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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconfiguração de capacidades para a inovação

Tometich, Patrícia January 2014 (has links)
Com base na relação entre a literatura de capacidades dinâmicas e os estudos de inovação, argumenta-se nesse trabalho que a capacidade de inovação é sustentada pelo desenvolvimento constante das diferentes capacidades da empresa: de desenvolvimento tecnológico; de operação; de gestão e de transação. Sendo assim, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar de que forma uma decisão estratégica de mudança voltada para a inovação influencia a reconfiguração destas capacidades das empresas. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de casos em empresas dos setores moveleiro e têxtil, considerados como de baixa intensidade tecnológica. Os dois casos foram analisados separadamente e depois comparados, buscando semelhanças que ampliassem a compreensão do fenômeno da reconfiguração nas capacidades a partir de uma decisão estratégica que buscava a inovação. Os resultados sugerem que a integração entre as diferentes capacidades e a reconfiguração estratégica das capacidades substantivas explicam as inovações produzidas pelas empresas. As principais conclusões são: que há uma relação entre as capacidades de desenvolvimento e de transação; que na reconfiguração decorrente de decisões estratégicas orientadas para a inovação a capacidade predominante na empresa é a menos alterada; e que as capacidades substantivas da empresa exercem influências positivas entre si na reconfiguração dos seus recursos internos. A contribuição deste estudo está em relacionar as capacidades substantivas com as decisões estratégicas que são características das capacidades dinâmicas, operacionalizando este conceito pela junção com um modelo que explica a capacidade de inovação. A limitação da pesquisa reside na concentração em apenas um tipo de inovação. Estudos futuros que incluam a análise de decisões estratégicas que resultem em inovações tecnológicas, gerenciais e de produção podem ampliar a compreensão do fenômeno. Estudos setoriais qualitativos usando as conclusões como proposições teóricas podem possibilitar generalizar os resultados. / This research relates the literature of dynamic capabilities with the studies on innovation capability, and assumes that innovation capability is supported by the constant development of the different capabilities of the company and, therefore, seeks to identify the influence of a strategic decision focused on innovation in the process of changing enterprises´ different capabilities: technology development; operation; managerial and transactional. A multiple case study in firms of the furniture and textile industry, considered low- technologic intensity firms was conducted to reach the research goals. The two cases were analyzed separately and then compared, looking for similarities that would broaden the understanding of the phenomenon. The results suggest that the integration between the different capabilities and strategic reconfiguration of substantive capabilities explain the innovations produced by firms. The main conclusions are that there is a relationship between technology development and transaction capability, due to the reconfiguration of innovation oriented to prevailing capacity in strategic business decisions is the least influenced, and that the substantive company's capabilities exert positive influences between itself in the reconfiguration of its internal resources. The contribution of this study is to relate the substantive capabilities with the strategic decisions that are characteristics of dynamic capabilities, operationalizing this concept in combination with a model that explains innovation capability. The limitation of the research is the concentration on only one type of innovation. Future studies including the analysis of strategic decisions that result in technological, managerial and production innovations can broaden the understanding of the phenomenon. Sector studies using qualitative conclusions as theoretical propositions can enable to generalize the results.

Análise experimental da geração de alternativas em decisões estratégicas não estruturadas / Experimental analysis of option generation in strategic and ill-structured decision making

