozen such radio bubbles in nearby galaxies we find that invariably all of these have an AGN. Similar to few other galaxies in the sample we also found that the radio continuum bubbles in NGC6764 are well correlated with the Hα filaments extending along the minor-axis of the galaxy. The CO(J=2-1) and CO(J=1-0) flux density ratio is also higher at the tip of the bubbles. Molecular gas plumes are seen extending along minor axis and have components blue-shifted by 140 km s−1. Our high-resolution Hi observations also show an absorption component at the systemic velocity with a weak component blue shifted by 120 km s−1. We have discussed the possibility of the radio plasma ejected from the AGN being carried outwards along the minor-axis by the superwind created by the young circumnuclear starburst. That bubble of hot gas from the superwind mixed with the relativistic plasma from the AGN is interacting with the cooler Hi and molecular gas of the ISM and driving it outwards. This interaction which is possibly in an early phase of expansion is also giving rise to the outflowing Hα filaments in this interesting composite galaxy. Cluster galaxies and stripping processes: When a galaxy moves through the hot and dense ICM with velocities 1000 km s−1, the ram pressure exerted by the ICM can strip the loosely bound and more tenuous gas of the galaxy. As a result of this the dense molecular gas or the stars in the galaxy remain almost unaffected but the tenuous gas moving out of the galaxy’s gravitational field could reach the ICM. The fate of such stripped gas is not well constrained. Recently very long tails with sizes of 50−125 kpc have been discovered. Some of these are magnetised, some ionised, some neutral and some are million degree hot. These tails may cool and eventually form galaxies or may evaporate and mix with the ICM. They enrich the ICM with metals and magnetic fields. In some cases galaxies are known to have become as high as 90 % deficient in Hi in comparison to the corresponding field galaxy of same type, size and luminosity. In the cluster/group environment tidal interactions with other group/cluster members or the cluster potential well could also take place affecting the observed properties of the galaxy. In addition, tidal interactions could also facilitate the removal of gas by ram pressure due to the ICM or IGrM. NGC4438 which we have studied in detail is an archetypal example of a galaxy which has been severely affected by the cluster environment. This late-type galaxy in the central region of the Virgo cluster is known to have interacted with the northern companion NGC4435. We have unambiguously resolved the radio nucleus from the lobes of radio continuum emission, and have shown it to have an inverted spectrum confirming it to be the nucleus. The lobes are almost perpendicular to the central molecular or stellar disk which is seen nearly edge-on. Projected onto the plane of the sky the lobeaxis is roughly parallel to the direction of the ram pressure wind. The lobes are very asymmetric in its extent, size and luminosity. The lobes are shelllike in structure and are interacting strongly with the asymmetric ISM. In the region of interaction both Hα and soft X-ray emission shells are seen. We explore possible reasons for the asymmetry in the lobes which is unlikely to be only due to the asymmetry in the density of the ISM on opposite sides of the galaxy. On a larger scale we have imaged the diffuse lower-frequency radio-continuum emission 5 kpc away from the central region seen on the western side of the disk of the galaxy. This extended emission has flatter spectral index at higher frequencies which suggests it to be a mixture of thermal and non-thermal components. In this region Hα, soft X-ray, Hi, molecular gas and relativistic plasma (i.e. all phases of the ISM) have been detected. We have found a linear structure on the western side near the same region with mass of nearly 200 million M We have imaged the Hi−emission from the stellar disk for the first time. The Hi -velocity field shows that the extra-planar gas could be rotating slower then the disk as seen in cases of ram pressure stripping. At lower resolution we detect more Hi from the halo of the galaxy. The iso-velocity contours appear to curve towards the axis of rotation or direction of the ram pressure wind, as you go away from the mid plane. We discuss whether this might be due due to the interaction of NGC4438 with NGC4435. We have discovered a 50 kpc long faint tail of Hi having a mass of 140 million solar mass to the north-west of the NGC4438−NGC4435 system. This Hi−tail partially coincides with an extremely faint (µv> 28) stellar tail, which has been seen in the deep optical imaging of intra-cluster light. Such tails have not been predicted by the simulations of interaction between NGC4435 and NGC4438. Hence it seems to be a remnant of some past event in the evolution of this interesting system. To further study the effects of ram pressure stripping and tidal interaction in galaxies in a group, we have studied the group Ho 124. We found that the radio continuum bridge of tidal interaction between NGC2820 and NGC2814 has a very steep (α=−1.8) spectrum possibly due to the older relativistic plasma left in it. The Hi of NGC2820 has sharp truncation on the southeastern side parallel to the edge on disk, while it has a unipolar huge loop on the north-west. NGC2814 has both an Hi and radio continuum tail different from the connecting bridge with sharp truncation again on the side opposite to the tail. Although there is reasonable radio continuum emission from the disk of NGC2820, there is no detectable emission corresponding to the huge one sided Hi loop. The velocity field of the Hi-loop trails that of the underlying stellar disk. Also in the galaxy NGC2805, a member of the same group, we find the Hi to have accumulated on the northern side while there is a bow-shock shaped starformation arc on the southern side of the disk. All these features namely starformation arc, sharp cut off in the Hi-disk, Hi-loop and Hiand radio continuum tails are signatures of ram pressure stripping. Ram pressure stripping in groups is relatively rare but this could get assistance from tidal interactions which help loosen the gravitational bound of the stellar disk on the tenuous ISM. A more spectacular case of ram pressure stripping is seen in the cluster Abell 1367. We have studied a region of the cluster A1367 where three of its galaxies namely CGCG 09773, CGCG 09779 and CGCG 09787 exhibit amazingly long (50−75 kpc) tails of radio continuum and optical emission lines (Hα) pointing roughly away from the cluster centre. They also show arcs of starformation on the side facing the ram pressure of the cluster medium. In our Histudy we found that all three of them have higher mass of Hi on the down-stream side. Two of the galaxies (CGCG 09773 and CGCG 09779) exhibit sharper gradients in Hiintensity on the side of the tail or on the down-stream side. However the Hi emission in all the three galaxies extends to much smaller distances than the radio-continuum and Hαtails, and are possibly still bound to the gravitational pull of the respective galaxies. These results are in good agreement with the hydrodynamical simulations of ram pressure stripping in cluster medium. In this study we have found a number of interesting results on a few nearby galaxies where different gas-loss processes have modified the morphology and kinematics of the ISM and/or the stellar distribution of the respective parent galaxies. We have found evidence of blue-shifted Hi absorption lines driven outwards by the starburst-driven superwinds and/or AGN-driven nuclear outlows. The synchrotron plasma outflowing from an AGN in a composite galaxy has been suggested to be interacting with the superwind which also drives other components of the ISM outwards. In groups or clusters of galaxies we have discovered an Hiloop, Hitails, regions of compressed Hi, trailing velocity fields, slow-rotating extra-planar gas, displaced ISM and asymmetries in various radio continuum or Hifeatures as evidences of ram pressure stripping mechanism affecting the member galaxies. The results obtained from this study illustrates the manifestations of gas loss proceeses in galaxies existing in different environments, and should provide valuable insights for future investigations with larger statistical samples towards a more complete understanding of gas loss processes in galaxies and their implications on galaxy evolution

