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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of Sky View Factor Estimates using Digital Surface Models

Adhikari, Bikalpa 02 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Better comprehension of the Urban Heat Island study requires information on the natural as well as built characteristics of the environment at high spatial resolution. Sky View Factor (SVF) has been distinguished as a significant parameter for Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classification based on environmental characteristics that influence the urban climate at finer spatial scales. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate currently available data sources and methods for deriving continuous SVF estimates. The specific objectives were to summarize the characteristics of currently available digital surface models (DSMs) of the study region and to compare the results of using these models to estimate SVF with three different raster-based algorithms: Horizon Search Algorithm in R-programming (Doninck, 2018), Relief Visualization Toolbox (RVT) (Žiga et al., 2016), and the Urban Multi-scale Environmental Predictor (UMEP) plugin in QGIS (Lindberg, et al., 2018).

Strategie zvládání stresu u plavců různé výkonnosti / Strategy of dealing with the stress of the swimmers with different sport capacity

Půlpánová, Bohdana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Strategy of dealing with the stress of the swimmers with different sport capacity Aim of the work: This diploma thesis is aimed to assess the strategy of dealing with stress of selected swimmers' groups. The recreational swimmers regularly practising swimming and the competitive as well as elite swimmers undergoing a regular training were the selected subjects of examination. Methods: In this work, there was used a SVF 78 questionnaire method with the electronic data collection. The questionnaire was processed through tabulation and written description. We were seeking to find the structure of stress dealing of the swimmers' groups and to find differences in strategies of dealing with stress of the particular groups as well as potential differences from the normal values. Results: As the statistic interpretation of the sum total of negative strategies demonstrates the strategies are more reflected in the weaker swimmers, both the female and male recreational ones. Within the positive strategies the diversion from the normal values was higher both for men and women. A growth of variability of dealing with stress situations along with a decreasing swimming performance is apparent at both men and women (higher values of the standard deviation). In total, men use the strategy "control of the...

Využití dotazníku Strategie zvládání stresu (SVF 78) u osob s psychotickou poruchou / Using the Coping strategies questionnaire (SVF 78) when working with peoople with psychotic disorder

Matušková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the current project is to evaluate SVF-78 questionnaire in terms of its usability when working with individuals with a psychotic disorder. Moreover, the project's focus lies on the differentiation of positive and negative coping strategies. The obtained data from SVF- 78 questionnaire were collected together with WHOQOL-100 from people diagnosed with psychosis and quantitative methodology; concretely correlations were used for its analysis. Parametric and nonparametric tests were used for a comparison of a group with psychotic disorder and a control group. This was an exploratory study which aimed to bring empirical knowledge for further research in this area. This overall goal was reached due to a denial of many null hypotheses. Due to the results, it is possible to focus on particular aspects of coping within SVF-78 questionnaire and their connection to the quality of life of an individual with psychotic disorder.

