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Implementace direktiv v Teplárně Strakonice, a.s.Matoušková, Petra Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Záměrem teoretické části je představit Evropské schéma obchodování s povolenkami(EU-TS), Kjótský protokol, národní alokační plán, fungování systému obchodování s povolenkami, způsoby obchodování s povolenkami na trhu, atd. V praktické části se práce zabývá navrhováním strategie nakládání s povolenkami na emise skleníkových plynů přidělených dle EU-ETS společnosti Teplárna Strakonice, a.s. na druhé obchodovací období 2008 - 2012. Obsahem praktické části je představení společnosti Teplárna Strakonice, analýza obchodovacího období 2005 - 2007 v TST, analýza klíčových faktorů obchodovacího období 2008 - 2012 a návhr strategie nakládání s povolenkami na obddobí 2008 - 2012 v TST.
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Sbírka rukopisů a starých tisků muzea ve Strakonicích / The collection of manuscripts and old prints the Museum´s in Strakonice.HATOVÁ, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This presented diploma thesis deals with a list of manuscripts and old prints stored within the library collections of the Museum in the Middle Pootaví in Strakonice. After the total research of the book collection was allocated 83 manuscripts, one incunabula and 291 titles of old prints. On the basis of these lists was executed the detailed description, parsing and analysis of manuscripts and old prints. This work is divided into five chapters. In the introductory chapter are presented the purpose of this diploma thesis and critique of the used sources and literature. In this chapter is incorporated a short passage with general informations about museums and their libraries. The second chapter briefly attends to history of the museum in Strakonice. The third part of the thesis informs about history and development of the museum library in Strakonice. The fourth chapter analyses closely the manuscripts, incunabula and old prints. The collection of old prints was subjected to the linguistic, chronological and territorial description. Then follows analysis of printers and publishers, mentions of provenance of old prints (for example ex-librises, notes in the text, stamps etc.) and books allocations into thematic groups with specific examples of prints. The final chapter contains total summary and importance of this work. The list of sources and literature, the list of the abbreviations and the list of supplements (tables, graphs and photographs) are attached to the end of diploma thesis. A component of the diploma thesis is also the commentaries to the created lists and the extensive lists of the manuscripts and old prints.
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Urbanistický vývoj města Strakonice ve dvacátém století (Se zaměřením na 1. polovinu 20. století) / The urban development of the town of Strakonice in the 20th century (With a view to the first half of the century)HÁJKOVÁ, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
The thesis brings the urban development of the town of Strakonice during the last {--} 20th century. The work is based on the written and the iconographic materials stored in the State District Archives Strakonice and in the Museum of the Middle Pootaví Strakonice. The first chapter outlines the development and the transformations of the built-up area around the junction of rivers Otava and Volyňka from the first mentions to the end of the 19th century. The original settlements around the castle, which was founded by the family of Bavor, evolved into the town during the Middle Ages. The village of Bezděkov was promoted to the town of Nové Strakonice in 1869 and this has become a part of the city of Strakonice since 1919. The second part of the work is the main part and it deals with the transformations in the first half of the 20th century. The period between 1918 and 1938 is important for the overall development of the town. The built expands beyond the former city walls the industrial enterprises establish and develop. The next chapter follows the approach of building development in the years 1948 - 1989. Many demolition and new construction, all this changed Strakonice unrecognizable. The final section is devoted to the monuments which survived the 20th century. Fate of these buildings, even those already non-existent are interconnected with the local population, therefore, the work also refers to the social and cultural life in the town. The thesis brings this period of constant changes and twists and seeks to contribute to complement the history of the town of Strakonice.
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Analýza nabídky agroturistických služeb a produktů venkovské turistiky v jižních Čechách / The Analysis of Agrotourism Services and Products of Rural Tourism in South BohemiaKOZÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse agrotourism services and products of rural tourism in Strakonice and Písek Regions. Another target is to evaluate the potential of rural tourism development in selected areas. In syntetic part of the thesis the direction of development of agrotourism services and product of rural tourism was proposed.
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Zpracování revitalizační studie vodního toku / Preparation of water course revitalization studyŠINDELÁŘ, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of ox-bow lake revitalization measures, located southwest to the city Strakonice. Due to its charakteristics, ox-bow lake represents high-value biodiversity area. Recently, due to a disturbation in the aquatic regime, this area is threatened in sediment issue. Practical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the sediment and water level research and monitoring of plant and animal species. Obtained data result in particular revitalization measures.
