Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dwell"" "subject:"sweet""
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Microfacies Analysis, Sedimentary Petrology, and Reservoir Characterization of the Sinbad Limestone Based Upon Surface Exposures in the San Rafael Swell, UtahOsborn, Caleb R. 16 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The Lower Triassic Sinbad Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation has produced minor amounts of oil in the Grassy Trail Creek field near Green River, Utah and is present below much of central Utah including the recently discovered Covenant field. Superb outcrops of this thin (15 m), mixed carbonate-silicilastic unit in the San Rafael Swell permit detailed analysis of its vertical and lateral reservoir heterogeneity. Vertically, the Sinbad Limestone comprises three facies associations: (A) a basal storm-dominated, well-circulated skeletal-oolitic-peloidal limestone association, (B) a storm-dominated, poorly-circulated hummocky cross-stratified siliciclastic/peloidal association, and (C) a capping peritidal cross-bedded oolitic dolograinstone association. Eleven microfacies are present in 14 measured sections within the Sinbad Limestone. Lateral variation is most pronounced in the upper part of the basal limestone where storm-deposited beds pinch out over a lateral distance of one kilometer. Otherwise, individual beds and microfacies display a large degree of lateral homogeneity and regional persistence. Diagenesis is strongly controlled by microfacies. Diagenetic elements include marine fibrous calcite cements, micritized grains, compaction, dissolution and neomorphism of aragonite grains, meteoric cements, pressure dissolution, and dolomitization. The paragenetic sequence progresses from marine to meteoric to burial. Marine and meteoric cements occlude much of the depositional porosity. Hydrocarbon-lined interparticle and separate vug (largely molds) pores (1-5%) characterize the skeletal-oolitic limestones with permeability ranging from 0-100 md. Low permeability/porosity characterizes the middle silicilastic unit. The best reservoir qualities (permeability 400 md) occur in portions of the dolomitized oolitic grainstones that form the upper 2 to 3 m of the Sinbad Limestone. Fracture analysis of the studied area indicates a strong NW-SE trend. Fracture spacing is associated with lithology. Fracturing of limestone possibly displays a higher dependence upon bed thickness and microfacies type. The degree of dolomitization controls and increases fracture spacing while siltstones display more closely spaced fractures. The basal limestone unit is an oil storage unit, medial siltstones are flow baffles/barriers, and the dolostone caprock is an oil flow unit. If good connectivity through fractures can be obtained between the dolostone and limestone units, the Sinbad Limestone has potential to serve as a reservoir. This study will not only aid in future Sinbad exploration, but will serve as a model for parasequence-scale intervals in thicker mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions.
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Geotechnical Aspects of Buildings on Expansive Soils in Kibaha, Tanzania : Preliminary StudyLucian, Charles January 2006 (has links)
The focus of this study is on potential problems resulting from construction on expansive soils in Kibaha region, Tanzania. For the fact that most of the affected structures are founded on expansive soils, a clear understanding of the soil behaviour and their interaction with structures, specifically as they relate to shallow foundations, has been of more interest to the study in order to evaluate properly the source of the problem. The geotechnical behaviour of expansive clay soils is investigated by looking into the geomorphologic, geological and climatic conditions and mineralogical composition of the soils in the study area. The geotechnical results are linked with the performance of the foundation as well as structures. Two sites, representative of known problem-areas in Kibaha were selected for geotechnical tests. Geotechnical site investigation consisted of open trial pits, profile description and the collection of both disturbed and undisturbed samples. The collected samples were submitted to soil laboratories at KTH and DIT for mineralogical composition tests, natural water content, density, Atterberg limits and swell tests (free swell and swelling pressure). The results of this investigation indicate that soil in Kibaha contains clay (31%), have high liquid limit (59%) and plastic limit (37%) which indicate high potential swell. Since swell potential and swell pressure are key