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Proces vzniku hodnot: mezigenerační přenos v rodině / Process of values origin: intergenerational transmission within familySrncová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce Proces vzniku hodnot: Mezigenerační přenos v rodině se zabývá procesem přenosu hodnotových orientací na individuální úrovni. Cílem práce je zjistit, zda a za jakých podmínek dochází k přenosu hodnot mezi generacemi v kontextu socio-profesní třídy. Práce se opírá o Kohnovu hypotézu, která tvrdí, že hodnoty jsou také kromě samotného procesu socializace formovány pracovní pozicí jednotlivců. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. Teoretická část pojednává o hodnotách, samotné socializaci jedince a shrnuje také poznatky Kohnovy práce, která se zabývá zejména diferenciací hodnot na základě profesních tříd. Analytická část se opírá o data z výzkumu "Distinkce a hodnoty 2008". Pozornost je zaměřena na zkoumání výchovných hodnot (které vlastnosti by měli být v dětech doma podporovány). Analytická část se také dělí na dva základní okruhy. První je věnován analýze hodnot potomků i rodičů skrze jednotlivé profesní třídy. Druhý okruh se věnuje přenosu jednotlivých hodnotových typů mezi generacemi. Klíčová slova Hodnoty, funkce hodnot, přenos hodnot, hodnotové orientace, socializace, socializační mediátoři, Kohnova hypotéza. Annotation The thesis The process of value formation: intergenerational transmission in family deals with the transmission of value orientations on the individual level. The aim...
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Proměna ruské střední třídy v letech 1998 - 2008 / Evolution of Russian Middle Class in 1998-2008Vojtíšková, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The existence of Russian middle class is often perceived as a condition for Russia's democratization and the country's economic progress is often mentioned in connection with the growth of the middle class and henceforth increased popular demand for transparent functioning of public institutions. However economic growth does not necessarily lead to more extensive middle class, especially not when the income inequality rises as was the case of Russia in the particular period. This thesis proves that Russian middle class grew between the years 1998 and 2008, it identifies its specific features and explains its evolution from the perspective of occupation and income. The data from Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, which the thesis is based on, confirm that while the Russian middle class was growing in size, growth in inequality was also observed, especially between cities and countryside and between individual economic sectors.
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Sportování a česká společnost: zdroje rozdílů ve sportovní participaci / Sport and Czech Society: Sources of Differences in Sports ParticipationŠpaček, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The thesis examines changes in sports participation in Czech society in last decades. Sports activities are conceptualized as a practice, routinized habit that is shared in a society's culture (Reckwitz 2002; Warde 2005). Bourdieu's (1984) also shows how different social positions generate different taste and preferences, which are simultaneously classified and base for symbolic borders between social classes. The empirical analysis focuses on sports participation during the last three decades and deeper understanding of differentiation and meanings of today's sports activity. The results clearly show profound increase in sports participation, from 25 % in 1984 to 67 % in 2009. The cohort analysis confirms that dynamics of sports practices' spread have roots in the socialization process and cohort exchange, because younger cohorts have a stable higher level of sports participation irrespective of their aging. Lasting impact of cultural capital on sports participation is particularly striking, especially in the light of the major change in society's regime in the 1989 and after. This brings attention to the question, how mechanisms of social inequalities - especially cultural capital - worked in a similar way across supposedly different social orders. Next chapter deals with patterns of participation in...
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Diagnostika porozumění vybraným tématům sociologického učiva u studentů gymnázia / Diagnosis of High School Students' Comprehension of Selected Sociological TopicsSehnalová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation is looking into the diagnostics of student's understanding of the principals of society organisation in relation to thecontentof sociologicalcivic curriculumeducation and socialbasisin secondary schools. The teoretical part delimits basic sociological terms, especially social stratification, social mobility and social status. Concept of didactical content knowledge and didactical theory of curricullum reconstruction is described to connect sociological approach to school education. Current research at this area are also presented. In the practical part was implementeda research inquiry, which used semistructured depth interview for data collection. The Gathered data wereprocessedqualitatively. The measure of hierarchy in society, the cause of social stratification and social mobility options, were primarily watched in the research inquiry. Where possible, student's answers were compared to previous research inquiry results.
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Mezigenerační srovnání společenského postavení / Intergenerational transmission of social statusTůmová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
My diploma thesis is based on data from Survey on income and living conditions 2011 from ad hoc module on intergenerational disadvantages. The study investigates the transmission of social status from one generation to another. The diploma thesis includes descriptive statistics and data analysis. The main goal is to determine the dependency of socio-economic variables on social status transmission. To examine the strength of transmission of social status (education and occupation) logistic regression was used. In the analysis are respondents in the age 30 -- 60 years old, who lived at least with one of their parents. Due to a large number of respondents dataset enables detailed separation to groups by age groups, education level etc. followed by differences comparison between defined groups. Using the wage mechanism data are representative for population structure of Czech Republic.
