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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku / The Evaluation of the Financial Situation’s Company

Přikrylová, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This master´s thesis assess the financial situation of the company Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, k.s. in the years 2004 - 2006 by means of selected methods of financial analysis. It contains proposals of possible solutions of identified problems which should result in the improvement of company´s financial situation in the future years.

Netradiční výrazové prostředky a techniky. Matematické principy v komparaci netradičního výtvarného a hudebního díla / Unconventional Means of expression and techniques. Mathematical principles in comparing unconventional visual and musical art

Effenbergerová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze / Pedagogická fakulta / Katedra výtvarné výchovy // Charles University in Prague / Faculty of Education / The Department of Fine Art Education Netradiční výrazové prostředky a techniky Matematické principy v komparaci netradičního výtvarného a hudebního díla UnconventionalMeansofexpressionandtechniques Mathematical principles in comparing unconventional visual and musical art Klára Effenbergerová Výtvarná výchova - pedagogika Prezenční studium, 5. ročník Datum dokončení: květen 2011 Vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Abstract The thesis deals with a comparative analysis of a project called Poéme électronique in the Philips Pavilion (1958), while an emphasis is put on its mathematical background and broader interdisciplinal contexts. Particular attention is devoted to grand oldman Iannis Xenakis. The thesis tries to interpret the phenomenon of Electronic poetry, which we understand as an effort to design a multimedia "Gesamtkunstwerk". This brings the necessitate of the multi-specialized synthetic approach in searching of a relationship between the kinds of arts, and the analysis of interactions of individual project components.

Studium role konformace N-konce řetězce B insulinu ve vazbě na insulinový receptor / Study of the role of the B-chain N-terminus conformation of insulin in binding to the insulin receptor

Kosinová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there were 371 million people in the age from 20 to 79 years worldwide affected by diabetes in 2012. This means diabetes has become a global epidemic disease and, therefore, the importace of insulin research still grows. Insulin is a protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating blood glucose level which has a widespread impact on whole metabolism. Insulin acts through binding of its monomeric form to the insulin receptor. It is clear that insulin monomer has to undergo structural changes upon binding to the insulin receptor as the residues which are crucial for the interaction are burried within the native form. According to studies of highly active hormone analogs and the new information about the insulin-insulin receptor complex, there is a strong evidence that the C-terminal part of the B-chain is a dynamic element in insulin activation and receptor binding. Probably, there is also a great importance of the B-chain N- terminus and the transition between T and R conformations of insulin. However, the exact significance of the T and R states of insulin still remains unclear. In this work, several new insulin analogs AibB3-insulin, AibB5-insulin, AibB8- insulin, N-MeAlaB8-insulin and D-ProB8-insulin were prepared for the purpose of...

Analogy insulinu s řetězcem A prodlouženým o doménu D proteinů IGF-1 a IGF-2 / Insulin analogues with A-chain extended by the D-domain of IGF-1 and IGF-2

Povalová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and -2) together with their receptors take part in a complex system, which affects both basal metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins as well as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Defects in action of insulin or IGFs can lead to serious diseases such as diabetes or cancer. Both of these disorders represent nowadays one of the biggest health threats to the world's population. Insulin and IGFs induce different biological effects through their cognate receptors; two isoforms of the insulin receptor (IR-A and IR-B) and the receptor for IGF-1 (IGF-1R). These receptors bind insulin and IGFs with different affinities and induce different but partially overlapping signalling events leading towards metabolic (especially insulin) or mitogenic responses (IGFs and insulin). To understand the mechanism of action of insulin and IGFs it is important to specify which structural domains of these hormones are responsible for binding to the receptors and exerting specific effects. One region that is missing in insulin is the D-domain of IGF-1 and -2. For this reason, we decided to prepare insulin analogues with the A-chain extended by either the whole D-domain of IGF-1 or IGF-2, or by fragments of the IGF-1 D-domain in order to define the...