properties of expansive soils, the swell parameters were measured by free swell tests and one-dimensional oedometer swell tests respectively. The free swell ranged from 100% to 150% and the swell pressure was in the region of 45 kPa. The properties of expansive soils were confirmed by the x-ray diffraction test which showed the presence of montmorillonite in the soil. It is from this fact that the source of the problem is in the expansive soils coupled with poor building materials. Physical conditions of the surveyed properties in the area confirmed the hypothesis of building damages due to poor building materials triggered by expansive soils. In support of the obtained data, the actual behaviour of the foundations is supplemented with prototypes of strip foundations whose performances are to be monitored over a long period. Finally, suggested are the ways forward to solve the problem of foundation on expansive soil. / QC 20101118
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Komplexitetsdrag i andraspråkstexter : En korpusbaserad undersökning av syntaktisk komplexitet i andraspråksinlärares skriftliga svenskaLiljegren, Johan January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks syntaktiska drag som på olika sätt bidrar till komplexitet i texter skrivna av vuxna inlärare av svenska som andraspråk. Dessa drag benämns som komplexitetsdrag och inkluderar nominala bisatser, adverbiella bisatser, relativa bisatser, adjektivattribut, prepositionsattribut och infinitivattribut. Först undersöks vilka komplexitetsdrag som utgör indikatorer på utveckling på olika nivåer hos andraspråksinlärare genom att texter från tre grupper i inlärarkorpusen SweLL (Volodina m.fl., 2019) benämnda som nybörjarnivå, fortsättningsnivå och avancerad nivå analyseras utifrån frekvensen av de olika komplexitetsdragen. En jämförelse av de genomsnittliga relativa frekvenserna i respektive grupp visar att nominala och adverbiella bisatser används i mindre utsträckning på avancerad nivå än på lägre nivåer medan attributiva relativa bisatser, adjektivattribut, prepositionsattribut och infinitivattribut används mer frekvent på högre nivåer. En negativ korrelation mellan å ena sidan nominala/adverbiella bisatser och å andra sidan attribut i nominalfrasen observeras också. En kvalitativ undersökning av ett antal textutdrag från materialet indikerar även skillnader mellan grupperna när det gäller användandet av mer eller mindre frekventa verb i konstruktioner med nominala bisatser som komplement, abstraktionsgrad i prepositionsattributen och grad av inbäddning i nominalfrasen. Resultaten ger visst stöd för att Biber m.fl:s (2011, s. 30–31) hypotes att utvecklingen av komplexitetsdrag i engelska sker enligt en förutsägbar ordning i fem steg är giltig även i svenska.
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Creation of controlled polymer extrusion prediction methods in fused filament fabrication. An empirical model is presented for the prediction of geometric characteristics of polymer fused filament fabrication manufactured componentsHebda, Michael J. January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents a model for the procedures of manufacturing Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) components by calculating required process parameters
using empirical equations. Such an empirical model has been required within the
FFF field of research for a considerable amount of time and will allow for an expansion in understanding of the fundamental mathematics of FFF. Data acquired
through experimentation has allowed for a data set of geometric characteristics
to be built up and used to validate the model presented. The research presented
draws on previous literature in the fields of additive manufacturing, machine engineering, tool-path programming, polymer science and rheology. Combining these
research fields has allowed for an understanding of the FFF process which has
been presented in its simplest form allowing FFF users of all levels to incorporate
the empirical model into their work whilst still allowing for the complexity of the
Initial literature research showed that Polylactic Acid (PLA) is now in common
use within the field of FFF and therefore was selected as the main working material for this project. The FFF technique, which combines extrusion and Computer
Aided Manufacturing (CAM) techniques, has a relatively recent history with little understood about the fundamental mathematics governing the process. This
project aims to rectify the apparent gap in understanding and create a basis upon
which to build research for understanding complex FFF techniques and/or processes involving extruding polymer onto surfaces.
