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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamics and control of dual-hoist cranes moving distributed payloads

Miller, Alexander S. 07 January 2016 (has links)
Crane motion induces payload oscillation that makes accurate positioning of the payload a challenging task. As the payload size increases, it may be necessary to utilize multiple cranes for better control of the payload position and orientation. However, simultaneously maneuvering multiple cranes to transport a single payload increases the complexity and danger of the operation. This thesis investigates the dynamics and control of dual-hoist bridge cranes transporting distributed payloads. Insights from this dynamic analysis were used to design input shapers that reduce payload oscillation originating from various crane motions. Also, studies were conducted to investigate the effect input shaping has on the performance of human operators using a dual-hoist bridge crane to transport distributed payloads through an obstacle course. In each study, input shaping significantly improved the task completion time. Furthermore, input-shaping control greatly decreased operator effort, as measured by the number of interface button pushes needed to complete a task. These results clearly demonstrate the benefit of input-shaping control on dual-hoist bridge cranes. In addition, a new system identification method that utilizes input shaping for determining the modal frequencies and relative amplitude contributions of individual modes was developed to aid in the dynamic analysis of dual-hoist bridge cranes, as well as other multi-mode systems. This method uses a new type of input shaper to suppress all but one mode to a low level. The shaper can also be used to bring a small-amplitude mode to light by modifying one of the vibration constraints.

Identification using Convexification and Recursion

Dai, Liang January 2016 (has links)
System identification studies how to construct mathematical models for dynamical systems from the input and output data, which finds applications in many scenarios, such as predicting future output of the system or building model based controllers for regulating the output the system. Among many other methods, convex optimization is becoming an increasingly useful tool for solving system identification problems. The reason is that many identification problems can be formulated as, or transformed into convex optimization problems. This transformation is commonly referred to as the convexification technique. The first theme of the thesis is to understand the efficacy of the convexification idea by examining two specific examples. We first establish that a l1 norm based approach can indeed help in exploiting the sparsity information of the underlying parameter vector under certain persistent excitation assumptions. After that, we analyze how the nuclear norm minimization heuristic performs on a low-rank Hankel matrix completion problem. The underlying key is to construct the dual certificate based on the structure information that is available in the problem setting.         Recursive algorithms are ubiquitous in system identification. The second theme of the thesis is the study of some existing recursive algorithms, by establishing new connections, giving new insights or interpretations to them. We first establish a connection between a basic property of the convolution operator and the score function estimation. Based on this relationship, we show how certain recursive Bayesian algorithms can be exploited to estimate the score function for systems with intractable transition densities. We also provide a new derivation and interpretation of the recursive direct weight optimization method, by exploiting certain structural information that is present in the algorithm. Finally, we study how an improved randomization strategy can be found for the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm, and how the convergence rate of the classical Kaczmarz algorithm can be studied by the stability analysis of a related time varying linear dynamical system.

Empirical state space modelling with application in online diagnosis of multivariate non-linear dynamic systems