Antonio Luis Rocha Dacorso 02 February 2005 (has links)
A decisão estratégica é tipicamente não estruturada, no sentido de que não existe processo semelhante na memória da organização. Essa estruturação corresponde ao cenário exposto de forma clara, com suas questões, hipóteses e objetivos. A qualidade da decisão estratégica depende principalmente do processo e da competência daqueles que participam dela. Gerar alternativas criativas e viáveis é uma etapa fundamental do processo de tomada de decisão, responsável em grande parte pela qualidade almejada. Entretanto, as pesquisas sobre geração de alternativas têm indicado consistentemente que as pessoas não são eficientes nessa atividade. Buscando-se as explicações para esse fato surgiram lacunas na literatura que serviram de inspiração para o presente estudo. Qual a influência das heurísticas e da isolação entre as etapas convergente e divergente na geração de alternativas? Para explorar essas lacunas e conhecer o desempenho do administrador brasileiro ao gerar alternativas foi realizado um experimento com 174 alunos de cursos MBA, de 4 escolas da Grande São Paulo. O resultado desse experimento propiciou algumas conclusões interessantes como a confirmação do baixo desempenho em geração de alternativas. O desafio para preencher as lacunas observadas permanece e as hipóteses da pesquisa, relacionando as heurísticas e a isolação como fatores que influenciam o desempenho, não foram aceitas. O estudo é uma confluência da pesquisa experimental, oriunda da psicologia cognitiva da decisão, com a visão da ciência da decisão organizacional. Essa linha de pesquisa se mostrou praticamente inexplorada nos estudos em administração desenvolvidos no Brasil. / The strategic decision-making is typically non-structured because there is no similarity process in the memory of the organizations. This structural model would involve a context of elements such as questions, hypotheses and objectives exposed in a quite clear way. The quality of the strategic decision-making depends mainly on its own process and on the competence of the individuals involved. An essential part of the making decision process is to generate creative and viable options that are also responsible for the quality of the process. However, researches on option-generating procedures have consistently suggested that people are not efficient in this kind of task. The present study was inspired by the fact that the current literature lacks studies explaining the reasons why this happen. What is the influence of the heuristics and isolation strategies on the convergent and divergent phases for generating options? In order to investigate this issue and understand the performance of the Brazilian managers for generating options, an experiment was conduct in 174 individuals studying in MBA courses at 4 educational institutions in the urban city area of São Paulo. The results led to some interesting conclusions such as the confirmation of the poor performance for generating options. The challenge and the lack remain mainly because the hypotheses tested, i.e., the heuristic and isolation strategies for generating options, were not effective. The present study is a confluence of two different decision approaches: the experimental research (based on cognitive psychology) and the management science. This line of research hasn’t been explored in the management field in Brazil.

Contextual intelligence and chief executive strategic decision making in the NHS

Koh, Yi Mien January 2012 (has links)
CEO competence and development is a continuing concern in the NHS. As a key feature of any CEO leadership role is responsibility for organisationally critical decisions, and there is an increasing recognition of the role context plays in effective leadership behaviour. This study examines the role of contextual intelligence in relation to PCT CEO decision making behaviour. To do this, the research addresses four questions: a) what does the literature say about CEO contextual intelligence? b) what factors do PCT CEOs say they take into account in different decision making contexts? c) what contextual factors do they actually take into account? and d) what impact do the contextual factors have on their decision making behaviour. A systematic literature review resulted in a model of CEO contextual intelligence for CEO decision making. Semi-structured interviews with 24 PCT CEOs in a NHS region about factors influencing their decisions on generic strategies, national policies, regional strategies and local plans revealed a hierarchy among contextual factors applying to different decision strata. Semi-structured interviews and analysis of CEO diaries two months later of the same focal decisions show the real critical factors to be:- national policies themselves, the Strategic Health Authority and the decision making process, for regional strategies; and Top Management Team and structure for local plans. Altogether, the research reveals that the PCT CEO’s decision making context is rationally bounded; the relevant contextual factors differed significantly from the literature derived model; the actual factors in practice differed from what were espoused; choice of factors vary depending on decision trigger strata which links to degrees of CEO autonomy; and macro level factors which were indicated as significant from the systematic review were in fact ignored in practice. A PCT CEO model of contextual intelligence is developed together with a two dimensional model of underlying structures guiding PCT CEO decision making behaviour. The findings have implications for governance structures in the NHS, CEO decision making and senior leader development in ii the NHS in the context of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act. Areas for further research in public sector, NHS and contextual intelligence are also identified.

