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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In-Situ Geotechnical Characterization of Soft Estuarine Surficial Sediments Using a Portable Free Fall Penetrometer

Kiptoo, Dennis Kipngetich 02 July 2020 (has links)
Knowledge of geotechnical soil properties in the upper meter of the seabed is important for challenges such as scour around submerged structures, management of unexploded ordnances, and generally issues associated with active sediment transport and deposition. Portable free fall penetrometers have been previously used to provide initial information on sediment type, strength, and stratification, but challenges with the calibration of empirical parameters such as the cone factor and strain rate factor hampered the derivation of geotechnical design parameters such as undrained shear strength. This challenge applies particularly in areas of more rare seabed soil conditions such as very soft estuarine sediments. This study aims to advance the analysis procedure of portable free fall penetrometers (PFFP) in soft subaquatic fine-grained soils with natural water contents greater than the liquid limit by estimating the undrained shear strength (su). The logarithmic and power law methods for strain rate correction were investigated at sites in the York River Estuary and yielded a match to vane shear results at a logarithmic multiplier of k=0.1-0.3 and a power law rate exponent of β=0.01-0.03, indicating minimal strain rate effects. Resulting representative cone factors based on sediment strength and profile groupings ranged from 7 to 12 for logarithmic, power law, and no strain correction, and were tested at sites in the Potomac River with similar sediment properties. The PFFP su compared well with mini-vane shear measurements with differences of less than ± 0.5 kPa. Additionally, the PFFP su showed inappreciable differences in strength with or without strain rate application. Therefore, these high water content soils that exhibit little strain rate effects within a soil behavior context, can be better understood through rheological studies. Rheological studies were conducted, and the storage and loss modulus were observed to remain constant when the soil is tested over a range of frequencies. This indicates that the sediment strength is not affected by the rate of soil testing. The outcome of this study is the advanced the use of the PFFP by quantifying the strain rate effects and defining the applicable cone factors for use in estimating the undrained shear strength of soft estuarine marine soils. Furthermore, the understanding of soil behavior of these soils has been explored from rheological context. / Master of Science / Presence of unexploded munitions (UXO) in waterways and coastal environments poses a danger to the populace. UXOs located proud on the seabed can be moved by hydrodynamic forces such as waves and currents to habited areas. This has prompted the need to understand how UXOs interact with the seabed regarding erosion, burial, as well as sinking. Current methods used to detect munitions can lack accuracy from unknown seabed soil conditions. Portable free fall penetrometers (PFFP) are rapid and economical tools that are used to obtain soil information in the seabed. However, the interpretation of the penetrometer data needs to be advanced to get more accurate results of soil strength. In this research, physical soil samples were retrieved and tested in the laboratory. The laboratory results were used to calibrate the PFFP to improve the estimation of soil strength from PFFP. The estuarine soil tested exhibited high water contents raising the question of whether to describe its behavior rather as soil or suspension. Further tests were carried out to study how this soil deforms and flows when a load is applied. The results from this research enable the measuring of strength of the seabed more accurately and improves the understanding of very soft estuarine soil behavior.

Analysis of Adiabatic Shear Banding in a Thick-Walled Steel Tube by the Finite Element Method

Rattazzi, Dean J. 02 September 1996 (has links)
The initiation and propagation of adiabatic shear bands is analyzed numerically for an impulsively loaded thick-walled steel tube. A circumferential V-notch located at the outer surface of the center of the tube provides a stress concentration. The material is modeled as strain hardening, strain-rate hardening and thermal softening. The dynamic loading conditions considered are pure torsion, axial pressure combined with torsion, and internal pressure combined with torsion. Because of the stress concentration, a shear band will first initiate in an element adjoining the notch tip and propagate radially inwards through the thickness of the tube. The speed of propagation and the amount of energy required to drive a shear band through the material are calculated. The effects of the pressure preload and the depth of the notch are studied. Also, the influence of thermal softening is investigated by modeling it after a relation proposed by Zhou et al. <i>[Vita removed July 18, 2008 CK/GMc 2/2/2012]<i> / Master of Science

Finite Element Analysis of the Application of Synthetic Fiber Ropes to Reduce Blast Response of Frames

Motley, Michael Rembert 17 December 2004 (has links)
Blast resistance has recently become increasingly relevant for structural engineers. Blast loads are created by explosive devices that, upon detonation, create pressure loads that are much higher than most that a structure would ever experience. While there are many types of blast loads that are impossible to adequately prepare for, methods are presently being developed to mitigate these loads. This research investigates the possibility of using synthetic fiber ropes as a means of blast resistance. This is the third phase of a multi-stage research endeavor whose goal is to analyze Snapping-Cable Energy Dissipators (SCEDs) for reducing the effects of large-scale lateral loads. Finite element models of portal frames were developed using the commercial finite element program ABAQUS and dynamic models were run for varying blasts and frame systems. Blast pressures of 100, 2,000, and 4,000 psi were applied to a steel portal frame and comparisons were made between unbraced frames and frames braced with springs of different stiffnesses. Additional tests were run to examine the effects of strain rate dependent yield on the results of the models. Parallel research is being conducted on the specific material behavior of the synthetic fiber ropes so that the models developed for this research can be revised for a more accurate determination of the effects of the ropes on structural systems subjected to blast loads. / Master of Science