Barnard, Jakobus Petrus 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D)--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: System identification has been sufficiently formalized for linear systems, but not for empirical identification of non-linear, multivariate dynamic systems. Therefore this dissertation formalizes and extends non-linear empirical system identification for the broad class of nonlinear multivariate systems that can be parameterized as state space systems. The established, but rather ad hoc methods of time series embedding and nonlinear modeling, using multilayer perceptron network and radial basis function network model structures, are interpreted in context with the established linear system identification framework. First, the methodological framework was formulated for the identification of non-linear state space systems from one-dimensional time series using a surrogate data method. It was clearly demonstrated on an autocatalytic process in a continuously stirred tank reactor, that validation of dynamic models by one-step predictions is insufficient proof of model quality. In addition, the classification of data as either dynamic or random was performed, using the same surrogate data technique. The classification technique proved to be robust in the presence of up to at least 10% measurement and dynamic noise. Next, the formulation of a nearly real-time algorithm for detection and removal of radial outliers in multidimensional data was pursued. A convex hull technique was proposed and demonstrated on random data, as well as real test data recorded from an internal combustion engine. The results showed the convex hull technique to be effective at a computational cost two orders of magnitude lower than the more proficient Rocke and Woodruff technique, used as a benchmark, and incurred low cost (0.9%) in terms of falsely identifying outliers. Following the identification of systems from one-dimensional time series, the methodological framework was expanded to accommodate the identification of nonlinear state space systems from multivariate time series. System parameterization was accomplished by combining individual embeddings of each variable in the multivariate time series, and then separating this combined space into independent components, using independent component analysis. This method of parameterization was successfully applied in the simulation of the abovementioned autocatalytic process. In addition, the parameterization method was implemented in the one-step prediction of atmospheric N02 concentrations, which could become part of an environmental control system for Cape Town. Furthermore, the combination of the embedding strategy and separation by independent component analysis was able to isolate some of the noise components from the embedded data. Finally the foregoing system identification methodology was applied to the online diagnosis of temporal trends in critical system states. The methodology was supplemented by the formulation of a statistical likelihood criterion for simultaneous interpretation of multivariate system states. This technology was successfully applied to the diagnosis of the temporal deterioration of the piston rings in a compression ignition engine under test conditions. The diagnostic results indicated the beginning of significant piston ring wear, which was confirmed by physical inspection of the engine after conclusion of the test. The technology will be further developed and commercialized. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stelselidentifikasie is weI genoegsaam ten opsigte van lineere stelsels geformaliseer, maar nie ten opsigte van die identifikasie van nie-lineere, multiveranderlike stelsels nie. In hierdie tesis word nie-lineere, empiriese stelselidentifikasie gevolglik ten opsigte van die wye klas van nielineere, multiveranderlike stelsels, wat geparameteriseer kan word as toestandveranderlike stelsels, geformaliseer en uitgebrei. Die gevestigde, maar betreklik ad hoc metodes vir tydreeksontvouing en nie-lineere modellering (met behulp van multilaag-perseptron- en radiaalbasisfunksie-modelstrukture) word in konteks met die gevestigde line ere stelselidentifikasieraamwerk vertolk. Eerstens is die metodologiese raamwerk vir die identifikasie van nie-lineere, toestandsveranderlike stelsels uit eendimensionele tydreekse met behulp van In surrogaatdatametode geformuleer. Daar is duidelik by wyse van 'n outokatalitiese proses in 'n deurlopend geroerde tenkreaktor getoon dat die bevestiging van dinamiese modelle deur middel van enkelstapvoorspellings onvoldoende bewys van die kwaliteit van die modelle is. Bykomend is die klassifikasie van tydreekse as 6f dinamies Of willekeurig, met behulp van dieselfde surrogaattegniek gedoen. Die klassifikasietegniek het in die teenwoordigheid van tot minstens 10% meetgeraas en dinamiese geraas robuust vertoon. / Vervolgens is die formulering van In bykans intydse algoritme vir die opspoor en verwydering van radiale uitskieters in multiveranderlike data aangepak. 'n Konvekse hulstegniek is V:oorgestel en op ewekansige data, sowel as op werklike toetsdata wat van 'n binnebrandenjin opgeneem is, gedemonstreer. Volgens die resultate was die konvekse hulstegniek effektief teen 'n rekenkoste twee grootte-ordes kleiner as die meer vermoende Rocke en Woodrufftegniek, wat as meetstandaard beskou is. Die konvekse hulstegniek het ook 'n lae loopkoste (0.9%) betreffende die valse identifisering van uitskieters behaal. Na aanleiding van die identifisering van stelsels uit eendimensionele tydreekse, is die metodologiese raamwerk uitgebiei om die identifikasie van nie-lineere, toestandsveranderlike stelsels uit multiveranderlike data te omvat. Stelselparameterisering is bereik deur individuele ontvouings van elke veranderlike in die multidimensionele tydreeks met die skeiding van die gesamenlike ontvouingsruimte tot onafhanklike komponente saam te span. Sodanige skeiding is deur middel van onafhanklike komponentanalise behaal. Hierdie metode van parameterisering is suksesvc1 op die simulering van bogenoemde outokatalitiese proses toegepas. Die parameteriseringsmetode is bykomend in die enkelstapvoorspelling van atmosferiese N02-konsentrasies ingespan en sal moontlik deel van 'n voorgestelde omgewingsbestuurstelsel vir Kaapstad uitmaak. Die kombinasie van die ontvouingstrategie en skeiding deur onafhanklike komponentanalise was verder ook in staat om van die geraaskomponente in die data uit te lig. Ten slotte is die voorafgaande tegnologie vir stelselidentifikasie op die lopende diagnose van tydsgebonde neigings in kritiese stelseltoestande toegepas. Die metodologie is met die formulering van 'n statistiese waarskynlikheidsmaatstaf vir die gelyktydige vertolking van multiveranderlike stelseltoestande aangevul. Hierdie tegnologie is suksesvol op die diagnose van die tydsgebonde verswakking van die suierringe in 'n kompressieontstekingenj in tydens toetstoestande toegepas. Die diagnostiese resultate het die aanvang van beduidende slytasie in die suierringe aangedui, wat later tydens fisiese inspeksie van die enjin met afloop van die toets, bevestig is. Die tegnologie sal verder ontwikkel en markgereed gemaak word.

