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Aspheric/freeform optical surface description for controlling illumination from point-like light sourcesSasián, José, Reshidko, Dmitry, Li, Chia-Ling 25 November 2016 (has links)
We present an optical surface in closed form that can be used to design lenses for controlling relative illumination on a target surface. The optical surface is constructed by rotation of the pedal curve to the ellipse about its minor axis. Three renditions of the surface are provided, namely as an expansion of a base surface, and as combinations of several base surfaces. Examples of the performance of the surfaces are presented for the case of a point light source. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
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Structural Optimization of Bell Crank using Adaptive Response Surface OptimizationKonda Ram Kumar, Ram Suraj 04 June 2024 (has links)
This research contributes to the development of a structural optimization software system designed to support design optimization. The focus of this thesis work is on formulating strategies to obtain accurate solutions and enhance the efficiency of the optimization process, particularly when dealing with large and complex finite element (FE) models, utilizing statistical concepts. A potential avenue explored in this study is the adaptive response surface optimization process. The adaptive response surface optimization method involves the adaptive control of samples selected through the design of experiments and empirical models constructed via the response surface methodology, with the sampling of the design space and empirical model terms dynamically adjusted throughout the optimization progression. The empirical models are constructed with statistically significant terms to maximize the utilization of information from each sample generated using the design of experiments. If the available information is fully utilized by the empirical model and the adaptive response surface optimization process needs to progress further until an optimal solution is identified, additional samples are generated.
The methodology is applied to a benchmark bell crank problem, optimizing the bell crank for maximum operational value by simultaneously increasing fatigue life and reducing the overall component cost. This demonstration showcases the structural optimization software's capability to handle both design and manufacturing aspects seamlessly. The approach to solving the structural optimization problem involves constructing a constrained parametric bell crank part in Abaqus/CAE as it facilitates easy manipulation of the geometry. The entire process of geometry generation, meshing, simulation, and output extraction was supported by developing Python scripts. Response surface model building and other statistical analyses are conducted using the JMP statistical software. Nonlinear constrained optimization is executed through the sequential quadratic programming (SLSQP solver) from the SciPy library, allowing optimization on the response surfaces representing the objective function and constraints to identify the optimal solution. The optimal solution is obtained utilizing a small composite design with individual response surface models for the objective function and each constraint, is compared with results from the Abaqus finite element model, and the percentage difference was 0.9% at the optimal design variable values. / Master of Science / Optimization processes, in general, require multiple iterations to converge to the optimal solution. Structural optimization, dealing with large and complex computationally intensive models are typically very time-consuming. To address this challenge, approximations of the actual design space, called response surfaces, are created using the statistical concept known as response surface methodology. Response surfaces are developed by selecting specific regions within the design space and studying them using complex computational models. The results obtained from these computational models are combined with statistical tools to build a response surface that approximately represents the actual design objective function and the associated constraints of the design within the specified design space.
In this research, an adaptive approach called adaptive response surface optimization is implemented. In this approach, the regions studied and the response surfaces are dynamically adjusted based on the progression of the optimization process. Such adaptability significantly accelerates the structural optimization process and yields successful results. To illustrate this method, a benchmark problem was solved using the finite element solver Abaqus, the statistical software JMP, and the optimization toolbox from the Scipy library.
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Response Surface Optimization Of Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis FermentationTokcaer, Zeynep 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The control of pest populations by using insect pathogens has been an attractive alternative to the application of chemical pesticides employed for the same purpose. As these chemicals not only damage the environment, but also trigger development of resistance by the pests and can harm other organisms together with the target pest,
biological control is preferable and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subspecies have been the most widely used bioinsecticides in forestry, agriculture and mosquito/ black fly control.
The most important property of Bt subspecies is the synthesis of protoxins named as delta-endotoxins (crystal proteins). In this study, response surface optimization of Bt subsp. israelensis HD500 batch fermentation for high level production of its toxin proteins Cry4Ba and Cry11Aa was performed. As the interaction of the medium components as well as cultivation conditions are expected to influence the production of the toxin proteins, an experimental chart was prepared by accepting the previously reported optimal values for the most important parameters as zero points: [Mn], 10-6 M / [K2HPO4], 50 mM / C:N ratio, 20:1 and incubation temperature / 30° / C. When the combinations of these variables at different levels were studied at 30 batch cultures and analysed for the optimum toxin protein concentrations, temperature: 28.3& / #61616 / C, [Mn]: 3.3x10-7M, C:N ratio: 22.2 and [K2HPO4]: 66.1mM yielded the highest concentrations of both Cry4Ba and Cry11Aa toxin proteins.