Syntéza železo-sirných center v Monocercomonoides exilis / Iron-Sulfur cluster assembly in Monocercomonoides exilis

Vacek, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
In the search for the mitochondrion of oxymonads, DNA of Monocercomonoides exilis - an oxymonad isolated from the gut of Chinchilla, was isolated and its genome was sequenced. Sequencing resulted in a fairly complete genome which was extensively searched or genes for mitochondrion related proteins, but no reliable candidate for such gene was identified. Even genes for the ISC pathway, which is responsible for Fe-S cluster assembly and considered to be the only essential function of reduced mitochondrion-like organelles (MROs), were absent. Instead, we were able to detect the presence of a SUF pathway which functionally replaced the ISC pathway. Closer examination of the SUF pathway based on heterologous localisation revealed that this pathway localised in the cytosol. In silico analysis showed that SUF genes are highly conserved at the level of secondary and tertiary structure and most catalytic residues and motifs are present in their sequences. The functionality of these proteins was further indirectly confirmed by complementation experiments in Escherichia coli where SUF proteins of M. exilis were able to restore at least partially Fe-S cluster assembly of strains deficient in the SUF and ISC pathways. We also proved by bacterial adenylate cyclase two-hybrid system that SufB and SufC can form...

Formy hodnocení žáků ve výuce českého jazyka a literatury / Forms of the Assessment of Pupils in the Education of the Czech Language and Literature

Šťastná, Kamila January 2013 (has links)
AND KEY WORDS ŠŤASTNÁ, Kamila. Forms of the Assessment of Pupils in the Education of the Czech Language and Literature. Prague, 2013. Dissertation. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication. The dissertation deals with the issues of student assessment, namely classification by means of marks and verbal assessment. As a form of student assessment an approach based on the synthesis of both forms is also considered. In the theoretical part of the dissertation assessment in general, school assessment and its special characteristics, positive and negative assessment, types and functions of assessment are defined. The dissertation is mainly concerned with the issues of forms of assessment, their benefits and negative aspects. When discussing verbal assessment, the possibilities of its use are described, its different forms are distinguished, attention is paid to the question of formulating verbal assessment. The dissertation is also concerned with the issues of transition from classification to verbal assessment. The empirical part discovers, by means of interview, which form Czech language and literature teachers use when assessing the students and what their opinions of types of assessment in question are. The dissertation surveys the reasons...

Antimikrobiální peptidy izolované z jedu blanokřídlého hmyzu / Antimicrobial peptides isolated from the venom of hymenopterous insect

Monincová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
Rapid development of bacterial resistance and multiresitance to conventional antibiotics has resulted in an intensive search for alternative antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) belong to promising anti-infective candidates since they do not development bacterial resistance. They kill microbes by disturbing or permeabilizing the cytoplasmic membrane, or may target putative key intracellular compartments. Their advantages include fast action and selectivity between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We have isolated several novel AMPs from the venom of wild bees: halictines (HAL-1 and HAL-2) from Halictus sexcinctus, lasiocepsin (Las) from Lasioglossum laticeps and macropin (MAC-1) from Macropis fulvipes. They are active against Gram-positive and Gram- negative bacteria and against yeast Candida albicans. While halictines and macropin have moderate hemolytic activity, Las shows no hemolytic activity. A novel AMP was isolated also from the mucus of Xiphydria camelus. This AMP belongs to the category of insect defensins. It contains 55 amino acid residues, three disulphide bridges and its C-terminus is amidated. CD and NMR studies of HAL-1, HAL-2 and MAC-1 revealed propensity to form amphipathic α-helical structure in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or trifluoroethanol. For the...

Kant a Husserl o transcendentálním charakteru zkušenosti / Kant and Husserl on Transcendental Character of Experience

Trnka, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to examine both Husserl's and Kant's transcendentalism in a way that would avoid the tendency to put the main accent on Husserl, which is an approach common to almost all literature dealing with this topic so far. Since it is for the most part Husserl's own critique of Kant that inspires such ongoing underestimation of Kant in comparison to Husserl, this work focuss on the question of the legitimacy of this critique. The core of the thesis is an original interpretation of Kant's transcendental philosophy which, instead of taking for granted the phenomenological point of view, attempts to describe Kant's philosophical enterprise from its own perspective and in its own right. In its second part, the thesis provides a brief description of how Husserl, starting initially from the position of descriptive psychology, arrives at a transcendental dimension. When so put side by side, it becomes evident that the two transcendental positions are in fact very different. Husserl's critique of Kant then appears as unjustified, even though quite understandable as an attempt to draw back from certain immature motives of his own philosophy.

