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Intensification of industrial processes : auto-tandem and molecular weight enlarged catalysisFenton, Lewis Michael January 2018 (has links)
The chemical industry is an essential part of modern society and therefore has a responsibility to develop solutions for the problems facing it. A major problem is continuing to match the material demands of a growing global population whilst simultaneously decreasing the consumption of finite natural resources and limiting the emissions of greenhouse gasses. An optimised catalytic system that shortens, or intensifies, the process chain for the production of chemicals can be an effective solution to this challenge. Auto-tandem catalysis is where a single metal-ligand complex facilitates two or more sequential transformations. For example: alkenes are hydroformylated into aldehydes which are then hydrogenated into alcohols. The alcohols have use as plasticisers or surfactants for metal extraction. A previously reported auto-tandem catalysis system was shown to be capable of sequential hydroformylation-hydrogenation of 1-octene to nonanol. It consisted of the neutral rhodium precursor [Rh(acac)(CO)2] and the bidentate ligand xantphos in 10% iPrOH/H2O co-solvent at temperatures of 160°C. Investigations, reported in this thesis, revealed that xantphos type ligands, with their large bite-angle, and high temperatures are required to generate the hydrogenation activity. However, in contrast to the previous system, water is not necessary; with the same results produced in toluene:iPrOH solutions and water:iPrOH solutions. It is proposed that the iPrOH or H2O has a direct influence in the catalytic cycle, either as a hydrogen-shuttle or generates a cationic rhodium species, known to be active in hydrogenation. High temperature NMR studies show the standard resting state of the hydroformylation catalyst is still predominant at high temperatures therefore the proposed catalytic cycle starts from this step. A recurring problem in the industrial process chain is the separation of the catalyst from the final products. Combing a TiO2 ceramic membrane with a POSS (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane) modified tin catalyst and phosphonium iodide co-catalyst, for the coupling of epoxides and CO2 to make cyclic carbonates, was investigated. The catalyst system showed good substrate compatibility for a range of epoxides. In a prototype membrane set-up the system demonstrated a long catalyst life time, however significant leaching was also observed.
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Elementos repetitivos na regulação da transcrição de Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaeCattani, Amanda Malvessi January 2016 (has links)
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae é uma bactéria de tamanho diminuto, caracterizada por um genoma pequeno, com baixo conteúdo GC. Está associada com doenças respiratórias de suínos, resultando em prejuízos produtivos e econômicos na indústria animal. A presença de sequências de DNA repetitivas, que ocorrem em grandes quantidades em células eucarióticas, vem sendo cada vez mais identificadas em genomas de procariotos, sendo também associadas a um potencial papel regulador. Uma vez que a regulação da transcrição nesses organismos ainda é pouco entendida, o objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma busca in silico por elementos repetitivos nas regiões intergênicas do genoma de M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448. Dois tipos de repetições foram selecionados para a busca inicial: tandem e palindromes. Regiões intergênicas de até 500 pb a montante do sítio de início da tradução de todas as CDSs do genoma de M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448 foram utilizadas para a predição. Para cada tipo de elemento dois programas computacionais independentes foram utilizados. As predições in silico resultaram em 144 repetições em tandem e 1.171 palindromes. O DNA repetitivo se encontra distribuído a montante de 86% das unidades transcricionais de M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448. Análises comparativas entre genomas de micoplasmas demonstraram diferentes níveis de conservação dos elementos repetitivos entre linhagens patogênicas e não-patogênicas. Linhagens patogênicas revelaram uma conservação de 59%, enquanto que a não patogênica, somente de 46%. Através de ensaios de amplificação quantitativa de DNA, foi observado diferentes níveis de expressão em genes codificantes para importantes proteínas, como glicina hidroximetiltransferase, lipoproteína, adesinas e proteína ligadora de GTP. Os genes codificantes para essas proteínas divergiam no número de repetições palindromes e tandens na sua respectiva região intergênica. Além disso, repetições encontradas em 206 genes já descritos como regulados em diferentes condições em M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 232 mostraram aproximadamente 80% de conservação em relação à linhagem M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448. Todos esses resultados sugerem um potencial papel regulador das repetições de DNA em tandem e palindromes em Mycoplasma. / Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a diminutive bacterium, characterized by a small genome with a low GC content. It is commonly associated with swine respiratory diseases, resulting in productivity and economic losses in the animal industry. Repetitive DNA, which occurs in large quantities in eukaryotic cells, has been increasingly identified in prokaryotic genomes, and has been associated with a potential regulatory function. Once transcription regulation in these organisms is still poorly understood, the aim of the current study was to perform an in silico search of repeat elements in the genomic intergenic regions of M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448. Two types of repeats were selected for initial search: Tandem and Palindromic. Intergenic regions up to 500 bp upstream from start codon of M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448 CDSs were used as input for the software’s prediction. For each type of repeat sequence, two independent software packages were used. Computational analysis results in 144 tandem repeats and 1,171 palindrome elements. The repeats were distributed in the upstream region of 86% of transcriptional units of M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448. Comparative analysis between distinct mycoplasmas, demonstrate different indices of repeat conservation among pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. Pathogenic strains revealed 59% conservation, while non-pathogenic only 46%. Through assays of quantitative amplification of DNA, different levels of expression in genes coding important proteins have been demonstrated, as glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, lipoprotein, adhesins and GTP-binding protein. These protein coding genes differ in number of palindromes or tandem repeats in respective upstream regions. In addition, repeats found in 206 genes already described to be regulated in different grow conditions in M. hyopneumoniae strain 232 showed almost 80% of conservation in relation to M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448. All these findings, suggests a potential regulatory role of tandem and palindrome DNA repeats.
