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Ocelový skelet technologického objektu / Steel Structure of the Technology BuildingParoulek, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a steel technological structure in the locality of Štětí. The struture is used for the paper production technology. The geometry of the structure was customized to technological requests. The statistic system was considered in two versions – joint connections and frame – joint connections. The frame – joint connections system was chosen for detail processing. The steel structure was calculated by Scia Engineer 19 software. The connections were calculated by Idea statica software. The thesis is processed according to valid standars of ČSN EN.
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Most přes potok Živný / Bridge over the Živný BrookSekanina, Josef January 2013 (has links)
This thesis occupies with the design of the road bridge over the stream Živný, a railway lane and a projected road between Běleč village and Husinec village. There are designed three variants of bridges. The variant no. 1 – continuous box girded beam – was chosen for the detailed analysis. The pre-stressed concrete road bridge is designed and evaluated according to European standards – Euro codes. The sequential construction influence and its impact on the construction is also considered in the calculations. The drawing documentation and the visualization of the bridge are made.
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Možnosti využití rozptýlené výztuže pro konstrukční betony / Possibilities of dispersed reinforcement for structural concreteMichniak, Radomír January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on polypropylene fibres, their properties, availability, pitfalls associated with the use in practice. In the experimental part are the results of testing specimens with dispersed reinforcement fibers in varying proportions and their comparison.
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Ocelové konstrukce objektů kotelny a strojovny / Steel structures of boiler and engine roomsKrompolc, František January 2014 (has links)
A steel construction, divided into two parts, was designed for the building object of a production block of a bio power plant. The two parts separate the boiler room and the engine room. Due to the specific load caused by the operation equipment, also several plateaus, consoles, footbridges and technological constructions were designed. A system of principal pillars HEB, transversely frame-connected with plane solid girders IPE, forms the hall construction. Pillars in rows 1 and 4 are rigidly jointed to foundations. A bearing structure of the roof deck is imposed on the girders. It is composed of a system of purlins – rolled profiles type UPE. The rigidity of the roof is secured by horizontal bracing between the purlins. The construction of the boiler room is attached to the construction of the engine room, which is formed of frame-connected principal pillars HEB in rows 4,7 and 8. The roof truss IPE is designed for 12 900 mm span between rows 4 and 7 and for 4 800 mm between rows 7 and 8. The spatial rigidity of the structure is not only secured by the rigid connection of pillars and foundation combined with the frame-connected roof rungs. It is mainly maintained thanks to the system of vertical wall bracings interacting with the horizontal bracing of the roof. Between the pillar rows B, C, D, E, F and G and 8 to 9 a construction of a substation is attached. In the engine room is situated technological structure. The construction is formed by supporting frames consisting of pillars type HEA, rungs type IPE and HEA and vertical bracing of rolled profiles. Pillars type HEA are connected to foundation using articulated connection. The rigidity of the structure is secured both ways by vertical bracing and by the connection of the plateau beams with the hall girders.
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Zajištění stavební jámy a založení objektu CARLA Brno / Securing of Foundation Pit CARLA in BrnoNovák, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the master’s thesis is the statically compliant and economical design of the ensuring of foundation pit for building Carla Brno. The calculation part will be solved through program GEO5. The part of this thesis is also to describe the technological process of implementing elements and the relevant project documentation.
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Ocelová konstrukce hangáru / The Steel Structure of a HangarRůžičková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to take into consideration the design and the steel structure assessment of the hangar for small propeller aircraft type Cessna. The platform dimensions are 40,0 by 60,0 metres. Headroom is around 10,0 metres. The object’s location is in Brno. The main structural material is steel S355J2. There are two initial geometric alternatives, in other words structural modifications of desired solution. These are spatial truss arc tie beam and garland tie beam. The two alternatives were tentatively designed according to their dimensions and the main supporting elements of both alternatives were also assessed and considered. The alternatives were finally evaluated and one option was selected for detailed processing. In turn of the chosen option, there had been drawing of detailed analysis of the main load bearing parts of the construction with joints and some other details included. Furthermore there is drawing documentation and supervisor’s technical report attached. The valid standards CSN EN were used in processing of this dissertation.
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Ocelová konstrukce víceúčelové sportovní haly / Steel structure of a multi-functional sports hallValentová, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is to design the steel structure of the multipurpose sport hall in Pardubice. The platform dimensions are 50,0 m x 60,0 m. Headroom of the structure is +12,347 m and the total height is +15,026 m. The main frame is created by column on one side and by the spatial truss arc beam.This main frame was chosen duet the evaluation of preliminary design of two variants. The static calculation of main load-bearing elements including joints and specific details was made for the selected option. The technical report and drawings specified by the supervisor. For design of the structure were used valid standards ČSN EN.
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Most na silnici I/11 / Bridge on the I/11 roadJedlička, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is to design a concrete road bridge over a Neborůvka stream and surrounding valley. This bridge is a part of I/11 road. Three preliminary designs with focus on girder bridge solution were made. As a most suitable variant was chosen two gilder beams variant. For this variant was made a static calculation concerning TDA. This design was made according EC. As a construction method was chosen classic construction with falsework. Design was made in Midas Civil and Dlubal RFEM calculation software. As a next step a drawing documentation was made as well as construction time plan and bridge visualization.
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Návrh mostní konstrukce v Blansku / Design of the bridge in the town BlanskoPoukar, Kryštof January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the proposal of a single box girder bridge of three spans in the town Blansko. It bridges the river Svitava and the main railway Praha - Brno. The calculations were carried out by hand, the model was created in the Scia Engineer programme. The thesis also describes the solving of a complicated phased construction with the necessity of turning the bridge into the final position. The construction is considered by Eurocodes.
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Nosná konstrukce rodinného domu / Load-bearing structure of the family houseKabrhelová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
Master's thesis is focused on the design and assessment of load-bearing structure of the family house. Model reinforced concrete structure is created in RFEM. Elements of reinforced concrete are Assessed in accordance with EN 1992-1-1. Excepting static calculation is part of documentation the technical report and drawings shape and reinforcement.
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