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Surface Optimization of the Silicon Templates for Monolithic Photonics IntegrationHu, Chen January 2011 (has links)
Silicon photonics is emerging as a potential field to achieve optical interconnects towards the realization of ultra high bandwidth. The indirect band-gap property of silicon still remains as a big challenge to incorporate silicon photonic active device, for example, silicon-based laser. In the Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials at KTH, a monolithic integration platform based on nano-epitaxial lateral overgrowth (nano-ELOG) technique has been proposed to integrate III-V semiconductor materials with silicon for light source application. The integration process involves uneven surface morphology at different stages. The surfaces of the indium phosphide seed layer on silicon used for ELOG, the mask deposited on it (the silicon/silicon dioxide waveguide) and the ELOG indium phosphide layer grown on it prior to laser growth are often rough. In this thesis work, we have optimized chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) technique in order to achieve an even surface. The same procedure is also necessary to reach the optimal thickness of different layers to enable effective coupling of light from the laser source into the waveguide. CMP of indium phosphide to obtain an average surface roughness of < 1 nm has been optimized by a two-step polishing using different slurries; it results in a step height of ca 3 nm. Similarly the surface of silicon/silicon dioxide “waveguide” has also been optimized with the roughness of ~ 0.5 nm. In the latter case, a step height of 40 nm is retained and this increase with respect to InP is identified to be mainly due to limitations of the polishing machine which is different from that used for indium phosphide. The reduction in step heights with polishing time is analyzed and compared with an existing theoretical model. Our results are in good qualitative agreement with the model. The optimized surface morphology obtained in this work was tested for its suitability for integration. For this evaluation, InP was grown by ELOG in a hydride vapour phase epitaxy reactor with and without CMP of the involved surfaces. The surface after CMP yields layers of better surface morphology with fewer defects as revealed by atomic force microscopy, surface profilometer and cathodoluminescence analysis. The results indicate that the CMP process is useful for monolithic integration for silicon photonics.
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Parameter Optimization Of Chemically Activated Mortars Containing High Volumes Of Pozzolan By Statistical Design And Analysis Of ExperimentsAldemir, Basak 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Aldemir, BaSak
M.S., Department of Industrial Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ö / mer Saatç / ioglu
Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lutfullah Turanli
January 2006, 167 pages
This thesis illustrates parameter optimization of early and late compressive strengths of chemically activated mortars containing high volumes of pozzolan by statistical design and analysis of experiments. Four dominant parameters in chemical activation of natural pozzolans are chosen for the research, which are natural pozzolan replacement, amount of pozzolan passing 45 & / #956 / m sieve, activator dosage and activator type. Response surface methodology has been employed in statistical design and analysis of experiments. Based on various second-order response surface designs / experimental data has been collected, best regression models have been chosen and optimized. In addition to the optimization of early and late strength responses separately, simultaneous optimization of compressive strength with several other responses such as cost, and standard deviation estimate has also been performed. Research highlight is the uniqueness of the statistical optimization approach to chemical activation of natural pozzolans.
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Design and Analysis of a Flapping Wing Mechanism for OptimizationGeorge, Ryan Brandon 15 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Furthering our understanding of the physics of flapping flight has the potential to benefit the field of micro air vehicles. Advancements in micro air vehicles can benefit applications such as surveillance, reconnaissance, and search and rescue. In this research, flapping kinematics of a ladybug was explored using a direct linear transformation. A flapping mechanism design is presented that was capable of executing ladybug or other species-specific kinematics. The mechanism was based on a differential gear design, had two wings, and could flap in harsh environments. This mechanism served as a test bed for force analysis and optimization studies. The first study was based on a Box-Behnken screening design to explore wing kinematic parameter design space and manually search in the direction of flapping kinematics that optimized the objective of maximum combined lift and thrust. The second study used a Box-Behnken screening design to build a response surface. Using gradient-based techniques, this surface was optimized for maximum combined lift and thrust. Box-Behnken design coupled with response surface methodology was an efficient method for exploring the mechanism force response. Both methods for optimization were capable of successfully improving lift and thrust force outputs. The incorporation of the results of these studies will aid in the design of more efficient micro air vehicles and with the ultimate goal of leading to a better understanding of flapping wing aerodynamics and the development of aerodynamic models.