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Elementos repetitivos na regulação da transcrição de Mycoplasma hyopneumoniaeCattani, Amanda Malvessi January 2016 (has links)
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae é uma bactéria de tamanho diminuto, caracterizada por um genoma pequeno, com baixo conteúdo GC. Está associada com doenças respiratórias de suínos, resultando em prejuízos produtivos e econômicos na indústria animal. A presença de sequências de DNA repetitivas, que ocorrem em grandes quantidades em células eucarióticas, vem sendo cada vez mais identificadas em genomas de procariotos, sendo também associadas a um potencial papel regulador. Uma vez que a regulação da transcrição nesses organismos ainda é pouco entendida, o objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma busca in silico por elementos repetitivos nas regiões intergênicas do genoma de M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448. Dois tipos de repetições foram selecionados para a busca inicial: tandem e palindromes. Regiões intergênicas de até 500 pb a montante do sítio de início da tradução de todas as CDSs do genoma de M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448 foram utilizadas para a predição. Para cada tipo de elemento dois programas computacionais independentes foram utilizados. As predições in silico resultaram em 144 repetições em tandem e 1.171 palindromes. O DNA repetitivo se encontra distribuído a montante de 86% das unidades transcricionais de M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448. Análises comparativas entre genomas de micoplasmas demonstraram diferentes níveis de conservação dos elementos repetitivos entre linhagens patogênicas e não-patogênicas. Linhagens patogênicas revelaram uma conservação de 59%, enquanto que a não patogênica, somente de 46%. Através de ensaios de amplificação quantitativa de DNA, foi observado diferentes níveis de expressão em genes codificantes para importantes proteínas, como glicina hidroximetiltransferase, lipoproteína, adesinas e proteína ligadora de GTP. Os genes codificantes para essas proteínas divergiam no número de repetições palindromes e tandens na sua respectiva região intergênica. Além disso, repetições encontradas em 206 genes já descritos como regulados em diferentes condições em M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 232 mostraram aproximadamente 80% de conservação em relação à linhagem M. hyopneumoniae linhagem 7448. Todos esses resultados sugerem um potencial papel regulador das repetições de DNA em tandem e palindromes em Mycoplasma. / Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a diminutive bacterium, characterized by a small genome with a low GC content. It is commonly associated with swine respiratory diseases, resulting in productivity and economic losses in the animal industry. Repetitive DNA, which occurs in large quantities in eukaryotic cells, has been increasingly identified in prokaryotic genomes, and has been associated with a potential regulatory function. Once transcription regulation in these organisms is still poorly understood, the aim of the current study was to perform an in silico search of repeat elements in the genomic intergenic regions of M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448. Two types of repeats were selected for initial search: Tandem and Palindromic. Intergenic regions up to 500 bp upstream from start codon of M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448 CDSs were used as input for the software’s prediction. For each type of repeat sequence, two independent software packages were used. Computational analysis results in 144 tandem repeats and 1,171 palindrome elements. The repeats were distributed in the upstream region of 86% of transcriptional units of M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448. Comparative analysis between distinct mycoplasmas, demonstrate different indices of repeat conservation among pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains. Pathogenic strains revealed 59% conservation, while non-pathogenic only 46%. Through assays of quantitative amplification of DNA, different levels of expression in genes coding important proteins have been demonstrated, as glycine hydroxymethyltransferase, lipoprotein, adhesins and GTP-binding protein. These protein coding genes differ in number of palindromes or tandem repeats in respective upstream regions. In addition, repeats found in 206 genes already described to be regulated in different grow conditions in M. hyopneumoniae strain 232 showed almost 80% of conservation in relation to M. hyopneumoniae strain 7448. All these findings, suggests a potential regulatory role of tandem and palindrome DNA repeats.