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Creation of controlled polymer extrusion prediction methods in fused filament fabrication. An empirical model is presented for the prediction of geometric characteristics of polymer fused filament fabrication manufactured componentsHebda, Michael J. January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents a model for the procedures of manufacturing Fused Fila ment Fabrication (FFF) components by calculating required process parameters
using empirical equations. Such an empirical model has been required within the
FFF field of research for a considerable amount of time and will allow for an ex pansion in understanding of the fundamental mathematics of FFF. Data acquired
through experimentation has allowed for a data set of geometric characteristics
to be built up and used to validate the model presented. The research presented
draws on previous literature in the fields of additive manufacturing, machine engi neering, tool-path programming, polymer science and rheology. Combining these
research fields has allowed for an understanding of the FFF process which has
been presented in its simplest form allowing FFF users of all levels to incorporate
the empirical model into their work whilst still allowing for the complexity of the
Initial literature research showed that Polylactic Acid (PLA) is now in common
use within the field of FFF and therefore was selected as the main working mate rial for this project. The FFF technique, which combines extrusion and Computer
Aided Manufacturing (CAM) techniques, has a relatively recent history with lit tle understood about the fundamental mathematics governing the process. This
project aims to rectify the apparent gap in understanding and create a basis upon
which to build research for understanding complex FFF techniques and/or pro cesses involving extruding polymer onto surfaces.
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Development of Correlations for Unconfined Compression Strength and Methods of Field Preparations and Preservation of Kope ShaleMcFaddin, Jared Douglas 19 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Updip Sequence Development on a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Continental Shelf, Paleogene, North Carolina, Eastern U.S.A.LaGesse, Jenny Heather 16 March 2004 (has links)
Cores, quarry exposures, and exploratory wells in the Paleogene Albemarle Basin, North Carolina sample the transition between the southern carbonate and northern siliciclastic provinces of the eastern U.S. continental shelf succession. The study area includes the relatively positive Cape Fear Arch on the Onslow Block to the south, and the slowly subsiding (1.5 cm/ky) Albemarle Block to the north.
The Paleogene supersequence set boundary is a hardground on Cretaceous shoreface/shallow-shelf mollusk facies. It is overlain by a thin Paleocene sequence of deeper offshore, glauconitic fine sands to deep marine silt-shale. Five regionally mappable, vertically stacked Eocene sequences are 0 to 30 m thick and contain coastal sands, shoreface sandy-mollusk rudstones, offshore bryozoan grainstone-packstones and subwave base fine wackestone-packstone and marl. The Eocene sequences commonly are bounded by hardgrounds, overlain by thin local lowstand sands and consist of a thin transgressive unit (commonly absent), overlain by an upward shallowing highstand marine succession. On the arch, lowstand and transgressive units may be condensed into lags. The Lower Oligocene succession on the arch has a single marl to fine foram sand dominated sequence whereas downdip, two to three sequences are developed, capped by nearshore sandy molluscan facies. The Upper Oligocene is dominated by possibly three sequences composed of basal, thin sands up into variably sandy mollusk rudstone.
