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Penetrationseigenschaften von beschichtetem mikrofeinem TitandioxidRickmeyer, Christiane 10 June 2002 (has links)
Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit war es, das Verhalten der in modernen Sonnenschutzmitteln eingesetzten Titandioxid-Mikropartikel mit quantitativen Methoden zu bestimmen, um Aussagen über ihre Eignung zu erhalten. Dabei stand die Frage nach der Verteilung der Substanz innerhalb des Stratum corneum im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen. Insbesondere war wegen der bekannten photokatalytischen Aktivität von Titandioxid zu klären, ob ein Kontakt mit den lebenden Bereichen der Haut ausgeschlossen werden kann. Für die Messungen wurden zwei kommerziell genutzte, unterschiedlich beschichtete Titandioxid-Mikropartikel eingesetzt. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für diese Untersuchungen war die Anwendung der Abrissmethode (Tape stripping) in Kombination mit der spektroskopischen Bestimmung der Extinktion im sichtbaren Bereich zur Berechnung des Hornschichtprofils. Die Konzentration der Titandioxid-Partikel wurde mit Hilfe von Röntgenfluoreszenz-Messungen bestimmt. So war es erstmals möglich, in vivo standardisierte und reproduzierbare Untersuchungen zum Penetrationsverhalten von beschichteten Titandioxid-Mikropartikeln in die Hornschicht der menschlichen Haut durchzuführen. Durch Langzeitapplikation der Substanzen und die Beobachtung der Titandioxid-konzentrationen in der Hornschicht über mehrere Tage konnten auch Aussagen zum Penetrationsverhalten der applizierten Mikropartikel gemacht werden. Es wurde eindeutig gezeigt, dass die untersuchten Substanzen unabhängig von ihrer Struktur, von ihrer Beschichtung und vom Probanden hauptsächlich in den obersten Schichten des Stratum corneum lokalisiert sind. Nach Klärung dieser grundsätzlichen Fragen war es notwendig, die Ursache für das Auftreten extrem geringer Titandioxid-Konzentrationen auf Abrissen zu bestimmen, die aus tieferen Schichten des Stratum corneum entnommen wurden. Durch die Kombination der Abrissmethode mit einem speziellen Färbeverfahren und der Laser-Scan-Mikroskopie ergaben sich deutliche Hinweise auf die Bedeutung der Follikelkanäle für das beobachtete Phänomen. Röntgenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an Biopsien zeigten, dass diese Mikropartikel in die Haarfollikel eindringen und damit Bereiche unterhalb des Stratum corneum erreichen. Hierbei wurden die Mikropartikel in dieser Region nur in Follikelkanälen, nicht aber im Bereich der lebenden Zellen nachgewiesen. Diese Ergebnisse belegen, dass Titandioxid nur in einzelne Follikelkanäle penetriert, eine Aussage, die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Untersuchungen erstmals beschrieben wurde. In Übereinstimmung mit der Zielsetzung der Arbeit konnte unter Einsatz unterschiedlicher Untersuchungsmethoden gezeigt werden, dass die beschichteten Titandioxid-Mikropartikel im oberen Bereich der Hornschicht lokalisiert sind und damit als hocheffiziente Lichtschutzfilter den Schutz der darunter liegenden lebenden Bereiche der Haut garantieren. Der sichere Nachweis der Titandioxid-Mikropartikel innerhalb einzelner Follikelkanäle besitzt grundsätzliche Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Penetrationswegen. / The objective of this work was to determine the behaviour of titanium dioxide microparticles, used in modern sunscreen agents, with quantitative methods in order to receive statements about their suitability. The focal point of the investigations was the question on the distribution of the substance within the stratum corneum. Because of the well-known photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide, our aim was to clarify whether a contact with the living cells of the skin could be excluded. For these measurements, two commercial titanium dioxide micro particles were used, covered with different coating materials. The calculation of the stratum corneum profile was a substantial prerequisite for these investigations. This was done by application of the tape stripping method in combination with the spectroscopic determination of the absorption in the visible range. The concentration of the titanium dioxide particles on the tape strips was determined by X-ray fluorescence measurements. In this manner it was possible for the first time, to perform standardized and reproducible in vivo measurements to investigate the penetration behaviour of coated titanium dioxide micro particles into the horny layer of the human skin. Predications could be made about the penetration behaviour of the applied micro particles by observation of the titanium dioxide concentrations in the stratum corneum during several days after long-term application of the substances. It could be shown that the examined substances were localized mainly in the upper layers of the stratum corneum, independently of their