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Study of Stepped Impedance Resonator on Microwave Filter ComponentsChang, Yu-Chi 24 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation divides into three parts: (a) design and research of asymmetric stepped impedance resonator (SIR); (b) design and fabrication of dual-band and ultra-wide band (UWB) bandpass filters (BPFs) and (c) design and fabrication of millimeter wave filters. (a)design and research of asymmetric stepped impedance resonator. In the first part of the dissertation, we propose an asymmetric SIR, and the effect of electrical length ratio and impedance ratio on the performance of frequency has been discussed in detail. The insertion loss and spurious can be controlled by the structural parameters of asymmetric SIR which decreases the length of resonator effectively and achieves the reduction of whole size. Additionally, this characterization of the asymmetric SIR can be extensively applied on the interconnection of RFIC. (b) design and fabrication of dual-band and ultra-wide band (UWB) filters. In the second part of the dissertation, we propose dual-band and UWB BPFs by using asymmetric SIRs. The designed dual-band BPF is conformed to the standard of wireless local area network (WLAN), and the designed UWB BPF is conformed to the standard that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defined. The structural parameters of asymmetric SIR can be adjusted accurately by the theoretical equations we calculated. Then, the ideal performance can be achieved. (c) design and fabrication of millimeter wave filters. In the third part of the dissertation, we propose the design of millimeter wave filters fabricated by the standard of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS). Asymmetric SIRs are used to design the microwave filter to estimate that the feasibility of system on chip (SoC). Finally, some suggestions are made in the future work on technology for system on chip (SoC).
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New multi-standard dual-wideband and quad-wideband asymmetric step impedance resonator filters with wide stop band restrictionAl-Yasir, Yasir I.A., Tu, Yuxiang X., Ojaroudi Parchin, Naser, Abdulkhaleq, Ahmed M., Kosha , Jamal S.M., Ullah, Atta, Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Noras, James M. 28 September 2023 (has links)
Yes / New multi-standard wide band filters with compact sizes are designed for wireless communication devices. The proposed structures realize dual-wideband and quad-wideband characteristics by using a new skew-symmetrical coupled pair of asymmetric stepped impedance resonators, combined with other structures. The first and second dual-wideband filters realize fractional bandwidths (FBW) of 43.2%/31.9% at the central frequencies (CF) of 1.875/1.63 GHz, and second bandwidths of 580 MHz/1.75 GHz at CF of 5.52/4.46 GHz, respectively. The proposed quad-band filter realizes its first/second/third/fourth pass bands at CF 2.13/5.25/7.685/9.31 GHz with FBW of 46.0%/11.4%/4.6%and 5.4%, respectively. The wide pass bands are attributed to the mutual coupling of the modified ASIR resonators and their bandwidths are controllable by tuning relative parameters while the wide stop band performance is optimized by the novel interdigital cross coupled line structure and parallel uncoupled microstrip line structure. Moreover, the quad band is generated by introducing the novel defected rectangle structure. These multi-standard filters are simulated, fabricated and measured, and measured results agree well with both simulated results and theory predictions. The good in-band and out-of-band performances, the miniaturized sizes and simple structures of the proposed filters make them very promising for applications in future multi-standard wireless communication. / Horizon 2020 Framework Programme(European Union), Grant/Award Number:H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 SECRET-722 424
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Design, modelling and implementation of several multi-standard high performance single-wideband and multi-wideband microwave planar filtersTu, Yuxiang X. January 2016 (has links)
The objectives of this work are to review, investigate and model the microwave planar filters of the modern wireless communication system. The recent main stream of microwave filters are classified and discussed separately. Various microwave filters with detailed applications are investigated in terms of their geometrical structures and operational performances. A comprehensive theoretical study of microwave filters is presented. The main types of microwave filters including the basic low-pass filters such as Butterworth and Chebyshev filters are fully analysed and described in detail. The transformation from low-pass prototype filters to high-pass filters, band-pass filters and band-stop filters are illustrated and introduced. Research work on stepped impedance resonator (SIR) and asymmetric stepped impedance resonator (ASIR) structure is presented. The characteristics of λg/4, λg/2 and λg (λg is the guided wavelength of the fundamental frequency in the free space) type SIR resonators, and the characteristic of asymmetric SIR resonator are categorized and investigated. Based on the content mentioned above, novel multi-standard high performance asymmetric stepped impedance resonator single-wideband and dual-wideband filters with wide stopbands are proposed. The methodologies to realize wide passband and wide stop-band filters are detailed. In addition, multi-standard high performance triplewideband, quadruple-wideband and quint-wideband filters are suggested and studied. The measurement results for all prototype filters agree well with the theoretical predictions and simulated results from Ansoft HFSS software. The featured broad bandwidths over single/multiple applicable frequency bands and the high performances of the proposed filters make them very promising for applications in future multistandard wireless communication.