Essays on Crowdfunding: Exploring the Funding and Post-funding Phases and Outcomes

Fan-Osuala, Onochie 07 July 2017 (has links)
In the recent years, crowdfunding (a phenomenon where individuals collectively contribute money to back different goals and projects through the internet) has been gaining a lot of attention especially for its socio-economic impact. This dissertation explores this phenomenon in three distinct but related essays. The first essay explores the nature and dynamics of backers’ contributions and uses the insights generated to develop a forecasting model that can predict crowdfunding campaign outcomes. The second essay investigates how creators’ crowdfunding campaign design decisions impact their funding and post-funding outcomes. Interestingly, the essay highlights that certain crowdfunding campaign design decisions have differential effects on both funding and post-funding phases and this has implications for creators, backers, and crowdfunding platform owners. Finally, the third essay investigates whether creators’ post-funding relations-building efforts with backers matter and how such relations-building efforts might impact the performance of their subsequent crowdfunding campaign. In general, this dissertation not only increases our understanding of the crowdfunding phenomenon across the funding and post-funding phases, it also provides insights and tools that can help stakeholders maximize the benefits accruable to them when they engage in crowdfunding.

New product development portfolio management : a systematic literature review

Tjaturpriono, Hendro Adiarso 07 1900 (has links)
Product innovation is a key driver of any company’s growth. The biggest challenge in managing product innovation is in determining the most promising new product development (NPD) projects from the many ideas generated, known as portfolio management. In practice, NPD portfolio management still bears some problematic issues, including focusing mainly on portfolio selection rather than managing the entire process, the vague links between the process and business strategy, and a lack of formal process. Therefore, a study that looks at NPD portfolio management through different perspectives is required. NPD portfolio management deals with dynamic decision-making processes, involving not only selection decisions, but also decisions to delay, continue or even terminate projects. To understand this integrative process, a systematic literature review that explored four knowledge domains, i.e., NPD portfolio management, decision- making, strategy and organisational routines, was carried out. It involved 40 articles published from 1981-2012. The review focused on revealing how decision-making processes in NPD portfolio management are conducted and how they relate to the strategy process and organisational routines. The key findings show that decisions in the NPD portfolio management process are made through interaction between cognitive and political factors, overlooking the organisational factors in the process. Furthermore, the extant literature does not explicitly explain how to link the NPD portfolio management process to the strategy process. Also, the findings indicate that the concept of organisational routines had not been used when investigating NPD portfolio management. These are the research gaps that led to the three research questions: 1) How are organisational factors involved with the cognitive and political factors in the decision-making processes in NPD portfolio management?; 2) How do the decision-making processes in NPD portfolio management link to the business strategy?; and 3) To what extent are organisational routines related to the decision-making processes in NPD portfolio management?

Data quality assurance for strategic decision making in Abu Dhabi's public organisations

Alketbi, Omar January 2014 (has links)
Data quality is an important aspect of an organisation’s strategies for supporting decision makers in reaching the best decisions possible and consequently attaining the organisation’s objectives. In the case of public organisations, decisions ultimately concern the public and hence further diligence is required to make sure that these decisions do, for instance, preserve economic resources, maintain public health, and provide national security. The decision making process requires a wealth of information in order to achieve efficient results. Public organisations typically acquire great amounts of data generated by public services. However, the vast amount of data stored in public organisations’ databases may be one of the main reasons for inefficient decisions made by public organisations. Processing vast amounts of data and extracting accurate information are not easy tasks. Although technology helps in this respect, for example, the use of decision support systems, it is not sufficient for improving decisions to a significant level of assurance. The research proposed using data mining to improve results obtained by decision support systems. However, more considerations are needed than the mere technological aspects. The research argues that a complete data quality framework is needed in order to improve data quality and consequently the decision making process in public organisations. A series of surveys conducted in seven public organisations in Abu Dhabi Emirate of the United Arab Emirates contributed to the design of a data quality framework. The framework comprises elements found necessary to attain the quality of data reaching decision makers. The framework comprises seven elements ranging from technical to human-based found important to attain data quality in public organisations taking Abu Dhabi public organisations as the case. The interaction and integration of these elements contributes to the quality of data reaching decision makers and hence to the efficiency of decisions made by public organisations. The framework suggests that public organisations may need to adopt a methodological basis to support the decision making process. This includes more training courses and supportive bodies of the organisational units, such as decision support centres, information security and strategic management. The framework also underscores the importance of acknowledging human and cultural factors involved in the decision making process. Such factors have implications for how training and raising awareness are implemented to lead to effective methods of system development.

