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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Takfotens inverkan på byggnaden

Thomsson, Joel January 2018 (has links)
Eaves is something that is common to see on buildings. But what is the purpose of the eaves and how do they affect the building? To get an answer to that and if you really need to build eaves is the main purpose of this work. The work is mostly done as a literature study in which existing literature concerning eaves is compiled. As a completion to that, interviews have been performed with people that has a lot of knowledge about eaves to see what they have to say about the effect eaves have on a building. In today’s building regulations it’s hard to tell when you should build with eaves and how long the eaves should be because they are formed as functional requirements. If you instead look at older building regulations, recommendations on how to build with eaves can be found. Many clients require eaves on their buildings, but they do not give any reasons to it. The common picture based on answers from interviews with people in the industry is that eaves protects the façade and mostly the upper parts. It is possible to build without eaves, but it should be considered a risk. Some materials are extra sensitive to wind driven rain and then it’s more important to build eaves. The research that has been done about eaves is mostly simulations, but field measurements have also been made. Both the simulations and measurements show that it is the upper parts of the facade that is exposed to the most wind driven rain and it is also the upper parts of the facade that is mostly protected by eaves. So even if the impact that the eaves have on a build is not too well determined it’s clear that the eaves have a function. The eaves do not only protect the building as an extra roof it also changes the wind flow around the building and gives good protection to the upper parts of the facade that is the most exposed part of the faced for wind driven rain for buildings without eaves.

Divinycycle : Från industriavfall till egendesignade lättviksmöbler

Gustafsson, David, Eriksson, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
The thesis Divinycycle is a product development project with the aim of contributing to a better environment by recycling industrial waste. The project has grown into a unique business idea where industrial waste becomes a new material. This by using product development models, theories and methods. Today the company Diab Group AB put their waste of divinycell on a landfill and this is bad for the environment and it is very expensive for the company. The project Divinycycle turns these disadvantages to advantages for the project in the way of getting the material for free and then recycle it by manufacturing and selling new products. The new material is divinycell waste mixed with cement and has a huge potential. The products at Divinycycle Designs with light weight concrete furnitures is just one of many areas where the material can be used. The project group sees that the opportunities for the material is huge in other areas as well, for example in construction.

Förbättringsstudie med avseende på ställtidsreduktion

Engström, Johanna, Henriksen, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
De senaste åren har det skett stora förändringar på marknaden, inte minst inom tillverkningsindustrin. Flexibilitet kännetecknar ett av de krav som många av dagens kunder ställer och innebär förmågan att kunna producera kundanpassade produkter i mindre kvantiteter än förr. Detta ställer högre krav på tillverkande företag där kort ställtid är en viktig faktor för att lyckas leva upp till de nya kraven. Syftet med denna studie är således att undersöka orsakerna till långa ställtider hos ett tillverkande industriföretag och se vad som kan göras för att reducera dessa.  Studien har uppfyllt sitt syfte genom att en fallstudie har genomförts på företaget där omställningsprocesserna undersökts via observationer och intervjuer samt genom en litteraturstudie inom de områden som ansetts relevanta.  Den väl utbredda SMED-metoden, som anses ha stora positiva effekter i arbete med ställtidsreducering, har även i denna studie kunnat styrkas som en användbar metod. Metoden kan med fördel kompletteras med andra metoder/verktyg som 5S, spagettidiagram och värdeflödesanalys för att skapa ytterligare förutsättningar för ett lyckat arbete med ställtidsreducering. Studien har även påträffat två kritiska framgångsfaktorer för att reducera ställtider. Den första är att flytta ut de inre aktiviteterna till yttre och den andra är att involvera operatörerna som dagligen arbetar med omställningsprocesserna.   Utifrån den analys som genomförts i studien har en generell arbetsmetod tagits fram för arbete med ställtidsreducering. De förbättringsförslag som ges till fallföretaget bör implementeras stegvis och därefter utvärderas. Vidare studier behövs för att se om den framtagna arbetsmetoden är applicerbar på andra företag.