Modelling and Model Based Control Design For Rotorcraft Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Choi, Rejina Ling Wei January 2014 (has links)
Designing high performance control of rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) requires a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of the vehicle. The model is derived from first principle modelling, such as rigid-body dynamics, actuator dynamics and etc. It is found that simplified decoupled model of RUAV has slightly better data fitting compared with the complex model for helicopter attitude dynamics in hover or near hover flight condition. In addition, the simplified modelling approach has made the analysis of system dynamics easy. System identification method is applied to identify the unknown intrinsic parameters in the nominal model, where manual piloted flight experiment is carried out and input-output data about a nominal operating region is recorded for parameters identification process. Integral-based parameter identification algorithm is then used to identify model parameters that give the best matching between the simulation and measured output response. The results obtained show that the dominant dynamics is captured. The advantages of using integral-based method include the fast computation time, insensitive to initial parameter value and fast convergence rate in comparison with other contemporary system identification methods such as prediction error method (PEM), maximum likelihood method, equation error method and output error method. Besides, the integral-based parameter identification method can be readily extended to tackle slow time-varying model parameters and fast varying disturbances. The model prediction is found to be improved significantly when the iterative integral-based parameter identification is employed and thus further validates the minimal modelling approach. From the literature review, many control schemes have been designed and validated in simulation. However, few of them has really been implemented in real flight as well as under windy and severe conditions, where unpredictable large system parameters variations and unexpected disturbances are present. Therefore, the emphasis on this part will be on the control design that would have satisfactory reference sequence tracking or regulation capability in the presence of unmodelled dynamics and external disturbances. Generalised Predictive Controller (GPC) is particularly considered as the helicopter attitude dynamics control due to its insensitivity with respect to model mismatch and its capability to address the control problem of nominal model with deadtime. The robustness analysis shows that the robustness of the basic GPC is significantly improved using the Smith Predictor (SP) in place of optimal predictor in basic GPC. The effectiveness of the proposed robust GPC was well proven with the control of helicopter heading on the test rig in terms of the reference sequence tracking performance and the input disturbance rejection capability. The second motivation is the investigation of adaptive GPC from the perspective of performance improvements for the robust GPC. The promising experimental results prove the feasibility of the adaptive GPC controller, and especially evident when the underlying robust GPC is tuned with low robustness and legitimates the use of simplified model. Another approach of robust model predictive control is considered where disturbance is identified in real‐time using an iterative integral‐based method.

The Development of System Identification Approaches for Complex Haptic Devices and Modelling Virtual Effects Using Fuzzy Logic

Tam, Sze-Man Samantha January 2005 (has links)
Haptic applications often employ devices with many degrees of freedom in order to allow the user to have natural movement during human-machine interaction. From the development point of view, the complexity in mechanical dynamics imposes a lot of challenges in modelling the behaviour of the device. Traditional system identification methods for nonlinear systems are often computationally expensive. Moreover, current research on using neural network approaches disconnect the physical device dynamics with the identification process. This thesis proposes a different approach to system identification of complex haptic devices when analytical models are formulated. It organizes the unknowns to be identified based on the governing dynamic equations of the device and reduces the cost of computation. All the experimental work is done with the Freedom 6S, a haptic device with input and feedback in positions and velocities for all 6 degrees of freedom . <br /><br /> Once a symbolic model is developed, a subset of the overall dynamic equations describing selected joint(s) of the haptic robot can be obtained. The advantage of being able to describe the selected joint(s) is that when other non-selected joints are physically fixed or locked up, it mathematically simplifies the subset dynamic equation. Hence, a reduced set of unknowns (e. g. mass, centroid location, inertia, friction, etc) resulting from the simplified subset equation describes the dynamic of the selected joint(s) at a given mechanical orientation of the robot. By studying the subset equations describing the joints, a locking sequence of joints can be determined to minimize the number of unknowns to be determined at a time. All the unknowns of the system can be systematically determined by locking selected joint(s) of the device following this locking sequence. Two system identification methods are proposed: Method of Isolated Joint and Method of Coupling Joints. Simulation results confirm that the latter approach is able to successfully identify the system unknowns of Freedom 6S. Both open-loop experimental tests and close-loop verification comparison between the measured and simulated results are presented. <br /><br /> Once the haptic device is modelled, fuzzy logic is used to address chattering phenomenon common to strong virtual effects. In this work, a virtual wall is used to demonstrate this approach. The fuzzy controller design is discussed and experimental comparison between the performance of using a proportional-derivative gain controller and the designed fuzzy controller is presented. The fuzzy controller is able to outperform the traditional controller, eliminating the need for hardware upgrades for improved haptic performance. Summary of results and conclusions are included along with suggested future work to be done.