Reconfiguração de capacidades para a inovação

Tometich, Patrícia January 2014 (has links)
Com base na relação entre a literatura de capacidades dinâmicas e os estudos de inovação, argumenta-se nesse trabalho que a capacidade de inovação é sustentada pelo desenvolvimento constante das diferentes capacidades da empresa: de desenvolvimento tecnológico; de operação; de gestão e de transação. Sendo assim, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar de que forma uma decisão estratégica de mudança voltada para a inovação influencia a reconfiguração destas capacidades das empresas. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo de casos em empresas dos setores moveleiro e têxtil, considerados como de baixa intensidade tecnológica. Os dois casos foram analisados separadamente e depois comparados, buscando semelhanças que ampliassem a compreensão do fenômeno da reconfiguração nas capacidades a partir de uma decisão estratégica que buscava a inovação. Os resultados sugerem que a integração entre as diferentes capacidades e a reconfiguração estratégica das capacidades substantivas explicam as inovações produzidas pelas empresas. As principais conclusões são: que há uma relação entre as capacidades de desenvolvimento e de transação; que na reconfiguração decorrente de decisões estratégicas orientadas para a inovação a capacidade predominante na empresa é a menos alterada; e que as capacidades substantivas da empresa exercem influências positivas entre si na reconfiguração dos seus recursos internos. A contribuição deste estudo está em relacionar as capacidades substantivas com as decisões estratégicas que são características das capacidades dinâmicas, operacionalizando este conceito pela junção com um modelo que explica a capacidade de inovação. A limitação da pesquisa reside na concentração em apenas um tipo de inovação. Estudos futuros que incluam a análise de decisões estratégicas que resultem em inovações tecnológicas, gerenciais e de produção podem ampliar a compreensão do fenômeno. Estudos setoriais qualitativos usando as conclusões como proposições teóricas podem possibilitar generalizar os resultados. / This research relates the literature of dynamic capabilities with the studies on innovation capability, and assumes that innovation capability is supported by the constant development of the different capabilities of the company and, therefore, seeks to identify the influence of a strategic decision focused on innovation in the process of changing enterprises´ different capabilities: technology development; operation; managerial and transactional. A multiple case study in firms of the furniture and textile industry, considered low- technologic intensity firms was conducted to reach the research goals. The two cases were analyzed separately and then compared, looking for similarities that would broaden the understanding of the phenomenon. The results suggest that the integration between the different capabilities and strategic reconfiguration of substantive capabilities explain the innovations produced by firms. The main conclusions are that there is a relationship between technology development and transaction capability, due to the reconfiguration of innovation oriented to prevailing capacity in strategic business decisions is the least influenced, and that the substantive company's capabilities exert positive influences between itself in the reconfiguration of its internal resources. The contribution of this study is to relate the substantive capabilities with the strategic decisions that are characteristics of dynamic capabilities, operationalizing this concept in combination with a model that explains innovation capability. The limitation of the research is the concentration on only one type of innovation. Future studies including the analysis of strategic decisions that result in technological, managerial and production innovations can broaden the understanding of the phenomenon. Sector studies using qualitative conclusions as theoretical propositions can enable to generalize the results.

Integration of Enterprise Risk Management and Performance Measurement System towards a better strategic decision : A Study of small Swedish manufacturing companies within the tech industry.

Forsberg, Fredrik, Panici, Vicky, Jami, Hamed January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to examine and provide knowledge of how integration between enterprise risk management (ERM) t and performance measurement systems (PMS) can support the companies towards improving strategic decision-making within small Swedish manufacturing tech companies. The proceeding purpose was also to research challenges occurring when integrating enterprise risk management and performance measurement systems and further study how the challenges can be mitigated. The research questions within the study were. Methodology: In order to conduct the research, a literature review has been made in order to establish a good theoretical foundation in order to answer the research questions through an abductive approach. A qualitative method, through an exploratory approach, has been applied in order to answer the research question and the purpose of the study. Multiple case studies with interview data towards hermeneutic interviews have been selected as a strategy. The empirical data have been collected through semi-structured interviews and were provided by five respondents who work with both ERM and PMS on a daily work basis. Further, the theory and empirical data have been analyzed through cross-case synthesis and interactive spiral. Finding: The findings in this research resulted in the integration of ERM and PMS, improving strategic decisions by supporting each other's infirmity. What can be said from the findings is that ' ERM can greatly measure risk when integrating the PMS and to further help determine relevant strategic decisions. The outstanding findings regarding the challenges when integrating ERM and PMS were a large amount of data to handle and a never-ending list of potential risks. In order to mitigate the challenges regarding the integration of ERM and PMS, it is important to take into consideration the communication between the two.

