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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Percepciones y comportamientos del ciudadano frente a la propaganda política sobre el pago de arbitrios : el caso de la Municipalidad de El Tambo - Huancayo.

Alderete Güere, Ernesto Gustavo 22 November 2013 (has links)
En el año 2007, desde que el Lic. Angel Unchupaico Canchumani ingresó a la alcaldía del Distrito de El Tambo – Huancayo, se promovieron con mayor frecuencia las campañas de amnistías y condonaciones de arbitrios públicos a través de los distintos medios de comunicación. Esto sucede porque la mayoría de alcaldes que han sido elegidos por primera vez buscan a menudo la reelección, no tanto por el dinero sino por el poder. / Tesis

Trends in adult medial admissions at Tambo Memorial Hospital, Gauteng, between 2005 and 2007

Naidoo, Aroomugan 23 September 2010 (has links)
MPH, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand / Introduction: The study analysed the admission trends at six adult medical wards in a regional hospital in Gauteng over 2005 and 2007. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of data from admission ward registers and patient case notes. Information obtained included age, gender, duration of stay, clinical outcomes and disease profile. The study population comprised of all patients admitted to the adult medical wards at Tambo Memorial Hospital for the period 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005 and 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007. Results: The number of medical admissions increased by 2.07% during the years of study. The male admissions were slightly higher than the female admissions. The mean age of male patients decreased from 42.30 years to 40.41 years. In contrast the mean age for female patients increased from 38.00 years to 40.50 years. The average length of stay decreased from 6.16 days to 5.33 days. The younger age groups (15-34 years of age) accounted for the majority of admissions. Based on the ICD 10 coding, infectious and parasitic diseases accounted for the majority of the admissions followed by respiratory disorders. Tuberculosis became the most frequent diagnosis and was prevalent in the younger age groups followed by pneumonia. Hypertension was a common diagnosis in the older age groups (55 years and older). As was expected the majority of patients (86-95% in 2005 and 80.24% in 2007) were discharged home but a considerable number of patients were transferred to other institutions. Importantly, a decrease in the mortality rate from 4.02% to 0.03% was also demonstrated. Conclusions: An increase in the number of patient’s admissions, a decrease in the average length of stay and a decrease in mortality rate were noted during the study period. Changing trends with regards to gender, age and disease profile were also observed. The challenges and recommendations identified by the study will provide valid information that would be meaningful to hospital management as well as potential users such as budget planners, resource allocators and efficient referral pathways designers.

El agua, un recurso que se pierde

Jara Garcia, Mitchel Jimmy 10 April 2018 (has links)
En el Perú, los recursos hídricos no son aprovechados eficientemente debido a diversos factores como la distribución de las cuencas en el territorio, el cambio climático, la contaminación, entre otros. Por esta razón, el afianzamiento de los recursos hídricos es la mejor manera de revertir esta situación y solucionar varios problemas nacionales. No obstante, existen casos como el Valle del Tambo, donde se plantea afianzar los recursos mediante la construcción de una presa, en que la población se opone a está por temor a perder el agua que llegaba a ellos. Sin embargo, se quiere demostrar que afianzar el agua de manera eficiente superaría con facilidad cualquier aspecto negativo. Utilizando el agua de manera correcta incrementaría la producción agrícola de la que se sustentan las poblaciones cercanas, habría agua disponible para otros fines y el impacto ambiental seria mínimo. En conclusión, para solucionar el problema de estrés hídrico en el país se deberían comenzar a plantear más proyectos similares.

From inka tambos to colonial tambarrías: law, economy and the «licentious» Activities of indigenous women / De los tambos incas a las tambarrías coloniales: economía colonial, legislación de tambos y actividades «licenciosas» de las mujeres indígenas

