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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Lopota k životu posmrtnému" William Blake prorokem v moderním světě? / "A Drudgery Towards the Other Life" William Blake - a Prophet In Modern World?

KOPEČNÁ, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with life and particularly works of William Blake, one of the most prominent representatives of English poetry and art. His work stems from his dissatisfaction and resistance to religious and secular doctrines. He is known as an original poet, an engraver and a painter, a graphic artist and an illustrator, as well as a mystic and a visionary. In the midst of the birth of the modern world, during the War of Independence, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, he considered his talent for design and his predispositions of the Old Testament prophets a direct inspiration for him and his prophetic mission. He identified with all types of oppression and enslavement of humanity and tried to gibbet them in his works. He mainly criticised repressed sexuality, which according to him leads to wars, industrialism and perverted science. The apocalyptic character of many of his works is closely related to the time in which he lived and worked. These are mainly so-called prophetic books, which he also printed, and in which he used synthesis of artistic means. Most of his life he spent in poverty and solitude, misunderstood and despised. This reassured him of his real prophetic destiny. Blake?s work became an inspiration for following generations of artists; but only the 20th century fully discovered him and understood the importance of his prophetic vision. Blake sees a redemptive power of the real art, which helps cleanse people?s inner eyes, and gives them the opportunity to be freed from enslaving forces.

Analýza sluchové percepce dětí předškolního věku / Analysis of auditory perception of preschool aged children

Baxová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis has special education theme. This thesis deals with the auditory perception in preschool children. The goal of the work is to evaluate the level of auditory perception of children in an ordinary preschool class. We focus on listening, auditory differentiation, short-term auditory memory, auditory analysis and synthesis, and perception and reproduction of rhythm. In order to answer the research questions, we created a test which is designed in accordance to the auditory perception development tables. The results show that on average the children score 82.8 percent in the test. The most difficult part of the test is listening with the average score of 61.0 percent. On the other hand, the most successful part is the perception and reproduction of rhythm with average score of 89.2 percent. KEYWORDS Preschool Child, Communication, Auditory Perception, Listening, Word Discrimination, Short-term Auditory Memory, Phonological Segmentation and Blending, Perception and Reproduction of Rhythm

Adaptace neuronových sítí pro identifikaci osob / Model Adaptation in Person Identification

Stratil, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with facial recognition using convolutional neural networks and with their current problems, which are pose, lighting and expression variance. It summarizes existing approaches, architectures and most recent loss functions. Further it deals with methods for rotating faces using GAN networks. In this thesis 3 neural networks are designed and trained for facial recognition. The best of them achieves 99.38% accuracy on LFW dataset and 88.08% accuracy on CPLFW dataset. Next face rotation network PCGAN is designed, which can be used for face frontalization or data augmentation purposes. This network is evaluated on Multi-PIE dataset and using the face frontalization it increases identification accuracy.

Vlastnosti komplexů aminojílu a biologicky aktivních látek / Properties of aminoclay complexes and biologically active substances

Dušek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This paper builds on previous research of aminoclay complexes in undergraduate studies. Theoretical part deals with study of current problems of aminoclay complexes with bioactive substances and the choice of substances for complexing with aminoclay. The experimental part consists of preparation of aminoclay complexes with selected bioactive agents at various concentrations. Verification of binding of bioactive agents to the aminoclay matrix was performed by Elemental Analysis (EA) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). For finding of the bound amount of bioactive substance were used the Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC®) and analysis of the cytotoxic properties of the formed complexes by used by the MTT assay. The main motivation of this study is to create new complexes with improved characteristics that would replace existing forms of substances used in pharmaceutical and biomedical applications.

Optimální využití energie a vody v aquaponické farmě / Resource optimisation in the indoor aquaponic farm