Sequence development was influenced by differential movement of the basement blocks, coupled with increasing 3rd order eustatic sea level changes during global cooling. This was coupled with swell-wave and current sweeping of the shelf that effectively decreased available accommodation by 20 to 30 m, and generated the distinctive hardgrounds on sequence boundaries, and variable development of lowstand and transgressive system tracts. The well developed highstands reflect maximum accommodation allowing deposition of an upward shallowing succession that terminated at the depth of wave abrasion on the open shelf. The sequence stratigraphic development contrasts markedly with that from tropical shelves. / Master of Science
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Atmosphere-ocean Interactions in Swell Dominated Wave FieldsSemedo, Alvaro January 2010 (has links)
Ocean wind waves represent the atmosphere-ocean boundary, playing a central role in the air-sea exchanging processes. Heat, mass and momentum are transferred across this boundary, with waves mediating the exchange of principally the momentum between the winds and the ocean surface. During the generation process waves are called wind sea. When they leave their generation area or outrun their generating wind they are called swell. The wave field can be said to be dominated either by wind sea or swell. Depending on the wave regime the momentum and energy exchanging processes and the degree of coupling between the waves and the wind is different. During the growing process, waves act as a drag on the surface wind and the momentum flux is directed downward. When swell dominates the wave field a reverse momentum flux mechanism occurs triggered by swell waves traveling considerably faster than the surface winds. The momentum transfer is now directed from the waves to the atmosphere, and takes place because swell waves perform work on the atmosphere as part of their attenuation process. This upward momentum transfer has an impact on the lower atmosphere dynamics, and on the overall turbulence structure of the boundary layer. A detailed qualitative climatology of the global wind sea and swell fields from wave reanalysis data, is presented, revealing a very strong swell dominance of the World Ocean. The areas of larger potential impact of swell on the atmosphere, from a climatological point of view, are also studied. A model that reproduces the swell impact on the lower atmosphere dynamics, conceptually based on the energy transfer from the waves to the atmosphere, is presented – a new parameterization for the wave-induced stress is also proposed. The model results are compared with field observations. A modeling simulation, using a coupled wave-atmosphere model system, is used to study the impact of swell in a regional climate model, by using different formulations on how to introduce the wave state effect in the modeling system. / Gränsen mellan hav och atmosfär beskrivs av vågor, dessa spelar en central roll i utbytesprocesser mellan hav och atmosfär. Värme, massa och rörelsemängd överförs vid ytan och utbytet av rörelsemängd mellan vind och havsyta styrs i stor utsträckning av vågorna. Då vågor skapas kallas de för vinddrivna vågor. När vågorna sedan lämnar området där de genererats eller rör sig fortare än den vind som genererat dem kallas de dyning. Ett vågfält kan sägas vara dominerat av antingen vinddrivna vågor eller dyningsvågor. Beroende på vilken vågregim som råder så är kopplingen mellan vågor och vind olika och därmed också utbytesprocesserna för rörelsemängd och energi. Då vågorna genereras fungerar de som en bromsande kraft för vinden och impulsutbytet är nedåtriktat. När dyning dominerar vågfältet inträffar en mekanism för omvänt impulsutbyte som sätts igång av dyningsvågor som färdas avsevärt snabbare än vinden. Rörelsemängd överförs då från vågorna till atmosfären, eftersom dyningsvågorna utför arbete på atmosfären då de dämpas. Den uppåtriktade transporten av rörelsemängd har en stor effekt på dynamiken och turbulensstrukturen i lägre delen av atmosfären. En detaljerad kvalitativ klimatologi av globala vågfält (vinddrivna och dyning) från återanalysdata presenteras och visar att dyning dominerar vågfältet på världshaven. Områden där man kan förvänta sig störst effekt av dyning på atmosfären har identifierats. En konceptuellt baserad modell som reproducerar effekten av dyning på dynamiken i lägre delen av atmosfären presenteras. Modellen styrs av överföring av energi från vågor till atmosfären. I modellen föreslås även en ny parameterisering för våginducerad kraft på havsytan. Modellresultaten är utvärderade mot fältmätningar. En regional klimatmodell, med ett kopplat våg-atmosfärssystem, har använts för att studera den långtida effekten av dyning vid klimatsimulering. Olika formuleringar för beskrivningen av vågornas effekt på atmosfären har använts, beroende på om vinddrivna vågor eller dyning dominerar vågfältet.