Člověk a posvátno / People and the Sacred

PALOUŠOVÁ, Zdenka January 2014 (has links)
This theses aims to find ways how to expand cultural and historical awareness of the young generation. It is inspired by a longterm program of the National Heritage Institute, Regional Center in České Budějovice, which is called "Let's play and study with sights." The theses follows the main ideas of this project and an educational proposal is created, which is supposed to introduce religious monuments in the city as well as try to point out the fact that these sites have been more or less transformed in the interior and some of them have undergone a change in its original purpose over decades or centuries. The theses also introduces the former holy of holies where an educational process was taking place in the 19th century. Descriptive research is developed into an educational program where presentation and comparison with other sacred objects is offered. An attempt to discover a tangible symbol of transcendence, and take photos of it, was chosen to be the activation element. Regarding the complexity of issues, this theses is meant for the final grades of primary schools and at the same level for the grades of grammar schools, it can also be used for lower grades of fouryear grammar schools and secondary schools. Its content should extend the lessons of history, art, aesthetics, and is also applicable as an extracurricular activity. It represents an educational proposal using the objectbased learning along with a continuous dialogue.

Výzkum nových elektrokeramických struktur pro nové aplikace senzorů / An investigation of novel electroceramic structures for new sensor applications

Nan, Bo Unknown Date (has links)
Piezoelektrické keramické materiály jsou široce používány v mnoha aplikacích a průmyslových odvětvích, nicméně tradiční materiály obvykle obsahují olovo, které je toxické vůči životnímu prostředí. Většina zemí proto zavedla zákony a omezení, které postupně minimalizují spotřebu olova a podporují výzkum v oblasti bezolovnatých kompozic, které by nahradily olověné protějšky. Bezolovnatá piezoelektrická keramika se tak stala žhavým tématem v posledních letech. Nicméně výzkumy na praktické využití bezolovnatých piezoelektrických materiálů jsou jen zřídka publikovány. V této diplomové práci byl vybrán jeden z nadějných kandidátů na piezoelektrickou bezolovnatou keramiku (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 za účelem zkoumání metody snížení jeho vysoké teploty slinování pomocí dotování uhličitanem lithným, kde syntéza prášku byla připravená pomocí techniky sol-gel. Výsledky byly srovnány s konvenčním práškem syntetizovaným v pevné fázi. Vzorky vyrobené ze sol-gel prášku dopovaného 0.5% hmotn. uhličitanem lithným a slinované při 1300 °C po dobu 2 hodin vykazovaly d33 = 447 ± 9 pC N–1, teplotu Curie 98.7 °C a velikost zrn 7.0 ± 0.3 m. Další důležitou otázkou pro aplikace bezolovnatého piezoelektrického keramického materiálu je jeho výroba v různých konfiguracích. Použitím techniky odlévání pásky a aditivních výrobních postupů byla piezoelektrická keramika zpracována do tří různých konfigurací (2-2, 3-3 a 1-3), aby se překlenula mezera mezi materiálovými vědami a materiálovým inženýrstvím. Pro dolévání pásky byly použity suspenze na bázi oleje a vody. Pro přípravu neslinutých keramických fólií bez trhlin, byly pro odlévání na bázi oleje vyvinuty uhlíkové suspenze s obsahem pevných látek 25% hmotn. a BCZT suspenze s obsahem pevných látek 65% hmotn. Problém práškové hydrolýzy ve vodných suspenzích byl vyřešen povrchovou úpravou prášku Al(H2PO4)3, což umožnilo, aby byly tlusté vrstvy bez trhlin odlety v jednom kroku. Tlusté vrstvy slinované při 1500 °C vykazovaly relativní dielektrickou konstantu 1207, dielektrickou ztrátu 0.018 při 1 kHz, remanentní polarizaci 7.54 µC/cm2 a koercitivní síla intenzity pole (Ec) 0.23 kV/mm při 3 kV/mm. Pro tvarování BCZT v konfiguraci 3-3 a 1-3 byla použita přímá metoda tisknutí inkoustu. Pro správnou úpravu tiskového procesu byla použita inkoustová náplň s viskoelastickým chováním obsahující 41.6% obj. pevných látek BCZT a se zpracovatelskými přísadami (HPMC ~ 2.4% a PEI ~ 0.03%). Vzorky v konfiguraci 3-3, slinované při 1500 °C, vykazovaly nejvyšší dielektrické a piezoelektrické vlastnosti, kde Curieho teplota = 86 °C, tan = 0.021, remanentní polarizace = 4.56 µC/cm2 a d33 = 100 ± 4 pC/N. Vzorky v konfiguraci 1-3 slinované při 1500 °C, které byly smíchány s epoxidem, vykazovaly dielektrickou konstantu 144 a dielektrickou ztrátu 0.035 při 1 kHz. Tato práce popisuje tvarování bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky s vynikajícími vlastnostmi v pokročilých strukturách jako krok k návrhu pro moderní senzorické a energy harvesting aplikace.

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