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The use of communication strategies by learners of English and learners of Chinese in text-based and video-based synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC)Hung, Yu-Wan January 2012 (has links)
The use of communication strategies (CSs) has been of interest on research into second language acquisition (SLA) since it can help learners to attain mutual comprehension effectively and develops understanding of interaction in SLA research. This study investigates and clarifies a wide range of CSs that learners of English and learners of Chinese use to solve language problems as well as to facilitate problem-free discourse in both text-based and video-based SCMC environments. Seven Chinese-speaking learners of English and seven English-speaking learners of Chinese were paired up as tandem (reciprocal) learning dyads in this study. Each dyad participated in four interactions, namely, text-based SCMC in English, text-based SCMC in Chinese, video-based SCMC in English and video-based SCMC in Chinese. The interaction data were analysed along with an after-task questionnaire and stimulated reflection to explore systematically and comprehensively the differences between text-based and video-based SCMC and differences between learners of English and learners of Chinese. The results showed that learners used CSs differently in text-based and video-based SCMC compared with their own performance and indicated different learning opportunities provided by these two modes of SCMC. Although the difference in language was less salient than the medium effect, learners of English and learners of Chinese tended to have their own preferences for particular CSs. When these preferences appear to reflect an appropriate communicative style in one particular culture, learners might need to raise their awareness of some strategies during intercultural communication to avoid possible misunderstanding or offence. Some possible advantages of tandem learning interaction were also identified in this study, such as the potential to develop sociocultural and intercultural competence due to the opportunity to practice culturally appropriate language use with native speakers in a social context.
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Elemental Analysis of Printing Inks Using Tandem Laser- Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass SpectrometrySubedi, Kiran 27 October 2015 (has links)
As a consequence of the widespread use of computers coupled to high-quality printers and different types of papers, forgery, counterfeiting, change of wills, anonymous letter writing and felonious use of the documents have become serious problems. Forensic analysts are always seeking methods that can provide reliable information on whether a specimen collected at the crime scene is linked to the crime or to a source of known origin. Sensitive methods that can provide more detailed characterization of natural or man-made materials or even provide information not previously available to forensic examiners.
Recent advances in rapid solid sampling of materials using laser ablation (LA) coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) have led to this analytical method to be regarded as the “gold standard” in the field of elemental analysis for trace level components in solids. Another, emerging, analytical technique that uses the same laser pulse to generate a plasma that can be interrogated with spectroscopy is laser induced break down spectroscopy (LIBS).
The analysis of ink and paper is also possible because of the surface removal effect of laser interactions with the samples. In the present study, printing inks were analyzed using LIBS, LA-ICP-MS and both of them in tandem mode. In the tandem setup, the light generated during the relaxation of the excited species (LIBS) was used to create a spectral signature of the elements, and the mass-to-charge ratio of the ejected particles (ICP-MS) was used to create a mass spectrum.
For a set of 319 printing ink samples, LA-ICP-MS alone provided discrimination greater than 99%. A subset of 43 printing inks, having a very similar elemental profile, was analyzed by tandem LIBS/LA-ICP-MS. The fusion of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS provided additional discrimination through the detection of elements like Ca, Si, Fe, and K by LIBS, that are difficult to detect and confirm using standalone ICP-MS because of the spectral interferences (isobaric and polyatomic) involved. The combination of these two sensors was found to minimize the individual limitations and provide a more complete and representative chemical characterization of printing inks.
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Flexible finite automata-based algorithms for detecting microsatellites in DNADe Ridder, Corne 17 August 2010 (has links)
Apart from contributing to Computer Science, this research also contributes to Bioinformatics, a subset of the subject discipline Computational Biology. The main focus of this dissertation is the development of a data-analytical and theoretical algorithm to contribute to the analysis of DNA, and in particular, to detect microsatellites. Microsatellites, considered in the context of this dissertation, refer to consecutive patterns contained by genomic sequences. A perfect tandem repeat is defined as a string of nucleotides which is repeated at least twice in a sequence. An approximate tandem repeat is a string of nucleotides repeated consecutively at least twice, with small differences between the instances. The research presented in this dissertation was inspired by molecular biologists who were discovered to be visually scanning genetic sequences in search of short approximate tandem repeats or so called microsatellites. The aim of this dissertation is to present three algorithms that search for short approximate tandem repeats. The algorithms comprise the implementation of finite automata. Thus the hypothesis posed is as follows: Finite automata can detect microsatellites