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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of competition on the number of opioids prescribed

Nordlund, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a change in physician's behavior because of increased competition in the primary care market. The hypothesis is that increased competition in the healthcare market increases the physician's tendency to prescribe drugs in order to attract patients. Therefore, this paper aims to examine whether the number of opioids prescribed has increased due to a Swedish reform known as the System of Choice that was implemented between 2007-2010, whose target was to increase the competition in the healthcare market. A difference-in-difference method is applied to examine the causal relationship between the reform and the number of prescriptions of opioids. This method is applicable since the counties introduced the reform at different points in time. The result is not statistically significant but the estimate is positive which corresponds to previous literature. However, the result could indicate that the System of Choice has had no effect on the number of opioids prescribed.

God vårdkvalitet inom äldreomsorgen : Vilka kvalitetskrav ställer kommuner på utförare som bedriver hemtjänst i ett valfrihetssystem?

Koski, Jenny January 2013 (has links)
Andelen äldre personer i Sveriges befolkning ökar, vilket leder till större behov av väl fungerande äldreomsorg. Kommunerna har ansvar för äldreomsorgen oberoende om den utförs i offentlig eller privat regi. Den 1 januari 2009 trädde lagen om valfrihet i kraft som bland annat syftar till att öka individens möjlighet att välja hemtjänstutförare. Idag har privata aktörer större möjligheter att etablera sig inom hemtjänsten. Kontrakten som tecknas mellan kommunen och en privat utförare är den enda direkta legala möjligheten för den ansvariga kommunen att påverka kvaliteten i verksamheterna. Därför är det viktigt att kraven som ställs i kontrakten tydligt beskriver vad kommunen vill att de privata aktörerna ska utföra och vilken kvalitet dessa tjänster ska ha. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka om och hur kommunernas kontrakt med de privata utförarna fångar upp centrala aspekter av omsorgskvalitet inom hemtjänsten. En kvalitativ deduktiv ansats användes och en innehållsanalys genomfördes för att besvara frågeställningarna. Med hjälp av en utformad analysmodell besvarades vilken typ av kvalitetskrav som ställs i kontrakten. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av de identifierade kvalitetskraven i kontrakten beskrev hur omsorgstjänsterna ska utföras. Kraven utifrån de sex kategorierna, som ingick i analysmodellen, diskuterades i kontrakten. De flesta av kraven som ställdes i kontrakten var specificerade och uppföljningsbara. Dock visade det sig att det inte gick att mäta i vilken grad kraven var uppnådda. Utifrån studiens resultat verkar svårigheterna för kommunerna vara att formulera tillräckligt omfattande och mätbara krav, vilket kan försvåra styrningen av kvaliteten inom äldreomsorgen. / The elderly population in Sweden is growing, which means that more efforts by the home care services are needed. The municipality is responsible to ensure that their population gets the services they need by public or private home care agencies. In January 2009 the law of system of choice was introduced. One aim of the law was to give the individual more freedom to choose home care provider. The only legal way for the municipality to control the quality in private services is to establish a contract between them. Therefore it is important that the contract is well written, and that the municipality clearly expresses what quality they expect the home care provider to perform. The aim of this study was to examine how the contracts are written and what kind of quality the text expresses. A qualitative deductive approach was used and a content analysis was made to examine the contracts. A model for analysis was developed with the purpose to examine the contracts. The results showed that the majority of the text about the quality in the contracts described specific how the services should be performed. The six categories, included in the model of analysis, were represented in the contracts. However, the requirements described in the text were not designed to be measurable. The results showed that it seems difficult for the municipality to formulate requirements that are measurable. This can be a reason for the difficulties for the municipality to control the quality in the elderly care.

Valfrihetssystem enligt LOV : Ur ett biståndshandläggar- och organisationsperspektiv

Andersson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Sweden has one of the best elderly cares in Europe and the Swedish care work is also one of the best in terms of quality, compared to other European countries. In recent years, higher demands have been set on the care work and the number of privatizations of public services has increased. In 2009 a new law came into force, the Act on System of Choice (LOV) which increased individual’s right to a greater participation and a free choice in the selection of health and social care providers. This paper aims to highlight the impact of the law, system of choice. By using the method of qualitative surveys and interviews with care managers, and an exploration of relevant studies and reports, I was able to complete this study. With institutional theory and other sociological concepts such as isomorphism and street-level bureaucracy, I made an analysis of both the care managers and also at an organizational level. In the conclusions I argue that the system of choice has had a greater impact at an organizational level rather than on the care managers. The paper also highlights the fact that the knowledge of processes of implementation and political governance has had a significant role. The three main issues are how the law has influenced care managers work, how organizations have changed, how and if the active choices work in practice.

