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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parametrizovatelný hudební nástroj pro mobilní platformy / Parametrizable Music Instrument for Mobile Platforms

Řezáč, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create an application, which will be primarily used as three-axis parametrizable musical instrument, respectively a modifi ed MIDI controller, suitable for Android devices. Firstly, several products, which are available on the market, are reviewed and the reader is introduced to the problematics of audio synthesis, available technologies and typical Android device potential. The next chapter is dedicated to application design. Few designs are mentioned with focus on the chosen design concept. A part of this chapter is also a speci cation of the original concept, its implementation and advantages/disadvantages. The next part is dedicated to implementation and optiomalization of some of the critical points. Also the tests are evaluated including a survey about application usability. At the end, the whole work is concluded and the further development is outlined.

Elektronické filtrační obvody s obecnými kmitočtovými charakteristikami / Electronic Filtering Circuits with Arbitrary Frequency Characteristics

Klubus, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with the issue of electronic filtering circuits with arbitrary frequency characteristics. First part of the thesis describes theoretical basis. Second part explores the possibilities of design procedures for filters with arbitrary frequency characteristics. Design procedures are demonstrated on examples accordingly to the presented methods, including their circuit implementation and computer simulation to verify the correctness of theoretical assumptions. Thesis also explores the possibilities of tuning circuit structures and electronic setting for characteristics using controllable active elements.

Generátor přesného kmitočtu - DDS / Precise Frequency Generator - DDS

Kratochvíl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with frequency generators based on the direct digital synthesis method DDS. Basic principles and attributes of the frequency generator DDS are explained. The text describes parameters influencing and defining a quality of the generated signal. The list of available integrated circuits realizing the direct digital synthesis is mentioned. A construction of the DDS generator with a device AD9954 and the generator control are described. At the end of the work, the function and parameters of the designed generator are verified.

Implementace výpočtu FFT v obvodech FPGA a ASIC / FFT implementation in FPGA and ASIC

Dvořák, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design the implementation of fast Fourier transform algorithm, which can be used in FPGA or ASIC circuits. Implementation will be done in Matlab and then this form of implementation will be used as a reference model for implementation of fast Fourier transform algorithm in VHDL. To verify the correctness ofdesign verification enviroment will be created and verification process wil be done. Program that will generate source code for various parameters of the module performing a fast Fourier transform will be created in the last part of this thesis.

Digitální AM/FM vysílač / Digital AM / FM transmitter

Kováč, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the theoretical description and practical implementation of software defined transmitter. The main aim of this thesis was made the prototype of software defined transmitter in FM band. Theoretical part is determined to description of basic parts of equipment and working principles to understand the basic principle of digital transmitters and define the appropriate component base for construction. Discussed are used types of A/D and D/A converters, blocks of digital signal processing and the roles, which these components performs. The second part is focused practical. Specified are suitable types of components and block diagram is proposed for following electrical connection and printed circuit board in Eagle program as a plug-in modul for developmental platform Arduino. The main point is program, which sets and controls the transmitter. Next important part is impedance match and antenna tuning, which is explain in practical part of thesis. The result is prototype of software defined transmitter compatible with Arduino Uno platform.

Příspěvek k optimální syntéze filtračních obvodů / A Contribution to Optimal Synthesis of Filters

Szabó, Zoltán January 2012 (has links)
The presented dissertation thesis is focused on the optimization of filtering circuit synthesis. In the five main sections of this work, the author analyzes partial problems related to several areas within the synthesis of modern filtering circuits. The first chapter constitutes an examination of elementary aspects which characterize present-day integrated circuits in voltage feedback operational amplifiers, and this main content is further complemented with a view on possible application of these circuits for the designing of filtering circuits as proposed within subsequent parts of the thesis. In this context, the second chapter contains a description of the design and optimization of digitally controlled universal filters tunable by means of digital potentiometers originally produced for audio technology. These digitally controlled circuits are increasingly utilized as analog preprocessing blocks in digital signal processing systems. The most extensive portion of the dissertation is dedicated to a complex analysis of individual configurations of economical, purposely lossy active function blocks and modern voltage operational amplifiers. This part of the thesis aims at providing a detailed insight into the characteristics of individual configurations of examined circuits; furthermore, in this respect, the author proposes a comparison of various application possibilities relating to these circuits and their wider use in the field of active frequency filters optimization. The described section of the work also includes a definition and examples of application of the designed and realized program, which facilitates significant simplification of purposely lossy ARC filters. In the penultimate part of the dissertation thesis, the design, development, and verification of a suitable synthesis procedure are presented together with the optimization of data and (in particular) power models of EMC filters. Based on the verification of characteristics inherent with the designed models of EMC filters, the suggested measuring procedure related to these filters is described, including the design of a station for measuring elementary parameters of line anti-interference devices up to very high frequencies. In the last section of the thesis, the author discusses the procedure of air ions concentration measurement through an aspiration condenser and analyzes the systematic and random errors as well as the optimization of filtration characteristics of the applied measurement method. This part includes the description of the design and characteristics of the realized fully automated measurement system with an aspiration condenser.

