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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Email stress and its management in public sector organisations

Marulanda-Carter, Laura January 2013 (has links)
Email stress: what are its causes? how is it measured? can it be solved? The literature review revealed that, despite the term being well used and recognised, discussions surrounding the root cause of email stress had reached little consensus and the concept was not well understood. By its very nature, email stress theory had fallen victim to the academic debate between psychological vs. physiological interpretations of stress which, as a result of either choice, limited more progressive research. Likewise an array of email management strategies had been identified however, whilst some generated quick successes, they appeared to suffer longevity issues and were not maintained a few months after implementation in the workplace. The purpose of this research was to determine whether email communication causes employees psychological and physiological stress and investigate the impact of email management strategies in the workplace. A pragmatic philosophy placed the research problem as central and valued the differences between paradigms to promote a mixed-method approach to research. The decision to pair both case studies and action research methods ensured a framework for presenting results and an actionable solution was achieved. In direct response to the research aims an original email stress measuring methodology was devised that combined various data collection tools to measure and investigate email stress. This research design was applied and evaluated 'email free time' and email filing. Results of the study showed an increased stress response to occur during email use, i.e. caused employees' increased blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol and perceived stress, and a number of adverse effects such as managing staff via email, social detachment, blame and cover-your-back culture were identified. Findings revealed 'email free time' was not a desirable strategy to manage email stress and related stressors, whereas email filing was found more beneficial to workers well-being. Consolidation of the data gathered from the literature review and research findings were used to develop an initial conceptualisation of email stress in the form of two models, i.e. explanatory and action. A focus group was conducted to validate the proposed models and a further investigation at the ? was carried out to critique the use of an email training intervention. The results showed some improvements to employees' behaviour after the training, e.g. improved writing style, email checked on fewer occasions each day and fewer sufferers of email addiction. The initial models devised, alongside the latter findings, were synthesised to create a single integrative multidimensional model of email stress and management strategies. The model made an original contribution to knowledge in terms of theory, i.e. to conceptualise email stress, and practice, i.e. to offer practical solutions to the email worker.

The critical success factors for original equipment manufacturers within medical technology supply chains in Germany : a case study and action research investigation

Garcia-Villarreal, Enrique January 2018 (has links)
The medical technology sector in Germany is considered an innovative, fast-growing and promising industry, being third behind the USA and Japan as the biggest market in the world, worth 17.1 billion euros. Consequently, supply chain success is of high importance. This research identified the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Original Equipment Manufacturers that are involved within medical technology supply chains in Germany. This thesis begins with a full literature review on Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the medical technology sector and presents the current state of academic discussion on CSFs in this context. The literary analysis identified that most academic research focuses on developing theory based on supply chains of the manufacturing sector with the consumer market as their primary concern, with limited insights into Medical Technology Supply Chains (MTSCs). This was a main driver for the exploration of the drivers and barriers extant in this sector. Two studies were designed to address the identified research gaps. The first study was a qualitative research using multiple case studies and was divided in two phases. Phase A involved 15 German manufacturers of medical technology products and focused on identifying the CSFs in this sector. Phase B involved 14 German manufacturers and uncovered issues and weaknesses of their current SCM strategies by means of an assessment tool developed specially for this study. The second study consisted of an action research project, using interviews and participative workshops to develop an understanding on how organisations in this sector can improve operations using the CSFs concept while offering insights into the actual implementation of SCM strategies and the behavioural aspects of change management in this context. The findings extend theory and provide insights into real-world practitioner challenges and priorities. The outcomes of this study propose that the prioritised combination of the identified CSFs leads to better performance of OEMs in the German MTSC sector, which shifts our understanding of how practitioners prioritise CSFs. Furthermore, this thesis addresses the qualitative knowledge gap around the relational aspects of implementing SCM practices within this sector, while exploring relationships between stakeholders during the process of introducing these changes. These findings challenge existing generic assumptions about supply chain CSFs, as well as adding to SCM, CSF, and medical technology research and knowledge.