structure, coating and the volunteers. After clarifying these basic questions, it was necessary to explain the occurrence of extremely small concentrations of titanium-dioxide on tape strips, which were taken from deeper layers of the stratum corneum. This observed phenomenon was investigated by combining tape stripping with a selective staining of the tapes and with laser scanning microscopy. Investigations of a biopsy with x ray fluorescence measurements showed that the micro particles penetrate into the hair follicles, and in this manner reached areas below the stratum corneum. In this region, the micro particles were found only in follicle channels, but not within the area of the living cells. These results prove that titanium dioxide micro particles only penetrate into single follicle channels, a statement, which has been described here for the first time. In agreement with the objective of this thesis, it was shown, that the coated titanium dioxide micro particles were localized within the upper area of the horny layer and as high efficient sunscreen filters consequently guarantee, the protection of the living areas of the skin below. The proof of the titanium dioxide micro particles within individual follicle channels has basic importance for the understanding of the penetration pathways.
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The Ecological Function of Fish MucusMaxi Eckes Unknown Date (has links)
Ultraviolet light is damaging but fish have evolved protective mechanisms, which allows them to live in shallow water reefs, high in UV radiation. This thesis details my investigation into the physiological ecology of solar ultraviolet (UV) absorbing compounds, known as mycosporine-like amino acids found in the external epithelial mucus, and examines the supporting role potentially played by a UV-induced DNA repair mechanism in coral reef fish of the Indo-Pacific. Using reverse phase chromatography and UV spectrophotometry, I examined whether the distribution of MAA compounds across different areas of the body is correlated with differential UV exposure. Comparisons were made between the MAA content and the absorbance spectra of mucus from the dorsal, ventral, caudal and head body surface areas in five species of Scaridae (Chlorurus sordidus, Scarus schlegeli, S. niger, S. psittacus and S. globiceps) from Ningaloo Reef, Coral Bay, Western Australia. All fish analysed had at least five MAAs present, and results showed that fish had increased UV absorbance in mucus over the dorsal area, which receives the brunt of UV radiation. Little UV protection was found in mucus from the ventral area, which receives the lower level of UV radiation mostly via reflection of the sand and reef surfaces. Furthermore, UV absorbance per mg dry mucus versus standard fish length showed that there is a positive relationship in C. sordidus with increasing size. I examined whether there is a difference in the quantity of UV screening compounds found in the mucus of fish along a longitudinal geographical gradient from inshore reefs (Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef) to the outer edge reefs to oceanic reefs (Osprey Reef). MAA absorbance increased with longitudinal distance from the mainland landmass of Australia to more oligotrophic outer reefs, where UV attenuation is reduced and the ocean is more transparent to UV wavelength. I determined that fish living on inshore, more turbid reefs where UV attenuation in shallow waters is high have lower levels of MAA protection than fish from clear oceanic reefs. Furthermore, there seems to be a direct relationship between light attenuation and exposure with the quantity of protective sunscreening found in the mucus of reef fish. It is know that UV irradiation decreases with water depth and that mucus from fish with deep habitats absorbs less UV than that of fish from shallow habitats. It is unknown however, whether this UV protection is variable within the same individuals and if so, how fast changes 11 occur. To test this, I relocated 9 ambon damselfish from a deep reef (18 m) to a shallow reef (1.5 m) to expose fish to increased levels of UV and relocated another 7 fish from a shallow to a deep reef to expose fish to decreased levels of UV. One week after relocation, all fish were returned to their original reef site to determine whether MAA levels would return to their initial levels. Fish relocated to a shallower depth were recovered and had a 60% (SD+/-2%) increase in mucus UV absorbance. Conversely, the fish relocated to a deeper depth were recovered and had a 41% (SD+/-1%) decrease mucus UV absorbance. No difference was found between UV absorbance of relocated and original fish at both depth. Six days after fish were returned to their original reef, mucus UV absorbance levels had returned to 67% +/- 4% of the original level. These results show that mucus UV absorbance is variable in individual ambon