Chacaltana Cortez, Sofía 10 April 2018 (has links)
Historical accounts of the Iberian incursion into the Andes indicate that Spaniards were amazed by the sophisticated roads and waystations (tambos) they encountered across Andean territory. During and after the Iberian conquest, indigenous and Spanish armies constantly burned tambos for strategic reasons, in order to slow the movement of enemy troops. Despite this practice, tambos were one of the few institutions that continued during the colonial  period. The Spanish rapidly recognized that tambos were beneficial for their economy, specifically markets and mining exploitation that required the movement of people, things, and animals across the Andean region. Consequently, during the early colonial period, Iberians dictated laws promoting the smooth functioning of tambos as a way of regulating the practices occurring in them; transforming tambos into a new colonial institution. In this article, I call attention to the transformation of tambos from a pre-Hispanic to a colonial institution as well as the colonial desire to control indigenous behavior in the new Andean society. I specially focus on the colonial fixation over the bodies of indigenous women, illustrating some aspects of the ideology of power exerted over indigenous communities. Finally, I discuss the importance of archaeology to better understand the transformation of tambos from the pre-Hispanic to the colonial period. / Cuando llegaron los españoles a los Andes, alabaron los caminos y tambos incaicos que encontraron mientras avanzaban a través del agreste territorio andino. A pesar de que durante y luego de la conquista española los tambos sufrieron un gran deterioro, fueron una de las pocas instituciones que continuaron funcionando durante la época colonial. Los hispanos se dieron cuenta rápidamente de que estos edificios eran de gran necesidad para su economía basada en el comercio y en la explotación minera, sistema que para funcionar requería del transporte de gente, objetos y animales. Por ello, pese a que los tambos estaban inmersos en un sistema económico mercantilista colonial, los españoles dispusieron de una serie de cédulas que promovían la reinstitucionalización de los tambos como en la época de «Guaynacapac». En este artículo, me sirvo de datos históricos que refieren a la legalización del funcionamiento de los tambos y a las prácticas ocurridas en ellos para observar las múltiples fricciones entre los hispanos e indígenas. Además, llamo la atención sobre un aspecto en particular: la obsesión española sobre el cuerpo de la mujer indígena, que devela la ideología de poder colonial. Al final del artículo, discuto la importancia de la arqueología para contribuir con un mejor entendimiento sobre la transformación de esta institución desde la época prehispánica hasta la colonial.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the business funding model in developing small, micro and medium sized enterprises (SMMEs) with particular reference to OR Tambo District Municipality

Yalezo, Bhasela January 2013 (has links)
A great deal of taxpayers’ money has gone to a lot of SMME development initiatives. Despite this effort over the past 17 years, South Africa (SA) lags behind other developing countries, in promoting the growth and sustainability of SMMEs. The impact and achievements of government initiatives have fallen disappointingly short of aspiration (Business Development in South Africa. 2009. Occasional paper). Aims and Objectives: •To evaluate and reflect on the OR Tambo District Municipality SMME funding model and establish whether it has made the desired impact. •Determine if funds that have been channelled by the SA government to SMMEs for business expansion, start-ups, grants, and special industry development have yielded quantifiable results and •Assess the private funding institutions in assisting destitute entrepreneurs in the OR Tambo District municipality. Research methodology: The study was conducted using qualitative research and a questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The researcher was able to get valuable information on stakeholders in the SMME sector. The stakeholders (SMMEs and funders), formed the core research sample. Results: findings suggest that the OR Tambo Municipality has a funding gap and the current funding model both from public and private funders is not effective in developing SMMEs in the municipality. The overwhelming majority of SMMEs agreed that there is a funding gap between funders and enterprises that seek funding in the ORTDM. “Financing gap” terminology, Underhill Corporate Solutions (UCS) (2011:52) defines it as, ‘a sizeable share of economically significant SMEs cannot obtain financing from banks, capital markets or other finance suppliers.’ About 90 percent of the interviewed SMMEs agreed that there is huge funding gap and 10 percent disputed this and said that there is no funding gap; rather, it’s a funding mismatch between the funders and SMMEs which needs to be tackled by all SMMEs stakeholders. The funding model needs to be revamped so it can also be accessible to start-ups, the unemployed, people with less business management experience and limited skills, and to all sectors of the economy. Various recommendations and suggestions for further research are made based on the research findings. Conclusion: The study has shown that the current SMME funding model is not effective and does not assist in developing SMMEs in ORTDM. The research findings depict the funding plight of SMMEs in South Africa; the SMME plight in ORTDM is more real than imaginary. 70 percent of SMMEs expressed less confidence in government SMMEs agencies in terms of assistance. The bigger portion of SMMEs felt that the funds channelled to government agencies were not providing significant assistance in developing SMMEs in ORTDM. Recommendations: The conclusive response from the sample, reflect structural challenges in the current funding model. About 70 percent of funding institution`s officials said “yes”, the low yield on SMME growth is a matter of funding. The funds which were meant to fund SMMEs for one reason or the other do not reach SMMEs which are looking for funding. Hence the funds channelled in the sector in the last 17 years have not yielded the desired results. 40 percent interviewed government officials conceded that there is serious political meddling in funding SMMEs in the whole province and ORTDM could not be an exception to this rule. 80 percent of interviewed SMMEs in ORTDM said funding was their main problem, and the other 20 percent indicated that their problem was not a matter of funding. The public and the private sector must revise the current funding model or devise another funding model that will: •bridge the existing current funding gap, •distribute the SMME allocated budget and achieve maximum efficiency in budget allocation.

