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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations / Équations aux dérivées partielles stochastiques paraboliques dégénérées

Hofmanová, Martina 05 July 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on considère des problèmes issus de l'analyse d'EDP stochastiques paraboliques non-dégénérées et dégénérées, de lois de conservation hyperboliques stochastiques, et d'EDS avec coefficients continus. Dans une première partie, on s'intéresse à des EDPS paraboliques dégénérées- on adapte les notions de formulation et de solutions cinétiques, puis on établit l'existence, l'unicité ainsi que la dépendance continu en la condition initiale. Comme résultat préliminaire, on obtient la régularité des solutions dans le cas non-dégénéré, sous l'hypothèse que les coefficients sont suffisamment réguliers et ont des dérivées bornées. Dans une deuxième partie, on considère des lois de conservation hyperboliques avec un forçage stochastique, et on étudie leur approximation au sens de Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook. En particulier, on décrit les lois de conservation comme limites hydrodynamiques du modèle BGK stochastique lorsque le paramètre d'échelle microscopique tend vers 0. Dans une troisième partie, on donne une preuve nouvelle et élémentaire du théorème classique de Skorokhod, concernant l'existence de solutions faibles d'EDS à coefficients continus, sous une condition de type Lyapunov appropriée. / In this thesis, we address several problems arising in the study of nondegenerate and degenerate parabolic SPDEs, stochastic hyperbolic conservation laws and SDEs with continues coefficients. In the first part, we are interested in degenerate parabolic SPDEs, adapt the notion of kinetic formulation and kinetic solution and establish existence, uniqueness as well as continuous dependence on initial data. As a preliminary result we obtain regularity of solutions in the nondegenerate case under the hypothesis that all the coefficients are sufficiently smooth and have bounded derivatives. In the second part, we consider hyperbolic conservation laws with stochastic forcing and study their approximations in the sense of Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook. In particular, we describe the conservation laws as a hydrodynamic limit of the stochastic BGK model as the microscopic scale vanishes. In the last part, we provide a new and fairly elementary proof of Skorkhod's classical theorem on existence of weak solutions to SDEs with continuous coefficients satisfying a suitable Lyapunov condition.

Computação bayesiana aproximada: aplicações em modelos de dinâmica populacional / Approximate Bayesian Computation: applications in population dynamics models

Martins, Maria Cristina 29 September 2017 (has links)
Processos estocásticos complexos são muitas vezes utilizados em modelagem, com o intuito de capturar uma maior proporção das principais características dos sistemas biológicos. A descrição do comportamento desses sistemas tem sido realizada por muitos amostradores baseados na distribuição a posteriori de Monte Carlo. Modelos probabilísticos que descrevem esses processos podem levar a funções de verossimilhança computacionalmente intratáveis, impossibilitando a utilização de métodos de inferência estatística clássicos e os baseados em amostragem por meio de MCMC. A Computação Bayesiana Aproximada (ABC) é considerada um novo método de inferência com base em estatísticas de resumo, ou seja, valores calculados a partir do conjunto de dados (média, moda, variância, etc.). Essa metodologia combina muitas das vantagens da eficiência computacional de processos baseados em estatísticas de resumo com inferência estatística bayesiana uma vez que, funciona bem para pequenas amostras e possibilita incorporar informações passadas em um parâmetro e formar uma priori para análise futura. Nesse trabalho foi realizada uma comparação entre os métodos de estimação, clássico, bayesiano e ABC, para estudos de simulação de modelos simples e para análise de dados de dinâmica populacional. Foram implementadas no software R as distâncias modular e do máximo como alternativas de função distância a serem utilizadas no ABC, além do algoritmo ABC de rejeição para equações diferenciais estocásticas. Foi proposto sua utilização para a resolução de problemas envolvendo modelos de interação populacional. Os estudos de simulação mostraram melhores resultados quando utilizadas as distâncias euclidianas e do máximo juntamente com distribuições a priori informativas. Para os sistemas dinâmicos, a estimação por meio do ABC apresentou resultados mais próximos dos verdadeiros bem como menores discrepâncias, podendo assim ser utilizado como um método alternativo de estimação. / Complex stochastic processes are often used in modeling in order to capture a greater proportion of the main features of natural systems. The description of the behavior of these systems has been made by many Monte Carlo based samplers of the posterior distribution. Probabilistic models describing these processes can lead to computationally intractable likelihood functions, precluding the use of classical statistical inference methods and those based on sampling by MCMC. The Approxi- mate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is considered a new method for inference based on summary statistics, that is, calculated values from the data set (mean, mode, variance, etc.). This methodology combines many of the advantages of computatio- nal efficiency of processes based on summary statistics with the Bayesian statistical inference since, it works well for small samples and it makes possible to incorporate past information in a parameter and form a prior distribution for future analysis. In this work a comparison between, classical, Bayesian and ABC, estimation methods was made for simulation studies considering simple models and for data analysis of population dynamics. It was implemented in the R software the modular and maxi- mum as alternative distances function to be used in the ABC, besides the rejection ABC algorithm for stochastic differential equations. It was proposed to use it to solve problems involving models of population interaction. The simulation studies showed better results when using the Euclidean and maximum distances together with informative prior distributions. For the dynamic systems, the ABC estimation presented results closer to the real ones as well as smaller discrepancies and could thus be used as an alternative estimation method.