damselfish and that the sunscreen protection typical for a certain depth is reached in relocated fish within just a few days of relocation. The rate of MAA loss is higher than the accumulation of MAAs suggesting that diet is not the sole determining factor involved in the sequestration of MAAs to mucus. The cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus performs a mutualistic service by removing ectoparasites such as gnathiid isopods as well other dead infected tissue from its clients. Cleaner fish however are also known to feed on client mucus. The benefits of eating mucus until recently were unclear. In this study, we analysed the mucus of several cleaner fish clients to determine whether mucus feeding has a nutritional advantage over gnathiids and whether cleaner fish obtain their own MAA protection through this dietary mucus ingestion. Results show that host fish that are infected with gnathiids of poor nutritional value, in contrast to those that harbour gnathiids with higher nutritional value, continuously exude mucus that has both high nutritional value and high MAA content. These findings support the conclusion that in a competitive market for cleaners some host fish are forced to offer more than parasites to cleaners. Ultraviolet light that is not filtered by UV absorbing compounds such as MAA may still lead to DNA damage such as the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) or 6-4 photoproducts (6-4 PPs). However, coral reef fish have alternative mechanisms to overcome UV induced damage via the photolyase DNA repair mechanisms. We experimentally demonstrated for the first time that a coral reef fish species, the moon wrasse Thalassoma lunare has the ability to repair DNA damage via photoreactivation. Fish both with and without MAA protection were irradiated with UVB wavelength to induce DNA lesions. Half of the experimental fish were then exposed to photoreactivating wavelength to induce DNA repair 12 while the other fish were blocked from the repair mechanisms. Fish which had undergone DNA repair had the lowest number of lesions regardless of mucus MAA protection. When fish were blocked from photoreactivation wavelengths MAA sunscreens clearly served a photoprotective role. The amount of damage was greatest in fish which both lacked MAAs and which were also blocked from photoreactivating wavelengths. Thus for the overall UV protection of fish both the MAA sunscreens as well as the DNA repair system play a significant role in counteracting UV damage. Ultraviolet protection by MAA sunscreens is ubiquitous in marine fish. To date the same 5 MAA compounds (palythine (λmax 320 nm), asterina (λmax 330 nm), palythinol (λmax 332 nm), usujirene (λmax 357 nm) and palythene (λmax 360nm) have been identified in the mucus of several different species of reef fish from Australia. Here we report the first evidence of the presence of additional UV absorbing compounds found in the mucus of fish from Indonesia. Using UV spectroscopy the mucus of four species of fish was compared between both geographical regions. The presence of an additional peak between 294-296 nm wavelengths suggests the presence of gadusol and/or deoxygadusol, which are photoprotective compounds, thought to be the precursors of MAAs. Thus, UV protecting compounds in the mucus of fish may not be as conserved between different regions as previously assumed. Our knowledge concerning the effect of UV radiation has advanced considerably in the past decade and my research findings contribute to the better understanding of protective mechanisms of marine fish. The correlations I have found between UV attenuation/exposure, depth, and longitude of sampled individuals lead me to believe that mucus UV absorbing MAA compounds are a highly efficient adaptive defence.
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Determination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in personal care products / Determination of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in personal care productsKošík, Juraj January 2016 (has links)
Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá extrakcí nanočástic oxidu titaničitého z produktů osobní péče, konkrétně opalovacích krémů a následnou charakterizací těchto částic. Počet komerčně dostupných produktů s obsahem nanočástic TiO2 se neustále zvyšuje a to se sebou přináší potřebu vyhodnotit potenciální osud a nepřímou expozici TiO2 nanošástic o různých velikostí a tvarů a zkoumat jejich celý životní cyklus. Bylo zkoumáno použití ultrafiltrace a ultracentrifugace jako extrakční metody. Dvě metody pro extrakci TiO2 nanočástic byly vyvinuty a aplikovány na vzorky opalovacích krémů. Extrahované částice mohou být použity pro ekotoxikologické studie, případně experimenty v mesokosmu. Velikost částic byla stanovena pomocí metody dynamického rozptylu světla a transmisní elektronové mikroskopie.
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