Modeling and identification of nonlinear and impulsive systems

Mattsson, Per January 2016 (has links)
Mathematical modeling of dynamical systems plays a central roll in science and engineering. This thesis is concerned with the process of finding a mathematical model, and it is divided into two parts - one that concentrates on nonlinear system identification and another one where an impulsive model of testosterone regulation is constructed and analyzed. In the first part of the thesis, a new latent variable framework for identification of a large class of nonlinear models is developed. In this framework, we begin by modeling the errors of a nominal predictor using a flexible stochastic model. The error statistics and the nominal predictor are then identified using the maximum likelihood principle. The resulting optimization problem is tackled using a majorization-minimization approach, resulting in a tuning parameter-free recursive identification method. The proposed method learns parsimonious predictive models. Many popular model structures can be expressed within the framework, and in the thesis it is applied to piecewise ARX models. In the first part, we also derive a recursive prediction error method based on the Hammerstein model structure. The convergence properties of the method are analyzed by application of the associated differential equation method, and conditions ensuring convergence are given. In the second part of the thesis, a previously proposed pulse-modulated feedback model of testosterone regulation is extended with infinite-dimensional dynamics, in order to better explain testosterone profiles observed in clinical data. It is then shown how the analysis of oscillating solutions for the finite-dimensional case can be extended to the infinte-dimensional case. A method for blind state estimation in impulsive systems is introduced, with the purpose estimating hormone concentrations that cannot be measured in a non-invasive way. The unknown parameters in the model are identified from clinical data and, finally, a method of incorporating exogenous signals portraying e.g. medical interventions is studied.

On risk-coherent input design and Bayesian methods for nonlinear system identification

Valenzuela Pacheco, Patricio E. January 2016 (has links)
System identification deals with the estimation of mathematical models from experimental data. As mathematical models are built for specific purposes, ensuring that the estimated model represents the system with sufficient accuracy is a relevant aspect in system identification. Factors affecting the accuracy of the estimated model include the experimental data, the manner in which the estimation method accounts for prior knowledge about the system, and the uncertainties arising when designing the experiment and initializing the search of the estimation method. As the accuracy of the estimated model depends on factors that can be affected by the user, it is of importance to guarantee that the user decisions are optimal. Hence, it is of interest to explore how to optimally perform an experiment in the system, how to account for prior knowledge about the system and how to deal with uncertainties that can potentially degrade the model accuracy. This thesis is divided into three topics. The first contribution concerns an input design framework for the identification of nonlinear dynamical models. The method designs an input as a realization of a stationary Markov process. As the true system description is uncertain, the resulting optimization problem takes the uncertainty on the true value of the parameters into account. The stationary distribution of the Markov process is designed over a prescribed set of marginal cumulative distribution functions associated with stationary processes. By restricting the input alphabet to be a finite set, the parametrization of the feasible set can be done using graph theoretical tools. Based on the graph theoretical framework, the problem formulation turns out to be convex in the decision variables. The method is then illustrated by an application to model estimation of systems with quantized measurements. The second contribution of this thesis is on Bayesian techniques for input design and estimation of dynamical models. In regards of input design, we explore the application of Bayesian optimization methods to input design for identification of nonlinear dynamical models. By imposing a Gaussian process prior over the scalar cost function of the Fisher information matrix, the method iteratively computes the predictive posterior distribution based on samples of the feasible set. To drive the exploration of this set, a user defined acquisition function computes at every iteration the sample for updating the predictive posterior distribution. In this sense, the method tries to explore the feasible space only on those regions where an improvement in the cost function is expected. Regarding the estimation of dynamical models, this thesis discusses a Bayesian framework to account for prior information about the model parameters when estimating linear time-invariant dynamical models. Specifically, we discuss how to encode information about the model complexity by a prior distribution over the Hankel singular values of the model. Given the prior distribution and the likelihood function, the posterior distribution is approximated by the use of a Metropolis-Hastings sampler. Finally, the existence of the posterior distribution and the correctness of the Metropolis-Hastings sampler is analyzed and established. As the last contribution of this thesis, we study the problem of uncertainty in system identification, with special focus in input design. By adopting a risk theoretical perspective, we show how the uncertainty can be handled in the problems arising in input design. In particular, we introduce the notion of coherent measure of risk and its use in the input design formulation to account for the uncertainty on the true system description. The discussion also introduces the conditional value at risk, which is a risk coherent measure accounting for the mean behavior of the cost function on the undesired cases. The use of risk coherent measures is also employed in application oriented input design, where the input is designed to achieve a prescribed performance in the intended model application. / <p>QC 20161216</p>

