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The teacher-IT worker relationship : a case study of a Singapore international private schoolFriesen, Michael January 2011 (has links)
As schools use more technology, they are increasingly likely to hire in-house IT support workers. Nothing is known, however, about relationships between teachers and IT workers. This study examines the perceptions of relationships between these occupational groups at an international private school in Singapore. As an international private school, the research venue is self-governed and self-funded. This autonomy allows the school to establish its own hiring practices and management structures devoid of the political interference and delayed responses that might characterise a larger-scale school system. A review of the literature reveals three themes: perceptions of professional status, perceptions of occupational prestige, and perceptions of occupational cultures – each subsequently investigated in terms of the relationships fostered between the two occupational groups. Twelve teachers and seven IT workers participated in detailed semi-structured interviews – which were then subjected to qualitative analysis using both open and axial coding. The research findings show that extant literature on each individual occupation is largely validated. Relationships between the two occupations were generally regarded as good, with each side reporting sources of minor irritation with the other. These irritants included exploitation by teachers and lack of prompt service from IT workers. Additional findings include: Two forms of inter-occupational ambassador exist: the tweeners, whose jobs place them at an intersection between the two groups; and bridgers, who voluntarily seek to strengthen interactions with their occupational counterparts. Teachers uniformly but sometimes hesitantly claim professional status. IT workers generally deny having professional status on the grounds that they lack complete mastery over their field of work. Other important elements of relationships include secretaries, communication, occupational cultures, and the geography of offices. The study concludes with suggestions for future research and recommendations for schools to improve relationships between teachers and IT workers.
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The changing role of teachers in embedding ICTs into the curriculum: a case study in a Tasmanian schoolPurnell, Dianne January 2002 (has links)
Information Communication Technology (ICT) can provide innovative learning experiences, but in all cases a great deal depends upon the teacher to provide the context to make this possible. This study focuses on the role of teachers and their needs in embedding Information Communication Technologies into the curriculum in a Tasmanian Government Senior Secondary College.The purpose of the study was to explore what support and encouragement teachers need to successfully incorporate ICTs into the curriculum. In particular, it looks at what motivates teachers to change their practice, in what ways their practice changes and what support is essential for that change to be lasting and worthwhile.Three learning areas were selected for the study, LOTE, English, and Mathematics. There were a total of eleven teachers plus the researcher and eight classes of students. The majority of data collected was qualitative in the form of documents, interview and observations. Quantitative data was collected mainly through surveys.The study focused on the following key elements required for teachers to embed ICTs into the curriculum:1) The role of management;2) The role of teachers (pedagogical, technical);3) Requirements for technical assistance;4) Time allocation; and5) Professional development.Resulting from the study are a series of recommendations for education departments, Principals, ICT managers and teachers to assist them in implement the embedding of ICTs into the curriculum.
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An exploratory study of first year elementary teachers' utilization of technologyKelceoglu, Ilknur. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2006. / Full text release at OhioLINK's ETD Center delayed at author's request
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The diffusion of technological innovations in the educational setting expectations, practices, and the role of personality /Francis, Dannie Bruce. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wyoming, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on August 9, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 88-96).