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Design, Modelling and Implementation of Several Multi-Standard High Performance Single-Wideband and Multi-Wideband Microwave Planar FiltersTu, Yuxiang X. January 2016 (has links)
The objectives of this work are to review, investigate and model the microwave planar filters of the modern wireless communication system. The recent main stream of microwave filters are classified and discussed separately. Various microwave filters with detailed applications are investigated in terms of their geometrical structures and operational performances. A comprehensive theoretical study of microwave filters is presented. The main types of microwave filters including the basic low-pass filters such as Butterworth and Chebyshev filters are fully analysed and described in detail. The transformation from low-pass prototype filters to high-pass filters, band-pass filters and band-stop filters are illustrated and introduced. Research work on stepped impedance resonator (SIR) and asymmetric stepped impedance resonator (ASIR) structure is presented. The characteristics of λg/4, λg/2 and λg (λg is the guided wavelength of the fundamental frequency in the free space) type SIR resonators, and the characteristic of asymmetric SIR resonator are categorized and investigated. Based on the content mentioned above, novel multi-standard high performance asymmetric stepped impedance resonator single-wideband and dual-wideband filters with wide stopbands are proposed. The methodologies to realize wide passband and wide stop-band filters are detailed. In addition, multi-standard high performance triplewideband, quadruple-wideband and quint-wideband filters are suggested and studied. The measurement results for all prototype filters agree well with the theoretical predictions and simulated results from Ansoft HFSS software. The featured broad bandwidths over single/multiple applicable frequency bands and the high performances of the proposed filters make them very promising for applications in future multistandard wireless communication.
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New Wide-Band Capacitive Filter Structures in Rectangular Waveguide Technology With Enhanced Out-of-Band ResponseValencia Sullca, Joaquín Francisco 17 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental desarrollar nuevas estructuras capacitivas de filtrado en guía de ondas rectangular que sean capaces de proporcionar mayores ancho de banda en la banda de paso y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar la respuesta fuera de banda. Estas nuevas estructuras guiadas han sido pensadas para ofrecer nuevas soluciones tecnológicas para los filtros de microondas de alta frecuencia, con una variedad de diferentes funciones de transferencia, abordando específicamente las necesidades de los futuros sistemas de telecomunicaciones para aplicaciones terrestres y espaciales.
En este contexto, por lo tanto, discutimos en este documento el estudio, diseño y fabricación de varios tipos de filtros de microondas en guía de ondas rectangular que muestran una mejora significativa con respecto al estado del arte. Las soluciones que discutimos se obtienen introduciendo modificaciones simples en la estructura de los filtros de microondas clásicos. Varias técnicas que emplean iris híbridos, resonadores con salto de impedancia, configuración en escalera y uniones T en plano E con conexiones en cortocircuito o manifold, se utilizan con éxito para cumplir con las exigentes especificaciones de los futuros sistemas para aplicaciones terrestres y espaciales. Además, un desafío actual adicional al que se enfrentan todos los diseñadores de equipos y componentes de microondas es la necesidad de reducir tanto su tamaño físico como su masa (o peso). Para abordar este problema, discutimos en este documento el uso de aperturas resonantes en guías de ondas rectangulares, presentando una nueva familia de filtros que se pueden usar para implementar funciones complejas de transferencia de banda única y banda doble con una reducción significativa de tamaño y masa.