Stochastic optimal impulse control of jump diffusions with application to exchange rate

Unknown Date (has links)
We generalize the theory of stochastic impulse control of jump diffusions introduced by Oksendal and Sulem (2004) with milder assumptions. In particular, we assume that the original process is affected by the interventions. We also generalize the optimal central bank intervention problem including market reaction introduced by Moreno (2007), allowing the exchange rate dynamic to follow a jump diffusion process. We furthermore generalize the approximation theory of stochastic impulse control problems by a sequence of iterated optimal stopping problems which is also introduced in Oksendal and Sulem (2004). We develop new results which allow us to reduce a given impulse control problem to a sequence of iterated optimal stopping problems even though the original process is affected by interventions. / by Sandun C. Perera. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Controle de sistemas não-Markovianos / Control of non-Markovian systems

Souza, Francys Andrews de 13 September 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese, apresentamos uma metodologia concreta para calcular os controles -ótimos para sistemas estocásticos não-Markovianos. A análise trajetória a trajetória e o uso da estrutura de discretização proposta por Leão e Ohashi [36] conjuntamente com argumentos de seleção mensuráveis, nos forneceu uma estrutura para transformar um problema infinito dimensional para um finito dimensional. Desta forma, garantimos uma descrição concreta para uma classe bastante geral de problemas. / In this thesis, we present a concrete methodology to calculate the -optimal controls for non-Markovian stochastic systems. A pathwise analysis and the use of the discretization structure proposed by Leão and Ohashi [36] jointly with measurable selection arguments, allows us a structure to transform an infinite dimensional problem into a finite dimensional. In this way, we guarantee a concrete description for a rather general class of stochastic problems.

Analyzing and Solving Non-Linear Stochastic Dynamic Models on Non-Periodic Discrete Time Domains

Cheng, Gang 01 May 2013 (has links)
Stochastic dynamic programming is a recursive method for solving sequential or multistage decision problems. It helps economists and mathematicians construct and solve a huge variety of sequential decision making problems in stochastic cases. Research on stochastic dynamic programming is important and meaningful because stochastic dynamic programming reflects the behavior of the decision maker without risk aversion; i.e., decision making under uncertainty. In the solution process, it is extremely difficult to represent the existing or future state precisely since uncertainty is a state of having limited knowledge. Indeed, compared to the deterministic case, which is decision making under certainty, the stochastic case is more realistic and gives more accurate results because the majority of problems in reality inevitably have many unknown parameters. In addition, time scale calculus theory is applicable to any field in which a dynamic process can be described with discrete or continuous models. Many stochastic dynamic models are discrete or continuous, so the results of time scale calculus are directly applicable to them as well. The aim of this thesis is to introduce a general form of a stochastic dynamic sequence problem on complex discrete time domains and to find the optimal sequence which maximizes the sequence problem.

Charge Transfer in Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA): Static Disorder, Dynamic Fluctuations and Complex Kinetic.

Edirisinghe Pathirannehelage, Neranjan S 07 January 2011 (has links)
The fact that loosely bonded DNA bases could tolerate large structural fluctuations, form a dissipative environment for a charge traveling through the DNA. Nonlinear stochastic nature of structural fluctuations facilitates rich charge dynamics in DNA. We study the complex charge dynamics by solving a nonlinear, stochastic, coupled system of differential equations. Charge transfer between donor and acceptor in DNA occurs via different mechanisms depending on the distance between donor and acceptor. It changes from tunneling regime to a polaron assisted hopping regime depending on the donor-acceptor separation. Also we found that charge transport strongly depends on the feasibility of polaron formation. Hence it has complex dependence on temperature and charge-vibrations coupling strength. Mismatched base pairs, such as different conformations of the G・A mispair, cause only minor structural changes in the host DNA molecule, thereby making mispair recognition an arduous task. Electron transport in DNA that depends strongly on the hopping transfer integrals between the nearest base pairs, which in turn are affected by the presence of a mispair, might be an attractive approach in this regard. I report here on our investigations, via the I –V characteristics, of the effect of a mispair on the electrical properties of homogeneous and generic DNA molecules. The I –V characteristics of DNA were studied numerically within the double-stranded tight-binding model. The parameters of the tight-binding model, such as the transfer integrals and on-site energies, are determined from first-principles calculations. The changes in electrical current through the DNA chain due to the presence of a mispair depend on the conformation of the G・A mispair and are appreciable for DNA consisting of up to 90 base pairs. For homogeneous DNA sequences the current through DNA is suppressed and the strongest suppression is realized for the G(anti)・A(syn) conformation of the G・A mispair. For inhomogeneous (generic) DNA molecules, the mispair result can be either suppression or an enhancement of the current, depending on the type of mispairs and actual DNA sequence.

Degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Hofmanová, Martina 05 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we address several problems arising in the study of nondegenerate and degenerate parabolic SPDEs, stochastic hyperbolic conservation laws and SDEs with continues coefficients. In the first part, we are interested in degenerate parabolic SPDEs, adapt the notion of kinetic formulation and kinetic solution and establish existence, uniqueness as well as continuous dependence on initial data. As a preliminary result we obtain regularity of solutions in the nondegenerate case under the hypothesis that all the coefficients are sufficiently smooth and have bounded derivatives. In the second part, we consider hyperbolic conservation laws with stochastic forcing and study their approximations in the sense of Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook. In particular, we describe the conservation laws as a hydrodynamic limit of the stochastic BGK model as the microscopic scale vanishes. In the last part, we provide a new and fairly elementary proof of Skorkhod's classical theorem on existence of weak solutions to SDEs with continuous coefficients satisfying a suitable Lyapunov condition.

Stochastic perturbation theory and its application to complex biological networks -- a quantification of systematic features of biological networks

Li, Yao 08 July 2012 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis is to make a quantitative study of complex biological networks. Our fundamental motivation is to obtain the statistical dependency between modules by injecting external noise. To accomplish this, a deep study of stochastic dynamical systems would be essential. The first chapter is about the stochastic dynamical system theory. The classical estimation of invariant measures of Fokker-Planck equations is improved by the level set method. Further, we develop a discrete Fokker-Planck-type equation to study the discrete stochastic dynamical systems. In the second part, we quantify systematic measures including degeneracy, complexity and robustness. We also provide a series of results on their properties and the connection between them. Then we apply our theory to the JAK-STAT signaling pathway network.

A contribution to population dynamics in space

Sarafoglou, Nikias January 1987 (has links)
Population models are very often used and considered useful in the policy-making process and for planning purposes. In this research I have tried to illuminate the problem of analysing population evolution in space by using three models which cover a wide spectrum of complementary methodologies: a The Hotell.ing-Puu model b A multiregional demographic model c A synergetic model Hotelling's work and Puu's later generalization have produced theoretical continuous models treating population growth and dispersal in a combined logistic growth and diffusion equation. The multiregional model is a discrete model based on the Markovian assumption which simulates the population evolution disaggregated by age and region. It is further assumed that this population is governed by a given pattern of growth and interregional mobility. The synergetic model is also a discrete model based on the Markovian assumption incorporating a probabilistic framework with causal structure. The quantitative description of the population dynamics is treated in terms of trend parameters, which are correlated in turn with demo-economic factors. / <p>Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1988</p> / Digitalisering@umu

On probability distributions of diffusions and financial models with non-globally smooth coefficients

De Marco, Stefano 23 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Some recent works in the field of mathematical finance have brought new light on the importance of studying the regularity and the tail asymptotics of distributions for certain classes of diffusions with non-globally smooth coefficients. In this Ph.D. dissertation we deal with some issues in this framework. In a first part, we study the existence, smoothness and space asymptotics of densities for the solutions of stochastic differential equations assuming only local conditions on the coefficients of the equation. Our analysis is based on Malliavin calculus tools and on " tube estimates " for Ito processes, namely estimates for the probability that the trajectory of an Ito process remains close to a deterministic curve. We obtain significant estimates of densities and distribution functions in general classes of option pricing models, including generalisations of CIR and CEV processes and Local-Stochastic Volatility models. In the latter case, the estimates we derive have an impact on the moment explosion of the underlying price and, consequently, on the large-strike behaviour of the implied volatility. Parametric implied volatility modeling, in its turn, makes the object of the second part. In particular, we focus on J. Gatheral's SVI model, first proposing an effective quasi-explicit calibration procedure and displaying its performances on market data. Then, we analyse the capability of SVI to generate efficient approximations of symmetric smiles, building an explicit time-dependent parameterization. We provide and test the numerical application to the Heston model (without and with displacement), for which we generate semi-closed expressions of the smile

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