Trayectorias educativas de jóvenes indígenas Asháninka del distrito de Río Tambo, Satipo. Una aproximación a las diversas experiencias de la escolaridad

Gastelú Jiménez, Roxana del Pilar 07 September 2018 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como fin aproximarnos a las condiciones y experiencias que viven las y los jóvenes asháninkas, varones y mujeres, en sus procesos de escolarización en el nivel secundaria y las trayectorias educativas que van construyendo en dicho tránsito. En un contexto de cambios que vienen experimentando las comunidades nativas amazónicas, esta investigación sostiene que la escolarización de estos jóvenes asháninkas no podrá ser comprendida si no es en diálogo con las actuales dinámicas y experiencias juveniles locales, por lo que la aproximación etnográfica que propone toma fundamental importancia. Asimismo, sin dejar de reconocer las condiciones de desigualdad y exclusión en las que viven, se destaca la capacidad de agencia de los y las jóvenes asháninkas que se expresa en las apropiaciones, negociaciones y resistencias vinculadas a su escolarización. Es decir, estos cumplen un rol activo en la toma de decisiones en su paso por la educación secundaria, cuyas condiciones etarias, de clase y de género toman particular relevancia. Se plantea así un acercamiento que aborda los procesos, prácticas y sentidos que inciden en el paso de estos jóvenes por la educación secundaria que se expresan en sus distintas trayectorias educativas y experiencias propias de la cotidianidad escolar. Así, esta investigación parte de la pregunta ¿Qué lugar ocupa la escuela en las experiencias juveniles de las y los jóvenes asháninkas y cómo estas afectan sus trayectorias educativas en su paso por la educación secundaria? En la presente investigación se trabaja principalmente a partir de las experiencias de un grupo de jóvenes asháninkas que cursan, o hayan cursado, su educación secundaria en la Comunidad Nativa de Oviri del distrito de Río Tambo (provincia de Satipo, región Junín). No obstante, a lo largo de la investigación se entra en dialogo con las voces de padres, madres, autoridades comunales y docentes de la escuela que aporten a la comprensión de la escolarización entre las y los jóvenes asháninkas / Tesis

Percepciones y comportamientos del ciudadano frente a la propaganda política sobre el pago de arbitrios : el caso de la Municipalidad de El Tambo - Huancayo.

Alderete Güere, Ernesto Gustavo 22 November 2013 (has links)
En el año 2007, desde que el Lic. Angel Unchupaico Canchumani ingresó a la alcaldía del Distrito de El Tambo – Huancayo, se promovieron con mayor frecuencia las campañas de amnistías y condonaciones de arbitrios públicos a través de los distintos medios de comunicación. Esto sucede porque la mayoría de alcaldes que han sido elegidos por primera vez buscan a menudo la reelección, no tanto por el dinero sino por el poder.

Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de participación ciudadana en la gestión del desarrollo local de la zona VRAEM en el distrito Río tambo – Satipo - Junín

León García, Lizet Meylin, Mansilla De Vivero De Estrada, Andrea Lucia 26 November 2019 (has links)
El distrito de Río Tambo de la zona VRAEM está ubicado en la Provincia de Satipo, región Junín, y en su territorio alberga una población culturalmente diversa de nativos y colonos. Sin embargo, dicha población no cuenta con suficientes oportunidades y mecanismos para participar en el proceso de toma de decisiones que tiene un impacto sobre el desarrollo local, entre otras razones, porque las autoridades locales no consideran a estas poblaciones en las mismas condiciones al garantizar su derecho a la participación. En este escenario, el objetivo de este proyecto de innovación es abordar la problemática de los bajos niveles de participación ciudadana de los pobladores nativos y colonos en la gestión del desarrollo local del distrito de Río Tambo de la zona VRAEM. Para esto, este proyecto propone generar espacios locales de participación ciudadana focalizados en los nativos y colonos, utilizando el presupuesto participativo como herramienta. En este proyecto, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa para el recojo de información, para lo cual se utilizaron herramientas tales como el análisis de experiencias de los pobladores y la administración municipal; la realización de entrevistas; el análisis de experiencias en focus group; así como, la revisión bibliográfica y documental de los temas que se abordan en el proyecto. La investigación realizada permite concluir que si bien existe el interés por parte de la comunidad de nativos y colonos de participar activamente de los procesos de formulación de proyectos y toma de decisiones respecto al presupuesto participativo, estos no cuentan con la información clara y suficiente, no cuentan con las capacitaciones que puedan asegurar una participación ciudadana efectiva en pro del desarrollo local, así como también existe desidia por parte del gobierno local de incluirlos. Por esta razón, es necesario contar con un proceso continuo y consecutivo durante todo el año, que parta desde la motivación de los actores sobre la importancia de la participación, su inclusión en todas las etapas del presupuesto participativo, y la posterior rendición de cuentas, brindando así las herramientas para generar consensos en la toma de decisiones integrando a los pobladores nativos y colonos. / Trabajo de investigación

Exploring the perceptions of old age (home) residents regarding the general care received (by the elderly) in the O.R. Tambo District Eastern Cape.