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Trajectory Generation and Optimization for Experimental Investigation of Flapping FlightWilcox, Michael Schnebly 08 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Though still in relative infancy, the field of flapping flight has potential to have a far-reaching impact on human life. Nature presents a myriad of examples of successful uses of this locomotion. Human efforts in flapping flight have seen substantial improvement in recent times. Wing kinematics are a key aspect of this study. This study summarizes previous wing trajectory generators and presents a new trajectory generation method built upon previous methods. This includes a novel means of commanding unequal half-stroke durations subject to robotic trajectory continuity requirements. Additionally, previous optimization methods are improved upon. Experimental optimization is performed using the new trajectory generation method and a more traditional means. Methods for quantifying and compensating for sensor time-dependence are also discussed. Results show that the Polar Fourier Series trajectory generator advanced rapidly through the optimization process, especially during the initial phase of experimentation. The Modified Berman and Wang trajectory generator moved through the design space more slowly due to the increased number of kinematic parameters. When optimizing lift only, the trajectory generators produced similar results and kinematic forms. The findings suggest that the objective statement should be modified to reward efficiency while maintaining a certain amount of lift. It is expected that the difference between the capabilities of the two trajectory generators will become more apparent under such conditions.
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Βελτιστοποίηση φυσικών συστημάτων επεξεργασίας υγρών αποβλήτωνΓαλανόπουλος, Χρήστος 05 February 2015 (has links)
Η μελέτη ενός πειράματος μικρής πιλοτικής κλίμακας, με δύο παράλληλα συστήματα ρηχών λεκανών (ύψους 0.35m), η μία λεκάνη με φύτευση του είδους Typha Latifolia και η άλλη χωρίς φύτευση, διεξάχθηκε για τον σχεδιασμό ελεύθερης επιφανειακής ροής (FWS) τεχνητού υγροτόπου. Οι δύο λεκάνες τροφοδοτήθηκαν με πραγματικά αστικά λύματα όπου οι χρόνοι παραμονής κυμάνθηκαν από 27,6 έως 38,0 ημέρες. Η μεταβολή του όγκου κάθε λεκάνης παρακολουθήθηκε για 2 συνεχή έτη και ταυτόχρονα υπολογίστηκαν οι ρυθμοί βροχόπτωσης και εξάτμισης. Η διαφορά του όγκου μεταξύ των δύο λεκανών οφειλόταν στην πρόσληψη νερού από τα φυτά, η οποία συγκρίθηκε με τις προβλέψεις της εξατμισοδιαπνοής παρόμοιων φυτών με την χρήση του υπολογιστικού προγράμματος REF-ET. Η συγκομιδή των φυτών πραγματοποιήθηκε τρείς φορές στην διάρκεια του 1ου έτους του πειράματος, ώστε να εκτιμηθεί ο ρυθμός πρόσληψης αζώτου από τα φυτά. Η σημαντικότερη διαφορά των δύο συστημάτων ήταν η αφαίρεση νερού μέσω της εξατμισοδιαπνοής των φυτών.
Η πιλοτική μονάδα λειτούργησε έτσι ώστε να επιτευχθεί και απομάκρυνση της οργανικής ύλης (BOD5) και του ολικού αζώτου (TN) από τα λύματα. Ο σχεδιασμός της διευκόλυνε την ανάπτυξη ενός μαθηματικού μοντέλου, ακολουθώντας το πλαίσιο του μοντέλου της ενεργής ιλύος (ASM). Αρχικά το μαθηματικό μοντέλο αναπτύχθηκε για τις δύο λεκάνες με τις μικροβιακές διεργασίες που επικράτησαν στο εσωτερικό τους, ώστε να περιγραφεί πλήρως η συμπεριφορά τους. Η προσομοίωση και η εκτίμηση των παραμέτρων του μοντέλου επιτεύχθηκε με την χρήση του υπολογιστικού περιβάλλοντος του AQUASIM. Οι κύριες διεργασίες που ελήφθησαν υπόψη για την μοντελοποίηση ήταν η αμμωνιοποίηση, η αερόβια ετεροτροφική ανάπτυξη, η νιτροποίηση και η ανάπτυξη φυκών. Μια ισχυρή εποχική εξάρτηση παρατηρήθηκε για την συμπεριφορά κάθε λεκάνης όταν το μοντέλο εφαρμόστηκε για το 1ο έτος του πειράματος. Αυτό το μοντέλο επαληθεύτηκε ικανοποιητικά με τα πειραματικά δεδομένα του 2ου έτους. Η παρατηρούμενη μέση ετήσια απόδοση απομάκρυνσης του BOD5 και του TN ήταν 60% και 69%, αντίστοιχα για την λεκάνη χωρίς φυτά και 83% και 75%, αντίστοιχα για την λεκάνη με φυτά. Το μοντέλο προέβλεψε μέση ετήσια απόδοση απομάκρυνσης 82% για το BOD5 και 65% για το TN στην λεκάνη με φυτά, ικανοποιώντας τα κριτήρια για τον σχεδιασμό πλήρους κλίμακας τεχνητού υγροτόπου .