En los siguientes capítulos de esta tesis doctoral, cada tema se analiza en detalle, incluyendo las formulaciones teóricas básicas, los procedimientos de diseño, los resultados de las simulaciones electromagnéticas de onda completa, las consideraciones de fabricación y el rendimiento medido de una serie de prototipos. En todos los casos se ha encontrado una excelente concordancia entre las mediciones y las simulaciones realizadas, validando así completamente tanto las estructuras novedosas propuestas como sus procedimientos de diseño. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental el desenvolupament de noves estructures capacitives de filtrat en guia d'ones rectangular que siguen capaços de proporcionar major ample de banda en la banda de pas i millorar, al mateix temps, la resposta fora de banda. Aquestes noves estructures guiades han sigut pensades per a oferir noves solucions tecnològiques per a filtres de microones d'alta freqüència, amb una varietat de diferents funcions de transferència, abordant específicament les necessitats dels futurs sistemes de telecomunicacions per a aplicacions terrestres i espacials.
En aquest context, per tant, discutim en aquest document l'estudi, disseny i fabricació de diversos tipus de filtres de microones en guia d'ones rectangular que mostren una millora significativa respecte a l'estat de l'art. Les solucions que discutim s'obtenen introduint modificacions simples en l'estructura dels filtres de microones clàssics. Diverses tècniques que fan ús d'iris híbrids, ressonadors amb salt d'impedància, configuració en escala i unions T en plànol E amb connexions en curtcircuit o col·lector, s'utilitzen amb èxit per a complir amb les exigents especificacions dels sistemes futurs per a aplicacions terrestres i espacials. A més, un desafiament actual addicional al qual s'enfronten tots els dissenyadors d'equips i components de microones és la necessitat de reduir tant la seua grandària física com la seua massa (o pes). Per a abordar aquest problema, discutim en aquest document l'ús d'obertures ressonants en guies d'ones rectangulars, presentant una nova família de filtres que es poden usar per a implementar funcions complexes de transferència de banda única i doble banda amb una reducció significativa de grandària i massa.
En els següents capítols d'aquesta tesi doctoral, cada tema s'analitza detalladament, incloent les formulacions teòriques bàsiques, els procediments de disseny, els resultats de les simulacions electromagnètiques d'ona completa, les consideracions de fabricació i el rendiment mesurat d'una sèrie de prototips. En tots els casos s'ha trobat una excel·lent concordança entre el mesurament i les simulacions realitzades, validant així completament tant les estructures noves propostes com els seus procediments de disseny. / [EN] The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the development of new capacitive filtering structures in rectangular waveguide that are able to provide wide bandwidths in the pass-band and improve, at the same time, the out-of-band response. These new guided structures have been developed in order to offer new technological solutions for high-frequency microwave filters, with a variety of different transfer functions, addressing specifically the needs of future telecommunication systems for both ground and space applications.
In this context, therefore, we discuss in this document the study, design and manufacture of several types of microwave filter in rectangular waveguide that show a significant improvement with respect to the state-of-the-art. The new solutions that we propose are obtained by introducing simple modifications in the structure of classic microwave filters. Several techniques based on hybrid irises, stepped impedance resonators, staircase configuration and E-plane T-junctions with shorted stubs or manifold connections, are successfully used in order to meet the very demanding specifications of future systems for both ground and space applications. Furthermore, an additional current challenge faced by all designers of microwave components is the need to reduce both their physical size and mass (or weight). To address this issue, we discuss in this document the use of resonant apertures in rectangular waveguide, introducing a new family of filters which can be used to implement complex single and dual-band transfer functions with significant size and mass reduction.
In the following chapters of this doctoral thesis, each subject is discussed in detail including the basic theoretical formulations, design procedures, the results of full-wave electromagnetic simulations, manufacturing considerations, and the measured performance of a number of prototypes. Excellent agreement is found in all cases between measurement and simulations, thereby fully validating both the novel structures discussed and their design procedures. / Valencia Sullca, JF. (2021). New Wide-Band Capacitive Filter Structures in Rectangular Waveguide Technology With Enhanced Out-of-Band Response [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180198
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