May, Fezeka. January 2012 (has links)
The study is exploring the inner world of old age home resident’s perceptions and how they felt on the general care they receive. The main themes were: Basic needs, psycho-social aspects, safety environment, safety medication aspect, nutrition, institutionalisation and support system. They felt aging not only meant losing independency, dignity and loneliness but also having more experiences. Not all is well at the old age home resident. BACKGROUND: Increasing life expectancy should be celebrated, but with it comes the challenges of the increased like hood of multiple health conditions. With a growing older population, aging has become an important issue for attention. Extension of services provide programmes and home resident services for senior citizens, but how much knowledge about ageing and home resident‘s perceptions regarding the general care they receive(Nina Chen2001). The motivation of the study had its origin on the ever increasing ageing population in the country and the observation made during case study on Stroke Assignment as a Gerontology Master’s student at the selected old age home resident. The observations made were less than satisfactory conditions of the general care received by the old age home residents made the researcher to seek on exploring their perception. PURPOSE: To examine old age home residents’ perceptions regarding the basic physical care they receive. To gain some more understanding on the ageing phenomenon at the Empilweni old age residence. To provide some answers that could be used by policy makers and professionals to formulate guidelines or interventions relevant to lived experiences of the older persons and the meaning attached to ageing or being old and consequently improve the basic quality of life of older person in Eastern Cape. METHODOLOGY: Phemenologic design within a qualitative approach to guide the research process: Data was collected from focus groups. Open ended group discussion was used. Data was collected using group discussions, field notes and through the medium of video and audio tape; raw data was transcribed, interpreted, and translated .data was analysed manually through generated into themes codes and into categorised and subcategories. PARTICIPANTS: An invitation in this study was announced at one of the only registered old age home at the O.R. Tambo district Eastern Cape. Purposive quota sampling was done. Twelve elderly residents participated in this study. Characteristics of the participants were described according to the age, length of stay, any chronic disease or disability, reason to stay at the residents and any relatives or family visiting. Participants were graded according to functional disabilities –active: 60-65 years semi-frail, older elderly: 65-75 years, and frail age: 75 and over years of age ranging from independency to dependency of their limitations. Senile dementia, those with cognitive impairment and very frail elderly were excluded.Data was collected. DATA ANALYSIS: The Tesch’s approach and elicitation method was used. Data collected and displayed from stage of entry to data analysis was analysed manually. Transcribed, translated and interpreted of raw data into meaningful concepts using data from the participants, observations field notes and confirming on video/tape records. Based on the data reduction, interpretations, decontexualisation and contextualisation to generate themes. Coding process was done after reducing repeated content and linking relevant concept getting sense of the whole, by colouring , marking , abbreviate the topics as codes and turn into themes .Codes were generated. The data was classified into categories and subcategories. The following categories immerged: Basic needs, Safety environment & medication, psychosocial aspect, Nutrition, Institutionalisation and Support system aspect. RESULTS: Not all residents were satisfied with the general care at the old age home residence. Loss of independency accompanied low dignity and loneliness in old age home residents. CONCLUSION: In examining the perception of old age residents regarding general care, gaps regarding the general care for elderly residents have been identified hence recommended for more health caregiver staff, in-service on ethics morals on the caregivers and extension of services to multidisciplinary approach. / Thesis (M.N.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

Los colores de Tambo Colorado: una reevaluación

Protzen, Jean-Pierre, Morris, Craig 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Colors at Tambo colorado: A ReevaluationThe research visit to the Inca site of Tambo Colorado, in the Pisco Valley, reported on in this paper took place a hundred years after the visit of Max Uhle’s. Tambo Colorado takes its name from the many colors that adorn its walls. It is one of the aims of the present project to determine whether or not the colors have any architectural or symbolic significance. So far, the research suggests that there is a close correlation between the site’s layout, the highly hierarchical organization of its spaces, and the distribution of colors. / Cien años después de Max Uhle, los autores visitaron nuevamente el sitio inca de Tambo Colorado, ubicado en el valle de Pisco, con el fin de llevar a cabo investigaciones en este complejo que debe su nombre a los muchos colores que adornan sus muros y estructuras. Uno de los objetivos del proyecto actual es determinar si dichos colores tuvieron algún significado arquitectónico o simbólico. Hasta el momento, las investigaciones sugieren que existe, efectivamente, una correlación bien estrecha entre el trazado del sitio, la organización bastante jerárquica de los espacios y la distribución de los colores.

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