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Možnosti strategického rozvoje cestovního ruchu na Strakonicku / A possibilities of strategic tourism development in the area StrakoniceŠKODOVÁ, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The title of the thesis is The Possibilities of Strategic Tourism Development in the Strakonice District and it was written in the academic year 2009/2010. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the primary and secondary potential of tourism development in the Strakonice district, to suggest the possibilities of strategic tourism development and define its priorities and precautions on behalf of the executed analysis. The partial aim of the thesis is defining the examined area and its situation analysis. The other part focuses on collecting the primary (questionnaire survey) and secondary (literature, internet, magazines...) data, SWOT analysis and problem analysis. The conclusion of the thesis is dedicated to evaluating these two analyses, explaining the priorities and measures, that should increase the numbers and level of tourism in given region. Nonetheless does the conclusion of the thesis include confirming or contradicting operational hypothesis set in advance. After evaluation of recent state of sights of culturally-historical interest, natural potential, accommodation and catering facilities, traffic and supporting infrastructure, economical situation, tourism organisations and SWOT analysis, a vision for the forthcoming period of time was set. According to this vision, the Strakonice district should, thanks to its varied places of attractiveness offer, become a competitive and prospering area in terms of tourism. For reaching this state, the conclusion sets four aims, which are further concretized in respective priorities and measures. These aims, priorities and measures are based on the conceptions of tourism evolution for both Czech Republic and South Bohemian Region. The given aims include development and improvement of tourism infrastructure and services, increasing the propagation of given district, improvement of the recent state and building a new traffic infrastructure and transport services. The last aim focuses on wider interconnection of tourism subjects, which requires opening a destination management office at first place.
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Možnosti sportovního vyžití žáků mladšího školního věku ve Strakonicích / Possibilities of sports activities of younger schoolchildren in StrakoniceKastnerová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with opportunities of sport activities which primary school children have in the city Strakonice on primary schools, in Youth centre and out of these institutions. The theoretic part of the work shows us the knowledge which is related to the children in primary schools and theirs development and sport. The purpose is to establish the current offer of the sport activities and the offer in the process of ten years. The evaluation is performed on the basis of study of school educational programs, annual reports of schools and collected data are supplemented in the form of an interview with the school management. The tool for evaluating the results are graphs and the results show us how the offer has changed over the years and what sport activities are offered to the primary school children the most. The results also show us the differences that are across these institutions. KEYWORDS sport, sports activity, sports offer, primary school child, Strakonice
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Historie židovské obce na Strakonicku / Judish community in the Strakonice ragionZÁBRANSKÝ, Václav January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this material is to prove by evidence with the support of available materials the appearance of the Jewish community not only in the Strakonice region, but as well as in its surroundings, icluding smaller or volatile neighbourhoods. In the first part of this material we have been focused on the charakteristics of the Jewis settlements in the Czech regions. With that we continue following convential partition of the historical ages. Facts established characteristics and trends are than applied to the presentive localities and particular herirages. In the following part, the material is focused on the daily existence of Jewish communicity and particularly on the unique elements, having respect to the situation in Strakonice region. The content of the final part is description of the particular localities and the existings monuments.
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Analýza intenzity cestovního ruchu na Strakonicku / Analysis of tourism intensity in StrakoniceBRŮŽKOVÁ, Edita January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the intensity of tourism in Strakonice and a potential for further development. The analysis was performed first, using computer software ArcGIS and through a personal interview visitors Strakonice. Based on the findings of these analytical solutions have been proposed how to increase the attractiveness of the reference region.
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Ocenenie spoločnosti DUDÁK - Měšťanský pivovar Strakonice, a. s. / Business valuation of DUDÁK Strakonice Burgher´s BreweryKováč, Peter January 2012 (has links)
KOVÁČ, Peter: Business valuation of DUDÁK Strakonice Burgher's Brewery [Diploma thesis] / Peter Kováč. University of Economics Prague. Faculty of Finance and Accounting; Department of Finance and Business valuation. Supervisor: Ing. Pavel Svačina, Ph.D. Qualification degree: Master. Prague : FFÚ VŠE, 2013. 100 pages. This diploma thesis deals with the business valuation of DUDÁK Strakonice Burgher's Brewery. The aim of the diploma thesis is to determine the market value as of 1. 1. 2011. The company is specific in that it is the last brewery in the Czech Republic to still be owned by a town. The purpose of the diploma thesis rests in finding appropriate value for owners and lenders, which can take in the event of a sale an informational character for the seller. The valuation is independently done by DCF Entity method, Multiples method and Book value method. The work is divided into seven chapters that follow on each other and lead to the determination of the enterprise value. The author uses informational and statistical databases that contribute to the greater credibility of the entire valuation.
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