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To know a subject - Teachers' views about the subject of technology : How the subject of technology is described and approached by teachers in the lower secondary schoolFahrman, Birgit January 2021 (has links)
For teaching to be successful, teachers must be well-educated and have knowledge in many different fields. With a combination of solid subject knowledge, good teaching skills and the ability to balance these qualities, teachers can support students’ learning. However, Swedish compulsory school technology teaching does not always meet the requirements for a desired learning environment. This thesis aims to extend our knowledge of how teachers perceive the subject of technology, its content and purpose and our understanding of how the teachers develop this knowledge. Two sets of data have resulted in three separate studies. Study 1 (paper 1) focus on experienced technology teachers’ views of their own teaching. Study 2 and 3 (paper 2 and 3 respectively) concern the views of novice technology teachers. Different theoretical frameworks enable understanding of the analysis. The pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) framework is applied on in-depth interviews. Theories about curriculum emphases together with a conceptual framework for technology concerning the subjects’ content were applied on the short-answer interviews about purpose and content of the subject. Findings show that experienced technology teacher highlight different purposes for technology education (depending on background) but agree upon that teaching must be student-active. They emphasize the design process as important and specific for the subject and that technology teaching requires various support structures for learning to take place. The novice teachers describe the subject as being hard to grasp with a difficult to understand syllabus. They express uncertainty about planning, implementing, and assessing teaching in relation to certain content as well as practical activities. The three studies, separately and together, point to the importance of subject knowledge. Understanding of the technology subject seems to be the first step towards grasping how the subject should be taught. Future training of technology teachers must focus on knowledge of the subject's characteristics and understanding the subject’s purpose and content. A greater effort is also needed for everyone involved to create a common vision concerning the nature, purpose, and place of the technology subject in Swedish schools that contributes to pupils' understanding of the world around them while laying a good foundation for their further studies / Undervisning i skolämnet teknik behöver, precis som alla skolämnen, ha välutbildade lärare med såväl breda som djupa kunskaper inom ämnet. Kombinationen goda ämneskunskaper, goda pedagogiska färdigheter och förmågan att balansera dessa tillsammans möjliggör för läraren att stödja elevernas lärande och få till en miljö som möjliggör inlärning. Dock har det visat sig att teknikundervisning i grundskolan inte alltid lever upp till kraven och att teknikundervisning därmed riskera att inte knytas till teknikämnets syfte och innehåll. Denna uppsats syftar till att ge ökad kunskap om hur lärare uppfattar ämnet teknik, dess innehåll och syfte, samt att förstå hur lärarna utvecklar sin kunskap inom skolämnet teknik. Två datainsamlingar har resulterat i tre delstudier. Studie 1 fokuserar på erfarna tekniklärare och deras beskrivningar av sin egen undervisning. Studie 2 och 3 utgår empirin från blivande tekniklärares utsagor. Insamlad data utgår från kortare eller längre intervjuer med deltagande lärare. Olika teoretiska ramar möjliggör förståelse av den insamlade empirin där pedagogiska ämneskunskaper (PCK, pedagogical content knowledge) tillämpas på materialet från de genomförda längre intervjuerna. Teorier som utgår från kunskapsemfaser för de naturvetenskapliga ämnena samt teknik tillsammans med ett konceptuellt ramverk för teknikämnet som rör kunskapsinnehållet tillämpades på de kortare intervjuerna utifrån ämnets syfte och innehåll. Resultaten visar att erfaren tekniklärare lyfter fram olika syften (beroende av bakgrund) för teknikundervisningen men är överens om att undervisningen måste vara elevaktiv. De betonar designprocessen som viktig och specifik för ämnet och att teknikundervisningen kräver olika stödstrukturer för att lärandet ska kunna ske. De blivande lärarna beskriver ämnet som svårt att greppa med en svårförståelig kursplan. De uttrycker osäkerhet om planering, implementering och bedömning av undervisning i relation till visst ämnesinnehåll samt kring praktiska aktiviteter. De tre studierna pekar alla på vikten av goda ämneskunskaper och en förståelse för teknikämnet karaktär. Dessa kunskaper utgör ett första steg mot att förstå hur ämnet kan undervisas. Utbildning av tekniklärare framöver behöver även fokusera på förståelse av ämnets syfte och innehåll för att undervisning i teknik ska kunna bidrar till att utveckla elevernas förståelse för omvärlden och samtidigt lägger en god grund för deras vidare studier. Nyckelord: teknikundervisning, tekniklärare, grundskola
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A correlational study of adoption of instructional technology by higher education faculty and their social communications networkBerryhill, Amy Huff, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Instructional Systems, Leadership, and Workforce Development in the College of Education. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.
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Faculty perceptions of technology integration in the teacher education curriculum a survey of two Ghanaian universities /Yidana, Issifu. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Ohio University, June, 2007. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references.
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Factors related to the adoption of a two-way interactive distance education technology instrument development, instrument validation, and causal model testing /Abou-Dagga, Sanaa Ibrahim. January 1995 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Iowa State University, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-111).
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Les croyances préalables d'enseignants, à l'ordre primaire, à l'égard des pratiques pédagogiques relatives à la gestion de l'enseignement et à la gestion de l'apprentissage des sciences et de la technologie au primaire /Houle, Hélène, January 2001 (has links)
Mémoire (M.Ed.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2001. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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The effects of school district socioeconomic characteristics and minority enrollment on teacher uses of instructional technology in Ohio /Boardman, Lindsey Ross. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Eastern Connecticut State University, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-86).
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