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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Azotinių trąšų gamyklos technogeninės taršos paveiktų miško ekosistemų būklės pokyčiai sumažėjus taršai / Changes in the condition of forest ecosystems exposed by technogenic emissions from nitrogen fertilizer plant under reduced pollution

Plaušinytė, Erika 08 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama technogeninės taršos pažeistų skirtingų miško ekosistemos komponentų (medyno, dirvožemio, krūmokšnių, žolinių augalų ir samanų danga) pokyčiai sumažėjus gamyklos AB „Achema“ taršai. Naudojant 26 metų (1981–2007) ir dabartinių metų (2011–2012) tyrimų duomenis yra atlikta analizė apie skirtingus miško ekosistemos komponentų pokyčius ir įvertinta miško ekosistemų atsikūrimo galimybės. Remiantis tyrimų rezultatais nustatyta, kad praėjus 10–20 metų laikotarpiui nuo gamyklos teršimo pradžios (1979 m.) gali atskurti pažeistos miško ekosistemos. Pirmiausia atsikuria pažeisti medynai, po to – dirvožemio cheminės ir biologinės savybės, vėliausiai – krūmokšnių, žolinių augalų bei samanų danga ir dabartinė ekosistemų būklė yra artima neužterštiems žaliašiliams. Tačiau arčiausiai gamyklos krūmokšnių, žolinių augalų ir samanų dangoje vis dar randami nitrofiliniai augalai, kurie nebūdingi neužterštiems žaliašiliams. Tai rodo, kad dėl medyno struktūros negrįžtamumo prie AB „Achema“ krūmokšnių, žolinių augalų ir samanų danga išlieka pakitusi. / Doctoral dissertation presents the restoration of various components of forest ecosystem (stand, soil, the cover of brush, herbaceous vegetation and mosses) after the reduction of air pollution from the plant of fertilizers Achema. Using study data of 26 years (1981–2007) and of the current year (2011-2012), an analysis of the changes of different components of forest ecosystems has been carried out and recovery possibilities of forest ecosystems were evaluated. Based on the survey results it was found that after 10–20 years since the beginning of pollution from the factory (1979) damaged forest ecosystems are able to recover. First of all recover damaged stands, then – chemical and biological soil properties, at the latest – the cover of shrubs, herbaceous plants and mosses, and the current state of forest ecosystems is similar to control pine stands. However, ground vegetation in the nearest to the factory sites still contains nitrophilous plants which are not typical for uncontaminated pine forests. This shows that due to the irreversibility of the structure of stands near Achema, the cover of shrubs, herbaceous plants and mosses remains altered.

Gênese e morfologia de depósitos tecnogênicos na área urbana de Araguaína (TO)

Machado, Carlos Augusto 05 November 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The changes in environmental processes results in the generation of a new geomorphological and pedological configuration consisting of materials wasted by industrial, commercial and domestic activities. Such deposits recognized as Technogenic causing innumerous social, economic, environmental problems and barriers for the urban planning. The central focus of this work in urban area of Araguaína located in the northern state of Tocantins (Brazil) lies in the improvement of the methodology of study of these artificial bodies in genesis and morphologies and in a propose of measures to mitigate the impacts and facilitate the activities of environmental planning. The methodology used was based on literature review, characterization and mapping of the study area, characterization of urban sprawl, and morphological and textural analysis of the dynamics of Technogenic Deposits. The results show great difficulty in identifying with satellite images of the DT indirectly as differentiated vegetation (exotic), emergence of new fluvial deposits, erosional features exposed by stormwater and areas with exposure of pedological layer and material handling. The DT in the city of Araguaína tends to expand its original area by entrainment of material by runoff with a layered structure and selection of tecnogenic materials in bottoms valleys. The intensity and volume of stormwater on DT added the slopes less steep causes mass movements affecting the stability of civilians building structures in several areas of the Araguaína city. Another observed fact is the amount of area with DT will become obsolete for use as public parks, green areas, as well as for the urban settlement. In this meaning, the techniques of remediation and recovery were determined according to the specific characteristics of each deposit and the environment in which it operates in the city of Araguaína. / As alterações dos processos ambientais resultam na geração de uma nova configuração geomorfológica e pedológica composta de materiais descartados pelas atividades industriais, comerciais e domésticas. Tais depósitos reconhecidos como Tecnogênicos causam inúmeros problemas sociais, econômicos, ambientais e causam entraves para o planejamento urbano. O foco central deste trabalho na área urbana de Araguaína situado no norte do estado de Tocantins (Brasil) reside no aprimoramento da metodologia de estudo desses corpos artificiais em sua genêse e morfologias, com vistas a proposição de medidas destinadas à mitigação dos impactos e facilitar as atividades de planejamento ambiental. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se na revisão bibliográfica, caracterização e mapeamento da área de estudo, caracterização da expansão urbana, análise morfológica e textural e análise da dinâmica dos Depósitos Tecnogênicos. Os resultados apontam grande dificuldade na identificação por imagens de satélite dos DT indiretamente como manchas diferenciadas de vegetação (exóticas), surgimento de novos depósitos fluviais, feições erosivas expostas pelas águas pluviais e áreas com exposição da camada pedológica e movimentação de material. Os DT na cidade de Araguaína tendem a expandir sua área original por carreamento do material pelo escoamento superficial com uma estruturação em camadas e seleção dos materiais tecnogênicos nos fundos de vale. A intensidade e o volume das águas pluviais sobre os DT somados a declividades menos acentuadas causam movimentos de massa afetando a estabilidade das estruturas de edificações civis em várias áreas da cidade de Araguaína. Outro fato observado é quantidade de área com DT que se tornam obsoletas para o uso público como parques, áreas verdes, bem como para o assentamento urbano. Neste sentido, as técnicas de remediação e recuperação foram determinadas em função das características específicas de cada depósito e do ambiente em que se insere na cidade de Araguaína. / Doutor em Geografia