Studium interakce inzulinu, IGF-1/2 a analogu IGF-1 s receptory inzulinu a IGF-1 / Interaction studies of insulin, IGF-1/2 and IGF-1 analogue with insulin and IGF-1 receptors

Chrudinová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
Insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1/2) are single-chain peptides exerting homology (in both amino-acid sequence and tertiary structure) to insulin. The main function of these peptides is promoting celular growth, proliferation and differentiation. Both insulin and insulin-like growth factors mediate their function through membrane receptors - insulin receptor (isoforms A and B) and IGF-1 receptor. All these receptors are members of the tyrosinkinase family of receptors and they exert the same subunit and domain composition. The activation of insulin and IGF-1 receptors is tightly associated with activation of two intracellular signaling pathways. The PI3-K/Akt pathway is involved in the glucose transport to the cell, induction of proliferation or inhibition of apoptosis, while the Ras/MAPK pathway is involved mainly in the induction of cell growth and differentiation. Due to the structure similarity in both the ligands and receptors, every ligand can activate different receptors (with different potency) and the signaling pathways associated with these receptors. Thus, the functions of IGFs and insulin, the same as their receptors, are overlapping. The distinct function of the concrete ligand can be distinguished by the different tissue distribution of both isoforms of insulin receptor and...

Syntéza π-elektronových systémů vhodných pro přenos a retenci náboje / The synthesis of π-electron systems suitable for transfer and retention of charges

Nejedlý, Jindřich January 2021 (has links)
The aim of my Thesis was to develop a general synthetic methodology for the preparation of long helicenes equipped with suitable functional groups that control their solubility or serve as anchoring groups for attachment to metallic surfaces, especially gold. The well-established transition metal catalyzed [2+2+2] cyclotrimerization of triynes was selected as the key scaffold-forming transformation in the synthesis of long helicenes because of its high regioselectivity, atom efficiency, functional group tolerance and general robustness. A modular approach was used for the preparation of the starting oligoynes, thus enabling a high level of their structural diversity. Individual resorcinol- based aromatic building blocks were interconnected by Sonogashira cross-coupling reactions, providing complex cyclization precursors encompassing up to twelve alkyne units pre-arranged for the multiple [2+2+2] cycloisomerization to produce three six- membered rings from each set of three neighboring alkyne units. Thus, a small series of long helicenes with up to 19 rings constituting the helical scaffold was synthesized. The quadruple cyclization leading to the longest oxahelicene prepared to date was performed in a high-temperature-high-pressure flow reactor at 250 řC in the presence of CpCo(CO)2. The set of...

Metodologie pro automatický návrh nízkopříkonových aproximativních obvodů / Automated Design Methodology for Approximate Low Power Circuits

Mrázek, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Rozšiřování moderních vestavěných a mobilních systémů napájených bateriemi zvyšuje požadavky na návrh těchto systémů s ohledem na příkon. Přestože moderní návrhové techniky optimalizují příkon, elektrická spotřeba těchto obvodů stále roste díky jejich složitosti. Nicméně existuje celá řada aplikací, kde nepotřebujeme získat úplně přesný výstup. Díky tomu se objevuje technika zvaná aproximativní (přibližné) počítání, která umožňuje za cenu zanesení malé chyby do výpočtu významně redukovat příkon obvodů. V práci se zaměřujeme na použití evolučních algoritmů v této oblasti. Ačkoliv již tyto algoritmy byly úspěšně použity v syntéze přesných i aproximativních obvodů, objevují se problémy škálovatelnosti - schopnosti aproximovat složité obvody. Cílem této disertační práce je ukázat, že aproximační logická syntéza založená na genetickém programování umožňuje dosáhnout vynikajícího kompromisu mezi spotřebou a chybou. Byla provedena analýza čtyř různých aplikacích na třech úrovních popisu. Pomocí kartézského genetického programování s modifikovanou reprezentací jsme snížili spotřebu malých obvodů popsaných na úrovni tranzistorů použitelných například v technologické knihovně. Dále jsme zavedli novou metodu pro aproximaci aritmetických obvodů, jako jsou sčítačky a násobičky, popsaných na úrovni hradel. S využitím metod formální verifikace navíc celý návrhový proces umožňuje garantovat stanovenou chybu aproximace. Tyto obvody byly využity pro významné snížení příkonu v neuronových sítích pro rozpoznávání obrázků a v diskrétní kosinově transformaci v HEVC kodéru. Pomocí nové chybové metriky nezávislé na rozložení vstupních dat jsme navrhli komplexní aproximativní mediánové filtry vhodné pro zpracování signálů. Disertační práce reprezentuje ucelenou metodiku pro návrh aproximativních obvodů na různých úrovních popisu, která navíc garantuje nepřekročení zadané chyby aproximace.

Patologie a fyziologie de novo syntézy purinů. / Pathology and physiology of de novo purine synthesis.

Krijt, Matyáš January 2021 (has links)
Purines are organic compounds with miscellaneous functions that are found in all living organisms in complex molecules such as nucleotides, nucleosides or as purine bases. The natural balance of purine levels is maintained by their synthesis, recycling and degradation. Excess purines are excreted in the urine as uric acid. Purine nucleotides may be recycled by salvage pathways catalysing the reaction of purine base with phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate. A completely new central molecule of purine metabolism, inosine monophosphate, can be synthesized from precursors during the de novo purine synthesis (DNPS). DNPS involves ten steps catalysed by six enzymes that form a multienzymatic complex, the purinosome, enabling substrate channelling through the pathway. DNPS is activated under conditions involving a high purine demand such as organism development. Currently, three DNPS-disrupting disorders have been described: ADSL deficiency, AICA-ribosiduria and PAICS deficiency. All three disorders are caused by genetic mutations leading to the impaired function of particular enzyme causing insufficient activity of respective DNPS step, manifested biochemically by accumulation of substrate of deficient enzyme, biologically by disruption of purinosome formation and clinically by unspecific neurological features,...

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