effectively in DNA. "Effectively" includes the ability to fine-tune the detection process so that redundant data is avoided, and relevant data is not missed during search. In order to verify whether the hypothesis holds, three theoretical related algorithms have been proposed based on theorems from finite automaton theory. They are generically referred to as the FireìSat algorithms. These algorithms have been implemented, and the performance of FireìSat2 has been investigated and compared to other software packages. From the results obtained, it is clear that the performance of these algorithms differ in terms of attributes such as speed, memory consumption and extensibility. In respect of speed performance, FireìSat outperformed rival software packages. It will be seen that the FireìSat algorithms have several parameters that can be used to tune their search. It should be emphasized that these parameters have been devised in consultation with the intended user community, in order to enhance the usability of the software. It was found that the parameters of FireìSat can be set to detect more tandem repeats than rival software packages, but also tuned to limit the number of detected tandem repeats. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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Characterizing VNTRs in human populationsEslami Rasekh, Marzieh 04 October 2021 (has links)
Over half the human genome consists of repetitive sequences. One major class is the tandem repeats (TRs), which are defined by their location in the genome, repeat unit, and copy number. TRs loci that exhibit variant copy numbers are called Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTRs). High VNTR mutation rates of approximately 0.0001 per generation make them suitable for forensic studies, and of interest for potential roles in gene regulation and disease. TRs are generally divided into three classes: 1) microsatellites or short tandem repeats (STRs) with patterns <7 bp; 2) minisatellites with patterns of seven to hundreds of base pairs; and 3) macrosatellites with patterns of >100 bp. To date, mini- and macrosatellites have been poorly characterized, mainly due to a lack of computational tools. In this thesis, I utilize a tool, VNTRseek, to identify human minisatellite VNTRs using short-read sequencing data from nearly 2,800 individuals and developed a new computational tool, MaSUD, to identify human macrosatellite VNTRs using data from 2,504 individuals. MaSUD is the first high-throughput tool to genotype macrosatellites using short reads.
I identified over 35,000 minisatellite VNTRs and over 4,000 macrosatellite VNTRs, most previously unknown. A small subset in each VNTR class was validated experimentally and in silico. The detected VNTRs were further studied for their effects on gene expression, ability to distinguish human populations, and functional enrichment. Unlike STRs, mini- and macrosatellite VNTRs are enriched in regions with functional importance, e.g., introns, promoters, and transcription factor binding sites. A study of VNTRs across 26 populations shows that minisatellite VNTR genotypes can be used to predict super-populations with >90% accuracy. In addition, genotypes for 195 minisatellite VNTRs and 22 macrosatellite VNTRs were shown to be associated with differential expression in nearby genes (eQTLs).
Finally, I developed a computational tool, mlZ, to infer undetected VNTR alleles and to detect false positive predictions. mlZ is applicable to other tools that use read support for predicting short variants.
Overall, these studies provide the most comprehensive analysis of mini- and macrosatellites in human populations and will facilitate the application of VNTRs for clinical purposes.
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Monitoring enzyme activity by using mass-encoded peptides and multiplexed detection / Überwachung von Enzymaktivität durch die Benutzung von massencodierten Peptiden und multiplexer DetektionDodt, Katharina Anna January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Cell culture models are helpful tools to study inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoarthritis (OA), arteriosclerosis or asthma, which are linked to increased matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. Such cell culture models often focus on the secretion of cytokines and growth factors or the direct effects of disease on tissue destruction. Even though the crucial role of MMPs in inflammatory diseases is known, the results of MMP studies are contradictious and the use of MMPs as biomarkers is inconsistent. MMPs play an important role in disease pathology, as they are involved in elastin degradation in the walls of alveoli in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tumor angiogenesis and metastasis and in cartilage and bone degradation in arthropathies. In RA and OA MMPs are secreted by osteocytes, synoviocytes, and by infiltrating immune cells in response to the increased concentration of inflammatory mediators, like growth factors and cytokines. MMPs are zinc and calcium-dependent proteinases and play an important role in physiological and pathological extracellular matrix (ECM) turn over. Their substrate specificity gives them the ability to degrade all major ECM components, like aggrecan, elastin, gelatin, fibronectin and all types of collagen even the triple helix of collagen monomers. The ECM consists of two large three-dimensional cross-linked macromolecule classes: one are fibrous proteins, like collagen and elastin fibers that are responsible for ECM’s structure, tensile strength, resiliency, reversible extensibility, and deformability and the second class is comprised of proteoglycans composed of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains covalently attached to protein cores that are multifunctionally involved in signaling pathways and cell interactions. ECM is present within all tissues and organs and changes in ECM structure contribute to pathogenesis, e.g. wounded and fibrotic tissue, COPD or tumours.
