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Situace v politickém okrese Strakonice od května 1946 do února 1948 / Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948Dunovský, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Dunovský M. The Situation in the Political District of Strakonice in the Period between May 1946 and February 1948. Key Words: Strakonice, parliamentary elections in May 1946, renewed ONV Strakonice, renewed MNV Strakonice, the council of ONV Strakonice, the council of MNV Strakonice, plenum of MNV Strakonice, confiscations of private possessions, February 1948, people's militia, OAV-NF Strakonice, public purification. This thesis focuses primarily on the description of the political conditions in the area of the former political district of Strakonice between May 1946 and February 1948. Hence, the main focus lies on the topics such as the activity and agenda of ONV Strakonice and MNV Strakonice with regard to the personal and political structure of these authorities following the parliamentary elections in the spring of 1946 and the radical changes after the political coup on February 25th 1948. In this respect the thesis tracks the alterations in the distribution of political power in the region and offers a clear view of the transition from the unstable post- war democracy to the communistic dictatorship. Confiscations of private possessions based on the decisions of the responsible authorities are among other issues addressed in the thesis. In this respect the thesis covers the entire area of...
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Historie basketbalu ve Strakonicích / History of basketball in StrakoniceVaňatová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis maps the history of Basketball Club of Strakonice. It describes it's origin and further formation. In the introduction I have set the development of basketball in a global and also national context. In the second part I described basketball within it's regional form. The history is chronologically divided into consecutive periods. This work also contains rosters of player and trainers. I have also added specific archival data to support successes and failures of the team.
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Řešení revitalizace brownfields v České republice a ve Francii / Revitalization of brownfields in the Czech Republic and in FranceNOVÁKOVÁ, Blanka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about the revitalisation of a degraded, abandoned buildings which are called brownfields. The main objective is a comparison between different approaches to the solution of these areas in the Czech Republic and France. There are two case studies. One of them is a regeneration of a former textile factory in the Nord Pas de Calais region and the second one is a current textile factory in Strakonice. The thesis also contains propositions about new usage. France has more developed ideas because it has more experiences in brownfield transformations, since the seventieth years of the twentieth century. Effective instruments are public organization of land (EPF). The collaboration of the public and private sector is also useful, the completion of the legislative tools of strategic planning and indirect tax tools. The most used instrument for the regeneration of brownfields in France is ZAC. The function of this instrument is based on the preparation of the land for a new development. The Czech Republic is being concerned about this topic since the year 1989 and more intensively in 2000. A lot of brownfields are sorted out, but many of them are still there. The biggest barrier of the revitalisation of brownfields are unresolved property rights. There is a financial aid from the fonds of the Europe Union. The Czech Republic also needs a big support from the public sector.
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Ekonomická analýza společnosti DUDÁK - Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, a.s. / Economic analysis of DUDAK - Municipal Brewery Strakonice, a.s.Bartík, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This Master's Thesis evaluates development of the last city-owned brewery DUDAK - Municipal Brewery Strakonice, a.s. in the Czech Republic. Analysis of economic situation of the company takes place during 2009 - 2013. Methods of financial analysis are used for exploring the brewery. The methods are horizontal and vertical analysis, analysis of differential indicators, financial ratios and bankruptcy models. Methods of strategic analysis are used to analyse the company as well. The strategic methods are PEST analysis, Porter five forces analysis and SWOT analysis. The thesis consists of two main parts. First one is methodological and the second one is practical. The first part contains the methodology of each indicator. The second part compares results with values of the sector and interprets the results. The conclusion includes the whole picture of economic situation in DUDAK - Municipal Brewery Strakonice, a.s. and identification of key information for future development of the company.
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Design autobusové zastávky / Design of the bus stopMIKLOŠOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The master{\crq}s thesis consists of five parts. The opening part contains a brief introduction to the town of Strakonice and the local castle. The following chapters deal with the bus stop in terms of technical norms and different bus stop categorisations. In addition, the local bus station is analysed from a technical perspective. The next section is concerned with a practical solution of the bus stop design in the vicinity of the Strakonice castle. It is based on a survey conducted among the citizens of Strakonice. Then, my own technical and architectonic designs are provided. Their final versions are listed in attachment No. thirteen.