Interpreting electroacoustic audio-visual music

Hill, Andrew January 2013 (has links)
The basis of this research project stems from reflections upon the process of composition for electroacoustic audio-visual music. These are fixed media works in which sound and image materials are accessed, generated, explored and configured in creation of a musically informed audio-visual expression. Within the process of composition, the composer must decide how to effectively draw relationships between these time based media and their various abstract and mimetic materials. This process usually has no codified laws or structures and results in relationships that are singular to the individual artworks. The composer uses their own experience and intuition in assessing how best to associate sounds and images and they will use their own interpretation of the materials to evaluate the how successful they are in realising their intentions. But what is there to say that the interpretation made by the composer bares any resemblance to interpretations made by audiences? The current research sought to assess any trends or commonalities in how people interpret such works. Utilising a combination of empirical research, composition and scholarly study, the project investigated various theoretical approaches to interpretation and the occurrence of correlation between compositional intention and audience interpretation. Models from different theoretical disciplines were combined in order to build up a picture of the processes involved in making interpretations, and to aid in the rationalisation of empirical data. The application of three methodological approaches allowed for the topic to be considered from a diversity of perspectives, and for triangulation to take place in confirmation of the research outcomes. The way in which individuals build up interpretations from non-codified abstract and mimetic materials also provided a suitable case study for the critique and assessment of various theoretical approaches to interpretation. The project challenges structuralist approaches to interpretation, drawing together theoretical materials and empirical research findings in support of a post-structrualist model of interpretation that demonstrates the absolutely vital role played by context - the framing of the artwork in the consciousness of the individual audience member.

A Framework To Align Strategy, Improvement Performance, And Customer Satisfaction Using An Integration Of Six Sigma And Balanced

Rodriguez, Adriana 01 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the development, implementation, and evaluation of a management methodology founded on the alignment among the strategy, performance, and customer to bring value to any organization. A case study/action research in a service organization, called Institution "Z," provided the opportunity to assess the effects of the proposed Six Sigma Scorecard (SSS) methodology in the productivity indicators (measured by cycle time, line capacity, and number of errors). The Case study/action research was conducted in three phases: Model and Concepts Design, Data Collection, and Findings. During the research, validity was pursued by using triangulation and theory to help maintain the case under research control. The observation of the SSS methodology in a real organization allowed the researcher to describe the merging process between Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma methodology and their relationships to each other. The SSS methodology allowed identification of improvement projects that contribute to organizational strategy, implementation of strategies and provide feedback to the top level of management establishing alignment at three organizational levels - corporate, business, and functional. The results of the implementation of the SSS methodology in Institution Z showed a 40% improvement of the cycle time of the auto credit process, a 500% increase in the capacity of the process, and 65% decrease in the number of non-added value activities. During the same period of time, the BSC indicators showed a positive impact, specifically one financial indicator known as Level of Intermediation or GIC grew from 30% to 42% as it was expected by the end of the SSS implementation. The demonstration of the SSS framework in a Case study justifies the need for a combined methodology that aligns strategy, performance improvement and organizational outputs in a feedback loop. More research in this area is needed, especially investigations that include assessment studies where different management approaches are used alone and combined with strategic tools, and investigations that measure the relationship between level of coherence in the three merging points of the SSS and the results reached at the performance of the organization.

Conversion et influence des assujettissements au milieu scolaire dans l'étude autonome des mathématiques : comment les très bons élèves de lycée étudient les mathématiques après la classe : observation anthropologique et suivi biographique de quelques cas exemplaires