Stres u uživatelů pervitinu / Methamphetamine users and stress

FILIPOVÁ, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis called "Stress among Methamphetamine Users" focuses on the phenomenon of stress in general, but especially on the strategies of coping with stressful situations. These so-called coping strategies are given great attention in contemporary research. The thesis inquires into the development of the Czech drug scene and particularly focuses on methamphetamine as a typical "Czech drug". It describes the period of methamphetamine early expansion in the Czech drug scene, the subsequent period of radical intervention of justice and police into the resulting socially unbearable situation, and the recent respective state of affairs. It also deals with the risks associated with the use of methamphetamine and the various forms of its application. In this respect it logically gives attention to the issue of drug addiction in general and the methamphetamine addiction in particular. An indispensable part of the thesis is a description of the phenomenon of stress according to selected distinguished experts in this area Paulík (2010), Baštecká (2009) a Joshi (2007). The initial discussion of specifically defined and operationalized stress is followed by a discussion of coping in general. First, the emergence of coping is discussed. The theoretical section provides definitions of various scientifically developed coping strategies and deals with the situation around the SVF 78 instrument as well as with the stress coping strategies and the phenomenon of stress itself. The section discusses different coping strategies and identifies their respective pitfalls as well as their influence on people from the holistic model viewpoint. The theoretical section is concluded with the topic of social work with drug addicts and its basic pillars. Describes the aims, research questions and hypotheses of the thesis. Two aims were selected for the thesis: "to find out which coping strategies are used by methamphetamine users" and "to find out how coping strategies change over a prolonged period of methamphetamine use". Three research questions and four associated hypotheses were formulated on the basis of these aims. The hypotheses are operationalized in this chapter. The methodological section discusses the SVF 78 instrument which was used to gather data from drug addicted respondents. The data were gathered in contact centres in South Bohemia via quantitative strategy of data gathering. Next, the research sample consisting of 50 respondents and the ethical aspects of the research are described. An indispensable part of the section is also a description of the statistical methods used for data evaluation. Next chapter, called "Results", describes the research sample with respect to respondents' sex, with the actual ratio being 54 percent of female respondents and 46 percent of male respondents. The respondents' age is described here as well together with an average age, median and standard deviations. Another thing mentioned is respondents' time period of methamphetamine use and their highest achieved education. The discussion section focuses on obtained results and their comparison with actual researches. Despite very interesting results it is necessary to assert that none of the hypotheses was statistically verified. However, analysis of similar studies leads us to a discovery of an analogous problem. The most interesting study in this regards appears to be Konopka et al. (2013) which found no significant differences in coping strategies adopted by benzodiazepine users. In spite of this it is possible to point at frequency differences which were found among methamphetamine users. They were found in particular with respect to the relation between negative coping strategies ratio and period time of methamphetamine use, where negative coping strategies were preferred by respondents using methamphetamine for more than 11 years etc. The concluding section summarizes the research results and reflects on the aims of the thesis.

Implementering av standardiserade vårdförlopp : En genväg in i cancervården

Smeds, Magdalena January 2016 (has links)