Valorisation agronomique des sédiments fins de retenues hydroélectriques en construction d’Anthroposols fertiles / Agronomic valuation of fine sediments from hydroelectric reservoirs under construction of fertile anthroposols

Fourvel, Gaetan 12 March 2018 (has links)
Les sédiments fins qui s’accumulent naturellement en amont des ouvrages hydroélectriques sont parfois amenées à être gérés à terre, pour des raisons techniques ou environnementales. L’une des voies de valorisation envisagée pour les gérer est la construction de sols fertiles pour l’aménagement d’espaces végétalisés ou encore pour la réhabilitation de zones dégradées. Cet usage des sédiments en tant que matériaux alternatifs pour construire des sols contribue à préserver la ressource en terre végétale et nécessite de prouver la valeur agronomique et l’innocuité environnementale des sédiments. Une approche expérimentale (essai sous serre de 3 mois et essai in situ en bacs lysimétriques de 24 mois) a permis d’évaluer les composantes physiques, chimiques et biologiques de la fertilité de sols construits à partir de 6 sédiments, seuls ou mélangés avec 40 % (v:v) de compost de déchets verts.Les résultats de l’étude ont mis en évidence que la capacité d’agrégation des sédiments est un facteur clé de leur fertilité. Le suivi du développement de la couverture végétale des sols construits a démontré la capacité de tous les sédiments étudiés à être support de végétation. Les sédiments riches en matière organique (MO) (>30 g kg-1) sont adaptés aux végétaux des espaces végétalisés ayant potentiellement des exigences hydriques et trophiques élevées. Les sédiments pauvres en MO (<30 g kg-1), semblent davantage adaptés à une utilisation pour des opérations de restauration où les exigences des végétaux sont généralement moindres. Ce travail aboutit à la proposition de critères environneme / Fine sediments naturally accumulate upstream of hydropower facilities. For technical or environmental reasons, they occasionally have to be dredged and land managed. Using dredged sediment to construct fertile soils and set up green spaces or rehabilitate degraded land is one the ways dredged sediment can be valorized. This use of sediment as an alternative soil-building material helps preserve the topsoil resource, but its agronomical value and environmental safety first has to be demonstrated. We used an experimental approach (a 3-month greenhouse trial and a 24-month in situ lysimeter test) to assess the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of soil fertility from 6 sediments that were either pure or mixed with 40 % (v:v) of green waste compost.The results showed that sediment aggregation capacity is a key factor of their fertility. The monitoring of vegetation cover development on the constructed soil demonstrated that all six sediments could support vegetation. High organic matter (OM) content sediments (> 30 g kg-1) are suitable to grow plants with potentially high water and nutrient requirements. Low OM content sediments (< 30 g kg-1) appear to be more suitable for use in restoration operations where plant requirements are generally lower. This work leads to the proposal of environmental and agronomical criteria for directing sediments towards soil construction and propose adapted uses.

Исследование комбинированной технологии переработки медно-цинковых промпродуктов : магистерская диссертация / Study of the combined technologies of processing of copper-zinc middlings

Берстенев, Н. В., Berstenev, N. V. January 2016 (has links)
В представленной работе на тему «Исследование комбинированной технологии переработки медно-цинковых промпродуктов» произведены теоретические и лабораторные исследования по определению оптимальной технологии переработки медно-цинковых сульфидных промпродуктов гидрометаллургическим способом. Рассмотрены две эффективные технологии, проведено сравнение по объективным показателям, сделаны экологоэкономический и экономический расчеты. / In this study, entitled "Study of the combined technologies of processing of copper-zinc middlings" produced theoretical and laboratory studies to determine the best technology processing of copper-zinc sulphide middlings hydro- metallurgical method. Two efficient technologies are considered, compared to objective indicators, are made of ecological, and economic calculations.

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