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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A diversity approach for managing talent in MNCs : A multiple case study of the consultancy industry

Hellmér, Maria, Lind, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Globalization and demographic changes are posing new challenges for firms that compete for superior human capital resources, and this ‘war for talent’ is especially fierce among MNCs whose main asset is knowledge, like the consultancy industry. As the demand for future leaders increases, it is essential for such firms to ensure an efficient flow of diverse talent through the whole organization. Previous research has mainly treated diversity management and talent management separately, despite the fact that the two concepts are interrelated. This thesis aims to close this gap by exploring how global consultancies incorporate diversity into their talent management practices. By combining in-depth interviews and secondary data from three case companies, conclusions were drawn regarding the views and outcomes of diversity and through which practices the concept was integrated with the management of talents. Some interesting findings were that the main diversity focus was concentrated on gender issues and that global talent management was not highly prioritized in the participating case firms. With regards to talent management, the most highlighted strategy for achieving diversity was by focusing on attracting employees from different diverse groups.

GLOBAL TALENT MANAGEMENT UR EN SVENSK SYNVINKEL : – Med potential och transparens i periferin. Andersson, Tran Le

Andersson, Helene, Tran Le, Linh Chi January 2013 (has links)
Företag blir alltmer multinationella och detta har gjort dem beroende av en mer globaliserad syn på företagsstyrning. Därför fokuserar företag idag på att hitta förmågor och talanger som kan leda under globala förhållanden. Denna studie behandlar ämnet Global Talent Management (GTM), en personalplaneringsprocess som syftar till att skapa en grupp medarbetare med särskild god prestationsförmåga och hög potential, för att vidare utveckla dessa till att förverkliga företagets strategier. Prestationsmätning har använts sedan länge av företag men när det kommer till potential finns svårigheter i att kvantifiera detta då det är något som lätt blir subjektivt. Otydligheten som detta problem ger speglar sig även i hur transparenta företagen är med processerna av GTM i organisationen.Syftet med denna studie blir därför att kartlägga hur svenska företag använder GTM med särskilt fokus på variabeln potential och hur transparenta de är med sitt arbete i organisationen Syftet hoppas infrias genom att studera fyra multinationella företag med rötter inom den svenska servicesektorn. Detta har gjorts genom personintervjuer med medarbetare på respektive HR-avdelning. Studien har även gått djupare inom två av företagen då författarna intervjuat en mellanchef som plockat ut en talang samt talangen själv.Resultatet som fanns var att GTM är en process som skiljer sig från företag till företag men vad som gör det framgångsrikt är en tydlighet i arbete med processerna både angående potential och transparens. Då detta leder till en tydligare koppling till företagets strategier.

Competing for Talents : How a company can work with employer branding and talent management to attract talents

Benon, Hannah, Jansson, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
This case study examines how a company can work with employer branding and talent management in order to attract students. The study explores how these concepts can be combined in the joint activity and what the implications are of arranging such an activity. This is illustrated through the case competition Brandstorm, arranged by L’Oréal Group. The study has a qualitative approach and it is based on in-depth interviews with managers on three different organizational levels at L’Oréal. The result shows that using a case competition as a joint activity is a tool to combine employer branding and talent management. The aim of a joint activity is two folded; the case is developed by the employer branding team to create awareness and appear as an attractive employer, further targeting students in order for the talent management team to spot and recruit talents. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of communicating a consistent Employer Value Proposition (EVP) that conveys symbolic values. A case competition can also be seen as a tool for managing talents and creating of talent pools. It is further clear that collaborating with universities is preferable when targeting students, thus conveying an attractive employer brand image.

Am I not attractive anymore? : A qualitative study on how to increase attractiveness after Covid-19 for organizations within the tourism & hospitality industry

Nygren, Simon, Lindahl, Joel January 2022 (has links)
As the need for similar skills across various industries has increased throughout the years, itis not mandatory to stay within the same industry or organization as you once started. Whennew opportunities take shape, people have come to compare their situation with what it couldbe like in another organization, in another industry, making the attractiveness of anorganization increasingly important, both to keep and to attract new talented employees. Thetourism & hospitality industry has long been perceived as an industry where there is poorwork-life balance, and lower compensation for the employees than other industries whencompared. Because of this, the tourism & hospitality industry have to reconsider theirpractices and evaluate what can be changed to increase the attractiveness, to ensure the futuregrowth of the industry. There are aspects of the tourism & hospitality industry that influence the intention to staywithin an organization, and in the industry as well, including the work-life balance andcompensation. However, there has been an emphasis on what influences the employees toleave rather than the aspects that could be changed to increase the attractiveness, reduce theportion of employees leaving, and attract new ones. There are also proven effects that criseshave on organizations within the tourism & hospitality industry, which influence some of thefactors, previously stated as reasons for employees considering leaving. Hence, there is aresearch gap on how to increase the attractiveness of organizations within the tourism &hospitality industry, after a crisis. The purpose of this study is to examine the key factors that explain why employees in thetourism & hospitality industry find other industries more attractive and identify howorganizations within tourism & hospitality must adapt to increase their attractiveness. Toaddress the research gap, this study used an inductive approach and conducted qualitative,semi-structured interviews to gather the data. When choosing a sample technique, it first tooka stance in the snowball technique, using the network of the authors to get in touch with theappropriate respondents. After this a purposive sampling technique was used to select themost appropriate respondents, with the ability to contribute to the study. The empirical datawas analyzed through a thematic analysis to review and present the relevant findings of the empirical data. From the thematic analysis, three main themes were identified: What creates the talentshortage, How do crises affect talent shortage and What can be done to prevent talentshortage. Within the three main themes, nine sub-themes were found, which assisted infinalizing a conceptual model, showing how organizations within the tourism & hospitalityindustry can change to become more attractive toward talented employees. The findings ofthis study shows that opportunities for personal development and career growth, continuouscommunication between employee and employer, involvement of employees in decisions,improved work-life balance, normal workloads, reduction of unhealthy stress, brand image,and compensation can increase the attractiveness of organization in the tourism & hospitalityindustry after a crisis, such as Covid-19.

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