Studien föranleddes av införandet av standardiserade vårdförlopp (SVF) inom cancervården. SVF innehåller riktlinjer för hur utredning och behandlingsrekommendationer av cancerpatienter ska göras med målet att korta väntetiderna från misstanke om cancer till start av behandling. Denna studie har bidra med att samla in kunskap om införandet av standardiserade vårdförlopp inom cancervården för att undersöka vilka faktorer som förenklat eller försvårat implementeringen. Kunskapen kan sedan återföras till organisationen, som i det här fallet är Region Östergötland (RÖ), för att bidra till den fortsatta utvecklingen av arbetet med SVF. Även förbättringsområden samt risker och möjligheter med SVF undersöks för att fördjupa kunskapen ytterligare. Den teoretiska bakgrunden, teoretiska referensramen, baseras på en litteraturstudie och forskningsansatsen är en fallstudie som utgår ifrån patientfall inom tre cancerdiagnoser. Under fallstudien samlas data in genom observationsstudier, dokumentstudier och intervjuer. Intervjuerna utgår ifrån implementeringsteori där vårdgivare berättar om sina erfarenheter och tankar kring implementeringen och hur det är att arbeta med SVF. Urvalet av vårdgivare är personer verksamma inom primärvård och specialistvård som genom sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med cancerpatienter. Riktlinjerna i SVF specificerar hur en cancerutredning ska gå till för varje cancerdiagnos. Till stor del innehåller riktlinjerna alarmsymptom för misstanke om cancer, utredningsprocessen och patientbemötande i processen. Införandet har motiverats av den fragmentering som tidigare tillskrivits vården samt att korta ner de långa väntetider som länge upplevts i cancervården. Implementeringen av riktlinjerna har i RÖ till stor del letts av två projektledare vars uppgift varit att implementera SVF i verksamheten. Uppdraget med implementeringen har utgjorts av införandet nystartad cancerutredningsenhet, Enheten för samordnad cancerutredning (ESCU) samt att stödja primärvården och specialistvården i sitt arbete med att implementera riktlinjerna. I och med införandet av SVF har RÖ valt att utveckla cancervården för att skapa en mer sammanhållen process kring patienten genom att från början göra en vårdprocess som utgår ifrån patientens behov. Studien visar att införandet av SVF på det stora hela inte har förändrat arbetssättet för de vårdgivare som arbetar i vårdprocesserna. De största förändringarna kan ses i processförändringar där tidiga delar av vårdkedjan samordnats och omstrukturerats för att skapa ett bättre flöde genom utredningen. Införandet av ESCU har bidragit till en samordnad remissgranskning där patienterna fångas upp för att på ett sömlöst sätt slussas ut till nästa enhet för fortsatt utredning. Införandet av stödverktyg som standardremisser och samtalsmallar har även lett till en ökad informationsspridning mellan vårdgivande enheter och underlättat informationsspridning till patienterna. De faktorer som framförallt underlättat implementeringen är att det funnits ett tydligt övergripande ansvar där projektledarna tagit en aktiv roll i implementeringen. De verksamhetsbesök och samtal som projektledarna haft med vårdgivande enheter samt de stimulansmedel som delats ut till regionen anses även ha underlättat implementeringen. Faktorer som istället har försvårat implementeringen är motsättningar från beslutsfattare inne i verksamheten och de inre strukturerna i verksamheten. De möjligheter som finns kopplade till implementeringen är ett ökat omhändertagande av patienten där mer jämlik vård, möjlighet att fånga upp svaga patientgrupper tidigt i utredningen och ett ökat patientdeltagande är viktiga delar. Riskerna som framförallt ses som angelägna handlar om undanträngning av andra patientgrupper till fördel för SVF-patienter och att patienter oroas i onödan i och med det tidiga beskedet om misstanke om cancer. Studien har även identifierat förbättringsområden där en omstrukturering av de interna IT-systemen, utvecklandet av ett mer standardiserat arbetssätt för de multidisciplinära konferenserna och att samarbeta med primärvården kring den standardiserade remissen är några exempel.