Konkurence v oblasti peněz / Money, banks and competition

Haloun, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This paper is concerned with theoretical assumptions and consequences of a free banking system. The main theme is critical inquire of Hayek`s notion of creating the system of free banks independent of central bank, which issue differentiated currencies. The main purpose of this system is to force the government institution to provide a currency more stable than it does now. However there are some crucial objections which target the possibility of operating such system in practice. The main theme is further widen by the question about fractional and full reserve banking. Based on the comparison of the different reserve system, there is a notion of a system combining both, but keeping them strictly separated. The foundation of the paper is analysis of money definition from the austrian school point of view. These arguments are applied to the inflation and deflation. The object of research are conditions of existence and consequences of both effects. The inflation analysis is used to describe current system of central institution and the net of commercial banks.

Betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds: Eine Analyse aus ökonomischer und rechtlicher Perspektive

Löhr, Stefan Franz 08 August 2018 (has links)
Betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds ist in Deutschland Statistiken zufolge für jährliche Kapitalverluste im mittleren dreistelligen Millionenbereich verantwortlich. Der Gesetzgeber hat sich in der Vergangenheit wiederholt dem Problem angenommen und eine Vielzahl von zivil-, straf- und öffentlich-rechtlichen Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Anlegerschutzes auf den Weg gebracht, die mit dem Inkrafttreten des Kapitalanlagegesetzbuchs (KAGB) im Jahr 2013 ihren bisherigen Höhepunkt erreicht haben. Die Zweckdienlichkeit dieser Maßnahmen wird von Kritikern indes bezweifelt, darüber hinaus scheint sich in jüngerer Zeit ein neuartiges Phänomen des „sanktionslosen Betrugs“ auf dem Kapitalmarkt zu etablieren, bei dem es den Tätern gelingt entweder ohne, oder ohne nennenswerte Sanktionen – insbesondere in strafrechtlicher Hinsicht – davonzukommen. Als Beispiele seien hier die Debi Select Fonds aus Landshut sowie die POC-Fonds aus Berlin genannt, bei denen die im Hintergrund agierenden „Strippenzieher“ trotz millionenschwerer Anlegerschädigung weder in zivil- noch in strafrechtlicher Hinsicht zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden konnten. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der systematischen Erkundung dieses Phänomens, indem sie die Themenkomplexe „(sanktionslose) betrügerische geschlossene Fonds“ und „Anlegerschutz“ aus ökonomischer und rechtlicher Perspektive theoretisch analysiert und hieraus Verbesserungsvorschläge ableitet, die anschließend durch eine explorativ-empirische Expertenbefragung abgesichert und ergänzt werden. Konkret beantwortet die Arbeit folgende zentrale Forschungsfrage: „Was ist betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds und warum ist dies zum Teil sanktionslos?“ sowie vier ergänzende Forschungsfragen: (1) „Wie sieht die Anatomie betrügerischer geschlossener Fonds aus?“ (2) „Was sind die Ursachen und Anreizstrukturen, die betrügerisches Verhalten bei geschlossenen Fonds begünstigen?“ (3) „Welche Maßnahmen eignen sich zur Abwehr bzw. zur Eindämmung des betrügerischen Verhaltens bei geschlossenen Fonds?“ (4) „Bieten die zivil-, straf- und öffentlich-rechtlichen Maßnahmen des Gesetzgebers, insbesondere das KAGB einen ausreichenden Schutz vor betrügerischen geschlossenen Fonds?“ / Fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds is, according to statistics, responsible for annual capital losses in the mid-triple-digit millions. Legislators have repeatedly addressed the problem in the past and initiated a large number of civil, criminal and public-law measures to improve investor protection, which reached their peak in 2013 with the entry into force of the so-called “Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch” (KAGB). The usefulness of these measures are doubted by critics, moreover it appears that a new phenomenon of 'unsanctioned fraud' on the capital market appears to be established recently, where the perpetrators succeed either without or without significant sanctions, especially in criminal matters. Examples include the Debi Select funds from Landshut and the POC funds from Berlin, in which the 'stripping pullers' operating in the background could be held accountable neither in civil nor in criminal law despite millions in damage to investors. The present work is devoted to the systematic investigation of this phenomenon by theoretically analyzing the topics '(non-sanctioned) fraudulent closed-end funds' and 'investor protection' from an economic and legal perspective and deriving recommendations for improvement, which are then confirmed and supplemented by an explorative-empirical expert survey become. Specifically, the paper answers the following central research question: 'What is fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds and why is this partially sanctionless?' And four complementary research questions: (1) 'What is the anatomy of fraudulent closed-end funds?' (2) 'What are the causes and incentive structures that favor fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds? (3)'What measures are appropriate for the prevention or the containment of fraudulent behavior in closed-end funds?' (4) 'Do civil, criminal and public legislative measures, in particular the KAGB, provide sufficient protection against fraudulent closed-end funds?'

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