This thesis primarily focuses on the development of a diagnostic peptide system, that enables to gain information on MMP activity from ECM by deploying the isobaric mass encoding strategy. The core element of the developed system is an isotopically labelled peptide sequence (mass tag), that is released in response to elevated levels of MMPs and allows multiplexed detection in tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The mass reporters possess a modular structure with different functionalities. C-terminal either a transglutaminase (TG) recognition sequence or a high molecular weight polyethylene glycol (PEG) moiety was attached to immobilize the mass reporters covalently or physically at the injection site. The following matrix metalloproteinase substrate sequence (MSS) is incorporated in two different versions with different sensitivity to MMPs. The MSS were applied in pairs for relative quantification consisting of the cleavable version synthesized with natural L-amino acids and the non-cleavable D-amino acid variant. The mass tag was synthesized with isotopically labelled amino acids and is separated from the MSS by a UV light-sensitive molecule. N-terminal the mass tag is followed by a tobacco etch virus protease (TEV) sensitive sequence, that is responsible to separate the mass tag from the affinity tag, which was either the Strep-tag II sequence or biotin and were added for purification purposes.
Chapter 1 presents a step-by-step protocol on how to design a mass tag family allowing for multiplexed analysis by LC-MS/MS. The multiplexing is achieved by developing an isobar mass tag family with four family members, which are chromatographically indistinguishable, but due to the mass encoding principles they fragment in distinct y-type ions with a mass difference of 1 or 2 Da each in MS2. Furthermore, it is explained how to covalently attach the mass reporter peptides onto ECM by the activated calcium-catalyzed blood coagulation transglutaminase factor XIII (FXIIIa). The lysine of mass reporter’s TG sequence (D-domain of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)) and a glutamine in fibronectin are covalently crosslinked by FXIIIa and build an isopeptide bond. Elevated levels of MMP release the mass reporters from ECM by recognizing the inter-positioned MSS.
The designed mass reporters were able to monitor enzyme activity in an in vitro setting with cell-derived ECM, which was shown in Chapter 2. The modular structured mass reporters were investigated in a proof of concept study. First, the different modules were characterized in terms of their MMP responsiveness and their sensitivity to TEV protease and UV light. Then the FXIIIa-mediated coupling reaction was detailed and the successful coupling on ECM was visualized by an immunosorbent assay or confocal laser scanning microscopy. Finally, the immobilized mass reporters on ECM were incubated with MMP-9 to investigate their multiplexing ability of MMP activity. The cleaved mass reporter fragments were purified in three steps and mass tags were analyzed as mix of all four in LC-MS/MS.
Chapter 3 describes the change from an immobilizing system as seen in chapter 1 and 2 to a soluble enzyme activity monitoring system that was applied in an osteoarthritic mouse model. Instead of the immobilizing TG sequence the C-terminal MMS was extended with two amino acids where one holds an azide moiety to perform a strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition to a high molecular weight dibenzocyclooctyne-polyethylene glycol (DBCO-PEG), which was chosen to retain the mass reporters at the injection site. Furthermore, the N-terminal affinity tag was extended with a 2.5 kDa PEG chain to increase the half-life of the mass reporter peptides after MMP release. The systems biocompatibility was proved but its enzyme monitoring ability in an in vivo setting could not be analyzed as samples degraded during shipping resulting from the Chinese customs blocking transport to Germany.
In summary the diagnostic peptide system was developed in two variants. The immobilized version one from chapter 1 and 2 was designed to be covalently attached to ECM by the transglutaminase-mediated cross-linking reaction. In an in vitro setting the functionality of the mass reporter system for the detection of MMP activity was successfully verified. The second variant comprises of a soluble mass reporter system that was tested in an OA mouse model and showed biocompatibility. With these two designed systems this thesis provides a flexible platform based on multiplexed analysis with mass-encoded peptides to characterize cell culture models regarding their MMP activity, to deploy cell-derived ECM as endogenous depot scaffold and to develop a mass tag family that enables simultaneous detection of at least four mass tags. / Zellkulturmodelle sind hilfreiche Werkzeuge, um entzündliche Krankheiten, wie rheumatoide Arthritis (RA), Osteoarthritis (OA), Arteriosklerose und Asthma, die mit einer erhöhten Aktivität von Matrixmetalloproteinasen (MMPs) verbunden sind, zu untersuchen. Viele Zellkulturmodelle fokussieren sich hauptsächlich auf die Sekretion von Zytokinen und Wachstumsfaktoren oder die direkten Effekte der Entzündung auf die Gewebezerstörung. Obwohl die zentrale Rolle der MMPs in entzündlichen Erkrankungen bekannt ist, wird die Untersuchung von MMPs in diesen Zellkulturmodellen vernachlässigt. MMPs spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Krankheitsentstehung, da sie am Abbau von Elastin in den Wänden der Alveolen bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD), an der Gefäßneubildung und Metastasenbildung von Tumoren und an Knorpelabbau und Knochenzerstörung in Gelenkerkrankungen beteiligt sind. In RA und OA werden MMPs von Osteozyten, Synoviozyten und infiltrierenden Immunzellen als Antwort auf erhöhte Konzentrationen an entzündlichen Mediatoren, wie Wachstumsfaktoren und Zytokinen, sekretiert. MMPs sind Zink- und Calcium-abhängige Proteinasen, die eine wichtige Rolle beim physiologischen und pathologischen Turnover der extrazellulären Matrix (EZM) spielen. Ihre Substratspezifität verleiht ihnen die Fähigkeit alle Hauptkomponenten der EZM, wie Aggrecan, Elastin, Gelatin, Fibronectin und alle Typen des Kollagens, sogar die dreifach-Helix der Kollagenmonomere, abzubauen. Die EZM besteht aus zwei großen, drei-dimensional vernetzten Makromolekülklassen: zu der ersten Klasse zählen die faserigen Proteine, wie Kollagen- und Elastinfasern, die für die Struktur der EZM, ihre Zugfestigkeit, Elastizität, reversible Dehnbar- und Verformbarkeit verantwortlich sind und zur zweiten Klasse gehören die Proteoglykane, die aus Glykosaminoglykanketten (GAG), die kovalent an Kernproteine gebunden sind, bestehen und zusammen multifunktional in Signalwege und Zellinteraktionen involviert sind. Jedes Gewebe und Organ ist mit EZM ausgekleidet und Änderungen in der EZM Struktur können zur Krankheitsentstehung beitragen, z.B. bei verletztem und fibrotischem Gewebe, COPD oder Tumoren.
