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Ocelová konstrukce víceúčelové haly / Steel Structure of Multipurpose HallMakiš, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is design and static assessment of steel structure of multipurpose hall. Construction is located in the city Brno. The floor plan is rectangular with dimensions 60 x 80 m. Headroom of the structure is 12,5 m and total height is 16,5 m. A main frame is created of arch truss supported by column and truss structure on both sides. The main frames are joined by purlins. Final support structure was selected from two preliminary variants. For the selected variant was made static calculation of main bearing elements including joints and anchoring, technical report, drawings and bill of quantities.
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Návrh silničního mostu / Design of a road bridgeBarkáč, Erik January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and analysis of a bridge at the R48 bypass over the Ostravica River. For this purpose, three variants of the supporting structure solution were developed from which a variant of additionally prestressed chamber girder with perpendicular walls was selected. The main task is to assess the construction for phased construction. The static calculation was drawn up according to European
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Osobní výtah / Passanger liftStaněk, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on modernization of traction passenger lift TOV 250. The first part diserts on todays technical conditions of lift. The second part is concerned with way of modernization of lift and the last third part is focused on basic static calculation of construction traction passenger lift.
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Most na místní komunikaci / Bridge on a local roadNečasová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
Graduation thesis deal with the design and assessment of the load-bearing structure of the bridge with four fields. The bridge carries local road Žernov-Přerov over the motorway D1. Thesis include design of three alternative solutions. For detailed treatment was chosen variant of single point supported deskbeam. Graduation thesis include static calculation, general and detailed drawings and visualization.
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Hodnocení konstrukcí průmyslových objektů podle ČSN ISO 13822 / Assessment structures of industrial buildings in terms of ISO 13822Kirschbaum, Adam January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of the constructions of the industrial buildings according to the ČSN ISO 13822 Standard. In the first, theoretical part, the procedures of research and evaluation of existing reinforced concrete constructions based on the ČSN ISO 13822 and ČSN 73 0038 Standards are described. Further, the theoretical part is focused on the diagnostic methods used during the evaluation of these constructions. The practical part focuses on the evaluation of the three industrial reinforced concrete buildings. It includes information about the building, the description of defects, diagnostics and the appraisal of measuring. The last part deals with a static calculation of selected parts of the supporting construction.
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Ocelový skelet průmyslového objektu / Steel Structure of Industrial BuildingBuchta, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deal with design of a technological building in Ostrava serving for the sorting of slag to enagle its sequential use. Geometry of the structure was customized to technological requests. Static system was considered in two versions – joint connections with vertical bracing and omni-directional frame. For detail processing was chosen the joint one, besause it showed up as more advantageous. Static calculation was performed by Scia Engineer 14 software, then some typical connections and drawings were manually designed.
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Návrh železničního rámového mostu / Design of a railway frame bridgeFindura, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with a design of a two-track railway frame bridge over a valley. Out of three proposed variants was chosen the variant number 1 - prestressed frame construction with variable beam section. According to actual EN standards the construction was designed and assessed to the serviceability limit state and the ultimate limit state.
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Zastřešení sportovního víceúčelového objektu / The Roof Structure of a Multipurpose Sport BuildingKaczová, Silvia January 2018 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is to design and assess a multipurpose sports hall in the area of Brno-Bystrc. The shape of the hall is rectangular with dimensions 45 m × 48 m. The roof is designed from an arched truss. The height of the construction is 18 m. Part of the thesis is a technical report which contains details of construction, list of used materials, production and maintenance method. The work also includes the static calculation of supporting elements and joints and the graphical documentation. The valid CSN EN technical standards were used for the design and assessment.
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Most přes silnici I/48 / Bridge across the I/48 roadSmolka, Libor January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the solution of the bridge construction made of prestressed concrete. The bridge is situated on the road II/485 and it is headed over the road I/48. Cathegory of the road communication is S 7,5. The construction is continuous and consists of five arrays. The lenght of the bridge construction is 125,1 m. The burden to the construction is according to ČSN EN 1991-2 standard. Inner forces are solved by using computational model. This model works on the FEM calculation axiom. The size is according to ČSN EN 1992-1-1 and ČSN EN 1992-2 standards.
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Statické řešení založení novostavby horského hotelu / Static solution of new mountain hotel building foundationsVelecká, Renata January 2014 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with design and static solution of foundation slab of mountain hotel. Two calculation versions are made – simplified („inverse ceiling“) and calculation using software RF-SOILIN. This thesis also includes a comparison of both results. Reinforcement is designed for more accurate internal forces and the assessment of structure is performed according to the 1st limit state of capacity.
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