Evolving Starburst Model of FIR/sub-mm/mm Line Emission and Its Applications to M82 and Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Yao, Lihong 08 March 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a starburst model for far-infrared/sub-millimeter/millimeter (FIR/sub-mm/mm) line emission of molecular and atomic gas in an evolving starburst region, which is treated as an ensemble of non-interacting hot bubbles which drive spherical shells of swept-up gas into a surrounding uniform gas medium. These bubbles and shells are driven by winds and supernovae within massive star clusters formed during an instantaneous starburst. The underlying stellar radiation from the evolving clusters affects the properties and structure of photodissociation regions (PDRs) in the shells, and hence the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the molecular and atomic line emission from these swept-up shells and the associated parent giant molecular clouds (GMCs) contains a signature of the stage evolution of the starburst. The physical and chemical properties of the shells and their structure are computed using a a simple well known similarity solution for the shell expansion, a stellar population synthesis code, and a time-dependent PDR chemistry model. The SEDs for several molecular and atomic lines ($^{12}$CO and its isotope $^{13}$CO, HCN, HCO$^+$, C, O, and C$^+$) are computed using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) line radiative transfer model. By comparing our models with the available observed data of nearby infrared bright galaxies, especially M 82, we constrain the models and in the case of M 82, provide estimates for the age of the recent starburst activity. We also derive the total H$_2$ gas mass in the measured regions of the central 1 kpc starburst disk of M 82. In addition, we apply the model to represent various stages of starburst evolution in a well known sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). In this way, we interpret the relationship between the degree of molecular excitation and ratio of FIR to CO luminosity to possibly reflect different stages of the evolution of star-forming activity within their nuclear regions. We conclude with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to dating starbursts, and suggest future work for improving the model.

Evolving Starburst Model of FIR/sub-mm/mm Line Emission and Its Applications to M82 and Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies

Yao, Lihong 08 March 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a starburst model for far-infrared/sub-millimeter/millimeter (FIR/sub-mm/mm) line emission of molecular and atomic gas in an evolving starburst region, which is treated as an ensemble of non-interacting hot bubbles which drive spherical shells of swept-up gas into a surrounding uniform gas medium. These bubbles and shells are driven by winds and supernovae within massive star clusters formed during an instantaneous starburst. The underlying stellar radiation from the evolving clusters affects the properties and structure of photodissociation regions (PDRs) in the shells, and hence the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the molecular and atomic line emission from these swept-up shells and the associated parent giant molecular clouds (GMCs) contains a signature of the stage evolution of the starburst. The physical and chemical properties of the shells and their structure are computed using a a simple well known similarity solution for the shell expansion, a stellar population synthesis code, and a time-dependent PDR chemistry model. The SEDs for several molecular and atomic lines ($^{12}$CO and its isotope $^{13}$CO, HCN, HCO$^+$, C, O, and C$^+$) are computed using a non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) line radiative transfer model. By comparing our models with the available observed data of nearby infrared bright galaxies, especially M 82, we constrain the models and in the case of M 82, provide estimates for the age of the recent starburst activity. We also derive the total H$_2$ gas mass in the measured regions of the central 1 kpc starburst disk of M 82. In addition, we apply the model to represent various stages of starburst evolution in a well known sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs). In this way, we interpret the relationship between the degree of molecular excitation and ratio of FIR to CO luminosity to possibly reflect different stages of the evolution of star-forming activity within their nuclear regions. We conclude with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to dating starbursts, and suggest future work for improving the model.

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