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校長課程領導與教師教學效能關係之後設分析 / A meta-analysis of principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness陳芝涵 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依據研究結論針對實務及後續研究提出參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis on the relationship between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness. The research data were collected from 15 independent doctoral or master theses on the relationship between these two variables, all of which were published during 2002-2012. The study discusses the relationship between two variables and each variable between the sub-variables. The study also discusses whether variables moderate the relationship, including gender, working years, education background, administration affairs, school levels and the research location.
The main findings of this study are: (1)There is a positive relationship between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness. (2)There are positive relationships between principal curriculum leadership and the sub-variables of the teacher teaching effectiveness. (3)There are positive relationships between the sub-variables of the principal curriculum leadership and the teacher teaching effectiveness. (4)There are positive relationships between the sub-variables of the principal curriculum leadership and the sub-variables of the teacher teaching effectiveness. (5)The percentage of newly-employed teachers and the percentage of teachers with masters or higher degree are found the significant moderators between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness. (6) The gender-ratio, teacher-as-administrator ratio, the school levels and the location are found not the significant moderators between principal curriculum leadership and teacher teaching effectiveness.
The researcher provides suggestions for future research and practice according to the findings.
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宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營與教師教學效能之研究 / Principal’s Distributed Leadership,School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness Research In Yilan Junior High Schools沈志杰 Unknown Date (has links)
為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣公立國民中學24所之正式教師、代理教師、特教教師(不含實習教師、代課教師)為研究對象,以分層隨機抽樣方式,共計發出600份問卷調查,回收率達92%,其中可用問卷達87.3%。並利用SPSS Statistics 18.0 統計套裝軟體進行各項統計及分析,獲得以下結論:
八、宜蘭縣國民中學校長分布式領導、學校創新經營對教師教學效能具有預測作用,以學校創新經營之「課程與教學創新經營」的預測力最佳。 / This research focuses on exploring current School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness in Yilan Junior High Schools. This involves dissecting the effect of different external variables on distributed leadership, Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and subsequently explores the level of predictability of Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management on Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. Last but not least, actionable recommendations are provided based on insightful findings。
To achieve the research objective above, formal surveys were given and collected on full-time, full-time substitute, special education teaching staff across 24 Junior High Schools in Yilan. Using stratified random sampling method, 600 surveys were sent out with 92% reply rate, and with 87.3% surveys used for final analysis. The research uses SPSS Statistics 18.0 software to calculate related statistical results and analysis insights with the following conclusions:
1.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Principal’s Distributed Leadership Level as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Clear Structure and Accountability”, and lowest awareness in “Confidence and Modesty”
2.Teaching staff across Yilan Junior High Schools consider School Innovative Management as Medium to High, with the highest awareness in “Information Technology Innovation Management” and the lowest awareness in “External Environment Innovation Management”
3.Teaching Staff across Yilan Junior High Schools receive Medium to High level of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness. With the highest awareness in “Teaching Environment” and lowest awareness “Teaching Strategy” having the lowest awareness
4.There were variations in perspective of School Principal’s Distributed Leadership among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history
5.There were variations in perspective of School Innovative Management among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history
6.There were variations in Teacher Teaching Effectiveness among teaching staff in Yilan as the result of differences in Age, Tenure, Position, and School history
7.Across Junior High Schools in Yilan, School Principal’s Distributed Leadership, School Innovative Management, and Teacher Teaching Effectiveness are positively correlated
8.School Principal’s Distributed Leadership and School Innovative Management are predictive of Teacher Teaching Effectiveness, and with “Curriculum and Innovation Management” having the best predictability
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