Relating forearm muscle electrical activity to finger forces

Keating, Jennifer 30 April 2014 (has links)
The electromyogram (EMG) signal is desired to be used as a control signal for applications such as multifunction prostheses, wheelchair navigation, gait generation, grasping control, virtual keyboards, and gesture-based interfaces [25]. Several research studies have attempted to relate the electromyogram (EMG) activity of the forearm muscles to the mechanical activity of the wrist, hand and/or fingers [41], [42], [43]. A primary interest is for EMG control of powered upper-limb prostheses and rehabilitation orthotics. Existing commercial EMG-controlled devices are limited to rudimentary control capabilities of either discrete states (e.g. hand close/open), or one degree of freedom proportional control [4], [36]. Classification schemes for discriminating between hand/wrist functions and individual finger movements have demonstrated accuracy up to 95% [38], [39], [29]. These methods may provide for increased amputee function, though continuous control of movement is not generally achieved. This thesis considered proportional control via EMG-based estimation of finger forces with the goal of identifying whether multiple degrees of freedom of proportional control information are available from the surface EMG of the forearm. Electromyogram (EMG) activity from the extensor and flexor muscles of the forearm was sensed with bipolar surface electrodes and related to the force produced at the four fingertips during constant-posture, slowly force-varying contractions from 20 healthy subjects. The contractions ranged between 30% maximum voluntary contractions (MVC) extension and 30% MVC flexion. EMG amplitude sampling rate, least squares regularization, linear vs. nonlinear models and number of electrodes used in the system identification were studied. Results are supportive that multiple degrees of freedom of proportional control information are available from the surface EMG of the forearm, at least in healthy subjects. An EMG amplitude sampling frequency of 4.096 Hz was found to produce models which allowed for good EMG amplitude estimates. Least squares regularization with a pseudo-inverse tolerance of 0.055 resulted in significant improvement in modeling results, with an average error of 4.69% MVC-6.59% MVC (maximum voluntary contraction). Increasing polynomial order did not significantly improve modeling results. Results from smaller electrode arrays remained fairly good with as few as six electrodes, with the average %MVC error ranging from 5.13%-7.01% across the four fingers. This study also identified challenges in the current experimental study design and subsequent system identification when EMG-force modeling is performed with four fingers simultaneously. Methods to compensate for these issues have been proposed in this thesis.

System Identification of Smart Structures Using a Nonlinear WARMA Model

Kim, JungMi 04 January 2013 (has links)
System identification (SI) for constructed structural systems has received a lot of attention with the continuous development of modern technologies. This thesis proposes a new nonlinear time series model for use in system identification (SI) of smart structures. The proposed model is implemented by the integration of a wavelet transform (WT) and nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA) time series model. The approach demonstrates the efficient and accurate nonlinear SI of smart structures subjected to both ambient excitation and high impact load. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the wavelet-based NARMA modeling (WNARMA), smart structures equipped with magnetorheological (MR) dampers are investigated. The simulation results show that the computation of the WNARMA model is faster than that of the NARMA model without sacrificing the modeling accuracy. In addition, the WNARMA model is robust against noise in the data since it inherently has a denoising capacity.