Diese Promotion fokussiert sich primär auf die Entwicklung eines diagnostischen Peptidsystem, das es ermöglicht durch die Anwendung der isobaren massencodierten Strategie Informationen über MMP Aktivität der EZM zu gewinnen. Eine isotopenmarkierte Peptidsequenz stellt dabei das Kernelement des entwickelten Systems dar, welche als Antwort auf erhöhte MMP Level von der EZM freigegeben wird und eine gebündelte Detektion per Tandem-Massenspektrometrie (LC-MS/MS) erlaubt. Die Massenreporter besitzen einen modularen Aufbau mit unterschiedlichen Funktionalitäten. Am C-terminalen Ende wurde entweder eine Transglutaminase (TG) Erkennungssequenz oder eine hochmolekulare Polyethylenglykol (PEG) Einheit angehängt, um die Massenreporter kovalent oder physikalische am Applikationsort zu immobilisieren. Die darauffolgende eingeschobene Matrixmetalloproteinase Substratsequenz (MSS) wurde in zwei verschiedenen Versionen mit unterschiedlicher MMP Sensitivität angewendet. Die MSSs werden für die relative Quantifizierung jeweils in Paaren verwendet, wobei die spaltbare Variante mit natürlichen L-Aminosäuren synthetisiert wird und die nicht-spaltbare Sequenz mit D-Aminosäuren. Der Mass tag wird mit isotopenmarkierten Aminosäuren versehen und ist von dem MSS durch ein lichtsensitives Molekül getrennt. N-terminal des Mass tags folgt die TEV Protease-sensitive Peptidsequenz, die zur Abspaltung des Affinitäts-tags vom Mass tag eingebaut wurde. Zur Aufreinigung dient ein Affinitätstag, der entweder aus der Strep-tag II Sequenz oder Biotin besteht.
In Kapitel 1 werden Schritt-für-Schritt Protokolle präsentiert, für die Gestaltung und Entwicklung einer Gruppe von isotopenmarkierten Peptiden, die eine simultane Analyse per LC-MS/MS zulassen. Die gleichzeitige Detektion wird dadurch erreicht, dass jedes Gruppenmitglied in der Summe die gleiche Molekülmasse besitzt, aber aufgrund der angewandten isobaren Isotopenmarkierungen fragmentieren diese in MS2 in spezifische y-Typ Ionen, die einen Massenunterschied von 1 oder 2 Da besitzen. Zudem wurde erklärt, wie die Massenreporter Peptide durch den aktivierten, Calcium-abhängigen Blutkoagulationsfaktor XIII (FXIIIa) kovalent an die EZM gebunden werden. Bei der enzymatischen Reaktion wird durch das Quervernetzen des Lysins der TG Aminosäuresequenz (der D-Domäne von IGF-I) der Massenreporter mit dem Glutamin der Aminosäureerkennungssequenz in Fibronectin eine Isopeptidbindung gebildet. Die Freisetzung der Massenreporter von der EZM erfolgt aufgrund des erhöhten MMP Level und geschieht durch die Spaltung der dazwischenliegenden MSS.