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Strakonické gymnázium v letech 1920-1948 / Grammar School in Strakonice during the years 1920-1948ZUZÁKOVÁ, Eva January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work is aimed at the Grammar School in Strakonice during the years 1920-1948 and tries to contribute to the history of education in the Southern Bohemia. The work is based on the study of expert literature and other sources from the National County Archive in Strakonice. The first part of this diploma work is concerned about the common issues of the primary and secondary education development in stated period,whereas the main aim is put on the education in the Southern Bohemia and the district of Strakonice. The second and main part of the work is focused on the origin of the City Grammar School in Strakonice in 1920, its transformation into state school and its development till 1948. Other topics are the relationship of the school and the city of Strakonice, the schedule of the school year or the school finances. The analysis of the school targets mainly students. It is concerned not only about their numbers, but also about their religion, grades and aboveall about their place of origin on which basis is measured the accessibility and signification of the Grammar School for the local inhabitants. At last but not at the least this work explores the social backround of students with focus on their parents jobs. Final part contains also information about Grammar School teachers.
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Počátky muzejnictví ve Strakonicích, v Písku a ve Vodňanech / Starting time of the administration of museums in Strakonice, Písek and VodňanyJIRSOVÁ, Blanka January 2008 (has links)
My graduation theses devotes to a demonstration of the museum revolution in three South Bohemian cities. It concerns the beginnings of the museum in Strakonice, Písek and Vodňany. It surveys their foundation and progression from the 80s of the 19th century till the 30s of the 20th century. It monitors the foundations of the museum associations, trustees and commissions; organization of the collection of the museum material and the resulting installation of the museum collections and their opening to public. The identical elements discovering by their starts conform to characteristic traits, that are typically for bohemia administration of museums generally. In them belongs the majority interest of the intelligence and rich people at the foundation of the museum. Reciprocal influence and interworking are conspicuous among nominative museums and a gradually incursion of the women in the sphere of the public life is unnoticac, and all in the bohemian administration of museums. The differences then infer a progession of the nascent bohemian administration of museums and advert to its advances and new inspiration elements.
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Četnictvo za dob našich prababiček a pradědů / The Gendrarmerie in the Time of our Grandmothers and GrandfathersHADRAVA, Martin January 2007 (has links)
My diploma work named {\clqq}Četnictvo za dob našich prababiček a pradědů`` is focused in its introduction on history and progress of gendarmerie as a brach and than is focused on the conctrete duty on the gendarmery. Main sources from which my works proceeds are documents of official character. This documents came from the activities of many selected southbohemian gendarmeries and are saved in many SOkAs. The whole work have siw parts. First deals about beginning, history and progress of gendarmery. Second one is focused on gendarme, how can be enrol to gendarmerie and also on casern as a place, where he lived and worked. Third is focused on everydayness. In fourth chapter I describe gendarmerie in Cehnice and Strakonice, special part deals with outer perambulated duty. The point of the fifth chapter is gendarmeries duty and the most frequented delicts and trespasses to investigate. Last chapter I alludeto differences between gendarmeries in Cehnice and Strakonice.
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Rozvoj vybraného města s využitím metod strategického řízení / Development of the selected city using methods of strategic managementGRUZOVSKÁ, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
The principal aim of the thesis is to evaluate the current situation of selected city by the methods of strategic management and design of optimal strategy for its further development.Fractional objectives were to determine the internal state of the city, through a summary of strengths and weaknesses, and to determine the external condition by transcrabing options, as well as threats that the city can expect. Another objective was to detect groups or organizations that affect the city or the city has a contrary effect upon them. Also, the aim was to determine the point of view of city management at their strategic management of the city and to determine the point of view of residents of the city at its course and services.
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Komparace míry nezaměstnanosti venkovských obcí regionu Písek s mírou nezaměstnanosti venkovských obcí regionu Strakonice / The comparison of the level of the unemployment of the villages of the region Písek to the level of the unemployment of the villages of the StrakoniceMARTÍŠKOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with unemployment in the countryside (rural areas). Showing specific economic problems, the countryside can be considered as a specific part of the Czech Republic from this point of view. One of the most serious issues is unemployment, when unemployment in the countryside reaches higher rates than are those in towns and cities. One of possible solutions to territorial development is building industrial zones which facilitates development of entrepreneurial activities and creation of new job opportunities. The aim of the thesis is to compare unemployment rates in people living in villages in the Písek region and those living in villages in the Strakonice region with regard to the function and quality of industrial zones in both regions. I refer to the Certificate of accreditation of the industrial zone in Písek which guarantees quality and functioning of the zone.
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