Η ικανότητα του μοντέλου να προβλέπει όχι μόνο την απομάκρυνση της οργανικής ύλης αλλά και του ολικού αζώτου, θεωρήθηκε επαρκής όταν δοκιμάστηκε με έναν ελεύθερης επιφανειακής ροής τεχνητό υγρότοπο με 400 ισοδύναμο πληθυσμό, με μοναδική τροποποίηση τον συνυπολογισμό του περιορισμού του οξυγόνου στον ρυθμό της διεργασίας της νιτροποίησης. Επομένως, το δυναμικό μοντέλο διαμορφώθηκε με την ενσωμάτωση της πρόβλεψης του ρυθμού της εξατμισοδιαπνοής των φυτών και χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τον σχεδιασμό περίπτωσης μελέτης τεχνητού υγροτόπου πλήρους κλίμακας. Τα στοιχεία που απαιτούνται για αυτό τον σχεδιασμό περιλάμβαναν την παροχή εισόδου και κλιματολογικά στοιχεία (θερμοκρασίας και βροχόπτωσης) για την περιοχή του σχεδιασμού, καθώς και οι απαιτήσεις της ποιότητας εκροής. Η περίπτωση μελέτης για 4000 ισοδύναμο πληθυσμό όπου η ποιότητα εκροής ήταν σε μέσες ετήσιες τιμές BOD5=25mg/L και TN=15mg/L, χρειάστηκε μία συνολική επιφάνεια υγροτόπου 11 εκταρίων. Εάν χρησιμοποιηθούν δύο λεκάνες σε σειρά, η 1η με φυτά και η 2η χωρίς, τότε η συνολική επιφάνεια μειώνεται κατά περίπου 27%, ελέγχοντας μόνο την αρχική μέγιστη φύτευση της πρώτης λεκάνης του υγροτόπου. / The study at pilot-scale of two parallel systems with shallow basins (height h=0.35m), one planted with Typha Latiofolia and the other without vegetation, was conducted for the modeling of free water surface (FWS) constructed wetland systems. The basins were fed with real sewage at retention times ranging from 27.6 to 38.0 days. The variation of the volume in each basin was monitored for two consecutive years and simultaneously, rainfall and evaporation rates were calculated. The difference of the volume between the basins was due to the water absorption by the plants and was compared with the predictions of evapotranspiration rates of similar plants using the REF-ET calculation software. The harvesting of the plants was performed three times during the first year, in order to estimate the nitrogen uptake by the plants. The main difference in the two systems was the water removal through plant evapotranspiration.
The pilot unit was operated so as to achieve the removal of both organic matter (BOD5) and total nitrogen (TN) from the sewage. Its design enabled the development of a mathematical model, following the framework of the activated sludge model (ASM). The simulation and the parameter estimation were achieved using the AQUASIM framework. The mathematical model describes the microbial processes, which dominated within the basins describing satisfactorily their behavior. The key processes accounted for in the modeling were ammonification, aerobic heterotrophic growth, nitrification and algal growth. A strong seasonal dependence was observed for each basin. The model was satisfactorily validated with the data of the second year. An observed average annual removal efficiency of BOD5 and TN were 60% and 69%, respectively for the basin without plants and 83% and 75%, respectively for the basin with plants. The model predicted average annual removal efficiency 82% for BOD5 and 65% for TN in the basin with plants, satisfying the design criteria of a full-scale constructed wetland.