Die entwickelten Massenreporter waren in der Lage die Enzymaktivität in einer aus Fibroblasten stammenden in vitro Umgebung aus EZM zu beobachten, was in Kapitel 2 dargestellt wird. Die modulare Struktur der Massenreporter wurde in einer Machbarkeitsstudie untersucht. Zuerst wurden die verschiedenen Module bezüglich ihrer Ansprechempfindlichkeit auf MMP und ihrer Sensitivität gegenüber der TEV Protease und UV-Licht charakterisiert. Dann wurden die vier Peptide FXIIIa-vermittelt an die EZM gekoppelt und die erfolgreiche Kopplung an EZM wurde mit Hilfe eines immunologischen Verfahrens oder konfokaler Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie visualisiert. Abschließend wurden die auf der EZM immobilisierten Massenreporter mit MMP-9 inkubiert, um deren Fähigkeit der gleichzeitigen Detektion von MMP Aktivität zu untersuchen. Die abgespalteten Massenreporterfragmente wurden in drei Schritten aufgereinigt und die vier isotopenmarkierten Tags wurden als Mix mittels LC-MS/MS analysiert.
Kapitel 3 beschreibt die Änderung der aus Kapitel 1 und 2 bekannten immobilisierten System zu einem löslichen System, das die Enzymaktivität in Körperflüssigkeiten bestimmen soll und in einem Mausmodell für Osteoarthritis getestet wurde. Anstelle der immobilisierenden TG Sequenz wurde der C Terminus der MSS um zwei Aminosäuren erweitert. Eine Aminosäure trägt eine Azidgruppe um eine Azid-Alkin Cycloaddition mit einem hochmolekularen PEG durchzuführen, die ausgewählt wurde, um die Massenreporter an der Injektionsstelle zurückzuhalten. Des Weiteren wurde der Affinitäts-tag mit einer 2.5 kDa PEG-Kette erweitert, um die Halbwertszeit des von MMPs freigesetzten Massenreporterpeptides zu erhöhen. Die Biokompatibilität des Systems wurde erwiesen, allerdings war es nicht möglich die MMP Aktivität in einem in vivo Model zu zeigen, da eine Analyse der Proben aufgrund von Versand- und Zollproblemen und damit verbundenen Instabilitäten nicht möglich war.
Zusammenfassend wurde ein diagnostische Peptidsystem bestehend aus zwei Varianten entwickelt. Die zu immobilisierende Version aus Kapitel 1 und 2 wurde so konzipiert, dass die Peptide durch die Transglutaminase vermittelte Quervernetzungsreaktion kovalent an EZM gebunden werden. In einem in vitro Model wurde die Funktionalität des Massenreporter Systems hinsichtlich der Detektion von MMP Aktivität erfolgreich bestätigt. Die zweite Variante, bestehend aus einem löslichen Massenreporter System, wurde in einem Osteoarthritis Mausmodel getestet und zeigte Biokompatibilität. Mit diesen zwei entworfenen Systemen stellt diese Dissertation eine flexible Plattform zur Verfügung, die basierend auf der multiplexen Detektion von isotopenmarkierten Peptiden, für die Charakterisierung von Zellkulturmodellen bezüglich deren MMP Aktivität genutzt wird, die zelluläre EZM als endogenes Depot anwendet und die durch die Entwicklung einer Familie aus isotopenmarkierten Tags eine simultane Detektion von mindestens vier Tags erlaubt.
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Method validation of drugs of abuse using microchip capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometryNicholson, Christopher 11 October 2019 (has links)
Drugs of Abuse (DOAs) are among the single largest contributor to crime in the United States and present a high cost to society in terms of financial costs and physical/mental well-being of individuals. The forensic community requires a variety of validated methods to detect and analyze DOAs in a variety of different sample types, and most developed methods utilize a liquid or gas chromatography (GC or LC) separation system paired to a mass spectrometer (MS) detection detector. Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) based separation techniques have also been experimented with due to this technique’s high efficiency and speed, high resolving power, low sample consumption, and potentially lower cost when compared to GC or LC based techniques, even though the sensitivity of these systems is perceived to be weaker.
The goal of this research to develop a CE-MS/MS method utilizing the ZipChipTM to demonstrate it can accurately and reliably detect and quantify DOAs. The DOAs analyzed for this method were opioids and benzodiazepines, and these were 6-monacetylmorphine, 7-aminoclonazepam, codeine, diazepam, dihydrocodeine, 2-Ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, methadone, morphine, norfentanyl, oxycodone, and oxymorphone. Standard Practices for Method Validation in Forensic Toxicology guidelines from the Academy Standards Board (ASB) of Toxicology were used as the template for this validation; samples were prepared and analyzed as neat standards in diluent, blood and urine were assessed for interferences, ionization suppression/enhancement, and extraction recovery.