Ondruška, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Energetická náročnost a ekonomická životaschopnost jsou často skloňované pojmy spojené s aquaponickým způsobem produkce potravin. Tato práce si klade za cíl nalézt opatření, která by zvýšila ziskovost podnikání v oblasti aquaponie a zároveň by snížila energetickou náročnost procesu a spotřebu dalších zdrojů. Součástí práce je následné ověření vybraných opatření na zkušební aquaponické farmě. K vyřešení otázky úspory energie a vody byly použity optimalizační metody vycházející z procesního inženýrství. Pro účely automatického monitoringu růstu rostlin, jakožto hlavního zdroje příjmů v aquaponii, byla využita technologie počítačového vidění. Za využití optimalizační metody zvané P-graph, integrace procesů a hledání procesních alternativ bylo nalezeno nejlepší možné uspořádání procesní sítě, které vykazovalo více než devítinásobný čistý roční příjem ve srovnání se současným uspořádáním procesních zařízení v aquaponické farmě. Dalších úspor energie a vody bylo dosaženo instalací reflexních fólií na okraje pěstebních boxů a dalším využitím odpadní vody z aquaponické části farmy v hydroponické sekci určené k pěstování sazenic. Tato opatření mohou napomoci aquaponickým farmám zvýšit konkurenceschopnost a snížit jejich dopad na životní prostředí.

Příprava keramických materiálů pro piezoelektrické aplikace / Fabrication of ceramic materials for piezoelectric applications

Karkuszová, Karina January 2020 (has links)
The content of this thesis is about preparation and processing of lead-free piezoceramic materials with perovskite structure. Potassium sodium niobate (KNN) powder was prepared by solid state reaction (SSR) and liquid phase reaction (sol-gel reaction). The powders were formed by uniaxial and isostatic pressing and further sintered. The density, grain size and morphology were determined on the sintered samples. The powder, synthesised by SSR and sintered in a conventional furnace, was chosen as a standard. The maximum density achieved on samples after optimization of sintering cycle was 93 %TD. The sintering optimization involved a homogenization step at 950 °C, which promotes the correct development of the phase composition and microstructure, followed by sintering at 1120 °C. The same approach and sintering cycle were used for sintering the samples, prepared by sol-gel synthesis. The maximum density of the samples prepared by sol-gel reaction and sintered in a conventional way, was 92 %TD. For further comparison, both of the synthesised powders were sintered using SPS (spark plasma sintering), which increased their final density up to 97 %TD. The approximate value of the piezoelectric coefficient d33 (pC/N) has been measured on selected SSR samples with pure phase composition ((K0,5Na0,5)NbO3). The best measured value of d33 was around 100 pC/N.

Modifikace termocitlivého kopolymeru bioaktivními látkami pro medicínské aplikace / Modification of thermosensitive copolymer with bioactive substances for medical applications

Debnárová, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Biodegradabilné syntetické polyméry nesú vlastnosti, ktoré ich zvýhodňujú oproti iným materiálom používaným na poli regeneratívnej medicíny a tkanivového inžinierstva. Najdôležitejšie výhody zahŕňajú schopnosť prispôsobovať mechanické a chemické vlastnosti aj kinetiku degradácie. Obzvlášť polyestery sú zaujímavé z pohľadu na ich biodegradáciu. Podliehajú hydrolýze, počas ktorej dochádza k štiepeniu esterových väzieb a degradačné produkty sú metabolizované bez akýchkoľvek škodlivých účinkov. Diplomová práca je zameraná na syntetické biodegradabilné triblokové kopolyméry PLGA-PEG-PLGA s obsahom kyseliny polymliečnej (PLA), kyseliny polyglykolovej (PGA) a polyetylénglykolu (PEG), ktoré patria do skupiny biodegradabilných polyesterov. Obsah hydrofilnej a hydrofóbnej zložky polymérneho reťazca spôsobuje amfifilný charakter kopolyméru. Pripravené triblokové kopolyméry sú schopné tvoriť hydrogél pomocou fyzikálneho sieťovania v dôsledku ich amfifilného charakteru. Tieto materiály zaznamenali významný záujem vo vedeckej oblasti. Teoretická časť diplomovej práce všeobecne popisuje hydrogély, bližšie sa venuje fyzikálnemu sieťovaniu amfifilných blokových kopolymérov a mechanizmom degradácie. Podrobný popis triblokového kopolyméru PLGA-PEG-PLGA je rozdelený na PLGA kopolyméry, PEG a ich fyzikálno-chemické vlastnosti. Zahrnuté sú aj poznatky o chemickej funkcionalizácii anhydridom kyseliny jantárovej, anhydridom kyseliny itakonovej a kyselinou listovou. Dopamín je prezentovaný ako spájací faktor a spomenuté sú taktiež najdôležitejšie bioaktívne látky. Experimentálna časť sa zaoberá konkrétnymi metódami syntézy, ktoré viedli k funkcionalizácii a modifikácii triblokových kopolymérov PLGA-PEG-PLGA. Funkcionalizáciou anhydridom kyseliny itakonovej bol získaný kopolymér s oboma koncami obohatenými o reaktívne dvojité väzby a karboxylové funkčné skupiny. Dvojité väzby umožňujú chemické sieťovanie a koncové karboxylové skupiny ponúkajú možnosť modifikácie kopolyméru biologicky aktívnymi látkami. Modifikácia bioaktívnymi látkami L-lyzínom a butylamínom obohacuje polymérnu sieť a dopamín v roli spojovacieho faktoru poskytuje univerzálnosť v naväzovaní bioaktívnych látok, stabilizuje ich a zabezpečuje zachovanie biologickej aktivity naviazaných bioaktívnych látok predĺžením reťazca. Výsledné produkty boli charakterizované pomocou 1H NMR, FTIR a DRA analýz. Funkcionalizácia anhydridom kyseliny itakonovej bola prevádzaná v tavenine. Podarilo sa dosiahnuť vyššieho množstva naviazanej kyseliny itakovovej s hodnotou 79,4 mol % a následné modifikácie boli prevádzané vo vodnom roztoku, organickom roztoku a taktiež v tavenine. Bolo zistené, že najefektívnejšia metóda modifikácie bola syntéza v organickom roztoku s rozpúšťadlom N,N-dimetylformamidom a aktivačným systémom dicyklohexylkarbodiimid/4-(dimetylamino)pyridínom. Najvyššie množstvo naviazaného dopamínu bolo 18,6 mol %, najvyššie množstvo naviazaného butylamínu bolo 7,8 mol % a L-lyzín sa naviazať nepodarilo.