Performance of reduced-scale vortex amplifiers used to control glovebox dust

Zhang, Guobin January 2005 (has links)
Ventilation systems for a nuclear plant must have a very high reliability and effectiveness. In this application, fluidic devices have advantages which electro-mechanical and pneumatic devices lack. Fluidic devices will not easily wear out, they have a relatively fast response and in some cases they may be cheaper than an equivalent conventional device. Most importantly, they have fewer moving parts (usually none) so are inherently reliable, so long as the fluidic design is effective. So vortex amplifiers (VXA) are ideal for active ventilation systems where access for maintenance is problematic. From 1995 to 2000, space limitations at Sellafield drove the desire to minimise VXA size and also glovebox size. Recently completed plant expansions use a smaller version of VXA produced by scaling geometrically the existing standard model. It is called the mini-VXA. Subsequent performance of the mini-VXA has been disappointing with high oxygen levels noted in the inerted gloveboxes; this required an expensive increase in the inert gas supply rate of gloveboxes to mitigate against fire risk. After doing experiments using a mini-VXA and typical glovebox, the author has confirmed the high 02 levels. The 02 distribution in the glovebox indicates that oxygen is entering the glovebox by the VXA supply ports; against the general direction of flow. The ultimate source of this back leakage is the control port (that is open to atmosphere) and smoke visualisation studies on the mock VXA indicate a mechanism. This is due to separated flow patterns with excessive control port momentum. A temporary solution using an orifice plate and spacing chamber has been shown to reduce essential nitrogen supply to one quarter that without the modification. Addition of the orifice plates enables further reduction in nitrogen use, and the smallest orifice tested performs best with no discernable cost in pressure drop and therefore fan power. The author also found the following points. The ratio of control port area to supply port area is a critical parameter affecting mixing of the two airstreams. Yet exit port area is unimportant. The ratio of supply port area to exit port area has no influence on discharge coefficient (at least within the scope of current work). It is also identified that the ratio of chamber height to exit port radius does not affect the discharge coefficient or two angle parameters. Doubling chamber height, supply port area and control port area at the same time has a slight effect on the discharge coefficient (attributed partly to a viscous effect), but no effect on the two angle parameters. The chamber height has little effect on Reynolds number. If the supply port area is not too small relative to the exit port, the supply port area will not significantly affect Reynolds number. The use of discharge coefficient and the two angle parameters to characterize VXA performance breaks with the traditional form of dimensionless characteristics that are used for the purpose. Testing these alternate characteristics has enabled the momentum (which dominates control of VXA performance) to be more explicitly expressed in updated design rules.


Mulaosmanovic, Mirza, Ali, Evgeni January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Applikation för ett skepps framdrivningssystem

Andersson, David January 2013 (has links)
Det har blivit allt mer intressant för företag att investera i miljön. I bilindustrin strävar man efter att få så bränslesnåla fordon som möjligt och man har där kommit långt. Inom varvindustrin har man inte kommit lika långt. Elektronik-mekanik företaget Q-TAGG R&D har under en längre tid utvecklat ett system till fartyg som avser minska bränslekonsumtionen för fartyg. Samtidigt har det blivit allt mer populärt med s.k. surfplattor och dessa ger en ny möjlighet inom grafiska gränssnitt. Detta projekt handlar om att skapa ett grafiskt användargränssnitt till det ovan nämnda systemet. Projektet skulle vare en prototyp på ett tänkbart gränssnitt som ska låta användaren kommunicera med systemet och hämta information och presentera detta.   Resultatet av detta projekt blev ett användargränssnitt som låter användaren se aktuell bränsleförbrukning och hastighet på fartyget som använder systemet. Användare kan också ställa in önskad hastighet och förbrukning. En graf presenterar hur hastigheten och förbrukningen har sett ut den senaste tiden. Det går att se fartygets rullning, nigning och vridning samt varje motors varvtal.

"Jag bygga, bampan" : Vilka kunskaper kan barn i 1,5-2 årsålder ta till sig om ficklampan som ett tekniskt system