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Klasické koncepty stratifikace a jejich srovnání se situací v soudobé společnosti. Subjektivní a objektivní pozice ve společenské struktuře / Classical concepts of stratification and their comparison with the situation in contemporary society. Subjective and objective position in the social structureRádl, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The central theme of the thesis is the current conceptualization of social classes and the issue of stratification in the Czech Republic in the period after 1989. In the first part I confront key theses of classical stratification concepts and follow their transformations in the history of exploration of the social structure. In the second part, by secondary analysis of quantitative data, I am trying to find the key factors of self- classification into social structures and to determine how this subjective self- classification correlates with objective (sociological) classification. An important part of the research is also the question of to what extent and in what sense people perceive the contemporary Czech society as a social-stratified. In the conclusion, on the basis of the results of analysis, I am trying to suggest which of the classical concepts of stratification best reflects the situation in contemporary Czech society. Key words: subjective and objective position, stratification, class, stratum, status, society, social structure
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Změny reprodukčního chování obyvatelstva na počátku demografické revoluce (na příkladu Staňkova) / Changes in reproductive behaviour in the beginning of the demographic revolution (example of Staňkov)Bozděch, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
Changes in reproductive behaviour in the beginning of the demographic revolution (example of Staňkov) Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse reproductive behaviour of population in the Czech lands in the 19th century, a period in which demographic revolution began. The research is based on data from Staňkov, a town in southwestern Bohemia, which, unlike the majority of adjacent region, experienced a substantial industrialization in the 19th century. This resulted in a significant population growth during the analysed period. Family lists were compiled from the registers of births, marriages and deaths using the method of family reconstitution. Nuptiality, marital fertility and infant mortality were the main analysed topics. Population was also divided into groups based on social stratification and these groups were analysed to determine, whether their reproductive behaviour differed from each other. The results from Staňkov were compared to other previously studied localities in the Czech lands. This study revealed that in the 19th century changes in reproductive behaviour within social groups were quite small or negligible. Big changes in nuptiality, fertility or infant mortality in the beginning of demographic revolution can therefore be mainly attributed to the shifts in the social structure of the...
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Antropogenní transformace přírodní sféry Afriky / An anthropogenic transformation of the natural sphere of AfricaPíšová, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
Africa is a heterogeneous environment that is affected by natural and anthropogenic processes. This thesis uses a review method to characterize the natural environment of the continent, present possible classifications of natural conditions and to describe the transformation of this environment. The main methodological aim of the thesis was to determine areas threatened by biodiversity loss due to anthropogenic pressures based on a new classification of the natural environment on a continental level. This was executed by methods of environmental stratification and subsequent environmental classification. Thus, this thesis presents a classification of the natural environment on the basis of homogenous units determined by bioclimatic variables and terrain, which are subsequently related to the biodiversity of birds, amphibians and mammals and to an anthropogenic influence represented by anthropogenic biomes. Finally, the share of protected areas is executed in relation to this anthropogenic transformation of the natural environment. Therefore, the thesis is quite a unique approach, as it takes into account a combination of both physical and socio-economic factors at a continental level. The final output consists of a map of the anthropogenic transformation of Africa's natural environment in the...
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Dětská porozumění sociální stratifikaci u žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Children's understanding of social stratification on secondary schoolForštová, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on research for children's understanding of social stratification on secondary school. The aim is the diagnoses of children's understanding on the topic of social stratification - finding the reflection of class inequalities, interpretation of the causes of social stratification, own evaluation of the society and ideas of social mobility. In the first part was defined the theoretical base of the thesis - the concept of social stratification and basic scientific theories of social stratification, constructivism, children's understanding of the world. Also were presented foreign and home research for understanding of social stratification. In the second part were defined methodological basis of the thesis and were presented the results of a qualitative research for children's understanding using the method of the depth semi-structured interview. The research results suggested that students understand the topic of social stratification and reflect it in a different way. KEYWORDS: constructivism, preconcept, children's understanding, social stratification, qualitative research, semi-structured interview
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Sociální stratifikace panství Horšovský Týn v 17. - 19. století / Social stratification of domain Horšovský Týn in the 17th - 19th centuryNěmečková, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. Abstract.docx 1/1 Abstract This thesis is focused on the living conditions of the serf population in the West Bohemian domain of Horšovský Týn beetween 17th and 19th centuries. The core of this work is in the 17th century. The geografical area of the domain was defined in the Tax Rule - the city, fifty- four villages and five partial villages. This paper consists of four basic sections. In the first section you can find the overview of the main literature regarding this topic. The second one is dedicated to the brief historical and territorial development of the domain and to the characteristic of the administrative and economic circumstances. The demografical structure of the domain in the 17th century is described in depth in the third section. This analysis was done on the basis of the register of the serf people classified according to their religion. The focus is partially dedicated to the social structure as well, mainly to the houseless lodgers and servants. The typology and composition of the households is discussed briefly. Above that, there is an approximation of population in the domain Horšovský Týn from the mid 17th until the end of 19th century. The last section is focused on the social stratification of the domain and its changes from the mid 17th to the mid 19th...
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