Dynamic Deformation and Shear Localization in Friction-Stir Processed Al0.3CoCrFeNi and Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 High-Entropy Alloys

Macdonald, Neil 08 1900 (has links)
High entropy alloys (HEAs) are a relatively new class of solid solution alloys that contain multiple principal elements to take advantage of their high configurational entropy, sluggish diffusion, lattice distortion, and the cocktail effect. In recent development, work hardening mechanisms known as twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) and transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) have been found active in Al0.3CoCrFeNi (molar fraction) and Fe50Mn30Co10Cr10 (at %) HEA compositions. Friction-stir processing was done to increase the mechanical properties and improve the microstructure of the alloys for the purpose of high strain rate performance. Quasi-static tensile tests as well as top-hat geometry Split-Hopkinson pressure bar tests were conducted to view the mechanical properties as well as view the microstructural evolution at dynamic strain rates. Overall, the Al0.3CoCrFeNi condition after friction-stir processing and heat treatment has proved to have the best mechanical properties, and selecting from the conditions in this study, Al0.3CoCrFeNi has better shear localization resistance.

Development, metrological validation and applications of non-invasive cardiovascular exploration techniques for clinical and experimental use in canine and feline models / Mise au point, validation métrologique et applications de méthodes d'exploration cardiovasculaire non-invasives à visée expérimentale et clinique dans des modèles canins et félins