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Engineering Behaviour Of Ash-Modified Soils Of KarnatakaMuttharam, M 09 1900 (has links)
During a survey of black cotton soil zones of Karnataka, indigenously stabilized black cotton soil deposits were encountered in Belgaum, Bijapur, Bagalkot and Gadag Districts of Karnataka. These modified black cotton soils have low swelling and negligible shrinkage tendencies. Owing to their low volume change potential on moisture content changes, these soils are widely preferred in earth construction activities. The exact origin of these modified black cotton soil deposits is not known. According to anecdotal references, these soils were prepared by mixing unknown proportions of wood ash, organic matter and black cotton soil and allowing them to age for unknown periods of time. As wood-ash was apparently used in their preparation, these modified black cotton soils are referred to as ash-modified soils (AMS) in the thesis.
The practice of preparing ash-modified soils is no longer pursued in black cotton soil regions of Karnataka and the available supply of this indigenously stabilized soil is being fast depleted. Also, attempts have not been made to characterize the physico-chemical and engineering properties of AMS deposits of Karnataka. Given the widespread utilization of ash-modified soils in black cotton soil areas of Karnataka, there is a need to understand their physico-chemical and engineering behaviour and the physico-chemical mechanisms responsible for their chemical modification.
Swelling and shrinkage of expansive soil deposits are cyclic in nature due to periodic climatic changes. Chemically stabilized black cotton soil deposits are also expected to experience cyclic wetting and drying due to seasonal climatic changes. The impact of cyclic wetting and drying on the swelling behaviour of natural expansive soils is well-documented. However, the impact of alternate wetting and drying on the swelling behaviour of admixture stabilized expansive soils (these include natural - ash-modified soils and laboratory - lime stabilized black cotton soils) has not been examined. Such a study would be helpful to assess the long term behaviour of admixture stabilized soils in field situations.
To achieve the above objectives, experiments are performed that study:
1.The physico-chemical and engineering properties of ash-modified soils from different Districts of Karnataka. The physico-chemical and engineering properties of natural black cotton soil (BCS) specimens from locations adjacent to ash-modified soil deposits are also examined to understand and evaluate the changes in the engineering characteristics of the ash-modified soils due to addition of admixtures.
2. Identify the physico-chemical mechanisms responsible for the chemical stabilizationof ash-modified soils.
3.The influence of cyclic wetting and drying on the wetting induced volume changebehaviour of admixture stabilized black cotton soils, namely, ash-modified blackcotton soils and lime stabilized black cotton soils.
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Etudes comparatives de différents processus de séchage de fraise par air chaud, lyophilisation et autovaporisation instantanée : application à la préservation des contenus biologiquesAlonzo Macias, Maritza 14 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La présente étude concerne l'évaluation de l'impact du séchage par air chaud (HAD), lyophilisation (FD) et " swell drying " (SD), procédé couplant le séchage par air chaud avec le procédé de Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (DIC), sur les fraises (Fragaria var. Camarosa). Il s'agit de comparer et de contraster les performances des procédés et la qualité du produit fini séché en termes des cinétiques de séchage et de réhydratation, de contenus en molécules bioactives et activité antioxydante, et des paramètres caractéristiques de texture comme croquant et croustillant. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que le procédé de SD comparé aux procédés classiques de séchage et de lyophilisation, réduit d'une façon importante le temps de séchage ainsi que les coûts d'opération. D'autre part, SD conserve la qualité nutritionnelle des fraises en gardant leur contenu en composants bioactifs et en augmentant leur disponibilité. De plus, une corrélation importante entre la capacité antioxydante et le contenu total d'anthocyanes a été établie. D'autre part, les fraises séchées par SD ont montré une très intéressante macro et micro-structure. Les produits ont présenté une haute expansion et une croustillance significative due au phénomène de micro-alvéolation par décompression instantanée par DIC. D'ailleurs, il a été possible de mesurer les caractéristiques instrumentales de croustillance/croquance des échantillons finaux séchés. Grâce à la possibilité de modifier, contrôler et optimiser les paramètres opératoires du procédé DIC, il a été possible d'obtenir un produit du type " snack " croustillant avec une très haute valeur nutritionnelle.
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