Napájecí soustava s pulsním generátorem pro tokamak COMPASS D / Tokamak COMPASS D power supply system with flywheel pulse generator

Antl, Marek January 2008 (has links)
One of the possible ways, how to ensure the necessary electric energy to the future is by the thermonuclear synthesis. Systems that deal with this problem are called stellarator or tokamak. In my work I describe the working principle of the tokamak and its possible future evolution. More precisely I deal with particular tokamak that was brought from Culham to the Prague and its power supply, which became a problem. It is tokamak model COMPASS D. My work consists in power supplying of tokamak reels and power elements in its supply way. However it is just a test gear, which has a long way to the successful end, wich is power supplying instead of power burning. It is just a test gear on which are various tests and analyses carryed out nowadays. Results of these tests will be used for another research and to improve the results of this or other facilities.

Řídicí mikroprocesorový systém s kmitočtovým syntezátorem pro KV radiostanici / Microprocessor control unit with frequency synthesizer for SW radiostation

Povalač, Aleš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the development of a radioamateur short-wave transceiver. The basic functions, features and parameters are described in the introduction. The bandplan and appropriate types of emission are also included in the introductory part. The frequency synthesis module is discussed in the second part of the document. Emphasis is placed on the direct digital synthesis method (DDS) using modern Analog Devices circuits. The proposed DDS module includes a high-speed clock source. The description of an intermediate frequency module with a demodulator is also placed there. The final part in devoted to the design of a transceiver control panel with a graphical display, a keyboard and a rotary encoder. The firmware for an ATmega128 microcontroller is described in detail at the end of the thesis.

Magnetoterapeutický přístroj pro léčbu dětské mozkové obrny / Magnetotherapeutic device for Child Neurology

Walek, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Project Magnetotherapeutic device for Child Neurology in his forepart paies medical use of Pulsatile Magnetic Field. Summaries a therapeutic effects of field which is interacting with biotic issue and determines which of those effects are acceptable for treatment of Infantile Paralysis. Below it describes single Bio-Parametres of Pulsatile Magnetic Field and analyses reasons and effects of Infantile Paralysis. In second part is described a block diagram of magnetotherapeutic device for treatment of Infantile Paralysis. Described is principle of function of blocks. In third part is defined circuit solving of controlling, supervisory and generating part of magnetotherapeutic device. Function and wiring of components is described in detail. There is also created a Printed Circuit Board. Device is controlled by three microcontrollers, therefore there are described flowcharts and controlling programs for microcontrollers.

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