The ability of the model to predict not only the removal of organic matter but also total nitrogen removal, was considered sufficient as tested with a real free water surface constructed wetland of 400 population equivalent, with the sole modification being the inclusion of oxygen limitation in the nitrification rate. The dynamic model was amended with the direct incorporation of the plant evapotranspiration rate and it was used to design a full-scale constructed wetland. The required elements for this design included the inflow rate and climatic data (temperature and rainfall) for the design region, as well as the effluent quality requirements. In the case study of 4000 population equivalent, the effluent quality requirement was: average annual values for BOD5=25mg/L and for TN=15mg/L. The model was used to determine a total wetland surface requirement of 11ha. If two sequential basins are used, the first with plants and the second without, then the total wetland surface could be reduced by approximately 27%, controlling only the maximum initial vegetation in the first wetland basin.
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Shape Optimization to improve NVH of an IPM machine for heavy vehicle applications : Setup and evaluation of an optimization framework through comparisons with results from shape parametrization study for NVH / Formoptimering och NVH analys av en IPM-maskin som används i tunga fordonsapplikationerSriram, Shravan January 2024 (has links)
The thesis evaluates the potential of shape optimization to provide electric machine geometries that are optimized for torque, noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) and efficiency. It could be an alternative to the parametrization-based approach in the electric machine design process. In this work, an optimization framework was developed using Altair Flux-2D™ and MATLAB™ software, with mean radial tooth force (MRTF) and torque as responses. Various features of an interior permanent magnet machine (IPM) machine were selected for optimization, such as rotor surface, outer magnet air-pockets, stator tooth-tips, and shape features along the d-axis and q-axis of the machine. A shape-parametrization study was performed to further understand the results obtained from the shape-optimization framework. During this study, it was observed that the MRTF harmonic of radial tooth forces represented in the complex domain could be modified by changing the shape dimension and position. Cases were created, wherein different types of bumps and notches were introduced on the rotor surface and stator tooth-tips, after which, a design of experiments (DOE) study modified them to observe their influence on the MRTF harmonic. Shape optimization provided results much faster than DOE-based studies, and it was best suited to suggest minor changes and offer additional performance improvements. In a parametrization-based design process, shape optimization could be used effectively in the latter stages as a design evaluation and enhancement tool. Results from the framework indicated that efficiency must be sacrificed to achieve a sizeable reduction in the MRTF harmonic. The latter is most sensitive to shape changes on the rotor surface, while partial radial-force vector modification is possible by changing the shape of that toothtip. When correctly placed, bumps and notches offer good MRTF harmonic and torque ripple reductions. / Avhandlingen utvärderar potentialen för formoptimering för att tillhandahålla elektriska maskingeometrier som är optimerade för vridmoment, NVH och effektivitet. Det kan vara ett alternativ till den parametriseringsbaserade metoden i designprocessen för elektriska maskiner. I detta arbete utvecklades ett optimeringsramverk med flera mål med hjälp av Altair Flux-2D™ och MATLAB™ mjukvara, med MRTF och vridmoment som svar. Olika funktioner hos en IPM-maskin valdes ut för optimering, såsom rotoryta, yttre magnetiska luftfickor, statortandspetsar och formegenskaper längs maskinens d-axel och q-axel. En formparametriseringsstudie utfördes för att ytterligare förstå resultaten från formoptimeringsramverket. Under denna studie observerades det att MRTF-harmoniken för radiella tandkrafter representerade i den komplexa domänen kunde modifieras genom att ändra formdimensionen och positionen. Fall skapades, där olika typer av stötar och skåror introducerades på rotorytan och statortandspetsarna, varefter en DOE-studie modifierade dem för att observera deras inverkan på MRTF-övertonen. Formoptimering gav resultat mycket snabbare än DOE-baserade studier, och den var bäst lämpad för att föreslå mindre förändringar och erbjuda ytterligare prestandaförbättringar. I en parametriseringsbaserad designprocess kan formoptimering användas effektivt i de senare stadierna som ett verktyg för designutvärdering och förbättring. Resultat från ramverket indikerade att effektivitet måste offras för att uppnå en avsevärd minskning av MRTF-övertonen. Den senare är mest känslig för formförändringar på rotorytan, medan partiell radialkraftvektormodifiering är möjlig genom att ändra formen på den tandspetsen. När de är korrekt placerade ger stötar och skåror bra MRTF-harmoniska och vridmoment-rippelreduktioner.
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