Mario, Romain 29 May 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressé aux très bons élèves et à leur façon d'étudier les mathématiques, en tenant compte du fait que tout ce qu'il y a à étudier mathématiquement n'est pas désigné par les professeurs. Partant de l'hypothèse que leur façon d'étudier leur permet de mieux réussir, nous avons suivi pendant deux années scolaires de très bons élèves de cinq établissements différents. Par une enquête anthropologique et ethnologique de terrain, nous les avons observés après les séances de cours en classe, sur leur lieu de travail (le bureau, la chambre ou un coin spécialement aménagé); en train de faire des exercices, des enquêtes, des recherches mathématiques sur les objets d'études des grands chapitres de la classe terminale scientifique (l'analyse, lois de probabilités continues, la géométrie, les similitudes...) ; chacun à sa manière, avec des supports didactiques de son choix. Cette forme d'observation particulière que nous appelons avec Mercier la méthode des épisodes biographiques, nous a permis de constituer des épisodes de leur biographie en mathématique, c'est-à-dire des moments où l'on peut attester qu'une question nouvelle se pose à eux, qu'ils apprennent quelque chose de nouveau en cherchant la réponse à la question donnée, et qu'ils identifient ce qu'ils ont appris en l'interrogeant depuis ce qu'ils savaient déjà. Nous montrons ainsi, comment les très bons élèves de terminales scientifiques fabriquent un répertoire de savoirs efficaces: leur répertoire épistémologique et heuristique. Pour construire ce répertoire, ils ont besoin d'aller enquêter loin de la classe, dans l'espace ou dans le temps (dans de nombreux manuels, scolaires ou non, dans des anciens livres, sur internet, quelques fois avec l'aide d'un membre de la famille ou d'un copain). C'est cette manière d'enquêter que nous appelons la transhumance didactique. / In this thesis, we were interested in the very good students and their way studying mathematics taking account of the fact that what there is to study mathematically is not always indicated by the professor in the courses of the various school grades. Based on the hypothesis that their way of studying enables them to succeed better in mathematics, we followed very good students from five different schools for two school years. Thus, using anthropological and ethnological field study methods, we observed the students after classroom hour, in their individual workplace settings (office, room or an especially arranged corner) doing exercises, investigations, mathematical research studies, each one in different way, with different didactic supports. This particular kind of observation, that we are calling the biographic episode method, enabled us to constitute episodes of their cognitive biography in mathematics, in other words moments of independent study where one can observe that they are faced with a news question, they learn something new by seeking the answer to a given problem, and they identify what they learned by questioning it in what they knew already. Thus we show how last year secondary school science students manufacture or build a directory of effective knowledge: the epistemological and heuristic directory. To build this directory, they need to seek learning away from the classroom, physically or temporally (using many textbooks or not, old textbooks, the Internet, or with the help of a family member or friend). It is this need for investigation which we call didactic transhumance.

Strategic intent and the management of infrastructure systems

Blom, Carron Margaret January 2017 (has links)
Infrastructure is presenting significant national and global challenges. Whilst often seen as performing well, infrastructure tends to do so against only limited terms of reference and short-term objectives. Given that the world is facing a new infrastructure bill of ~£40T, improving the benefits delivered by existing infrastructure is vital (Dobbs et al., 2013). This thesis investigates strategic intent and the management of infrastructure systems; how factors such as organisational structure and business practice affect outcomes and the ways in which those systems — not projects — are managed. To date, performance has largely been approached from the perspective of project investment and/or delivery, or the assessment of latent failures arising from specific shocks or disruptive events (e.g. natural disaster, infrastructure failures, climate change). By contrast, the delivery of system-level services and outcomes across the infrastructure system has been rarely examined. This is where infrastructure forms an enduring system of services, assets, projects, and networks each at different stages of their lifecycle, and affecting one another as they develop, then age. Yet system performance, which also includes societal, organisational, administrative and technical factors, is arguably the level relevant to, and the reality of, day-to-day public infrastructure management. This research firstly investigated industry perceptions in order to test and confirm the problem: the nub of which was the inability to fully deliver appropriate and relevant infrastructure outcomes over the long term. Three detailed studies then explored the reasons for this problem through different lenses; thereby providing an evidence-base for a range of issues that are shared by the wider infrastructure industry. In confirming its hypothesis that “the strategic intent and the day-to-day management of infrastructure systems are often misaligned, with negative consequences for achieving the desired long-term infrastructure system outcomes”, this research has increased our understanding of the ways in which that misalignment occurs, and the consequences that result. It found those consequences were material, and frequently not visible within the sub-system accountable for the delivery of those outcomes. That public infrastructure exists, not in its own right, but to be of benefit to society, is a central theme drawn from the definition of infrastructure itself. This research shows that it is not enough to be focused on technical outcomes. Infrastructure needs to move beyond how society interacts with an asset, to the outcomes that reflect the needs, beliefs, and choices of society as well as its ability to respond to change (aptitude). Although the research has confirmed its hypothesis and three supporting propositions, the research does not purport to offer ‘the solution’. Single solutions do not exist to address the challenges facing a complex adaptive system such as infrastructure. But the research does offer several system-oriented sense-making models at both the detailed and system-level. This includes the probing methodology by way of a diagnostic roadmap. These models aim to assist practitioners in managing the transition of projects, assets, and services into a wider infrastructure system, their potential, and in (re)orienting the organisation to the dynamic nature of the system and its societal imperative.

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