Univerzální programátor obvodů s rozhraním JTAG / Versatile Programmer of Components with JTAG Interface

Bartek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with designing and implementation of universal programmer with JTAG interface. The project consists of a hardware and software part. Theoretical part discusses actual state in using the standards for programming and testing electronic devices, with special emphasis on JTAG implementation. Next part deals with programming ARM and FPGA devices through JTAG. The programming of this devices using available software is described in the practical part of this document. Final product of this work is the programmer itself. The programmer consists of the hardware and supplement software. At the end of this thesis there is a conclusion about possible improvements and development in the future.

Managing care pathways for patients with complex care needs

Smeds, Magdalena January 2019 (has links)
One of the central challenges for the healthcare system today is how to manage care for patients with complex needs. This patient group is not well-defined but covers patients with serious diseases and comorbidities, or with a limited ability to perform basic daily functions due to physical, mental or psychosocial challenges. This group has a high service and resource utilisation resulting in high costs for the healthcare system and, typically, poor health outcomes. To improve care for these patients, it is necessary to implement strategies to manage the differentiated care needs, the additional support needs, the uncertainty in care delivery, and the coordination needs of the involved providers and the patient. Care pathways are increasingly used internationally to make care more patient-centred and to structure and design care processes for individual patient groups. Important elements in care pathways include structuring care activities, by defining their content and sequence; coordinating between providers and professionals; and involving patients in their care process. In this thesis, care pathways are proposed as the overall strategy for managing care for patients with complex care needs. The purpose of this thesis is thus to contribute with knowledge on how care pathways can be managed for patients with complex care needs. This is achieved by analysing how the practices coordination, standardisation, customisation and personalisation can support management of care pathways and by discussing how these practices influence quality of care. The quality of care dimensions discussed are accessible, timely, equitable, and patient-centred care. The empirical context in this thesis is the Standardised Cancer Care Pathways (CCPs) which were implemented in Sweden from 2015 to 2018. CCPs is the umbrella term for the national initiative to shorten waiting times, decrease regional differences and reduce fragmentation in care processes. CCPs include elements such as diagnosis-specific pathways and guidelines, introduction of CPP coordinators, and mandatory reporting of waiting times. Focus has been on implementing care pathways for 31 cancer diagnoses in all Swedish healthcare regions. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used. A case study was conducted to examine standardised and customised care pathways, and coordination and multidisciplinary work in care pathways. A document study of regional reports on CCPs was analysed to study effects of care pathways on accessibility, timeliness and equitability. Finally, a national survey was conducted to deepen the understanding of the role of coordination, as performed by coordinators, in care pathways. This thesis argues that standardised and customised care pathways should be combined to manage care for patients with complex care needs. The customised pathway in particular benefits patients with serious unspecific symptoms, unknown primary tumour or more complex care needs, while patients with care needs that can be treated independently of the main diagnosis benefit from following a standardised care pathway. Coordinators are an important means to manage coordination, customisation and personalisation in the care pathway. The coordinators’ role is twofold: the first role is to manage care pathways by customising the care pathway and coordinating involved providers; the second role is to support and guide patients through the care pathway. This can be achieved by adapting interpersonal communication with patients through personalisation. This thesis further argues that care pathways have most potential to positively influence accessibility, timeliness, equitability, and patient-centredness. Accessibility has been positively influenced, especially for patients with ambiguous symptoms where symptoms indicating cancer have improved their chances of accessing cancer diagnostics. A negative aspect of prioritising patients who follow CCPs has been the potentially longer waiting times for other patient groups in equal need of urgent care. Notwithstanding, prioritised access to care is perceived to positively influence timeliness for patients following CCPs. Care pathways are perceived to have positively influenced patient-centredness by shifting the focus from what to deliver to how to deliver it.

Osobnost učitele v souvislosti se strategiemi zvládání zátěžových situací a její vliv na edukaci / The teacher's personality in relation to the stress situations coping strategies and its influence on education

KRNINSKÝ, Luboš January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the topic of managing and experiencing stressful (extraordi-nary) situations in teaching in connection with selected teachers' personality traits. The thesis has a theoretical-empirical character. Its theoretical part presents some basic know?ledge related to the topics relevant to the processed issues (teacher's profession, persona?lity, motivation, emotion, workload and stress in the teaching profession context, selected teaching methods and organizational forms, recommendations for effective teaching and learning difficulties solutions, basics of artefacts symbolic interpretation). The aim of the research described in the empirical part of the thesis is to obtain the detailed information about the experience of difficult situations in teaching and the possibilities of their man?agement in connection with the personality structure of the selected teachers. The re?search was carried out in the mixed methods design. His qualitative part contains a multiple? case study (semi-structured interviews were conducted with six lower se?condary school teachers, their teaching was observed, an interview about their thematic collage on the theme Me as a teacher in all its positions and roles was conducted, and the same questionnaires were applied as for the quantitative part of the survey) and some open coded interviews about the thematic collages. In the quantitative research section, the data from four questionnaires were evaluated the orientation questionnaire for detecting stress in teachers by Henning and Keller (1996), the Stress Management Stra?tegies SVF 78 (Janke & Erdmann, 2003), the Freiburg Personality Inventory (Kollárik, Poliaková, & Ritomsky, 1984) and a questionnaire of our own design contains open questions. Most of the participants in the research study experience extraordinary situa?tions in their teaching, which usually cause unpleasant emotions and affect their teaching negatively. Particular relationships between personality characteristics and the teaching of the participants have been found. Respondents did not show a higher level of psychoso?matic disturbance, emotional lability, depressivity or neuroticity compared to the com?mon population. Neither between the level of stress feelings and the age or length of practice, no statistically significant relationship has been found. On the contrary, the male self-description and the adaptive burden management showed a mutually significant con?nection. Also, a higher level of stress impact in physical aspect of women compared to men proved to be statistically significant.

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