Gouni, Vassiliki 24 February 2015 (has links)
Les animaux de compagnie présentent un intérêt majeur dans les études cardiovasculaires soit comme modèles expérimentales soit comme modèles spontanées. De plus, le développement de méthodes d'exploration non invasives en médecine vétérinaire est devenu une nécessité à cause de régulations strictes concernant le bien être de l'animal. Un facteur limitant demeure l'exactitude et la fiabilité (répétabilité/reproductibilité) des techniques d'exploration pour leur utilisation répétitive chez des animaux vigiles. La mesure de la pression artérielle systémique (PA) non invasive et l'échocardiographie conventionnelle et avancée ont gagné de la place dans le domaine de recherche ; cependant, il n'existe pas de recommandations spécifiques sur la validation métrologique de méthodes quantitatives utilisées en recherche clinique ou fondamentale en médecine vétérinaire. Le présent travail a premièrement focalisé sur la validation métrologique de la mesure de la PA chez le chien et le chat en étudiant la répétabilité et la reproductibilité de la méthode Doppler (chez les deux espèces) et de la méthode oscillométrique (chez le chien) et en déterminant l'influence du niveau d'expérience de l'opérateur sur la variabilité intra- et inter-jour et le pourcentage de mesures réussies. Puis l'effet de la position de l'animal et du nombre de mesures répétées sur de variables sélectionnées d'échocardiographie bidimensionnelle (2D) et temps-mouvement (TM) a été évalué. De plus, la méthode de l'aire de la surface de l'isovélocité proximale (PISA) pour la quantification de la régurgitation mitrale (RM) ainsi que le strain (St) et strain rate (SR) dérivé du Doppler tissulaire ont été validé chez le chien par le calcul de la répétabilité et la reproductibilité des techniques. Dans un deuxième temps les techniques précédemment validées ont été appliquées chez des chiens sains, des chiens souffrant de maladie valvulaire mitrale dégénérative (MVD) spontanée et dans un modèle expérimental de myopathie centronucléaire (CNM) chez des Labradors retrievers. Toutes les études ont été réalisées à l'Unité de Cardiologie d'Alfort, à l'Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort. Pour les mesures de la PA, toutes les deux études ont montré que l'entrainement est important, notamment pour la mesure de la pression diastolique avec le Doppler, tandis que la répétabilité et reproductibilité sont bonnes pour un opérateur expérimenté. Concernant l'échocardiographie 2D et TM, la technique peut être réalisée chez des chiens couchés ou debout avec une répétabilité/reproductibilité similaire. La fraction régurgitée évaluée par la méthode PISA est une variable répétable et reproductible pour l'évaluation de la RM chez le chien souffrant de MVD. De façon similaire le St et SR peuvent être mesurés de manière fiable chez le chien vigile et leur utilisation combinée avec d'autres paramètres échocardiographiques offre une nouvelle approche à l'étude de la fonction systolique dans cette espèce et peut complémenter l'échocardiographie conventionnelle pour la mesure de la performance myocardique. L'intérêt de ces méthodes validées a été illustré dans des études avec des chiens souffrant de MVD de gravité variable et une différence significative des paramètres étudiés (PA et fraction régurgitée) a été retrouvée dépendant du stade de la maladie. Enfin dans le modèle de CNM, des altérations sous-cliniques ont été détectées et considérées comme significatives étant donnée les faible coefficients de variation de techniques utilisées. En conclusion, le présent travail a évalué la répétabilité et la reproductibilité de quelques techniques d'exploration cardiovasculaires et a démontré l'importance de la validation en les appliquant dans des circonstances cliniques. Cependant ces résultats ne sont valables que dans les conditions spécifiques utilisées dans ces études. / Small animais present a major interest in cardiovascular studies either as experimental or as spontaneous models. Additionally, the development of non-invasive exploration methods in veterinary medicine has been impeding since regulations applying to animais are getting stricter and animal welfare has been the subject of many debates recently. A limitation factor regarding noninvasive cardiovascular exploration by different methods remains the accuracy, and reliability of the different techniques, that is to say, if the methods are repeatable and reproducible, and able to be used in repeated manner in awake animais. Although non-invasive arterial blood pressure (ABP) measurement and conventional, as weil as, advanced echocardiographic techniques have gained place in the domain of veterinary research, there are no specifie guidelines on how to metrologically validate a quantitative imaging technique in veterinary medicine for use in clinical or fundamental research. The present work focused firstly on metrological validation of non-invasive ABP measurement in dogs and cats by assessment of repeatability and reproducibility of Doppler ultrasonography (DU, in both dogs and cats) and high definition oscillometry (in dogs) and by determination of the influence of the observer's level of experience on within-day and between-day variability and the percentage of successful measurements. Then, the effect of animal position and number of repeated measurements on selected 2-dimensional (20) and M-mode echocardiographic variables in heal~hy dogs was evaluated. Moreover, the proximal isoveJocity surface area (PISA) method for quantification of mitral regurgitation (MR) and the tissue Doppler-derived strain (St) and strain rate (SR) technique in the dog were validated by calculation of repeatability and reproducibility. In a second step, the previously validated techniques were applied to healthy dogs, dogs suffering from spontaneous mitral valve disease (MVD) and to an experimental model of centronudear myopathy (CNM) in labrador retrievers. A total of 7 studies were realized. Ali studies were conducted at the Cardiology Unit of Alfort, in the National Veterinary School of Alfort. For ABP measurements, bath studies showed that training is important especially for evaluation of diastolic ABP with DU, whereas repeatability and reproducibility are good for sufficiently experienced observers. Regarding transthoracic 20 and M-mode echocardiography, itcan be performed on dogs in both standing position and lateral recumbency, and the repeatability of measurements is similar. Regurgitant fraction assessed by the PISA method is a repeatable and reproducible variable for the non-invasive evaluation of MR in awake dogs with MVD. This Doppler index is reliable, and its assessment can therefore be recommended for use, in combination with evaluation of other Doppler echocardiographic variables, in longitudinal studies of mitral valve disease in dogs. SimilarJy, myocardial St and SR can be measured non-invasively and in real time from regional myocardial velocities by TOI with good repeatability and reproducibility in the awake dog. The combined use of. St and SR indices with other tissue Doppler parameter's offers a new ultrasound approach to the systolic function in this species and may complement conventional echocardiographic measure of myocardial performance. The interest of those validation methods was firstly iIIustrated in studies involving dogs suffering from MVD of differing severity, where a relevant difference of the evaluated parameters (ABP and regurgitant fraction) was found depending on the stage of the disease.

Traumatic brain injury: modeling and simulation of the brain at large deformation

Prabhu, Raj 06 August 2011 (has links)
The brain is a complex organ and its response to the mechanical loads at all strain rates has been nonlinear and inelastic in nature. Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) high strain rate compressive tests conducted on porcine brain samples showed a strain rate dependent inelastic mechanical behavior. Finite Element (FE) modeling of the SHPB setup in ABAQUS/Explicit, using a specific constitutive model (MSU TP Ver. 1.1) for the brain, showed non-uniform stress state during tissue deformation. Song et al.’s assertion of using annular samples for negating inertial effects was also tested. FE simulation results showed that the use of cylindrical or annular did not mitigate the initial hardening. Further uniaxial stress state was not maintained is either case. Experimental studies on hydration effects of the porcine brain on its mechanical response revealed two different phenomenological trends. The wet brain (~80% water wt. /wt.) showed strain rate dependency along with two unique mechanical behavior patterns at quasi-static and high strain rates. The dry brain’s (~0% water wt. /wt.) response was akin to the response of metals. The dry brain’s response also observed to be strain rate insensitivity in its elastic modulus and yield stress variations. Uncertainty analysis of the wet brain high strain rate data revealed large uncertainty bands for the sample-to-sample random variations. This large uncertainty in the brain material should be taken into in the FE modeling and design stages. FE simulations of blast loads to the human head showed that Pressure played a dominant role in causing blast-related Traumatic Brain Injury (bTBI). Further, the analysis of shock waves exposed the deleterious effect of the 3-Dimensional geometry of the skull in pinning the location of bTBI. The effects of peak negative Pressure at injury sites have been attributed to bTBI pathologies such as Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI), subdural hemorrhage and cerebral contusion.