Outdoorbranschen - den jordnära vägen till internationell verksamhet : En studie om internationella marknadsval

Arvnäs, Julia, Svensson, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Intresset för friluftsliv ökar markant inom Sverige. Det finns en enorm efterfrågan på svenska outdoorprodukter som är kända för sin kvalitet, design och funktionalitet -de har ett mycket gott rykte utomlands. Internationalisering blir en allt större del i outdoorföretagens verksamheter. Trots att valet av internationell marknad är ett av de mest centrala beslutenhar det gjorts förhållandevis lite forskning på området. Det är därför av betydelse att genomföra en studie med kvalitativ metodologi som på ett djupare och mer ingående sätt förklarar de svenska outdoorföretagens strategi vid internationella marknadsval. Vilken blir nästa marknad att träda in på och varför? Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur svenska outdoorföretag väljer internationella marknader. Metod Denna studie är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie där sex svenska outdoorföretag har studerats. Vidare har insamlingen av empirin genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien vidtar ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Slutsats I slutsatsen kan det konstateras att de svenska outdoorföretagen väljer ny internationell marknad genom olika strategier. Beslutsfattandeprocessen skiljer sig något företagen emellan, en del tenderar att vara med rationella i sina beslut, medan andra företag fattar beslut grundat på intuition. Studien undersöker företagens ställningstagande till det psykiska avståndet, i form av geografiska-, kulturella-, ekonomiska-och institutionella skillnader, där företagen är eniga. Det geografiska och kulturella avståndet har knappt någon betydelse förvalet av marknad medan ekonomiska- och institutionella skillnader kan vara direkt avgörande. De centrala egenskaper som har identifierats för att kunna expandera till en ny marknad är att ha ett starkt varumärke, erfarenhet och mänskligt kapital. Genom att besvara studiens frågeställningar uppfyller studien syftet att bidra med ökad förståelse för hur svenska outdoorföretag väljer nya internationella marknader. / BACKGROUND The interest in outdoor life is significantly growing in Sweden. There is a huge demand for Swedish outdoor products as they are known for their high quality, design and functionality - they have a very good reputation abroad. Internationalisation is becoming an increasingly important part of the companies’ operations. Although the international market selection is one of the most important decisions for them, little research has been done within this area. Therefore, it is important to conduct a qualitative study that explains the Swedish outdoor companies’ strategy in international market selection, in a deeper and more detailed perspective. Which market will be the next one to enter – and why? AIM The aim of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how Swedish outdoor companies select new international markets. METHODOLOGY  This study is a qualitative case study in which six Swedish outdoor companies have been studied. Furthermore, the collection of the empirical data was conducted through semi-structured interviews. The study takes a hermeneutic perspective with an abductive research approach. CONCLUSION In the conclusion it can be stated that Swedish outdoor companies choose new international markets in different ways. The decision-making process differs between the studied companies. Some tend to be more rational in their decisions, while others make decisions based on intuition. The study examines the companies’ attitude to the psychic distance, in terms of geographical, cultural, economic and institutional differences, where the companies are agreed. The geographical and cultural distance has barely any meaning for the choice of a new market, while economic and institutional differences can be decisive. The key characteristics that have been identified as crucial for the expansion into a new market, are a strong brand and brand equity, experience and human capital. By answering the research questions, the study fulfills the purpose of contributing to an increased understanding of how Swedish outdoor companies select new international markets


Sanger, Sharon 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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