Modelagem caixa-preta de biorreatores em modo descontínuo utilizando modelos polinomiais do tipo NAR e NARMA

Salvatori, Tamara January 2016 (has links)
Biorreatores, que são explorados desde a antiguidade, são sistemas capazes de realizar a fermentação de compostos orgânicos, continuam sendo amplamente utilizados atualmente devido à diversidade de aplicações. Esses sistemas podem operar em diferentes modos de fermentação, entretanto, os mais utilizados são: fermentação contínua, semicontínua e descontínua. Esse último, juntamente com o processo de digestão anaeróbia (ausência de oxigênio), permitem que uma determinada matéria orgânica seja degradada e transformada em biogás, um dos fatores chave para geração de energia limpa. Percebe-se, portanto, que o estudo de biorreatores em modo de operação descontínuo e em processo de digestão anaeróbia é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas relacionadas à geração de energia renovável. Para facilitar o entendimento desse processo, alguns autores propuseram estudos baseados na identificação de parâmetros em modelos não-lineares descritivos, do tipo caixa-branca, que hoje são vastamente utilizados na modelagem de biorreatores. A grande limitação dessa abordagem é que o processo de identificação de sistemas utilizando esses modelos pode ser complexo e demorado, ou, ainda, os parâmetros dos sistemas representados podem não ser identificáveis, inviabilizando o procedimento. Tentando amenizar essas dificuldades, propomos neste trabalho a utilização de modelos polinomiais NAR e NARMA do tipo caixa-preta para a modelagem de biorreatores em modo de fermentação descontínua. Modelos caixa-preta representam sistemas reais por meio de sua saída, sem informação sobre os mecanismos internos desse sistema, simplificando a identificação. Frente a esse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo é investigar a predição e, por consequência, realizar o monitoramento da produção de metano utilizando os modelos caixa-preta propostos em sistemas de biorreatores em modo descontínuo e em processo de digestão anaeróbia. Realizamos estudos que abarcam a investigação de dados simulados e de dados reais. Num primeiro momento são propostos modelos polinomiais dos tipos NAR e NARMA. A partir desses modelos são estimados os parâmetros dos sistemas simulados, com e sem ruído na saída, baseados em condições iniciais propostas na literatura, que denominamos Grupo de Controle. Posteriormente realizamos as validações desses modelos. Em seguida, passamos à etapa de investigação do domínio de validade dos modelos caixa-preta propostos, realizando um estudo em que modificamos as condições iniciais do sistema que representa biorreatores em modo de fermentação descontínua. Por fim, utilizamos dados de um experimento real para realizar o processo de estimação de parâmetros e de validação dos modelos. Os resultados mostraram que os modelos polinomiais NAR e NARMA são bastante adequados para predição de metano em biorreatores em modo de fermentação descontínua em processo de digestão anaeróbia, tanto para os dados simulados quanto para os dados reais. / Bioreactors, which are explored since antiquity, are systems that are capable of performing the fermentation of organic compounds. Nowadays, they are widely applied due to its diversity of applications. These systems can operate in different fermentation modes: continuous, fed-batch and batch. This last fermentation method along with the process of anaerobic digestion allow organic matter to be degraded and converted into biogas, which is a key factor for clean energy generation. It is thus realized that the study of bioreactors in batch mode and anaerobic digestion process is crucial to the development of research related to renewable energy generation. For a better understanding of the process, some authors have proposed studies based on parameters identification in descriptive nonlinear models, white-box models, which are widely used in bioreactors modeling. The main limitation of this approach is that the system identification procedure using these models can be complex and time-consuming, or even the parameters of the systems may not be identifiable. In order to overcome these difficulties, we propose in this work the use of black-box polynomial models for bioreactor modeling in batch mode, with NAR and NARMA model structures. Black-box models represent real systems using its output, without explicitly considering the inner mechanisms of the system, simplifying the identification procedure. Thus, the aim of this work is to investigate the prediction and monitoring methane production using the black-box models proposed using bioreactor systems in batch and anaerobic digestion process. The investigation uses numerical simulation and experimental data. At first, polynomial models of the types NAR and NARMA are proposed. The parameters from these models using simulation data with and without noise at the output, based on initial conditions proposed in the literature, are estimated. Subsequently we perform validations of these models. The next step is the study of the validity domain of the proposed black-box models, which is performed by testing many different initial conditions of the system that represents bioreactors in batch fermentation mode. Finally, we used real experimental data to perform the estimation of the parameters from the process and validation of models. The results, both simulated and experimental, indicate that the polynomial models NAR and NARMA are appropriate for prediction of methane fermentation in batch bioreactors.

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