Material characterization of viscoelastic polymeric molding compounds

Julian, Michael Robert January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Proton Irradiation on the Mechanical Properties of Fe-10Cr-4Al in Liquid Lead / Effekten av protonbestrålning på de mekaniska egenskaperna hos Fe-10Cr-4Al i flytande bly

Lapinska, Gabriela January 2023 (has links)
Among the structural materials under consideration for future lead-cooled fastreactors, special attention is paid to ferritic Fe-10Cr-4Al due to its superior corrosionand erosion protective properties, as well as its insensitivity to liquid metalembrittlement in liquid lead. This thesis gives an inside look into the radiation damageproperties of the alloy and the possible embrittlement scenarios. The samples wereirradiated with 5.5 MeV protons and then tested with a slow strain rate testing rig at375oC and 450oC. The results showed that for Fe-10Cr-4Al irradiated to a peak doseof 0.14 dpa, the total elongation to failure was reduced by 3-5%, compared to theunirradiated samples. Moreover, the mechanical properties (yield strength, ultimatetensile strength, and fracture elongation) of the irradiated samples depend stronglyon temperature. The scanning electron microscopy images show no signs of liquidmetal embrittlement. However, the brittle structures at the edges of the samples couldindicate the existence of hydrogen embrittlement. / Bland de strukturmaterial som övervägs för framtida blykylda snabba reaktorer (LFR)ägnas särskild uppmärksamhet åt ferritiska Fe-10Cr-4Al-legeringar på grund av derasöverlägsna korrosionsbeständighet och deras avsaknad av försprödning i den flytandeblymiljön. Denna avhandling ger en inblick i legeringens strålskador och möjligaförsprödningsscenarier. Proverna bestrålades med 5.5 MeV protoner och testadessedan med SSRT-testriggen vid 375oC och 450oC. Resultaten visade att för proverav Fe-10Cr-4Al bestrålat till en dos av 0.14 dpa, minskade den totala förlängningentill brott med 3-5%, jämfört med de obestrålade proverna. Dessutom uppvisar demekaniska egenskaperna (YS, UTS och brottförlängning) hos de bestrålade provernaen större temperaturinverkan. Bilder tagna med svepelektronmikroskopi (SEM)visade inga tecken på flytande metallförsprödning (LME). De spröda strukturerna vidkanterna av proverna, där protonerna implanterades, kan dock indikera förekomstenav väteförsprödning.

High Strain Rate Consolidation and Forming of Armstrong and HDH Titanium Powder and Sheet Material

Kabert, Bradley Army 08 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The high strain-rate behaviour of polymers and nanocomposites for lightweight armour applications

Hughes, Foz January 2013 (has links)
The need for efficient, lightweight armour solutions has never been so great as it is today. Increasing numbers of personnel, both military and civilian are being placed in an expanding variety of life-threatening situations, and we must recognise the responsibility to maximise their combat survivability. One way to help protect these people is to provide them with some form of armour. Advanced polymeric materials are finding an increasing range of industrial and defence applications. These materials have the potential to improve the performance of current armour systems, whilst also reducing their cost and weight. Polymers may be reinforced with the addition of nanofillers such as carbon nanotubes or graphene, to produce nanocomposites, an exciting emerging polymer technology. Nanomaterials have been shown to exhibit extraordinary strength, far higher than that of traditional armour materials. Nanocomposites have the possibility of being remarkable materials, with high strength and light weight. The work detailed in this report is an investigation into the mechanical properties of nanocomposites along with some novel blended polymer composites. Two compressive testing techniques have been used to carry out this investigation. The intermediate strain-rate Optical Drop-Weight, and the high strain-rate Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar. The latter required some significant modifications in order to optimise it for use with low-density polymers. Ultimately, nanocomposites were found to behave virtually indistinguishably from the monolithic polymer matrices. Yield strengths and energy absorption characteristics remained inside the ordinary experimental scatter. Blended composites, in which a long chain length polymer is combined with a chemically similar polymer with a shorter chain length, proved to be more interesting. Yield strengths of these novel materials were increased over that of either constituent material, although energy absorption remained low.

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