Berglund Saxholm, Angelika January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka kunskaper om en ficklampa som ett enkelt tekniskt system barn i 1,5-2 årsålder kan ta till sig. Studien är kvalitativ och har genomförts med deltagande observationer där barn ges möjlighet att undersöka en ficklampa och dess olika delkomponenter, lampa, strömbrytare, batterier och lock.   Resultatet visar att barnens förmåga att till sig kunskaper om ficklampans delkomponenters funktion är mycket stor. I studien deltog sammanlagt sex barn i 1,5-2 års ålder, genom en pedagogisk aktivitet blev barnen introducerade för en ficklampa och efter tre dagar genomfördes en deltagande observation där barnen fick undersöka och utforska några av ficklampans delkomponenter.  Resultatet grundas på observationstillfället. Efter observationstillfället hade majoriteten av de barn som deltagit utvecklat kunskaper om ficklampans delkomponenters funktion och en förståelse för att batterierna måste sitta i ficklampan, att locket måste vara på samt att barnen behöver trycka på strömbrytaren för att få ficklampan att lysa. / The purpose of this study is to, from a qualitative point of view, examinte some young children’s understanding of what knowledge of a flashlight as a simple technical system, children of 1,5-2 years can absorb. The study is qualitative and has been conducted with participatory observations where children are given the opportunity to investigate a flashlight and its various components: lamp, power switch, batteries and cap. The result shows that the children's ability to acquire knowledge of the flashlight subcomponents function is very extensive. The study involved a total of six children aged 1,5-2 years. Through an educational activity, the children were introduced to a flashlight and after three days an observation was conducted where the children were allowed to investigate and explore some of the flashlight subcomponents. The result is based on the observation. After the observation, the majority of the children who participated had developed knowledge of the flashlight subcomponents function and an understanding that the batteries must be in the flashlight, the cap must be on and the children need to press the power switch to cause the flashlight to lit.

Design of a PV-system with batteries connected building for a grid / Design of a PV-system with batteries connected building for a grid

Ruiz Bello, Elsa January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Mätning av akustiska parametrar i olika lokaler

Hajder, Arnes, Loyola, Rodrigo January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att ta reda på hur en akustisk mätning går till. Mätningarnas resultat används för att se om lokalen uppfyller de krav som ställs på de olika parametrarna för lokalens ändamål. Parametrarna är efterklangstid, klarhetsgrad för tal och musik. För att göra en sådan mätning krävs både teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper inom akustik och teknik. Vi läste i en hel del litteratur om ämnet akustik och hur man genomför en akustisk mätning. Vi gjorde ett antal mätningar i olika lokaler på skolan, lokalerna som vi valde att mäta i var konsertsalen och studion. Vi mätte efterklangstiden, klarhetsgrad för tal och musik. Efter att mätningarna genomfördes fick vi de resultat som vi hade förväntat oss att få. Eftersom dessa lokaler är byggda av hög kvalité och uppfyller kraven enligt ISO källa [11]. / The purpose of this report is to find out how an acoustic measurement is done. The measurement results are used to see if the facility meets the requirements of the different parameters for the tenant's use. The parameters are reverberation, clarity grade for speech and music. To make such a measurement requires both theoretical and practical knowledge in acoustics and technology. We read a lot of literature on the topic acoustics and how to conduct an acoustic measurement. We made a number of measurements in different rooms at the school premises we chose to measure in the concert hall and studio. We measured reverberation time, clarity grade for speech and music. After the measurements were carried out, we got the results we expected to get. Because these facilities are built of high quality and meets the requirements of ISO source [11].

A problem solving strategy based on knowledge-based systems

Gillies, Alan Cameron January 1992 (has links)
The historical development of knowledge based systems (KBS) from artificial intelligence (AT) has led to a number of characteristics which isolate knowledge based systems from the rest of software development. In particular, it has led to the growth of 'stand alone' systems. This thesis argues that this has restricted the use of KBS to a narrow range of problems, and has reduced the effectiveness of the consequent solutions. By considering first a specific problem in some depth, the thesis seeks to develop an alternative approach, where KBS is considered as simply another software technology to be used within an integrated solution. The problem considered is the automatic analysis of photoelastic fringe patterns, and KBS methods are employed alongside conventional image processing techniques to produce an integrated solution. The conventional algorithmic solution is first constructed and evaluated. This solution, having proved partially successful, is then enhanced by the use of KBS techniques to provide a full solution. From this specific example, a framework for integration is derived. This framework is tested in an unrelated application to consider whether the approach adopted has more general utility than one specific class of problem. This problem was the provision of decision support for business planning based upon market research. The resulting strategy and design is described together with details of how the system was implemented under the supervision of the author. The thesis concludes with an evaluation of the work and its conthbution to knowledge in the twin areas of the specific solutions and the underlying methods.

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