The total runtime for the method was 3.5 minutes, with the retention time range being 1.4 to 2.9 minutes. All samples were prepared using compound standards diluted in metabolite diluent, which consisted of methanol, ammonium acetate, and water prior to injection. The calibration curves consisted of eight calibrator samples that ranged from 0.5 ng/ml to 200 ng/ml for all analytes, and a linear model was used for each compound. The minimum acceptable 𝑅2 value was set to >0.98, and each curve had a weighing factor of 1𝑥2. Each curve for most of the compounds achieved the minimum requirement apart from two Codeine curves (0.9781 and 0.9785) and 7-aminoclonazepam (0.9791). Bias and precision were assessed at three concentrations- 5, 100, and 150 ng/ml. The minimum requirement for bias and precision for a compound was if the percent bias or coefficient of variation was within +/- 20%. Most compounds in this method exhibit acceptable levels of bias (except for Dihydrocodeine which had a bias of 24.58% at 100 ng/ml), and the only compounds to meet the minimum requirement for precision were 6-MAM, 7-aminoclonazepam, diazepam, fentanyl, methadone, and morphine. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were both set at the lowest calibrator level of 0.5 ng/ml, and no carryover was observed in this method. No interferences occurred due to both deuterated internal standards and from common compounds such as benzylecogine, cocaine, and lidocaine, but blood cause signal interference with fentanyl and urine caused signal interference with methadone and norfentanyl. Ionization suppression and enhancement was observed for a majority of the compounds, and this observation will need to be assessed as to the effect it has on validation parameters in the future.
The results collected suggest that accurate, reliable, and sensitive data may be collected if a compound has a specifically paired deuterated internal standard included in the sample. The speed of the suggested method and the minimal sample preparation could be desirable for forensic use. Further testing will need to be conducted to fully validate this method for blood and urine.
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Detection and quantitation of nine fentanyl analogs in urine and oral fluid using QSight Triple Quad LC-MS/MSKe, Yiling 09 July 2020 (has links)
The opioid epidemic has become a serious public health problem in the United States. The increasing abuse of synthetic opioids has raised concerns in the society. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid analgesic which has resulted in an increasing number of drug overdoses since 2013. In addition, fentanyl analogs, originally manufactured for use as analgesics or animal tranquilizers, have emerged in the United States drug market. Fentanyl and its analogs, similar to other opioids, work as full µ-agonists, binding with µ-receptors in the brain. Fentanyl and its analogs elicit more potent effects compared to the traditional opioids being abused such as morphine or heroin. With the emergence of fentanyl analogs in the drug market, identifying and differentiating those analogs becomes a challenge due to their structural similarities to fentanyl.
The purpose of this research was to develop a method of identifying and quantifying nine fentanyl analogs in urine and oral fluid using the QSight® Triple Quad LC-MS/MS, coupled with a Halo® C18, 2.7µm column. The method was validated based on AAFS Standards Board (ASB) Standard 036, Standard Practices for Method Validation in Forensic Toxicology. The analytes in this research included fentanyl, norfentanyl, acetyl fentanyl, carfentanil, cyclopropyl fentanyl, methoxyacetyl fentanyl, valeryl fentanyl, furanyl fentanyl and 4-anilino-N-phenethylpiperdine (4ANPP). All samples, calibrators, and quality controls (QC) were prepared by spiking certified reference standards into donated human urine or human oral fluid. Supported liquid extraction (SLE) was performed as the sample preparation method using ISOLUTE® SLE+ 1mL columns followed by evaporation. All samples were reconstituted with 200 µL methanol. The mobile phases used in this method were 5mM ammonium formate in Millipore water with 0.1% formic acid and methanol with 0.1% formic acid.
A 10-minute LC method achieved complete resolution of the analytes, with specific retention times ranging from 3.5 to 5.7 minutes. For urine and oral fluid analysis, the calibration range for all analytes was established from 1 to 70 ng/mL. The resulting r2 values were greater than 0.988 for all analytes. Bias and precision were evaluated at 3, 25 and 60 ng/mL, and bias and percent coefficient of variation (%CV) for within and between run precision had acceptable values within ±20%. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.1 ng/mL for most fentanyl analogs, with a LOD of 0.01 ng/mL for valeryl fentanyl and furanyl fentanyl. Carryover was not detected for any analytes in either matrix. Recovery of all compounds following SLE for both urine and oral fluid was above 50%. For urine, the ion enhancement and suppression of all analytes was within 25%. For oral fluid, the ion enhancement and suppression of most analytes was within 25% except valeryl fentanyl, which experienced suppression of 35%. The matrices analyzed had no interference effect on the detection or quantitation of analytes in this method. The interference effects of different commonly encountered drugs were studied and showed minimal impacts on the results generated from this method. All analytes were stable for up to 72 hours at room temperature, except cyclopropyl fentanyl.
In conclusion, using the QSight® Triple Quad LC-MS/MS following SLE effectively identified and quantified fentanyl analogs present in both urine and oral fluid. This method has shown its potential to be applied to casework samples for fentanyl analogs detection.
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